3D Printing Techniques - MIT

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,387,380

Cima et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 7, 1995
(54) THREE-DIMENSIONAL PRINTING 58 Field of Search ..................... 264/63, 69, 71, 109,
TECHNIQUES 264/113, 123, 128, 308; 425/130, 218, 425;
(75) Inventors: Michael Cima, Lexington; Emanuel 56) References Cited
Sachs, Somerville; Tailin Fan, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Cambridge; James F. Bredt,
Watertown; Steven P. Michaels, 4,575,330 3/1986 Hull .................................. 425/174.4
Melrose; Satbir Khanuja, Cambridge; 4,665,492 5/1987 Masters .. ...... 364/468
Alan Lauder, Boston; Sang-Joon J. 4,791,022 12/1988 Graham .............................. 428/324
Lee, Cambridge; David Brancazio, 4,929,402 5/1990 Hull ........ ... 264/22
Cambridge; Alain Curodeau, 5,121,329 6/1992 Crump ........... ... 364/468
Cambridge; Harald Tuerck, 5,147,587 9/1992 Marcus et al. . ... 264/22
Cambridge, all of Mass. 5,204,055 4/1993 Sachs et al. ............................. 419/2
Primary Examiner-Mary Lynn Theisen
73) Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert F. O'Connell; Henry
Technology D. Pahl, Jr.
21 Appl. No.: 894,100 A process for making a component by depositing a first
layer of a powder material in a confined region and then
22 Filed: Jun. 5, 1992 depositing a binder material to selected regions of the
layer of powder material to produce a layer of bonded
Related U.S. Application Data powder material at the selected regions. Such steps are
repeated a selected number of times to produce succes
63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 447,677, Dec. 8, 1989, sive layers of selected regions of bonded powder mate
Pat. No. 5,204,055. rialso as to form the desired component. The unbonded
powder material is then removed. In some cases the
51) Int. Cl. .............................................. B29C 67/00 component may be further processed as, for example,
52 U.S. C. ...................................... 264/69; 264/109; by heating it to further strengthen the bonding thereof.
264/123; 264/128; 264/308; 425/130; 425/218;
425/425 58 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets

U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 1 of 8 5,387,380
U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 2 of 8 5,387,380
U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 3 of 8 5,387,380

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U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 4 of 8 5,387,380

U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 5 of 8 5,387,380

U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 6 of 8 5,387,380





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U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1995 Sheet 8 of 8 5,387,380





F. G. 4.


F G. 5
1. 2
laser generated polymerization process is repeated for
THREE-DIMENSIONAL PRINTING the generation of the next layer, and so on, until a plu
TECHNIQUES rality of superimposed layers forming the desired part is
obtained. The most recently created layer in each case
This invention was made with government support 5 is always lowered to a position for the creation of the
under Grant Number DDM-8913977 awarded by the next layer slightly below the surface of the liquid bath.
National Science Foundation. The government has An alternative approach, sometimes called Selective
certain rights in the invention. Laser Sintering (SLS) has also been proposed by DTM
This is a continuation-in-part of copending applica Corporation of Austin, Tex. In such system, a laser
tion Ser. No. 07/447,677 filed on Dec. 8, 1989, now U.S. O beam is used to sinter areas of a layer of loosely com
Pat. No. 5,204,053. pacted plastic powder, the powder being applied layer
INTRODUCTION by layer. The term "sintering” refers to the process by
which particulates, such as powdered plastics, are
This invention relates generally to the manufacture of caused to adhere into a solid mass by means of exter
tooling and prototype parts and, more particularly, to 15 nally applied energy. A SLS system uses the optical
the use of three-dimensional printing techniques using energy supplied by a laser for such purpose.
computer models therefor. Thus, a thin layer of powder is spread evenly onto a
BACKGROUND flat surface with a roller mechanism. The thin powder
surface is then raster-scanned with a high-power laser
Two needs in providing effective industrial produc 20 beam from above. The powder material that is struck by
tivity and competitiveness lie in the reduction in time the laser beam is fused together. The areas not hit by the
required to bring new products to the marketplace and laser beam remain loose and fall from the part when it is
the need for providing for flexible manufacture of prod removed from the system. Successive layers of powder
ucts in small quantities. Thus, it is desirable to provide are deposited and raster-scanned, one on top of another,
rapid part turnaround with a minimal investment in 25 until an entire part is complete. Each layer is sintered
tooling. Techniques for doing so should have the ability deeply enough to bond it to the preceding layer. A
to tailor designs to specific tasks, to shorten the cycle similar laser sintering approach has been proposed by
time from design to manufacturing, and/or to manufac Hydronetics, Inc. of Chicago, Ill. Another process sug
ture in very small lot sizes, as low as a single compo gested by the same company is designated as a Lami
nent, all at reasonable cost. A major contributor to the 30 nated Object Manufacturing (LOM) technique wherein
time required to bring new products to market is the thin metallic foil layers are cut out to appropriate shapes
time required to fabricate functioning prototypes. to form a part and the shaped layered pieces are laid one
Rapid prototyping can shorten the product develop on top of the other and suitably bonded to form the part
ment cycle and improve the design process by provid involved.
ing rapid and effective feedback to the designer. More 35 Another process suggested for creating 3D models
over, Some applications require rapid prototyping of and prototypes, sometimes called Ballistic Particle
non-functional parts for use in assessing the aesthetic Manufacturing (BPM), has been proposed by Auto
aspects of a design or the fit and assembly thereof. mated Dynamic Corporation of Troy, N.Y. This pro
Another major contributor to the time to bring a cess uses an inkjet printing technique wherein an ink
product to market is the time required to develop tool 40 jet stream of liquid molten metal or a metal composite
ing, such as molds and dies. For some types of tooling, material is used to create three-dimensional objects
Such as injection molding dies, the turnaround time for under computer control, similar to the way an ink-jet
the design and fabrication of a tool routinely extends to printer produces two-dimensional graphic printing. A
several months. The long lead times are due to the fact metal or metal composite part is produced by ink-jet
that tooling is often one of a kind and can be extremely 45 printing of successive cross sections, one layer after
complex, requiring a great deal of human attention to another, to a target using a cold welding (i.e., rapid
detail. Thus, tooling not only affects lead time, but also Solidification) technique, which causes bonding be
manufacturing costs as well. In fact, tooling costs often tween the particles and the successive layers.
determine the minimum economic batch size for a given Still another technique, sometimes called Photo
process. Prototyping requirements, tooling lead time, 50 chemical Machining, proposed by Formigraphic En
and tooling cost are related in that it is the combination gine Co. of Berkeley, Calif., uses intersecting laser
of long lead times and high cost which make it impracti beams to selectively harden or soften a polymer plastic
cal to fabricate preproduction prototypes by the same block. The underlying mechanism used is the photo
process that will be used in production. chemical cross-linking or degradation of the material.
