Stereoloithography Patent-3D Systems

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,575,330

Hull (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 11, 1986

(54) APPARATUS FOR PRODUCTION OF 4,252,514 2/1981 Gates ................................... 425/162
THREE-DMENSONAL OBJECTS BY 4,288,861 9/1981 Swainson et al. ... ... 36.5/127
STEREO THOGRAPHY 4,292,015 9/1981 Hritz ................... 425/162 X
4,329,135 5/1982 Beck .................................... 425/174
(75) Inventor: Charles W. Hull, Arcadia, Calif. 4,333,165 6/1982 Swainson et al. 365/127 X
(73) Assignee: UVP, Inc., San Gabriel, Calif. 4,374,077 2/1983 Kerfeld ................................. 264/22
4,466,080 8/1984 Swainson et al. .. 365/127 X
21) Appl. No.: 638,905 4,471,470 9/1984 Swainson et al. ................... 365/127
22 Filed: Aug. 8, 1984 Primary Examiner-J. Howard Flint, Jr.
(51) Int. Cl." ...................... B29D 11/00; G03C 00/00 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fulwider, Patton, Rieber,
Lee & Utecht
52) U.S. C. ................................. 425/1744; 425/174;
425/162; 264/22; 430/269; 156/58; 365/119; (57) ABSTRACT
(58) Field of Search ..................... 425/162, 174, 1744, A system for generating three-dimensional objects by
425/425; 264/22, 183, 40.1; 430/269; 156/38, creating a cross-sectional pattern of the object to be
58,275.5; 365/107, 119, 127 formed at a selected surface of a fluid medium capable
(56) References Cited
of altering its physical state in response to appropriate
synergistic stimulation by impinging radiation, particle
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS bombardment or chemical reaction, successive adjacent
2,708,617 5/1955 Magat et al. .................... 264/183X laminae, representing corresponding successive adja
2,908,545 10/1959 Teja .................................. 264/22 X cent cross-sections of the object, being automatically
3,306,835 2/1967, Magnus. ... 425/174.4 X formed and integrated together to provide a step-wise
3,635,625 l/1972 Voss ................................ 425/62 X laminar buildup of the desired object, whereby a three
3,775,036 11/1973 Winning ........................... 425/174.4 dimensional object is formed and drawn from a substan
3,974,248 8/1976 Atkinson .... , 425/162 X tially planar surface of the fluid medium during the
4,041,476 8/1977 Swainson ............................ 365/119 forming process.
4,078,229 3/1978 Swainson et al. ................... 365/107
4,081,276 3/1978 Crivello ......... . 430/269
4,238,840 12/1980 Swainson ............................ 36.5/119 47 Claims, 8 Drawing Figures


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U.S. Patent Mar. 11, 1986 Sheet 4 of 4 4.575,330
for large scale production on an economical and auto
THREE-DMENSIONAL OBJECTS BY Accordingly, those concerned with the development
STEREOLTHOGRAPHY and production of three-dimensional plastic objects and
the like have long recognized the desirability for further
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION improvement in more rapid, reliable, economical and
This invention relates generally to improvements in automatic means which would facilitate quickly mov
apparatus for forming three-dimensional objects from a ing from a design stage to the prototype stage and to
fluid medium and, more particularly, to stereolithogra 10 production, while avoiding the complicated focusing,
phy involving the application of lithographic tech alignment and exposure problems of the prior art three
niques to production of three-dimensional objects, dimensional production systems. The present invention
whereby such objects can be formed rapidly, reliably, clearly fulfills all of these needs.
accurately and economically. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
It is common practice in the production of plastic Briefly, and in general terms, the present invention
parts and the like to first design such a part and then 15 provides a new and improved system for generating a
painstakingly produce a prototype of the part, all in
volving considerable time, effort and expense. The de three-dimensional object by forming successive, adja
sign is then reviewed and, oftentimes, the laborious cent, cross-sectional laminae of that object at the sur
process is again and again repeated until the design has face of a fluid medium capable of altering its physical
been optimized. After design optimization, the next step 20 state in response to appropriate synergistic stimulation,
is production. Most production plastic parts are injec the successive laminae being automatically integrated as
tion molded. Since the design time and tooling costs are they are formed to define the desired three-dimensional
very high, plastic parts are usually only practical in high object.
