United States Patent 19: 45 Date of Patent: Jul. 14, 1998
United States Patent 19: 45 Date of Patent: Jul. 14, 1998
United States Patent 19: 45 Date of Patent: Jul. 14, 1998
U.S. Patent Jul. 14, 1998 Sheet 5 of 7 5,780,807
FIG. 9
FIG. 1 O
U.S. Patent Jul. 14, 1998 Sheet 6 of 7 5,780,807
FIG. 1 1
U.S. Patent Jul. 14, 1998 Sheet 7 of 7 5,780,807
FIG. 12
1 2
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DIRECT The radial expansion of the expandable cylinder deforms
LASER CUTTING OF METAL STENTS the undulating pattern similar to changes in a waveform
which result from decreasing the waveform's amplitude and
This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. the frequency. Preferably, the undulating patterns of the
08/345,501 filed Nov. 28, 1994, and now abandoned. individual cylindrical structures are in phase with each other
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION in order to prevent the contraction of the stent along its
This invention relates generally to improvements in the length when it is expanded. The cylindrical structures of the
manufacture of expandable metal stents and, more stent are plastically deformed when expanded so that the
particularly, to new and improved methods and apparatus for stent will remain in the expanded condition and, therefore.
direct laser cutting of metal stents and providing stents of O they must be sufficiently rigid when expanded to prevent
enhanced structural quality. their collapse in use. During expansion of the stent, portions
Stents are expandable endoprosthesis devices which are of the undulating pattern will tip outwardly resulting in
adapted to be implanted into a patient's body lumen. such as projecting members on the outer surface of the expanded
a blood vessel. to maintain the patency of the vessel. These stent. These projecting members tip radially outwardly from
devices are typically used in the treatment of atherosclerotic 5 the outer surface of the stent and embed in the vessel wall
stenosis in blood vessels and the like. and help secure the expanded stent so that it does not move
In the medical arts, stents are generally tubular-shaped once it is implanted.
devices which function to hold open a segment of a blood The elongated elements which interconnect adjacent
vessel or other anatomical lumen. They are particularly cylindrical elements should have a precisely defined trans
suitable for use to support and hold back a dissected arterial verse cross-section similar to the transverse dimensions of
lining which can occlude the fluid passageway. the undulating components of the expandable cylindrical
Various means have been provided to deliver and implant elements. The interconnecting elements may be formed as a
stents. One method frequently described for delivering a unitary structure with the expandable cylindrical elements
stent to a desired intraluminal location includes mounting from the same intermediate product, such as a tubular
the expandable stent on an expandable member, such as a element, or they may be formed independently and con
balloon, provided on the distal end of an intravascular nected by suitable means, such as by welding or by mechani
catheter, advancing the catheter to the desired location cally securing the ends of the interconnecting elements to
within the patient's body lumen. inflating the balloon on the the ends of the expandable cylindrical elements. Preferably,
catheter to expand the stent into a permanent expanded all of the interconnecting elements of a stent are joined at
condition and then deflating the balloon and removing the 30 either the peaks or the valleys of the undulating structure of
catheter. the cylindrical elements which form the stent. In this
One example of a particularly useful expandable stent is manner, there is no shortening of the stent upon expansion.
a stent which is relatively flexible along its longitudinal axis The number and location of elements interconnecting
to facilitate delivery through tortuous body lumens, but adjacent cylindrical elements can be varied in order to
which is stiff and stable enough radially in an expanded 35
develop the desired longitudinal flexibility in the stent
condition to maintain the patency of a body lumen such as structure both in the unexpanded, as well as the expanded
an artery when implanted within the lumen. Such a desirable condition. These properties are important to minimize alter
stent typically includes a plurality of radially expandable ation of the natural physiology of the body lumen into which
cylindrical elements which are relatively independent in the stent is implanted and to maintain the compliance of the
their ability to expand and to flex relative to one another. The body lumen which is internally supported by the stent.
individual radially expandable cylindrical elements of the Generally, the greater the longitudinal flexibility of the stent,
stent are precisely dimensioned so as to be longitudinally the easier and the more safely it can be delivered to the
shorter than their own diameters. Interconnecting elements implantation site.