In the past several years, there has been considerable 55 It is desirable to devise a technique for providing
interest in developing computerized, three-dimensional such layered parts which will work satisfactorily with
printing techniques, sometimes referred to as 'desktop ceramic or metal materials, or combinations of such
manufacturing' techniques where no tooling is re materials with each other or with other materials, but
quired. One such system is known, the SLA 1 System, which will also work satisfactorily with plastic particles
made and sold by 3D Systems, Inc. of Valencia, Calif. 60 or with other inorganic materials. Such a technique
This system operates on a principle called stereolithog could be more universally employed for the manufac
raphy wherein a focused ultra-violet (UV) laser is vec ture of components from a larger variety of materials
tor scanned over the top of a bath of a photopolymeriz than the currently proposed techniques.
able liquid polymer plastic material. The UV laser BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
causes the bath to polymerize where the laser beam 65
strikes the surface of the bath, resulting in the creation In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
of a first solid plastic layer at and just below the surface. invention, powdered material, e.g., a powdered ce
The solid layer is then lowered into the bath and the ramic, a powdered metal, or a powdered plastic, is
3. 4.
deposited in sequential layers one on top of the other. applications it can be distributed in the form of fibers,
Following the deposit of each layer of powdered mate for example. For convenience in describing the inven
rial, a liquid binder material is selectively supplied to the tion, the term powder material will be construed to
layer of powdered material using an ink-jet printing include fiber material. The stepping motor can be
technique in accordance with a computer model of the moved at such high speeds that the motion of the head
three-dimensional part being formed. Following the 13 will effectively be continuous in nature. Alterna
sequential application of all of the required powder tively, the motor may be one which inherently provides
layers and binder material to form the part in question, a continuous motion, such as a servo-controlled motor.
the unbound powder is appropriately removed, result An initial layer is dispersed at the bottom of the form 14
ing in the formation of the desired three-dimensional O and each subsequent layer is dispersed sequentially on
part. It is found that such technique permits complex the preceding layer.
metal, ceramic, or metal-ceramic composite parts to be An ink-jet print head 15 having a plurality of ink-jet
effectively formed with a very high degree of resolution dispensers is also driven by the stepping motor assembly
in a reasonably short time period. in the same reciprocal manner so as to follow the mo
Such technique should be particularly useful, for 15 tion of the powder head and to selectively produce jets
example, in providing for the rapid production of molds of a liquid binder material at selected regions 16 which
for metal casting and the rapid formation of pre-forms represent the walls of each cavity, thereby causing the
for metal matrix composites. Such technique can also be powdered material at such regions to become bonded.
used with plastic materials to form plastic components The binder jets are dispensed along a line of the print
or parts for various purposes. 20 head 15 which is moved in substantially the same man
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION ner as the dispensing head 13 of the powder material,
i.e., by a high speed stepping operation or by a continu
The invention can be described in more detail with ous servo motor operation, in each case providing effec
the help of the accompanying drawings wherein tively continuous movement of head 15 as discussed
FIG. 1 shows an isometric view of one particular 25 above with reference to head 13. Typical binder droplet
embodiment of the invention; sizes are about 15-50 microns, for example. The pow
FIG. 2 shows diagrammatic views of different stages der/binder layer forming process is repeated so as to
in forming a part in accordance with the invention; build up the mold parts layer by layer.
FIG. 3, 4 and 5 show various exemplary techniques A diagram showing a part being fabricated in accor
for setting the powder particles by applying mechanical 30 dance with the invention is depicted in FIG. 2 which
vibrations and acoustic energy thereto; diagrammatically depicts the flow thereof. For a part 40
FIG. 6 shows exemplary stages in the use of a drop in question a layer of powder is deposited from a pow
piston device for depositing powder particles in accor der dispensing head 41 into a form 42 over a previously
dance with the invention; formed layer which has already had binder material
FIG. 7 a diagrammatic illustration of roller apparatus 35 deposited therein (A). A layer of binder material is then
for spreading and compacting a layer of powder; printed onto the powder layer from binding Jet head 43
FIG. 8A-8C illustrate a method of spreading and to form the next layer 44 of bonded powder articles (B).
compacting a layer of powder; Such operation is repeated for each subsequent layer.
FIG. 9 illustrates doctor blade apparatus for smooth An exemplary intermediate stage of the formation of
ing a layer of powder; 40 part 40 is shown at (C). When the final bonded layer is
FIG. 10 illustrates a floating piston apparatus useful printed as shown at (D), excess, unbonded powder is
in printing three-dimensional objects in accordance removed, the finally formed part itself being depicted at
with the present invention; (E).
FIGS. 11-13 illustrate a method of confining a body While the layers become hardened or at least partially
of powder material during printing; 45 hardened as each of the layers is laid down, once the
FIG. 14 illustrates sieve drum apparatus for laying desired final part configuration is achieved and the
down a train of powder material; and layering process is completed, in some applications it
FIG. 15 illustrates sieve drum apparatus for spreading may be desirable that the form and its contents be
a layer of powder prior to printing. heated or cured at a suitably selected temperature to
Corresponding reference characters indicate corre 50 further promote binding of the powder particles. In
sponding parts throughout the several views of the either case, whether a further curing is or is not re
drawings. quired, the loose, unbonded powder particles, e.g., at
One particular embodiment of the invention is shown regions 17 (FIG. 1), are removed using a suitable tech
in FIG. 1 which depicts an apparatus 10 for forming a nique, such as ultrasonic cleaning, for example, so as to
ceramic mold having six cavities 12A-12F which can be 55 leave a finished part for use.