volume production. While other processes are available In a presently preferred embodiment, by way of ex
for the production of plastic parts, including direct 25 ample and not necessarily by way of limitation, the
machine work, vacuum-forming and direct forming, present invention harnesses the principles of computer
such methods are typically only cost effective for short generated graphics in combination with stereolithogra
run production, and the parts produced are usually phy, i.e., the application of lithographic techniques to
inferior in quality to molded parts. the production of three dimensional objects, to simulta
In recent years, very sophisticated techniques have 30 neously execute computer aided design (CAD) and
been developed for generating three-dimensional ob computer aided manufacturing (CAM) in producing
jects within a fluid medium which is selectively cured three-dimensional objects directly from computer in
by beams of radiation brought to selective focus at pre structions. The invention can be applied for the pur
poses of sculpturing models and prototypes in a design
scribed intersection points within the three-dimensional 35 phase of product development, or as a manufacturing
volume of the fluid medium. Typical of such three-di system, or even as a pure art form.
mensional systems are those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. "Stereolithography” is a method and apparatus for
4,041,476, 4,078,229, 4,238,840 and 4,288,861. All of making solid objects by successively "printing' thin
these systems rely upon the buildup of synergistic ener layers of a curable material, e.g., a UV curable material,
gization at selected points deep within the fluid volume, 40 one on top of the other. A programmed movable spot
to the exclusion of all other points in the fluid volume, beam of UV light shining on a surface or layer of UV
using a variety of elaborate multibeam techniques. In curable liquid is used to form a solid cross-section of the
this regard, the various approaches described in the object at the surface of the liquid. The object is then
prior art include the use of a pair of electromagnetic moved, in a programmed manner, away from the liquid
radiation beams directed to intersect at specified coordi 45 surface by the thickness of one layer, and the next cross
nates, wherein the various beams may be of the same or section is then formed and adhered to the immediately
differing wavelengths, or where beams are used sequen preceding layer defining the object. This process is
tially to intersect the same points rather than simulta continued until the entire object is formed.
neously, but in all cases only the beam intersection Essentially all types of object forms can be created
points are stimulated to sufficient energy levels to ac 50 with the technique of the present invention. Complex
complish the necessary curing process for forming a forms are more easily created by using the functions of
three-dimensional object within the volume of the fluid a computer to help generate the programmed com
medium. Unfortunately, however, such three-dimen mands and to then send the program signals to the
sional forming systems face a number of problems with stereolithographic object forming subsystem.
regard to resolution and exposure control. The loss of 55 Of course, it will be appreciated that other forms of
radiation intensity and image forming resolution of the appropriate synergistic stimulation for a curable fluid
focused spots as the intersections move deeper into the medium, such as particle bombardment (electron beams
fluid medium create rather obvious complex control and the like), chemical reactions by spraying materials
situations. Absorption, diffusion, dispersion and defrac through a mask or by inkjets, or impinging radiation
tion all contribute to the difficulties of working deep other than ultraviolet light, may be used in the practice
within the fluid medium on any economical and reliable of the invention without departing from the spirit and
basis. scope of the invention.
Yet there continues to be a long existing need in the By way of example, in the practice of the present
design and production arts for the capability of rapidly invention, a body of a fluid medium capable of solidifi
and reliably moving from the design stage to the proto 65 cation in response to prescribed stimulation is first ap
type stage and to ultimate production, particularly mov propriately contained in any suitable vessel to define a
ing directly from computer designs for such plastic designated working surface of the fluid medium at
parts to virtually immediate prototypes and the facility which successive cross-sectional laminae can be gener
ated. Thereafter, an appropriate form of synergistic and CAM system capable of rapidly, reliably, accu
stimulation, such as a spot of UV light or the like, is rately and economically designing and fabricating
applied as a graphic pattern at the specified working three-dimensional plastic parts and the like.