or struts extending between adjacent cylindrical elements
provide increased stability and a preferable position to 45 It will be apparent from the foregoing that conventional
prevent warping of the stent when it is expanded. The stents are very high precision, relatively fragile devices and,
resulting stent structure is a series of radially expandable ideally, the most desirable metal stents incorporate a fine
cylindrical elements which are spaced longitudinally close precision structure cut from a very small diameter, thin
enough so that small dissections in the wall of a body lumen walled cylindrical tube. In this regard, it is extremely
may be pressed back into position against the lumenal wall. important to make precisely dimensioned, smooth, narrow
but not so close as to compromise the longitudinal flexibili cuts in the stainless tubes in extremely fine geometries
ties of the stent. The individual cylindrical elements may without damaging the narrow struts that make up the stent
rotate slightly relative to adjacent cylindrical elements with structure. While the various cutting processes, including
out significant deformation, cumulatively giving a stent chemical etching, heretofore utilized by the prior art to form
which is flexible along its length and about its longitudinal 55 such expandable metal stents, have been adequate, improve
axis, but is still very stiff in the radial direction in order to ments have been sought to provide stents of enhanced
resist collapse. structural quality in terms of resolution, reliability and yield.
The aforedescribed stents generally have a precisely layed Accordingly, those concerned with the development,
out circumferential undulating pattern, e.g. serpentine. The manufacture and use of metal stents have long recognized
transverse cross-section of the undulating component of the the need for improved manufacturing processes for such
cylindrical element is relatively small and preferably has an stents. The present invention fulfills these needs.
apect ratio of about two to one to about 0.5 to one. A one to SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
one apect ratio has been found particularly suitable. The
open reticulated structure of the stent allows for the perfu Briefly, and in general terms, the present invention pro
sion of blood over a large portion of the arterial wall which 65 vides a new and improved method and apparatus for direct
can improve the healing and repair of a damaged arterial laser cutting of metal stents enabling greater precision,
lining. reliability, structural integrity and overall quality, without
3 4
burrs, slag or other imperfections which might otherwise cleaning/scrap removal process. At completion of this
hamper stent integrity and performance. process, the stent structures are rinsed in water. They are
Basically, the present invention provides an improved then ready for electropolishing.
system for producing metal stents with a fine precision Hence, the new and improved method and apparatus for
structure cut from a small diameter, thin-walled, cylindrical direct laser cutting of metal stents, in accordance with the
tube. The tubes are typically made of stainless steel and are present invention, makes accurate. reliable, high resolution.
fixtured under a laser and positioned utilizing a CNC to expandable stents with patterns having smooth, narrow cuts
generate a very intricate and precise pattern. Due to the and very fine geometries.
thin-wall and the small geometry of the stent pattern, it is The above and other objects and advantages of this
necessary to have very precise control of the laser, its power invention will be apparent from the following more detailed
level, the focus spot size, and the precise positioning of the description when taken in conjunction with the accompa
laser cutting path. nying drawings of exemplary embodiments.
In a presently preferred embodiment of the invention, in
order to minimize the heat input, which prevents thermal DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
distortion, uncontrolled burn out of the metal, and metalur 15
FIG. 1 is an elevational view, partially in section, of a
gical damage due to excessive heat, a Q-switched Nd/YAG stent embodying features of the invention which is mounted
laser that is frequency doubled to produce a green beam at on a delivery catheter and disposed within a damaged artery:
532 nanometers is utilized. Q-switching produces very short
pulses (<100 nS) of high peak powers (kilowatts), low FIG. 2 is an elevational view, partially in section, similar
energy per pulse (s.3 m), at high pulse rates (up to 40 kHz). 20
to that shown in FIG. 1 wherein the stent is expanded within
The frequency doubling of the beam from 1.06 microns to a damaged artery, pressing the damaged lining against the
0.532 microns allows the beam to be focused to a spot size arterial wall;
that is 2 times smaller and, therefore, increases the power FIG. 3 is an elevational view, partially in section showing
density by a factor of four. With all of these parameters, it the expanded stent within the artery after withdrawal of the
is possible to make smooth, narrow cuts in the stainless 25 delivery catheter;
tubes in very fine geometries without damaging the narrow FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a stent embodying in an
struts that make up the stent structure. unexpanded state, with one end of the stent being shown in
In addition to the laser and the CNC positioning an exploded view to illustrate the details thereof;
equipment, the optical delivery system utilized in the prac FIG. S is a pian view of a flattened section of a stent of
tice of the present invention, includes a beam expander to 30 the invention which illustrates the undulating pattern of the
increase the laser beam diameter, a circular polarizer to stent shown in FIG. 4;