used for casting six substantially identical parts. A pow For effective use, the powder particles should be
der dispersion head 13 is driven reciprocally in a shuttle uniformly deposited at a relatively high rate, the rate
motion along the length of the mold being formed. A being selected in accordance with the application for
suitable linear stepping motor assembly 18 can be used which the technique is used. For many useful applica
for moving the powder distribution head 13 and the 60 tions the powder particles can preferably be packed at
binder deposition head 15 (discussed below). The pow relatively high densities, while in other applications the
dered material, e.g., a ceramic powder, is dispensed in a density may be considerably lower where parts having
confined region, e.g., defined by a form 14, the powder greater porosity are desired. Known techniques used in
being dispensed in a line as the dispensing head 13 is the fields of colloidal science and powder dispersion
moved in discrete steps along the mold length to form a 65 chemistry can be used to provide the desired uniform
relatively loose layer thereof having a typical thickness depositions of such powders at the required rates and
of about 100-200 microns, for example. While the mate densities. Thus, such powders can be dispensed either as
rial is described here as a powdered material, in some dry powders or in a liquid vehicle, such as in a colloidal
5 6
dispersant or in an aqueous suspension. In the dry state, direction opposing the traversing (counterclockwise as
the desired compaction of particles can be achieved shown) so as to drive excess powder ahead of the roller.
using mechanical vibrating compaction techniques or After spreading, the piston is raised by an amount
by applying acoustic energy, i.e., either sonic or ultra corresponding to the degree of compaction desired as
sonic vibrations, to the deposited powder or by apply shown in FIG. 8B. Then the roller 114 is traversed back
ing a piezoelectric scraper to the deposited powder. across the printing region which the direction of rota
Such techniques are illustrated, for example, in FIGS. tion corresponding to the traversing motion so that the
3, 4 and 5, respectively. FIG. 3 shows form 14 which is newly spread powder layer is compacted as illustrated
mechanically vibrated as shown by arrow 60 using a in FIG. 8C. An alternative to the rolling step of FIG.
vibrating transducer system 61 for settling the powder O 8C would be to use a flat platen which is pressed down
particles 62 therein. In FIG. 4 an acoustic transducer on the newly spread layer. As will be understood, de
system 63 is used to supply acoustic energy 64 to the formation must be limited to the top layer only, since
surface layer of powder 62 for such purpose. In FIG. 5 - previously built portions of the part could be distorted
a vibrating transducer system 65 is used to vibrate a 5 by pressing. Fortunately, granulated systems transform
piezoelectric scraper 66 as shown by arrow 67 as it from plastic to elastic behavior over a relatively narrow
moves in the exemplary direction of arrow 68 to settle range in compaction density. Thus, deformation during
the powder 62. compaction can be expected to be limited to the top
The powder may also be deposited in a dry or in a layer if a minimum density is established during the
wet form using a drop piston approach wherein a dry or build process. Many opportunities exist for materials
moist powder is deposited on the top of a vertically design to insure that compaction is limited to the top
most layer. Many powder pressing operations use gran
movable piston and the piston is moved downwardly ulated powder to improve flowability. The granules are
into a chamber, excess powder being scraped off with a typically prepared by spray drying and are composed of
suitable scraper device.
As shown in FIG. 6, a piston 70 holds the part 71 25 plasticized soand
fine particles organic binder. The binder is heavily
that they deform easily upon pressing.
shown as partially formed within a chamber 72 at dia Pressed bodies exhibit surprisingly uniform packing
gram (A). In order to deposit a layer of powder, the density because the granules exhibit highly nonlinear
piston is moved downwardly in the chamber, leaving a mechanical characteristics. The final body would be
region in chamber 73 at the top thereof for deposition of essentially
powder particles at diagram (B). Powder particles 74 30 tion. Dry pressing is known to controlformed
a dry pressed component by lamina
are deposited in such region and a doctor blade 75, for well if the dimensions of the body are small in thepacking
example, is used to scrape off excess powder at diagram tion that the load is applied. Removal of the printed
(C). The part 71 having the newly deposited layer 76 of component would be achieved by using a water soluble
powder thereon is then ready for the application of binder for the spray dried granules and a latex binder
binder material thereto at diagram (D).
A mechanism for simultaneously leveling and densi for the ink jet printing. Sonication of the laminated
structure in water would then only remove the excess
fying or compacting a powder is illustrated in FIG. 7. In material since the dried latex will not redisperse in wa
this mechanism, a horizontal roller 101 is mounted for te.
both rotation and vibration simultaneously. The end An alternative approach is to accomplish densifica
shafts of the roller 101 are mounted in bearings 103 and 40 tion or compaction by spraying a small amount of liquid
105 which are in turn mounted on leaf springs inclined on the surface which allows the particles to repack
at an angle of about 45 degrees to the vertical. Roller during drying. An example is to spread alumina parti
101 is driven in rotation by a suitable motor (not shown) cles in the 0.5-5 micron range and then to spray or mist
and the entire roller system is vibrated by an electro water onto the spread layer. The water will cause the
magnetic driver designated generally by reference char 45 particles to rearrange and repack, resulting in a high
acter 109. To smooth the powder layer, the roller is density layer. If a small amount of water is used, there
translated across the surface of the newly deposited will be no need to dry the layer before printing. If a
layer so as to smooth and compact it. As will be under larger amount of water is used, the layer may have to be
stood, the vibration will thus have a component which partially dried before printing.
is longitudinal to the roller and also a component which 50 While spreading by means of a roller is appropriate in
is vertical or normal to the powder layer and thus aids many situations, some materials are better spread with a
in densification or compaction of the powder. Prefera doctor blade as mentioned previously. An improved
bly, the rotation of the roller is counter to the direction form of doctor blade is illustrated in FIG. 9. The doctor
of the translation so that excess powder is driven ahead blade, designated by reference character 117, has a
of the roiler during the spreading step. For maximum 55 shape which can be best described as a snowplow con
smoothness, it may be advantageous to first scan the figuration, that is, the surface facing the material to be
roller with vibration and then to scan it using only spread is concave, terminating in an edge which
rotation so as to achieve the smoothest possible top contacts the printing region. Acocordingly, as the blade
surface. is traversed across the printing region, excess deposited
Where significant compaction is desired, it is appro 60 powder is in effect cleaved from the powder mass and
priate to raise the piston holding the powder mass and rolled ahead of the advancing blade.
part being formed, after the spreading and prior to com An improved form of piston mechanism is illustrated
paction. Such a procedure is illustrated in FIGS. in FIG. 10. While a piston guided by the cylinder walls
8A-8C. In FIG. 8A, newly deposited powder is spread is workable in many situations, the piston can be prone
across the top of the powder mass which is confined 65 to jamming or sticking as powder particles enter the
within a cylinder 112 and supported by piston 113 using sliding interface between the piston and the cylinder. In
a roller 114 which is traversed across the printing re the mechanism of FIG.10, a separate means is provided
gion (from left to right as shown) and is rotated in a for aligning the piston within the cylinder and provides
an appreciable gap between them. In FIG. 10, the cylin it is easier to raise the platen and printing components
der is designated by reference character 120 the plate rather than lower the powder bed.