surface of the fluid medium to form thin, solid, individ The above and other objects and advantages of this
ual layers at that surface, each layer representing an invention will be apparent from the following more
adjacent cross-section of the three-dimensional object detailed description when taken in conjunction with the
to be produced. Superposition of successive adjacent accompanying drawings of illustrative embodiments.
layers on each other is automatically accomplished, as
they are formed, to integrate the layers and define the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
desired three-dimensional object. In this regard, as the 10 FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 are flow charts illustrating the
fluid medium cures and solid material forms as a thin basic concepts employed in practicing the method of
lamina at the working surface, a suitable platform to stereolithography of the present invention;
which the first lamina is secured is moved away from FIG. 3 is a combined block diagram, schematic and
the working surface in a programmed manner by any elevational sectional view of a presently preferred em
appropriate actuator, typically all under the control of a 15 bodiment of a system for practicing the invention;
micro-computer of the like. In this way, the solid mate FIG. 4 is an elevational sectional view of a second
rial that was initially formed at the working surface is embodiment of a stereolithography system for the prac
moved away from that surface and new liquid flows tice of the invention;
into the working surface position. A portion of this new FIG. 5 is an elevational sectional view, illustrating a
liquid is, in turn, converted to solid material by the 20 third embodiment of the present invention;
programmed UV light spot to define a new lamina, and FIG. 6 is an elevational sectional view illustrating still
this new lamina adhesively connects to the material another embodiment of the present invention; and
adjacent to it, i.e., the immediately preceding lamina. FIGS. 7 and 8 are partial, elevational sectional views,
This process continues until the entire three-dimen illustrating a modification of the stereolithographic
sional object has been formed. The formed object is 25 system of FIG. 3 to incorporate an elevator platform
then removed from the container and the apparatus is with multiple degrees of freedom.
ready to produce another object, either identical to the DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
first object or an entirely new object generated by a
computer or the like. EMBODIMENT
The stereolithographic apparatus of the present in 30 Referring now to the drawings, FIGS. 1 and 2 are
vention has many advantages over currently used appa flow charts illustrating the basic system of the present
ratus for producing plastic objects. The apparatus of the invention for generating three-dimensional objects by
present invention avoids the need of producing design means of stereolithography.
layouts and drawings, and of producing tooling draw Many liquid state chemicals are known which can be
ings and tooling. The designer can work directly with 35 induced to change to solid state polymer plastic by
the computer and a stereolithographic device, and irradiation with ultraviolet light (UV) or other forms of
when he is satisfied with the design as displayed on the synergistic stimulation such as electron beams, visible
output screen of the computer, he can fabricate a part or invisible light, reactive chemicals applied by inkjet
for direct examination. If the design has to be modified, or via a suitable mask. UV curable chemicals are cur
it can be easily done through the computer, and then rently used as ink for high speed printing, in processes
another part can be made to verify that the change was of coating of paper and other materials, as adhesives,
correct. If the design calls for several parts with inter and in other specialty areas.
acting design parameters, the method of the invention Lithography is the art of reproducing graphic ob
becomes even more useful because all of the part de jects, using various techniques. Modern examples in
signs can be quickly changed and made again so that the 45 clude photographic reproduction, xerography, and mi
total assembly can be made and examined, repeatedly if crolithography, as is used in the production of micro
necessary. electronics. Computer generated graphics displayed on
After the design is complete, part production can a plotter or a cathode ray tube are also forms of lithog
begin immediately, so that the weeks and months be raphy, where the image is a picture of a computer coded
tween design and production are avoided. Ultimate 50 object.
production rates and parts costs should be similar to Computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided
current injection molding costs for short run produc manufacturing (CAM) are techniques that apply the
tion, with even lower labor costs than those associated abilities of computers to the processes of designing and
with injection molding. Injection molding is economi manufacturing. A typical example of CAD is in the area
cal only when large numbers of identical parts are re 55 of electronic printed circuit design, where a computer
quired. Stereolithography is useful for short run pro and plotter draw the design of a printed circuit board,
duction because the need for tooling is eliminated and given the design parameters as computer data input. A
production set-up time is minimal. Likewise, design typical example of CAM is a numerically controlled
changes and custom parts are easily provided using the milling machine, where a computer and a milling ma
technique. Because of the ease of making parts, stereoli chine produce metal parts, given the proper program
thography can allow plastic parts to be used in many ming instructions. Both CAD and CAM are important
places where metal or other material parts are now and are rapidly growing technologies.