eliminate polarization effects in metalcutting, provisions for FIG.5a is a sectional view taken along the line 5a-5a in
a spatial filter, a binocular viewing head and focusing lens, FIG. 5;
and a coaxial gas jet that provides for the introduction of a FIG. 6 is a schematic representation of equipment for
gas stream that surrounds the focused beam and is directed 35 selectively cutting the tubing in the manufacture of stents, in
along the beam axis. The coaxial gas jet nozzle is centered accordance with the present invention;
around the focused beam with approximately 0.010" FIG. 7 is an elevational view of a system for cutting an
between the tip of the nozzle and the tubing. The jet is appropriate pattern by laser in a metal tube to form a stent,
pressurized with oxygen at 20 psi and is directed at the tube in accordance with the invention;
with the focused laser beam exiting the tip of the nozzle. The FIG. 8 is a plan view of the laserhead and optical delivery
oxygen reacts with the metal to assist in the cutting process subsystem for the laser cutting system shown in FIG. 7;
very similar to oxyacetylene cutting. The focused laser beam
acts as an ignition source and controls the reaction of the FIG. 9 is an elevational view of a coaxial gas jet, rotary
oxygen with the metal. In this manner, it is possible to cut collet, tube support and beam blocking apparatus for use in
the material with a very fine kerf with precision. In order to 45 the system of FIG. 7:
prevent burning by the beam and/or molten slag on the far FIG. 10 is a sectional view taken along the line 10-10 in
wall of the tube inside diameter, a stainless steel mandrel is FIG. 9;
placed inside the tube and is allowed to roll on the bottom FIG. 11 is an elevational and schematic drawing of laser
of the tube as the pattern is cut. This acts as a beam/debris beam diameter vs. spot size and depth of focus; and
block protecting the far wall inside diameter. 50 FIG. 12 is an elevational and schematic drawing of focal
The cutting process utilizing oxygen with the finely length vs. spot size and depth of focus.
focused green beam results in a very narrow kerf (approx. DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE
0.0005") with the molten slag re-solidifying along the cut. PREFERRED EMBODMENTS
This traps the cut outscrap of the pattern and requires further
processing. In order to remove the slag debris from the cut 55 Referring now to the drawings, and particularly FIG. 1
allowing the scrap to be removed from the remaining stent thereof, there is shown a stent 10 which is mounted onto a
pattern, it is desirable to soak the cut tube in a solution of delivery catheter 11. The stent 10 is a high precision
HCL for a selected time and temperature. Before it is patterned tubular device. The stent 10 typically comprises a
soaked, the tube is placed in a bath of alcohol/water solution plurality of radially expanded cylindrical elements 12 dis
and ultrasonically cleaned for approximately 1 minute to posed generally coaxially and interconnected by elements 13
remove the loose debris left from the cutting operation. After disposed between adjacent cylindrical elements. The deliv
soaking, the tube is then ultrasonically cleaned in the heated ery catheter 11 has an expandable portion or balloon 14 for
HCL for a period of time dependent upon the wall thickness. expanding of the stent 10 within an artery 15. The artery 15,
To prevent cracking/breaking of the struts attached to the as shown in FIG. 1 has a dissected lining 16 which has
material left at the two ends of the stent pattern due to 65 occluded a portion of the arterial passageway.
harmonic oscillations induced by the ultrasonic cleaner, a The typical delivery catheter 11 onto which the stent 10 is
mandrel is placed down the center of the tube during the mounted, is essentially the same as a conventional balloon
5 6
dilatation catheter for angioplasty procedures. The balloon expandable cylindrical elements 12. Each pair of the inter
14 may be formed of suitable materials such as connecting elements 13 on one side of a cylindrical element
polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyvinyl 12 are preferably placed to achieve maximum flexibility for
chloride, nylon and ionomers such as Surlyng) manufactured a stent. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 4, the stent 10 has
by the Polymer Products Division of the Du Pont Company. three interconnecting elements 13 between adjacent radially
Other polymers may also be used. In order for the stent 10 expandable cylindrical elements 12 which are 120° apart.
to remain in place on the balloon 14 during delivery to the Each pair of interconnecting elements 13 on one side of a
site of the damage within the artery 15, the stent 10 is cylindrical element 12 are offset radially 60° from the pair
compressed onto the balloon. A retractable protective deliv on the other side of the cylindrical element. The alternation
ery sleeve 20 as described in copending application Ser. No. O of the interconnecting elements results in a stent which is
07/647.464 filed on Apr. 25, 1990 and entitled STENT longitudinally flexible in essentially all directions. Various
DELIVERY SYSTEM may be provided to further ensure configurations for the placement of interconnecting ele
that the stent stays in place on the expandable portion of the ments are possible. However, as previously mentioned, all of
delivery catheter 11 and prevent abrasion of the body lumen the interconnecting elements of an individual stent should be
by the open surface of the stent 20 during delivery to the 15 secured to either the peaks or valleys of the undulating
desired arterial location. Other means for securing the stent structural elements in order to prevent shortening of the stent
10 onto the balloon 14 may also be used, such as providing during the expansion thereof.