which carries the powder bed, i.e. the piston, is desig It should also be understood that, in some circum
nated by reference character 121. The plate 121 is se stances, it may be useful to print a peripheral wall mem
cured by means of a vacuum chuck 123 on one end of a ber even though a cylinder is used to confine the pow
plunger 125. The other end of the plunger is mounted der during printing. The peripheral wall member so
on a carriage 127 which runs along a linear bearing 129. formed can facilitate handling of the component after
The linear bearing system provides precise location of removal from the cylinder, e.g., prior to final heat treat
the piston plate 121 within the cylinder 120 indepen ment or sintering.
dently of any contact between those parts. Vertical O An improved mechanism for laying down the bead of
movement of the piston is controlled by a linear actua powder which is then spread across the powder bed is
tor 130. The gap between the piston and the cylinder is illustrated in FIG. 14. The mechanism illustrated em
filled by a fiber seal 131. The seal does not have to be an ploys a powder dispensing head which is in the form of
absolute one. If some powder leaks past the seal, no an inclined cylindrical housing and which can be tra
harm is done but, rather, it can be cleaned from the 15 versed across one edge of the printing region with pow
space below the piston after printing is completed. Es der being dispensed through an outlet 163. Within the
cape of any powder from the piston area to the linear cylindrical housing 161 is a rotatable drum 165. The
bearing and carriage is blocked by a bellows seal 133. In cylindrical wall of the drum 165 is constructed of a
some instances, it may not be necessary to provide any suitable screen or sieve material and the drum is jour
compliant seal at all since the natural bridging tendency 20 naled for rotation around its longitudinal axis. The
of the powder may be sufficient to prevent the escape of lower end of the drum is preferably solid and closed off,
excessive quantities. as illustrated, while the upper end of the drum includes
A further advantage of this construction is that the an opening 167 through which the material to be spread
piston plate 121 and cylinder 120 form a modular unit can be introduced into the interior of the drum. A suit
which, after the printing process, can be removed from able source reservoir is indicated generally by reference
the drive mechanism with the printed part in place in character 171, the reservoir being provided with a valve
the powder bed. This modular unit can then be fired in 173 which can be opened to introduce the material into
the furnace and the component removed from the pow the drum when the dispenser is at the end of its travel,
der bed after firing. In this manner, a delicate part can i.e. the left hand end as illustrated.
be fired before it is disturbed. As will also be under 30 Once a suitable quantity of the powder material has
stood, multiple such modular units can be used so that been introduced into the drum 165, rotation of the drum
one part can be printed while another part is being fired. is initiated along with traversing motion across the edge
Provided the binder material being printed hardens of the print region. The speed of rotation is selected so
sufficiently, the need for providing a cylinder wall for that the material contained is tumbled but not held
the entire depth of the printed volume may be avoided 35 against the surface of the drum by centrifugal force.
by, in effect, printing a confining wall member. Such a Likewise, the size of the screening is selected in relation
procedure is illustrated in FIGS. 11-13. In addition to to the size of the powder particles so that material is
printing the part 141 which is to be formed, the print ejected only when the drum is rotated. The rate at
head also prints a wall or container around the periph which the material is dispensed from the mechanism can
ery of the powder bed. The printing of the peripheral 40 be adjusted by progressively occluding parts of the
wall is performed stepwise in the same manner as the screen, e.g. by means of an imperforate sleeve which fits
printing of the part. At each stage, the piston 143 is over the sieve material. The amount dispensed along the
moved down an increment with respect to a stationary line of powder being laid down can also be adjusted or
platen 145 as illustrated in FIG. 11 and then a new layer profiled by varying the speed at which the dispensing
of powder is spread over the bed as illustrated in FIG. 45 head is traversed. For example, if it is found desirable to
12. The spreading may, for example, be performed by deposit more powder at the beginning and end of the
the rotating and vibrating cylinder mechanism illus line, this may be accomplished by moving the dispens
trated in FIG. 7. The platen 145 includes an opening ing head more slowly in these areas.
which loosely confines the just spread powder layer. An alternative arrangement is to provide a sieve
After spreading, a printing step is performed as illus drum which is as long as the width of the print region
trated in FIG. 13 during which the inkjet 151 deposits and to traverse it with rotation across the printing area
binder material, not only as required for forming of the so as to lay down an essentially uniform layer. Such an
part, but also for building up a peripheral wall 144 arrangement is illustrated in FIG. 15. An elongate sieve
spaced slightly inwardly from the edge of the platen drum, designated generally by reference character 171,
opening as illustrated. When the piston plate is then 55 is mounted on a carriage (not shown) which allows the
dropped the next increment, the newly printed periph drum to be traversed and rotated across the printing
eral wall portion serves to confine the powder bed area, i.e. over the top of a piston and cylinder mecha
below the opening in the platen. nism 173, which may, for example, be of the typede
While FIGS. 11-13 assume that the powder bed is scribed in greater detail with reference to FIG. 10.
moved downward with respect to a fixed platen, it 60 In general, it is found that larger particles, for exam
should be understood that essentially the same manner ple, of about 20 microns or greater in size, are prefera
of producing a supporting peripheral wall can be uti bly deposited in a dry state, while smaller particles, for
lized where the platen and associated powder spreading example, of about 5 microns or smaller in size, can be
and printing mechanisms are moved upwards, i.e. with deposited either in a dry state or in a wet state in a liquid
respect to a stationary base which supports the powder 65 vehicle.
bed including its incrementally formed peripheral wall. Colloidal dispersions of particles can be obtained in a
This latter arrangement may be of particular utility liquid vehicle by the addition of chemical dispersants.
where the part being formed is particularly massive and The liquid used in a wet powder dispersion technique is
9 10
removed, or partially removed, before the next layer is limit on droplet size arising from surface energy consid
deposited. Thus, such liquid is caused to evaporate erations in the creation of new surface area and in the
rapidly before the ink-jet binder printing occurs. Such increased likelihood of the clogging of small jets.
