Homework 1
Homework 1
Homework 1
Homework 1
This assignment is due on October 4th, 2016 in the discussion section. Provide complete well-written solutions to
the following exercises.
Exercise 1. Let H be a vector space over R and let h, i be an inner-product on H, i.e., H paired with h, i is a
real inner-product space. For x H, define
kxk = hx, xi1/2 ;
this is the norm on H inherited from its inner product (though you should not assume that k k is a norm).
1. Prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: For all x, y H,
|hx, yi| kxkkyk.
2. Use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to prove the triangle inequality: For all x, y H,
kx + yk kxk + kyk.
Conclude that H, equipped with k k, is a normed vector space (this means: prove that k k defines a norm
on H).
3. Define d : H H [0, ) by
d(x, y) = kx yk
for x, y H. Prove that d is a metric on H (and hence (H, d) is a metric space).
4. Using the preceding results, prove that d`2 (defined in class) is a metric on Rn this is what we called the
Euclidean metric. That is, find an inner product on Rn whose norm defines the metric d`2 and then use the
preceding results to conclude that d`2 is a metric. Write down the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in this setting.
5. If H were simply a normed vector space, i.e., where k k doesnt (necessarily) come from an inner product,
does your argument for Part 3 still ensure that d defines a metric on H? If this is the case, give an example
of such a normed vector space and write down the metric d.
Exercise 2. Given the space Rn we consider the metrics d`1 , d`2 , d` : Rn Rn [0, ) defined in class and on
page 4 of your textbook. (You should be able to verify for yourself that these are bona fide metrics.)
1. Prove that
d`2 (x, y) d`1 (x, y)
nd`2 (x, y)
for all x, y Rn . (Hint: For the upper inequality, apply the Rn version of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to
vectors (|x1 y1 |, |x2 y2 |, . . . , |xn yn |) and (1, 1, . . . , 1).)
2. Prove that
d`2 (x, y) d` (x, y) d`2 (x, y)
for all x, y Rn .
3. Prove the following proposition.
Proposition 1. Let (x(k) )
k=m be a sequence of points in R and let x be a point in R . Then the following are
(a) (x(k) )
k=m converges to x with respect to the Euclidean metric d`2 .
(b) (x(k) )
k=m converges to x with respect to the taxi-cab metric d`1 .
(c) (x(k) )
k=m converges to x with respect to the sup norm metric d` .
Math 131B-2
Homework 1
3. For any x0 X and for any r > 0, the open ball B(x0 , r) is an open set (this justifies why we call it an open
ball). The set {x X : d(x0 , x) r} is a closed set; this is referred to as the closed ball about x0 of radius r
and denoted by B(x0 , r).
4. For any x0 X, the singleton {x0 } is a closed set.
5. Let E be a subset of X. Then E is open if and only if X \ E (the complement of E in X) is closed.
6. Given a finite collection E1 , E2 , . . . , En of open sets. The intersection E1 E2 En is an open set.
7. Given a finite collection of closed sets F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn , the union F1 F2 Fn is a closed set.
8. If {E : I} = {E }I is any collection of open sets (here, I is an index set which can be finite, countable,
uncountable), then the union
is an open set.
9. Formulate and prove an analogous statement for the intersection of an arbitrary collections of closed sets.
10. If E is any subset of X, then int(E) is the largest open set contained in E, i.e., int(E) is an open set and, for
any open set U E, U int(E). Similarly, E is the smallest closed set containing E, i.e., E is closed and,
for any closed set C containing E, E C.
Exercise 4.
Definition 2. Let X be a space and let d1 and d2 be metrics on X. We say that d1 and d2 are equivalent metrics if
there exist C, C 0 > 0 for which
Cd1 (x, y) d2 (x, y) C 0 d1 (x, y)
for all x, y X. In this case we write d1 d2 .
1. Prove that is an equivalence relation.
2. Let d1 and d2 be equivalent metrics on X. Use Statement 1 of the previous exercise to show that a set U X
is open in (X, d1 ) if and only if it is open in (X, d2 ). (Note that there are two types of balls, B(X,d1 ) and
B(X,d2 ) , one needs to consider; your notation should reflect this.)
3. Find a counterexample for two non-equivalent metrics, i.e., give an example of a space X with two nonequivalent metrics d1 and d2 and a set U which is open in (X, d1 ) but not open in (X, d2 ).
Exercise 5. Let (X, d) be a metric space and (x(k) ) a sequence in X which converges to x X with respect to the
metric d. Prove that (x(k) ) is a Cauchy sequence.
Exercise 6. Prove the following proposition:
Math 131B-2
Homework 1
Proposition 3. Let (X, d) be a metric space and let Y a subset of X. We consider the induced metric subspace
(Y, dY ); here, dY is the metric on Y induced by d.
1. If (Y, dY ) is complete, then Y is closed in (X, d).
2. If, conversely, (X, d) is complete and Y is a closed subset of (X, d), then (Y, dY ) is complete.
Exercise 7. Let (X, d) be a metric space and Y X. A collection {V }I (where I is an index set) of open sets
in X is called an open cover of Y if
V .