collars or ridges on the ends of the working portion, i.e. the The number of undulations may also be varied to accom
cylindrical portion, of the balloon. : modate placement of interconnecting elements 13, e.g. at the
Each radially expandable cylindrical element 12 of the peaks of the undulations or along the sides of the undulations
stent 10 may be independently expanded. Therefore, the as shown in FIG. S.
balloon 14 may be provided with an inflated shape other than As best observed in FIGS. 4 and 5. cylindrical elements
cylindrical, e.g. tapered, to facilitate implantation of the 12 are in the form of a serpentine pattern 30. As previously
stent 10 in a variety of body lumen shapes. mentioned, each cylindrical element 12 is connected by
The delivery of the stent 10 is accomplished in the 25 interconnecting elements 13. Serpentine pattern 30 is made
following manner. The stent 10 is first mounted onto the up of a plurality of U-shaped members 31, W-shaped
inflatable balloon 14 on the distal extremity of the delivery members 32, and Y-shaped members 33, each having a
catheter 11. The balloon 14 is slightly inflated to secure the different radius so that expansion forces are more evenly
stent 10 onto the exterior of the balloon. The catheter-stent distributed over the various members.
assembly is introduced within the patient's vasculature in a 30 The afordescribed illustrative stent 10 and similar stent
conventional Seldinger technique through a guiding catheter structures can be made in many ways. However, the pre
(not shown). Aguidewire 18 is disposed across the damaged ferred method of making the stent is to cut a thin-walled
arterial section with the detached or dissected lining 16 and tubular member, such as stainless steel tubing to remove
then the catheter-stent assembly is advanced over a portions of the tubing in the desired pattern for the stent,
guidewire 18 within the artery 15 until the stent 10 is directly 35 leaving relatively untouched the portions of the metallic
under the detached lining 16. The balloon 14 of the catheter tubing which are to form the stent. In accordance with the
is expanded, expanding the stent 10 against the artery 15, invention. it is preferred to cut the tubing in the desired
which is illustrated in FIG. 2. While not shown in the pattern by means of a machine-controlled laser as illustrated
drawing, the artery 15 is preferably expanded slightly by the schematically in FIG. 6.
expansion of the stent 10 to seat or otherwise fix the stent 10 The tubing may be made of suitable biocompatible mate
to prevent movement. In some circumstances during the rial such as stainless steel. The stainless steel tube may be
treatment of stenotic portions of an artery, the artery may Alloy type: 316LSS. Special Chemistry per ASTM F138-92
have to be expanded considerably in order to facilitate or ASTM F139-92 grade 2. Special Chemistry of type 316L
passage of blood or other fluid therethrough. per ASTM F138-92 or ASTM F139-92 Stainless Steel for
The stent 10 serves to hold open the artery 15 after the 45 Surgical Implants in weight percent.
catheter 11 is withdrawn, as illustrated by FIG. 3. Due to the Carbon (C) 0.03% max.
formation of the stent 10 from elongated tubular member. Manganese (Mn) 2.00% max.
the undulating component of the cylindrical elements of the Phosphorous (P) 0.025% max.
stent 10 is relatively flat in transverse cross-section, so that Sulphur (S) 0.010% max.
when the stent is expanded, the cylindrical elements are SO Silicon (Si) 0.75% max.
pressed into the wall of the artery 15 and as a result do not Chromium (Cr) 17.00-19.00%
interfere with the blood flow through the artery 15. The Nickel (Ni). 13.00-15.50%
cylindrical elements 12 of the stent 10 which are pressed into Molybdenum (Mo) 2.00-3.00%
the wall of the artery 15 will eventually be covered with Nitrogen (N) 0.10% max.
endothelial cell growth which further minimizes blood flow 55 Copper (Cu) 0.50% max.
interference. The undulating portion of the cylindrical sec Iron (Fe) Balance
tions 12 provide good tacking characteristics to prevent stent The stent diameter is very small, so the tubing from which
movement within the artery. Furthermore, the closely spaced it is made must necessarily also have a small diameter.
cylindrical elements 12 at regular intervals provide uniform Typically the stent has an outer diameter on the order of
support for the wall of the artery 15. and consequently are about 0.06 inch in the unexpanded condition, the same outer
well adapted to tack up and hold in place small flaps or diameter of the tubing from which it is made, and can be
dissections in the wall of the artery 15, as illustrated in FIGS. expanded to an outer diameter of 0.1 inch or more. The wall
2 and 3. thickness of the tubing is about 0.003 inch.