evaporation can be achieved, for example, by using Overall part tolerance will depend not only on drop
infra-red heating, hot air heating or microwave heating 5 spreading, but also on material shrinkage and the repro
techniques. ducibility of shrinkage characteristics as well. As an
The ink-jet printing of the binder material should example, if the binder/powder combination shrinks by
utilize droplets of materials the shrink characteristics of 1% and the shrinkage is reproducible to within 5% of
which are selected so that the dimensional tolerances of its nominal value of 1% an overall variation due to
the part being made are maintained upon hardening 10 shrinkage can be approximately 0.0005 inches/inch.
thereof. While the binder solution must have a rela The actual shrinkage that occurs during binder curing
tively high binder content, the viscosity thereof should or deposition is a relatively strong function of particle
be low enough so as to be able to flow through the rearrangement. Dimensional tolerance and particle
printing head for deposit into the powder material. The packing can be empirically determined for the best
binder material should be selected to penetrate the layer 5 results in each case.
and to perform its binding action relatively rapidly in Alumina, Zirconia, Zircon (i.e., zirconium silicate),
each layer so that the next layer of powder particles can and silicon carbide are representative ceramic materials
be subsequently applied thereto. When using certain which can be bonded using the techniques of the inven
ink-jet technology the binder material may require at tion. Both natural and synthetic dispersants are avail
least a minimum electrical conductivity, particularly able for these materials in organic vehicles. For exam
when using currently available continuous jet printing ple, alumina is very effectively dispersed by glyceride
heads, for example, which require enough conductivity surfactants in toluene/MEK solvents, as is used for
to establish charge on the binder solution droplets as casting thin sheets of particles in the production of
they are emitted from the head. Where conductivity dielectric substrates in the electronic packaging indus
cannot be established in the binder, as with certain or 25 try. Silicon carbide, for example, can be easily dispersed
ganic solvents, for example, the binder can be applied in hexane if small amounts of OLOA 1200 (as obtained,
using drop-on-demand print heads. for example, from Chevron Chemical Co. Oronite Ad
The binder material may be such that the bonded ditives Div. of San Francisco, Calif.) are present.
particles have a high binding strength as each layer is OLOA is primarily used as an additive in crank case oil
deposited so that, when all the layers have been bonded, where it acts as a dispersant for metal particles pro
the component formed thereby is ready for use without duced by engine wear. Organic binders have been used
further processing. In other cases, it may be desirable, in the ceramics industry and are typically polymeric
or necessary, to perform further processing of the part. resins obtained from a variety of sources. They can be
For example, while the process may be such as to im either water Soluble, Such as celluosic binders, as used in
part a reasonable strength to the component which is 35 extrusion technology, or they can be soluble in only
formed, once the part is formed it can be further heated volatile organic solvents, such as the butyral resins, as
or cured to further enhance the binding strength of the used in tape casting technology. The latter water solu
particles. The binder in some cases can be removed ble systems can be removed relatively quickly and seem
during such heating or firing process, while in others it particularly useful in the technique of the invention.
can remain in the material after firing. Which operation 40 Another type of organic binder would be a ceramic
occurs depends on the particular binder material which precursor material such as polycarbosilazane.
has been selected for use and on the conditions, e.g., Inorganic binders are useful in cases where the binder
temperature, under which the heating or firing process is to be incorporated into the final component. Such
is performed. Other post-processing operations may binders are generally silicate based and are typically
also be performed following the part formation. The 45 formed from the polymerization of silicic acid or its
rate at which a ceramic, metal, plastic, or composite salts in aqueous solution. Another exemplary inorganic
component can be made depends on the rates used to binder which can be used is TEOS (tetraethylorthosili
deposit the powder and to supply the binder liquid, and cate). During drying, the colloidal silica aggregates at
on the rate at which each bonded layer hardens as the the necks of the matrix particles to form a cement-like
layers are deposited one on the other. bond. During firing, the silica flows and acts to rear
If a dry powder dispersion is utilized, the powder range the matrix particles through the action of surface
application step is less significant as a limiting factor in tension forces and remains after firing. Soluble silicate
determining the overall printing rate. If powder disper materials have been used as binders in refractory casta
sion in a liquid vehicle is used, however, the layer must ble materials, for example, and have the advantage,
be at least partially dry prior to the ink-jet application of 55 when used in the technique of the invention, of produc
the binder material. The drying time will depend on the ing substantially the same type of molded refractory
specific nature of the powder, binder, and solvent used. body that is used in the casting industry.
The dimensions of the individual portions of the com In some applications, it may be preferable that the
ponent being formed, sometimes referred to as the "fea binder harden relatively rapidly upon being deposited
ture' size thereof, is primarily dependent on the size of 60 so that the next layer of particles placed on a surface of
the binder droplets used, while the tolerance on such the previous layer is not subject to particle rearrange
dimensions primarily depends on the degree of the re ment due to capillary forces. Moreover, a hardened
producibility of the droplet spread characteristics of the binder is not subject to contamination from solvents
binder material which is utilized. which may be used in powder deposition. In other
Ink-jet printing of a liquid binder using currently 65 cases, it may not be necessary that the binder be fully
known ink-jet devices can provide jet droplet sizes of as hardened between layers and a subsequent layer of
low as 15 microns, for example. It is possible that even powder particles may be deposited on a previous layer
smaller droplet sizes will be practical, with the lower which is not yet fully hardened.
11 12
Where hardening occurs at the time the binder is onto alumina powder layers through a 60 mm ceramic
deposited, thermal curing, i.e., evaporation of the nozzle a flow rate of 1.5 cc/min.
binder carrier liquid, for such purpose would generally Moreover, in some applications in the fabrication of a
require that the component being formed be warmed as part, the binder material which is used need not be a
the printing of the binder material is performed, while 5 single binder material, but different binder materials can
the printhead itself is cooled so that unprinted binder be used for different regions of the part being formed,
material in the reservoir of the ink-jet head retains its the different materials being supplied by separate binder
desired properties. Such hardening can be achieved by deposition heads. A dual head system is shown in FIG.
heating the binder material indirectly, as by heating the 2 wherein a second head 43A is depicted in phantom
overall apparatus in which the part is being formed 10 therein at (B).
using an appropriate external heat source, for example, Many possible combinations of powder and binder
or by heating the binder material directly as by applying materials can be selected in accordance with the inven
hot air to the binder material or by applying infra-red tion. For example, ceramic powders or ceramic fibers
energy or microwave energy thereto. Alternatively, a can be used with either inorganic or organic binder
variety of thermally activated chemical reactions could 15 materials or with a metallic binder material; a metal
also be used to harden the binder. For example, gelation powder can be used with a metallic binder or a ceramic
of alkali silicate solutions can be made to occur by a binder; and a plastic powder can be used with a solvent
change in pH accompanying the decomposition ofcor binder or a plastic binder, e.g., a low viscosity epoxy
ganic reagents. Thus, a mixture of alkali silicate and 20 plastic material. Other appropriate combinations of
formanide could be printed on to a hot component powder and binder materials will occur to those in the
being formed. The rapid increase in temperature would art for various applications.