used. Moreover, it allows plastic models of objects to be A prime object of the present invention is to harness
quickly and economically provided, prior to the deci the principles of computer generated graphics, com
sion to make more expensive metal or other material 65 bined with UV curable plastic and the like, to simulta
parts. neously execute CAD and CAM, and to produce three
Hence, the stereolithographic apparatus of the pres dimensional objects directly from computer instruc
ent invention satisfies a long existing need for a CAD tions. This invention, referred to as stereolithography,
can be used to sculpture models and prototypes in a formed by changing the program controlling the
design phase of product development, or as a manufac stereolithographic system.
turing device, or even as an art form. FIGS. 3-8 of the drawings illustrate various appara
Referring now to FIG. 1, the stereolithographic tus suitable for implementing the stereolithographic
method is broadly outlined. Step 10 in FIG. 1 calls for methods illustrated and described by the flow charts of
the generation of individual solid laminae representing FIGS. 1 and 2.
cross-sections of a three-dimensional object to be As previously indicated, "Stereolithography' is a
formed. Step 11, which inherently occurs if Step 10 is method and apparatus for making solid objects by suc
performed properly, combines the successively formed cessively "printing' thin layers of a curable material,
adjacent laminae to form the desired three-dimensional 10 e.g., a UV curable material, one on top of the other. A
object which has been programmed into the system for programmed movable spot beam of UV light shining on
selective curing. Hence, the stereolithographic system a surface or layer of UV curable liquid is used to form
of the present invention generates three-dimensional a solid cross-section of the object at the surface of the
objects by creating a cross-sectional pattern of the ob liquid. The object is then moved, in a programmed
ject to be formed at a selected surface of a fluid medium, 15 manner, away from the liquid surface by the thickness
e.g., a UV curable liquid or the like, capable of altering of one layer and the next cross-section is then formed
its physical state in response to appropriate synergistic and adhered to the immediately preceding layer defin
stimulation such as impinging radiation, electron beam ing the object. This process is continued until the entire
or other particle bombardment, or applied chemicals (as object is formed.
by inkjet or spraying over a mask adjacent the fluid 20 Essentially all types of object forms can be created
surface), successive adjacent laminae, representing cor with the technique of the present invention. Complex
responding successive adjacent cross-sections of the forms are more easily created by using the functions of
object, being automatically formed and integrated to a computer to help generate the programmed com
gether to provide a step-wise laminar or thin layer mands and to then send the program signals to the
buildup of the object, whereby a three-dimensional 25 stereolithographic object forming subsystem.
object is formed and drawn from a substantially planar A presently preferred embodiment of the stereolitho
or sheet-like surface of the fluid medium during the graphic system is shown in elevational cross-section in
forming process. FIG. 3. A container 21 is filled with a UV curable liquid
The aforedescribed technique is more specifically 22 or the like, to provide a designated working surface
outlined in the flowchart of FIG. 2, wherein Step 12 30 23. A programmable source of ultraviolet light 26 or the
calls for containing a fluid medium capable of solidifica like produces a spot of ultraviolet light 27 in the plane of
tion in response to prescribed reactive stimulation. Step surface 23. The spot 27 is movable across the surface 23
13 calls for application of that stimulation as a graphic by the motion of mirrors or other optical or mechanical
pattern at a designated fluid surface to form thin, solid, elements (not shown) that are a part of light source 26.