FIG. 4 is an enlarged perspective view of the stent 10 Referring to FIG. 6, the tubing 21 is put in a rotatable
shown in FIG. 1 with one end of the stent shown in an 65 collet fixture 22 of a machine-controlled apparatus 23 for
exploded view to illustrate in greater detail the placement of positioning the tubing 21 relative to a laser 24. According to
interconnecting elements 13 between adjacent radially machine-encoded instructions, the tubing 21 is rotated and
7 8
moved longitudinally relative to the laser 24 which is also computer program for controlling the CNC equipment is
machine-controlled. The laser selectively removes the mate enclosed herewith as Appendix A.
rial from the tubing by ablation and a pattern is cut into the The optical system which expands the original laser
tube. The tube is therefore cut into the discrete pattern of the beam, delivers the beam through a viewing head and focuses
finished stent. the beam onto the surface of the tube, incorporates a coaxial
The process of cutting a pattern for the stent into the gas jet and nozzle that helps to remove debris from the kerf
tubing is automated except for loading and unloading the and cools the region where the beam interacts with the
length of tubing. Referring again to FIG. 6 it may be done. material as the beam cuts and vaporizes the metal. It is also
for example, using a CNC-opposing collet fixture 22 for necessary to block the beam as it cuts through the top surface
axial rotation of the length of tubing, in conjunction with a of the tube and prevent the beam, along with the molten
CNC XY table 25 to move the length of tubing axially metal and debris from the cut. from impinging on the
relatively to a machine-controlled laser as described. The opposite surface of the tube.
entire space between collets can be patterned using the CO2 In addition to the laser and the CNC positioning
equipment, the optical delivery system includes a beam
laser set-up of the foregoing example. The program for expander to increase the laser beam diameter, a circular
control of the apparatus is dependent on the particular 15 polarizer, typically in the form of a quarter wave plate, to
configuration used and the pattern to be ablated in the eliminate polarization effects in metal cutting, provisions for
coating. a spatial filter, a binocular viewing head and focusing lens,
Referring now to FIGS. 7-10 of the drawings, there is and a coaxial gas jet that provides for the introduction of a
shown a process and apparatus, in accordance with the gas stream that surrounds the focused beam and is directed
invention, for producing metal stents with a fine precision 20 along the beam axis. The coaxial gas jet nozzle (0.018" I.D.)
structure cut from a small diameter thin-walled cylindrical is centered around the focused beam with approximately
tube. Cutting a fine structure (0.0035" web width) requires 0.010" between the tip of the nozzle and the tubing. The jet
minimal heat input and the ability to manipulate the tube is pressurized with oxygen at 20 psi and is directed at the
with precision. It is also necessary to support the tube yet not tube with the focused laser beam exiting the tip of the nozzle
allow the stent structure to distort during the cutting opera 25 (0.018" dia.) The oxygen reacts with the metal to assist in the
tion. In order to successfully achieve the desired end results, cutting process very similar to oxyacetylene cutting. The
the entire system must be configured very carefully. The focused laser beam acts as an ignition source and controls
tubes are made of stainless steel with an outside diameter of the reaction of the oxygen with the metal. In this manner, it
0.060" to 0.066" and a wall thickness of 0.002" to 0.004". is possible to cut the material with a very fine kerf with
These tubes are fixtured under a laser and positioned utiliz 30 precision. In order to prevent burning by the beam and/or
ing a CNC to generate a very intricate and precise pattern. molten slag on the far wall of the tube I.D.. a stainless steel
Due to the thin-wall and the small geometry of the stent mandrel (approx. 0.034" dia.) is placed inside the tube and
pattern (0.0035" typical web width), it is necessary to have is allowed to roll on the bottom of the tube as the pattern is
very precise control of the laser, its power level, the focused cut. This acts as a beam/debris block protecting the far wall
spot size, and the precise positioning of the laser cutting 35 I.D.
path. Alternatively, this may be accomplished by inserting a
In order to minimize the heat input into the stent structure. second tube inside the stent tube which has an opening to
which prevents thermal distortion, uncontrolled burn out of trap the excess energy in the beam which is transmitted
the metal, and metallurgical damage due to excessive heat, through the kerf along which collecting the debris that is
and thereby produce a smooth debris free cut, a Q-switched ejected from the laser cut kerf. A vacuum or positive
Nd/YAG, typically available from Quantronix of pressure can be placed in this shielding tube to remove the
Hauppauge, N.Y., that is frequency doubled to produce a collection of debris.