Use of spherical powder offers special advantages for
greatly increase the formamide decomposition rate and, 3D printing. Spherical powders are known for produc
therefore, rapidly change the pH of the binder. Other
thermally or chemically initiated techniques for harden 25 ing low cohesive strength powder assemblies or pow
ing of the binder upon deposit thereof could be devised ders with small internal friction. This gives such pow
within the skill of those in the art. For example, when tropic powdersgood
der unusually
flow properties. Faceted or aniso
to stick much more and are there
making refractory ceramic bodies for use as molds for fore, much more difficult
metal casting, a ceramic powder may be spread and increased internal frictiontoexhibited spread into thin layers. The
by such powders is
joined by printing of colloidal silica such as Nyacol 830 30 related to much more frequent interparticle contact
from Nyacol Corp. of Ashland, Mass. This material is over what is found in spherical powders. Improved
an alkaline formulation of colloidal silica and it can be
caused to flocculate and gel by lowering its pH through of flowability also helps when metering constant volumes
exposure to an acid. An acid component can be added ingpowder to the spreader mechanism in the 3D Print
to the powder so that when the colloidal silica is printed 35 become cloggedHigh
flowability powder tends not to
delivery systems. Most often these
and it hits the powder it will gel. For example, citric clogs are associated with bridges that form across con
acid can be granulated and added to an alumina powder strictions in the flow. Spherical powders often exhibit
bed in order to promote gelation. Such gelation will "mass flow' characteristics through such constrictions
occur rapidly upon printing of the colloidal silica. Such where the powder flows much like a fluid and does not
rapid gellation will allow for the rapid spreading of the 40
subsequent layer and will also serve to quickly lock the have large volumes that are stagnant with respect to the
flow. While spherical powders are not necessary to
binder in place, thereby preventing any possible bleed practice 3D Printing, they clearly offer certain process
ing of the binder in the powder bed. Such bleeding advantages over commonly used powders forforming
might lead to a loss of definition of the part surface and operations like dry pressing. One means for providing
part dimensions. As an alternative to being incorporated 45 spherical particles which are highly flowable is to use
into the powder as spread, the gellation inducing mate the techniques of spray drying which result in spherical
rial, e.g. acid, could be sprayed onto the powder layer agglomorates consisting of small powder particles held
before printing thereof. together by a binding agent.
While liquid and colloidal binder materials have been With certain materials, particularly those that are
discussed above, in some applications binder material 50 highly flowable such as powders comprising essentially
may be deposited in the form of binder particles en spherical particles, it may be desirable to provide some
trained in aliquid. Such binder materials can be supplied strengthening of each successive layer spread prior to
via specially designed compound ink-jet structures ca its being printed. This strengthening allows the powder
pable of providing such entrained binder materials. An layer to resist cratering and splattering of the powder
example of such a composite structure is discussed, for 55 caused by the ballistic impact of binder droplets. It also
example, in the article "Ink-Jet Printing, J. Heinzle aids in preventing the formation of voids which can be
and C. H. Hertz, Advances. In Electronics and Electron caused when the capillary stress of the liquid binder
Physics, Vol. 65. being drawn into the powder layer is greater than the
Direct printing of high solids loaded material is par cohesive strength of the powder layer.
ticularly attractive because of the potential of high 60 Suitable strengthening may, for example, be obtained
packing density, improved surface finish, and mi by linking the particles in the spread layer employing
crodesigned structures. For example, particles of size some mechanism which is weaker or less permanent
0.5 to 0.8 m were selected from an alumina suspension than the binding mechanism which is implemented by
(Reynolds RC-DBM 172) using semicontinuous centrif the printing process itself. One method of establishing
ugal classification. The pH of the slurry thereby ob 65 such a linking is by the application of energy to form a
tained was maintained at 3.6 by the addition of nitric bond between adjacent particles in the layer. For exam
acid so as to keep the alumina particles dispersed at a ple, if the powder layer comprises a composite of alu
20% volume suspension. This slurry was then printed mina and wax, flash heating may be employed to fuse
13 14
the wax in the topmost layer so as to form a porous of porous particulate materials which are then printed
matrix. Printing with a binder of colloidal silica defines to effect permanent bonding of the particles, both
the part, as in the previous examples, and firing after within each layer and from layer to layer. As indicated
printing removes the wax by vaporization or thermal previously, it is known to cast tapes or sheets of ceramic
decomposition so that the excess material particulate 5 particles using an organic binder. Such techniques are,
can be readily removed. The printed part, however, for example, conventionally used in the fabrication of
remains because of the presence of silica in selected electric capacitors. The organic binder acts as a tempo
regions. rary linking or fixative material which provides suffi
Cohesiveness of the layer to be printed can also be cient integrity of the sheet or tape for handling but is
obtained by a slight wetting. Small amounts of liquid 10 then removed by burning vaporization or chemical
will wet the particle surfaces and the liquid will segre means. Such sheets or tapes can be formed as very thin
gate preferentially to the next points of contact between porous layers. Accordingly, by successively placing
the particles. The capillary stress generated by the sur such sheets over the printing region and then printing
face tension of the liquid increases the stress required to each sheet in turn so as to more permanently link the
separate the particles. Thus, the cohesive strength of the 15
particles within each sheet and to the underlying sheets,
layer is increased significantly with the addition of only a complex part can be built up in a manner essentially
Small amounts of liquid, i.e. quantities which do not analogous to the previous embodiments. A further ad
destroy the basically porous nature of the layer. For vantage of using precast webs or sheets is that they can
example, a layer of highly flowable spherical metal be fabricated using very fine particles which are other
particles can be appreciably strengthened by a simple 20 wise difficult to handle.