individual layers at that surface, each layer representing 35 The position of the spot 27 on surface 23 is controlled
an adjacent cross-section of a three-dimensional object by a computer or other programming device 28. A
to be produced. It is desirable to make each such layer movable elevator platform 29 inside container 21 can be
as thin as possible during the practice of the invention in moved up and down selectively, the position of the
order to maximize resolution and the accurate repro platform being controlled by the computer 28. As the
duction of the three-dimensional object being formed. device operates, it produces a three-dimensional object
Hence, the ideal theoretical state would be an object 30 by step-wise buildup of integrated laminae such as
produced only at the designated working surface of the 30a, 30b, 30c.
fluid medium to provide an infinite number of laminae, The surface of the UV curable liquid 22 is maintained
each lamina having a cured depth of approximately at a constant level in the container 21, and the spot of
only slightly more than zero thickness. Of course, in the 45 UV light 27, or other suitable form of reactive stimula
practical application of the invention, each lamina will tion, of sufficient intensity to cure the liquid and con
be a thin lamina, but thick enough to be adequately vert it to a solid material is moved across the working
cohesive in forming the cross-section and adhering to surface 23 in a programmed manner. As the liquid 22
the adjacent laminae defining other cross-sections of the cures and solid material forms, the elevator platform 29
object being formed. 50 that was initially just below surface 23 is moved down
Step 14 in FIG. 2 calls for superimposing successive from the surface in a programmed manner by any suit
adjacent layers or laminae on each other as they are able actuator. In this way, the solid material that was
formed, to integrate the various layers and define the initially formed is taken below surface 23 and new liq
desired three-dimensional object. In the normal practice uid 22 flows across the surface 23. A portion of this new
of the invention, as the fluid medium cures and solid 55 liquid is, in turn, converted to solid material by the
material forms to define one lamina, that lamina is programmed UV light spot 27, and the new material
moved away from the working surface of the fluid adhesively connects to the material below it. This pro
medium and the next lamina is formed in the new liquid cess is continued until the entire three-dimensional ob
which replaces the previously formed lamina, so that ject 30 is formed. The object 30 is then removed from
each successive lamina is superimposed and integral 60 the container 21, and the apparatus is ready to produce
with (by virtue of the natural adhesive properties of the another object. Another object can then be produced,
cured fluid medium) all of the other cross-sectional or some new object can be made by changing the pro
laminae. Hence, the process of producing such cross gram in the computer 28.
sectional laminae is repeated over and over again until The curable liquid 22, e.g., UV curable liquid, must
the entire three-dimensional object has been formed. 65 have several important properties. (A) It must cure fast
The object is then removed and the system is ready to enough with the available UV light source to allow
produce another object which may be identical to the practical object formation times. (B). It must be adhe
previous object or may be an entirely new object sive, so that successive layers will adhere to each other.
(C) Its viscosity must below enough so that fresh liquid used to move the light source 26. The lens tube is at
material will quickly flow across the surface when the tached to the pen carriage of the plotter, and the plotter
elevator moves the object. (D) It should absorb UV so is driven by a computer 28 using normal graphic com
that the film formed will be reasonably thin. (E) It must mands. The shutter is controlled by an H-P 3497AData
be reasonably soluble in some solvent in the liquid state, Acquisition/Control Unit, using computer commands.
and reasonably insoluble in that same solvent in the Other physical forms of the light source 26 or its
solid state, so that the object can be washed free of the equivalent are feasible. Scanning could be done with
UV cure liquid and partially cured liquid after the ob optical scanners, and this would eliminate the fiber
ject has been formed. (F) It should be as non-toxic and optic bundle and the digital plotter. A UV laser might
non-irritating as possible. O ultimately be a better light source than a short arc lamp.