green beam at 532 nanometers is utilized. Q-switching Another technique that could be utilized to remove the
produces very short pulses (<100 nS) of high peak powers debris from the kerf and cool the surrounding material
(kilowatts), low energy per pulse (s.3 m), at high pulse 45 would be to use the inner beam blocking tube as an internal
rates (up to 40 kHz). The frequency doubling of the beam gas jet. By sealing one end of the tube and making a small
from 1.06 microns to 0.532 microns allows the beam to be hole in the side and placing it directly under the focused
focused to a spot size that is 2 times smaller, therefore laser beam, gas pressure could be applied creating a small jet
increasing the power density by a factor of 4 times. With all that would force the debris out of the laser cut kerf from the
of these parameters, it is possible to make smooth, narrow SO inside out. This would eliminate any debris from forming or
cuts in the stainless tubes in very fine geometries without collecting on the inside of the stent structure. It would place
damaging the narrow struts that make up to stent structure, all the debris on the outside. With the use of special
Hence, the system of the present invention makes it possible protective coatings, the resultant debris can be easily
to adjust the laser parameters to cut narrow kerf width which removed.
will minimize the heat input into the material. 55 In most cases, the gas utilized in the jets may be reactive
The positioning of the tubular structure requires the use of or non-reactive (inert). In the case of reactive gas. oxygen or
precision CNC equipment such as that manufactured and compressed air is used. Compressed air is used in this
sold by Anorad Corporation. In addition, a unique rotary application since it offers more control of the material
mechanism has been provided that allows the computer removed and reduces the thermal effects of the material
program to be written as if the pattern were being cut from itself. Inert gas such as argon, helium, or nitrogen can be
a flat sheet. This allows both circular and linear interpolation used to eliminate any oxidation of the cut material. The
to be utilized in programming. Since the finished structure of result is a cut edge with no oxidation, but there is usually a
the stent is very small, a precision drive mechanism is tail of molten material that collects along the exit side of the
required that supports and drives both ends of the tubular gas jet that must be mechanically or chemically removed
structure as it is cut. Since both ends are driven, they must 65 after the cutting operation.
be aligned and precisely synchronized, otherwise the stent The cutting process utilizing oxygen with the finely
structure would twist and distort as it is being cut. A suitable focused green beam results in a very narrow kerf (approx.
9 10
0.0005") with the molten slag re-solidifying along the cut. providing a protective mandrel within said generally
This traps the cut out scrap of the pattern requiring further tubular member, said mandrel having an outer surface
processing. In order to remove the slag debris from the cut defining an outer diameter that is smaller than said
allowing the scrap to be removed from the remaining stent inside diameter of said tubular member;
pattern, it is necessary to soak the cut tube in a solution of supporting said generally tubular member, with said pro
HCL for approximately 8 minutes at a temperature of tective mandrel therewithin, in operative association
approximately 55° C. Before it is soaked, the tube is placed with a laser beam;
in a bath of alcohol/water solution and ultrasonically cleaned moving said generally tubular member linearly and rota
for approximately 1 minute to remove the loose debris left tionally relative to. said laser beam, thereby causing
from the cutting operation. After soaking, the tube is then 10 said protective mandrel to roll on a portion of said inner
ultrasonically cleaned in the heated HCL for 1-4 minutes tube surface such that a space is formed between said
depending upon the wall thickness. To prevent cracking inner tube surface and said outer surface of said man
breaking of the struts attached to the material left at the two drel; and
ends of the stent pattern due to harmonic oscillations impinging said laser beam upon said working outer tube
induced by the ultrasonic cleaner, a mandrel is placed down 15 surface while said generally tubular member is moving
the center of the tube during the cleaning/scrap removal linearly and rotationally relative to said laser beam,
process. At completion of this process, the stent structures thereby causing said laser beam to cut a desired stent
are rinsed in water. They are now ready for electropolishing. pattern through said tubular wall, then pass through
The stents are preferably electrochemically polished in an said space and then contact said protective mandrel
acidic aqueous solution such as a solution of ELECTRO such that said laser beam is prevented from contacting
GLO 190 300, sold by the ELECTRO-GLO Co., Inc. in 20
said portion of said inner tube surface upon which said
Chicago, Ill., which is a mixture of sulfuric acid, carboxylic protective mandrel is rolling.
acids, phosphates, corrosion inhibitors and a biodegradable 2. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein said tubular
surface active agent. The bath temperature is maintained at member is stainless steel.