misting with water. Printing can then be effected with In addition to the above discussed embodiments of
latex. After the unprinted regions are removed, the part the invention, further variations or modifications of the
can be sintered by heat. techniques disclosed above will occur to those in the
Volatile liquids are advantageous in linking or art. For example, the binder, rather than being applied
strengthening a powder layer since they reduce accu 25
in a wet state, can be applied in a dry state using materi
mulation of liquid in the powder beds. A mixture of als having a low melting point so that, when applied and
Substances may be used to insure adequate spreading heated, the melted material penetrates the powder parti
without filling of the interstices. For example, methanol
with a small added amount of octanol can be sprayed cles and when hardened bonds them together. Further,
onto the powder bed. The methanol vaporizes rapidly 30 two or more different types of powder particles can be
leaving octanol distributed in a thin layer over the bed. applied via two or more separate powder dispersion
Thus, only a small amount of liquid is left behind in the heads so as to deposit the different powders at different
bed when the next layer of powder is spread. regions of the part being formed. The powder at such
Other types of linking agents or fixative materials can regions can then be bonded using the same or different
also be sprayed over the powder surface before print 35 binder materials so that different physical characteris
ing. Either organic or inorganic fixatives may be used. tics can be obtained at such different regions. Other
For example, a small amount of salt dissolved in water modifications or extensions of the invention may occur
can be a very effective fixative after the water is evapo to those in the art within the spirit and scope thereof.
rated. Similarly, small amounts of polyvinyl alcohol Hence, the invention is not to be construed as limited to
(PVA) could be dissolved in water. Subsequent firing of 40 the specific embodiments described above, except as
the powder bed burns away the fixative but will leave defined by the appended claims.
an inorganic binder used to print and define the part. What is claimed is:
Materials which exhibit a phase change may also be 1. A process for making a component comprising the
employed instead of solvent removal systems. For ex steps of
ample, a warm liquid could be employed which freezes 45 (1) depositing a preselected quantity of a powder
upon contact with the powder bed. An example of such material;
a liquid is 2-methylpropane-2-OL which melts near (2) spreading said powder material in a layer of prese
room temperature. An alternative is to spray two liquids lected thickness over a predetermined confined
which cross link or gel when in contact. One such mix region;
ture is cyanoacrylic monomers and water which rapidly (3) applying a further material to selected regions of
polymerizes upon contact. Another alternative is to said layer of powder material which will cause said
incorporate with the spread powder layer a fixative layer of powder material to become bonded at said
which is activiated after spreading. For example, an selected regions;
organic fixative can be included with the powder layer (4) repeating steps (1), (2) and (3) a selected number
and can then be activated by spraying a solvent onto the 55 of times to produce a selected number of successive
layer after spreading. The dissolved fixative material layers, said further material causing said successive
will link the powder particles together as it dries, again layers to become bonded to each other;
while leaving a porous matrix which can be printed in (5) removing unbonded powder material which is not
accordance with the present invention. An example of a at said one or more selected regions to provide the
secondary binder or linking material is a water soluble 60 component.
polymer which can be dissolved by a water mist after 2. A process as set forth in claim 1 wherein said pow
the layer is spread. In addition to performing the linking der comprises essentially spherical particles.
or loose binding function, the material applied to the 3. A process as set forth in claim 1 wherein said pow
loose powder can also provide an active chemical func der material is spread by an elongate roller traversed
tion, e.g. it can comprise an acid for triggering gellation 65 over said region.
the material added during the printing function. 4. A process as set forth in claim 3 wherein said roller
An alternative to strengthening the spread layer of is driven in rotation in a direction opposing the travers
flowable powder is to apply preformed layers or webs ing motion.
15 16
5. A process as set forth in claim 3 wherein said roller a piston which fits within said cylinder with periph
is vibrated. eral clearance;
6. A process as set forth in claim 5 wherein said vibra means for traversing said piston through said cylin
tion includes a component normal to said layer. der, said traversing means including means for
7. A process as set forth in claim 5 wherein the vibra guiding the travel of said piston independently of
tion includes both a component which is longitudinal to said cylinder;
said roller and a component which is normal to said means for spreading a layer of a powder material over
layer. said piston; and
8. A process as set forth in claim 1 wherein said pow means for applying a bonding material to selected
der material is spread by a doctor blade. 10 regions of said layer of powder material.
9. A process as set forth in claim 8 wherein said doc 18. Apparatus as set forth in claim 17 further compris
tor blade is snowplow shaped to shear and roll excess ing a compliant seal between said piston and said cylin
deposited powder. der.
10. A process for making a component comprising 19. Apparatus as set forth in claim 18 wherein said
the steps of 15 seal is a fiber seal.
(1) depositing a layer of powder material; 20. Apparatus as set forth in claim 17 wherein said
(2) applying to selected interior regions of said layer guiding means is a linear bearing.
of powder material a further material which will 21. Apparatus as set forth in claim 20 wherein piston
cause said layer of powder material to become is mounted on one end of a plunger with said linear
bonded at said selected regions and applying said 20 bearing at the other end and wherein said apparatus
further material also to a preselected peripheral includes a bellows seal separating said piston from said
region of said layer which will cause the powder bearing.
material in said preselected peripheral region to 22. Apparatus for dispensing a train of a powder
become bonded to form a container region; material, said apparatus comprising:
(3) repeating steps (1) and (2) a selected number of 25 a sieve drum which is mounted for rotation around an
time to produce a selected number of successive axis which is inclined from the vertical, said drum
layers, said further material causing said successive having an opening at its upper end, the peripheral
layers to become bonded to each other; wall of said drum being perforate;
(4) removing said bonded peripheral regions and means for introducing a quantity of said powder ma
removing unbonded powder material which is not
30 terial through said opening; and
at said one or more selected regions to provide the means for rotating said drum around said axis to cause
component. said powder material to be metered out through
said peripheral wall.