The cured material must also have desirable proper The speed of the stereolithographic process is mainly
ties once it is in the solid state. These properties depend limited by the intensity of the light source and the re
on the application involved, as in the conventional use sponse of the UV curable liquid.
of other plastic materials. Such parameters as color, The elevator platform 29 is used to support and hold
texture, strength, electrical properties, flammability, 15 the object 30 being formed, and to move it up and down
and flexibility are among the properties to be consid as required. Typically, after a layer is formed, the object
ered. In addition, the cost of the material will be impor 30 is moved beyond the level of the next layer to allow
tant in many cases. the liquid 22 to flow into the momentary void at surface
The UV curable material used in the presently pre 23 left where the solid was formed, and then it is moved
ferred embodiment of a working stereolithograph (e.g., 20 back to the correct level for the next layer. The require
FIG. 3) is Potting Compound 363, a modified acrylate, ments for the elevator platform 29 are that it can be
made by Locktite Corporation of Newington, CT. A moved in a programmed fashion at appropriate speeds,
process to make a typical UV curable material is de with adequate precision, and that it is powerful enough
scribed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,100, i41, entitled Stabilized to handle the weight of the object 30 being formed. In
Adhesive and Curing Compositions. 25 addition, a manual fine adjustment of the elevator plat
The light source 26 produces the spot 27 of UV light form position is useful during the set-up phase and when
small enough to allow the desired object detail to be the object is being removed.
formed, and intense enough to cure the UV curable The elevator platform 29 for the embodiment of FIG.
liquid being used quickly enough to be practical. The 3 is a platform attached to an analog plotter (not
source 26 is arranged so it can be programmed to be 30 shown). This plotter is driven the H-P 3497A Data
turned off and on, and to move, such that the focused Acquisition/Control Unit with its internal digital to
spot 27 moves across the surface 23 of the liquid 22. analog converter, under program control of the com
Thus, as the spot 27 moves, it cures the liquid 22 into a puter 28.
solid, and "draws' a solid pattern on the surface in The computer 28 in the stereolithographic system of
much the same way a chart recorder or plotter uses a 35 the present invention has two basic functions. The first
pen to draw a pattern on paper. is to help the operator design the three-dimensional
The light source 26 for the presently preferred em object in a way that it can be made. The second is to
bodiment of a stereolithograph is made using a 350 watt translate the design into commands that are appropriate
mercury short arc lamp in a housing, with the light for the other stereolithographic components, and to
output of the housing focused on the end of a 1 mm deliver these commands in a way so that the object is
diameter UV transmitting fiber optic bundle (not formed. In some applications, the object design will
shown). The end of the bundle next to the lamp is water exist, and the only function of the computer will be to
cooled, and there is an electronically controlled shutter deliver the appropriate commands.
blade between the lamp and the end of the bundle, In an ideal situation, the operator will be able to de
which can turn the light through the bundle on and off. 45 sign the object and view it three-dimensionally on the
The bundle is 1 meter long, and the optical output is CRT screen of the computer 28. When he is finished
fitted into a lens tube that has a quartz to focus the UV with the design, he will instruct the computer 28 to
to a spot. The light source 26 is capable of producing a make the object, and the computer will issue the appro
spot somewhat less than 1 mm in diameter, with a long priate instructions to the stereolithographic compo
wave UV intensity of about 1 watt/cm2. 50 nents.
In the system of FIG. 3, means may be provided to In a present working embodiment of the invention,
keep the surface 23 at a constant level and to replenish the computer 28 is an H-P 9816, using a Basic Operating
this material after an object has been removed, so that System. A typical program is shown in Appendix A. In
the focus spot 27 will remain sharply in focus on a fixed this system, the operator programs using H-P Graphic
focus plane, thus insuring maximum resolution in form 55 Language, the command structure for the 3497A, plus
ing a thin layer along the working surface. In this re the Basic Language commands. The operator also must
gard, it is desired to shape the focal point to provide a set the appropriate exposure times and rates for the UV
region of high intensity right at the working surface 23, curable material. To operate the system an image of the
rapidly diverging to low intensity and thereby limiting object is created and a program is written to drive the
the depth of the curing process to provide the thinnest 60 stereolithograph to make that object.
appropriate cross-sectional laminae for the object being The elevator platform 29 can be mechanical, pneu
formed. This is best accomplished by using a short focal matic, hydraulic, or electrical and may also use optical
length lens and bringing the source 26 as close as possi or electronic feedback to precisely control its position.
ble to the working surface, so that maximum divergence The elevator platform 29 is typically fabricated of either
occurs in the cone of focus entering the fluid medium. 65 glass or aluminum, but any material to which the cured
The result is substantially enhanced resolution. plastic material will adhere is suitable.