about 110°-135° F and the current density is about 0.4 to 3. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein said protec
about 1.5 amps per in.. Cathode to anode area should be at 25 tive mandrel is stainless steel.
least about two to one. The stents may be further treated if 4. The method of claim 1, and further comprising the step
desired, for example by applying a biocompatible coating. circularly polarizing said laser beam prior to impinging said
Referring now more particularly to FIGS. 11 and 12, it laser beam upon said working outer tube surface.
will be apparent that both focused laser spot size and depth 5. The method of claim 4, wherein said step of circularly
of focus can be controlled by selecting beam diameter (FIG. polarizing said laser beam includes the step passing said
11) and focal length for the focusing lens (FIG. 12). It will laser beam through a quarter wave plate.
be apparent from FIGS. 11 and 12 that increasing laser beam 6. The method of claim 1, and further comprising the step
diameter, or reducing lens focal length, reduces spot size at of spatially filtering said laser beam prior to impinging said
the cost of depth of field. laser beam upon said working outer tube surface.
Direct laser cutting produces edges which are essentially 35 7. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein said laser
perpendicular to the axis of the laser cutting beam, in beam includes a focused laser beam spot and a depth offield,
contrast with chemical etching and the like which produce and further comprising the step of controlling the size of said
pattern edges which are angled. Hence, the laser cutting focused laser beam spot and said depth of field by varying
process of the present invention essentially provides stent a laser beam diameter.
cross-sections, from cut-to-cut. which are square or 8. The method of claim 7, and further comprising the steps
rectangular, rather than trapezoidal; see FIG.5a. The result of passing said laser bema through a focusing lens prior to
ing stent structure provides superior performance. impinging said laser beam upon said working outer tube
It will be apparent from the foregoing that the present surface, and controlling the size of said focused laser beam
invention provides a new and improved method and appa spot and said depth of field by varying a focal length of said
ratus for direct laser cutting of metal stents enabling greater 45 focusing lens.
precision, reliability, structural integrity and overall quality. 9. The method of claim 1, and further comprising the step
without burrs, slag or other imperfections which might of passing said laser beam through a coaxial gas jet prior to
otherwise hamperstent integrity and performance. While the impinging said laser beam upon said working outer tube
invention has been illustrated and described herein in terms surface, thereby cooling the region where said laser beam
of its use as an intravascular stent, it will be apparent to those 50 impinges against said generally tubular member.
skilled in the art that the stent can be used in other instances 10. A method as set forth in claim 9, wherein said gas jet
such as to expand prostatic urethras in cases of prostate is an oxygen gas jet.
hyperplasia. Other modifications and improvements may be 11. The method of claim 1. and further comprising the
made without departing from the scope of the invention. step of ultrasonically cleaning said generally tubular mem
It will be apparent from the foregoing that, while particu 55 ber after said desired stent pattern has been cut through said
lar forms of the invention have been illustrated and tubular Wall.
described, various modifications can be made without 12. The method of claim 11, and further comprising the
departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. step of electropolishing said generally tubular member after
Accordingly, it is not intended that the invention be limited, said desired stent pattern has been cut through said tubular
except as by the appended claims. wall.
I claim: 13. The method of claim 11, wherein said ultrasonically
1. A method of producing a stent, comprising the steps of: cleaning step includes ultrasonically removing slag from
providing a generally tubular member having a working said generally tubular member while said generally tubular
outer tube surface, an inner tube surface defining an member soaks in an alcohol and water Solution, and then
inside diameter of said generally tubular member, and 65 further ultrasonically removing slag from said generally
a tubular wall between said working outer tube surface tubular member while said generally tubular member soaks
and said inner tube surface; in an said solution.
11 12
14. The method of claim 13, and further comprising the linearly and rotationally relative to said laser beam,
step of electrochemically polishing said generally tubular thereby causing said laser beam to cut a desired stent
member in an acidic aqueous solution after said ultrasoni pattern through said tubular wall, then pass through
cally cleaning step. said air gap and then contact said protective mandrel
15. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein cutting said such that said laser beam is prevented from contacting
desired stent pattern includes a plurality of struts each said portion of said inner tube surface upon which said
having a substantially rectangular cross-section. protective mandrel is rolling.
16. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein the step of 19. A method a set forth in claim 18, wherein the step of
providing said mandrel includes sizing said diameter of said providing a mandrel includes sizing said diameter of said
mandrel to be about one-half said inside diameter of said 10
mandrel to about one-half said inside diameter of said
tubular member. tubular member.