11. A process as set forth in claim 10 in which said 23. Apparatus as set forth in claim 22 wherein said
layer of powder is initially confined in an opening in a 35 drum is closed at its lower end.
platen. 24. Apparatus as set forth in claim 22 further compris
12. A process as set forth in claim 11 wherein previ ing a housing which peripherally encloses said drum
ously printed layers are confined by the bonded periph and which provides a funnel like outlet at its bottom so
eral region. that said housing collects and directs, through said out
13. A process as set forth in claim 10 wherein previ 40 let, powder material metered through the peripheral
ously printed layers are lowered prior to printing suc wall of said drum.
cessive layers. 25. Apparatus as set forth in claim 24 further compris
14. A process as set forth in claim 10 wherein previ ing means for traversing said drum and housing along
ously printed layers are held stationary and successive one edge of a region over which a layer of said powder
layers are formed at successively higher levels. 45 material is to be spread thereby to form a line of depos
15. A process for making a component comprising ited powder material.
the steps of 26. Apparatus as set forth in claim 25 further compris
(1) depositing a layer of a porous material having ing means for spreading said line of deposited powder
interconnected porosity, said layer being in the material across said region.
form of a preformed web comprising porous mate 50 27. A process for making a component comprising
rial temporarily held together by a first material; the steps of
(2) applying to one or more selected regions of said (1) depositing a layer of highly flowable powder
layer of porous material a further material which material in a confined region;
will cause said layer of porous material to become (2) applying to said layer a linking material which, at
bonded at said one or more selected regions; 55 least temporarily, reduces the flowability of said
(3) repeating steps (1) and (2) a selected number of powder material;
times to produce a selected number of successive (3) applying to selected regions of said layer a further
layers, said further material causing said successive material which will cause said layer of powder
layers to become bonded to each other; material to become bonded at said selected regions;
(4) removing both said porous material and said first 60 (4) repeating steps (1), (2) and (3) a selected number
material which are not at said one or more selected of times to produce a selected number of successive
regions to provide the component. layers, said further material causing said successive
16. A process as set forth in claim 15 wherein said layers to become bonded to each other;
preformed web comprises ceramic particles held to (5) removing unbonded powder material which is not
gether by an organic binder. 65 at said one or more selected regions to provide the
17. Apparatus for making a component, said appara component.
tus comprising: 28. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said
a hollow cylinder; linking material is a liquid which links the particles of
17 18
said powder material by surface tension without elimi 46. A process as set forth in claim 44 wherein said
nating porosity of said layer and which can subse first material is activated by the application of a liquid
quently be removed to restore the flowability of the mist.
powder material in the unbonded regions of each of said 47. A process for making a component comprising
layers. 5 the steps of
29. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said (1) depositing in a confined region a layer of a pow
powder material comprises essentially spherical metal der material, said powder material including a ma
particles. terial which will cause gellation of preselected
30. A process as set forth in claim 28 wherein said colloidal suspensions;
linking material is applied as a fine spray or mist. 10 (2) applying a preselected colloidal suspension to
31. A process as set forth in claim 30 wherein said selected regions of said layer of powder material
linking material is water. thereby to cause said layer of powder material to
32. A process as set forth in claim 29 wherein said become bonded at said selected regions;
further material is curable organic material. 15
(3) repeating steps (1) and (2) a selected number of
33. A process as set forth in claim 32 wherein said times to produce a selected number of successive
organic material is burned away during sintering of said layers, said further material causing said successive
powder material. layers to become bonded to each other;
34. A process as set forth in claim 33 wherein said (4) removing unbonded powder material which is not
further material is latex. at said one or more selected regions to provide the
35. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said component.
powder material comprises essentially spherical parti 48. A process as set forth in claim 47 wherein said
cles. colloidal suspension is an alkaline formulation of colloi
36. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said dal silica and said gellation causing material is an acid.
powder material is the product of a spray drying pro 25 49. A process as set forth in claim 48 wherein said
cess which increases flowability. acid is granulated citric acid.
37. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said 50. A process as set forth in claim 47 wherein said
layer is leveled by a doctor blade after step (2). component is further treated by heating.
38. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said 51. A process as set forth in claim 47 further compris
layer is compacted by a roller after being deposited. 30 ing the step of sintering said component.
39. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein the 52. A process for making a component comprising
particles of said powder material are coated with an the steps of
adhesive material which is activated by said linking (1) depositing a preselected quantity of a powder
material. material;
40. A process as set forth in claim 39 wherein said 35 (2) spreading said powder material in a layer of prese
adhesive material is a polymer which is activated by the lected thickness over a predetermined confined
application of a mist and can be dissolved by washing to region;
remove the powder material in said unbonded regions (3) compacting said layer to reduce its thickness;
in step (5). (4) applying a further material to selected regions of
41. A process as set forth in claim 40 wherein said 40 said layer of powder material which will cause said
mist is water. layer of powder material to become bonded at said
42. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said selected regions;
linking material is a mixture of a highly volatile liquid (5) repeating steps (1) through (4) a selected number
and a less volatile liquid. of times to produce a selected number of successive
43. A process as set forth in claim 27 wherein said 45 layers, said further material causing said successive
layers to become bonded to each other;
linking material is a mixture of methanol and octonol. (6) removing unbonded powder material which is not
44. A process for making a component comprising at said one or more selected regions to provide the
the steps of component.
(1) depositing a layer of a powder material in a con 50 53. A process as set forth in claim 52 wherein said
fined region, said powder material including a first layer is compacted by the application of pressure.
material which, when activated, will temporarily 54. A process as set forth in claim 53 wherein said
link the particles of powder material to reduce pressure is applied by a roller which is passed over said
flowability; region.
(2) activating said first material; 55 55. A process as set forth in claim 52 wherein said
(3) applying a further material to selected regions of layer is compacted by surface tension.
said layer of powder material which will cause said 56. A process as set forth in claim 55 wherein said
layer of powder material to become bonded at said surface tension is produced by the application of a liquid
selected regions; to said layer of powder.
(4) repeating steps (1), (2) and (3) a selected number 60 57. A process for making a component comprising
of times to produce a selected number of successive the steps of
layers, said further material causing said successive (1) placing a powder material in a sieve drum having
layers to become bonded to each other; a perforate peripheral wall;
(5) removing both said first material and unbonded (2) rotating and traversing said drum over a predeter
powder material which are not in said one or more 65 mined region thereby to deposit a layer of said
selected regions thereby to provide the component. powder material over said region;
45. A process as set forth in claim 44 wherein said (3) applying a further material to selected regions of
first material is activated by the application of heat. said layer of powder material which will cause said
19 20
layer of powder material to become bonded at said at said one or more selected regions to provide the
selected regions; component.
(4) repeating steps (1), (2) and (3) a selected number 58. A process as set forth in claim 57 wherein the
of times to produce a selected number of successive length of said drum is at least equal to the width of said
layers, said further material causing said successive 5 region and wherein said drum is journaled for rotation
layers to become bonded to each other; around a horizontal axis.
(5) removing unbonded powder material which is not ck k : k k












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