An H-P Model 9872 Digital Plotter (not shown) man In some cases, the computer 28 becomes unnecessary
ufactured by Hewlett-Packard, of Palo Alto, Calif., is and simpler dedicated programming devices can be
used, particularly where only simply shaped objects are will be more sharply defined and some surfaces will be
to be formed. Alternatively, the computer control sys formed smoother with the system of FIG. 4 than with
tem 28 can be simply executing instructions that were that of FIG. 3. In addition, a smaller volume of UV
generated by another, more complex, computer. This curable liquid 22 is required, and the substitution of one
might be the case where several stereolithography units curable material for another is easier.
are used to produce objects, and another device is used The system of FIG. 5 is similar to that of FIG. 3, but
to initially design the objects to be formed. the movable UV light source 26 is eliminated and a
A computer controlled pump (not shown) may be collimated, broad UV light source 35 and suitable aper
used to maintain a constant level of the liquid 22 at the tured mask 36 is substituted for the programmed source
working surface 23. Appropriate level detection system 10 26 and focused spot 27. The apertured mask36 is placed
and feedback networks, well known in the art, can be as close as possible to the working surface 23, and colli
used to drive a fluid pump or a liquid displacement mated light from the UV source 35 passes through the
device, such as a solid rod (not shown) which is moved mask 36 to expose the working surface 23, thereby cre
out of the fluid medium as the elevator platform is ating successive adjacent laminae, as in the embodi
moved further into the fluid medium, to offset changes 15 ments of FIGS. 3 and 4. However, the use of a fixed
in fluid volume and maintain constant fluid level at the mask 36 provides three-dimensional objects with a con
surface 23. Alternatively, the source 26 can be moved stant cross-sectional shape. Whenever that cross-sec
relative to the sensed level 23 and automatically main tional shape is to be changed, a new mask 36 for that
tain sharp focus at the working surface 23. All of these particular cross-sectional shape must be substituted and
alternatives can be readily achieved by conventional 20 properly aligned. Of course, the masks can be automati
software operating in conjunction with the computer cally changed by providing a web of masks (not shown)
control system 28. which are successively moved into alignment with with
After the three-dimensional object 30 has been the surface 23.
formed, the elevator platform 29 is raised and the object FIG. 6 of the drawings again provides a stereolitho
is removed from the platform. Typically, the object is 25 graphic system configuration similar to that previously
then ultrasonically rinsed in a solvent, such as acetone, described in connection with FIG. 3. However, a cath
that dissolves the liquid state of the uncured fluid me ode ray tube (CRT) 38, fiber optic faceplate 39 and
dium and not the cured solid state medium. The object water (or other) release layer 40 are provided as a sub
30 is then placed under an intense ultraviolet floodlight, stitute for the light source 26 and focus spot 27. Hence,
typically a 200 watt per inch UV cure lamp, to complete 30 the graphic image provided by a computer 28 to the
the curing process. CRT 38 produces the forming image upon the UV
In addition, there may be several containers 21 used emitting phosphor face of the tube where it passes
in the practice of the invention, each container having a through the fiber optic layer 39 and release layer 40 to
different type of curable material that can be automati the working surface 23 of the fluid medium 22. In all
cally selected by the stereolithographic system. In this 35 other respects, the system of FIG. 6 forms successive
regard, the various materials might provide plastics of cross-sectional laminae defining the desired three-di
different colors, or have both insulating and conducting mensional object to be formed, in exactly the same way
material available for the various layers of electronic as the embodiments of the invention previously dis
products. cussed.