17. A method of making an expandable stent, comprising 20. A method of making a stent, comprising the steps of:
the steps of: providing a generally tubular member having a working
providing a generally tubular member having a working outer tube surface, an inner tube surface defining an
outer tube surface, an inner tube surface defining an 15
inside diameter of the generally tubular member, and a
inside diameter of said generally tubular member, and tubular wall between said working outer tube surface
and said inner tube surface:
a tubular wall between said working outer tube surface providing a protective mandrel within said generally
and said inner tube surface;
providing a protective mandrel within said generally tubular member, said mandrel having an outer surface
tubular member, said mandrel having an outer surface 20 defining an outer diameter that is Smaller than said
inside diameter of said tubular member;
defining an outer diameter that is smaller than said supporting said generally tubular member on a fixture,
inside diameter of said tubular member; with said protective mandrel positioned within the
supporting said generally tubular member, with said pro generally tubular member, and positioning said fixture
tective mandrel therewithin, in operative association at a laser beam output stage of a laser having an optical
with a laser beam; 25
moving said generally tubular member linearly and rota delivering a laser beam through said optical system, and
tionally relative to said laser beam, thereby causing Q-switching said laser beam, thereby transforming said
said protective mandrel to cover a portion of said inner laser beam into laser pulses;
tube surface with a space formed between another 30 moving said generally tubular member linearly and rota
portion of said inner tube surface and said outer surface tionally relative to said laser pulses, thereby causing
of said protective mandrel; said protective mandrel to roll on a portion of the inner
impinging said laser beam upon said working outer tube tube surface such that a space is formed between said
surface while said generally tubular member is moving inner tube surface and said outer surface of said man
linearly and rotationally relative to said laser beam. 35 drel; and
thereby causing said laser beam to cut a desired stent impinging said laser pulses upon said working outer tube
pattern through said tubular wall, then pass through surface while said generally tubular member is moving
said space and then contact said protective mandrel linearly and rotationally relative to said laser pulses.
such that said laser beam is prevented from contacting thereby causing said laser pulses to cut a desired stent
said portion of said inner tube surface upon which said pattern through said tubular wall. then pass through
protective mandrel is covering then; said space and then contact said protective mandrel
ultrasonically removing slag from said generally tubular such that said laser pulses are prevented from contact
member; and ing said portion of said inner tube surface upon which
electrochemically polishing said generally tubular mem said protective mandrel is rolling;
18. A method of producing a stent, comprising the steps 45 wherein said Q-switching step minimizes heat biuldup in
of: said generally tubular member during said impinging
providing a generally tubular member having a working 21. The method of claim 20, wherein the step of
outer tube surface, an inner tube surface defining an Q-switching said laser beam includes the step of frequency
inside diameter of the generally tubular member, and a 50 doubling said laser beam, thereby approximately quadru
tubular wall between said working outer tube surface pling the power density of said laser beam.
and said inner tube surface; 22. The method of claim 20, wherein said mandrel is
providing a protective mandrel within said generally formed from stainless steel.
tubular member, said mandrel having an outer surface 23. The method of claim 20. and further comprising the
defining an outer diameter that is smaller than said 55 step of passing said laser pulses through a coaxial gas jet
inside diameter of said tubular member; prior to impinging said laser pulses upon said working outer
supporting said generally tubular member, with said pro tube surface. thereby cooling the region where said laser
tective mandrel therewithin, in operative association pulses impinge against said generally tubular member.
with a laser beam; 24. The method of claim 23, wherein said gas is pressur
moving said generally tubular member linearly and rota ized oxygen.
tionally relative Lo said laser beam, thereby causing 25. The method of claim 20, wherein said generally
said protective mandrel to roll on a portion of said inner tubular member has a first end and a second end, said step
tube surface such that an air gap is formed between said of moving said generally tubular member includes support
inner tube surface and said outer surface of said man ing and driving said first and second ends with a synchro
drel; and 65 nized precision drive mechanism.
impinging said laser beam upon said working outer tube 26. The method of claim 20, wherein said delivering step
surface while said generally tubular member is moving includes passing said laser beam through a beam expander,
13 14
thereby increasing the diameter of said laser beam such that polarizer, thereby eliminating polarization effects during
thermal damage to said laser during operation thereof is cutting by said laser pulses. -
minimized. 28. The method of claim 27, wherein said circular polar
izer is a quarter wave plate.
27. The method of claim 20, wherein said step of deliv
ering includes passing said laser beam through a curricular ck at k -k sk
PATENT NO. : 5,780, 807
DATED : Jul 14, 1998
INVENTOR(S) : Richard J. Saunders
it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below:
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