Referring now more particularly to the remaining FIGS. 7 and 8 illustrate an embodiment of a stereoli
drawings, in connection with various alternative em thographic system wherein the elevator platform 29 has
bodiments of the invention, like reference numerals additional degrees of freedom, so that different faces of
throughout the various figures of the drawings denote the object 30 may be exposed for alternate methods of
like or corresponding parts as those previously dis construction. Similarly, the stereolithography process
cussed in connection with the preferred embodiment of may be utilized as an "add on' process where the eleva
the invention shown in FIG. 3. tor platform 29 will be used to pick up and locate an
As will be apparent from FIG. 4 of the drawings, other part for supplementary stereolithographic pro
there is shown an alternate configuration for a stereoli cessing. In this regard, the systems shown in FIGS. 7
thograph wherein the UV curable liquid 22 or the like and 8 are identical to that of FIG. 3 with the exception
floats on a heavier UV transparent liquid 32 which is 50 of the elevator platform 29 which, in the systems of
non-miscible and non-wetting with the curable liquid FIGS. 7 and 8 have a second degree of freedom via
22. By way of example, ethylene glycol or heavy water manual or automatically controlled rotation about a
are suitable for the intermediate liquid layer 32. In the pivot pin or hinge member 42. In this regard, FIG. 7
system of FIG. 4, the three-dimensional object 30 is illustrates an adjustable elevator platform 29a in the
pulled up from the liquid 22, rather than down and 55 conventional position, while FIG. 8 shows the platform
further into the liquid medium, as shown in the system 29a rotated 90 so that a supplementary, stereolitho
of FIG. 3. graphically formed structure 41 can be selectively
The UV light source 26 in FIG. 4 focuses the spot 27 formed as an addition to one side of the three-dimen
at the interface between the liquid 22 and the non-misci sional object 30.
ble intermediate liquid layer 32, the UV radiation pass 60 A commercial stereolithography system will have
ing through a suitable UV transparent window 33, of additional components and subsystems besides those
quartz or the like, supported at the bottom of the con previously shown in connection with the schematically
tainer 21. The curable liquid 22 is provided in a very depicted systems of FIGS. 3-8. For example, the com
thin layer over the non-miscible layer 32 and thereby mercial system would also have a frame and housing,
has the advantage of limiting layer thickness directly, 65 and a control panel. It should have means to shield the
rather than relying solely upon adsorption and the like operator from excess UV and visible light, and it may
to limit the depth of curing, since ideally an ultrathin also have means to allow viewing of the object 30 while
lamina is to be provided. Hence, the region of formation it is being formed. Commercial units will provide safety
means for controlling ozone and noxious fumes, as well Accordingly, it is not intended that the invention be
as conventional high voltage safety protection and in limited, except as by the appended claims.
terlocks. Such commercial units will also have means to I claim:
effectively shield the sensitive electronics from elec 1. A system for producing a three-dimensional object
tronic noise sources. 5 from a fluid medium capable of solidification when
As previously mentioned, a number of other possible subjected to prescribed synergistic stimulation, said
apparatus may be utilized to practice the stereolitho system comprising:
graphic method. For example, an electron source, a means for drawing upon and forming successive
visible light source, or an x-ray source or other radia cross-sectional laminae of said object at a two-di
tion source could be substituted for the UV light source 10 mensional interface; and
26, along with appropriate fluid media which are cured means for moving said cross-sections as they are
in response to these particular forms of reactive stimula formed and building up said object in step wise
tion. For example, alphaoctadecylacrylic acid that has fashion, whereby a three-dimensional object is
been slightly prepolymerized with UV light can be 15 extracted from a substantially two-dimensional
polymerized with an electron beam. Similarly, poly(2,3- surface.
dichloro-1-propyl acrylate) can be polymerized with an 2. An improved system for producing a three-dimen
X-ray beam. sional object from a fluid medium capable of solidifica
The stereolithographic method and apparatus has tion when subjected to prescribed synergistic stimula
many advantages over currently used methods for pro 20 tion, said system comprising:
ducing plastic objects. The method avoids the need of a body of fluid medium capable of transforming its
producing design layouts and drawings, and of produc physical state in response to synergistic stimulation;
ing tooling drawings and tooling. The designer can object support means immersed within said fluid me
work directly with the computer and a stereolitho dium for supporting a three-dimensional object to
graphic device, and when he is satisfied with the design 25 be formed;
as displayed on the output screen of the computer, he translational means for selectively moving said object
can fabricate a part for direct examination. If the design support means progressively away from a desig
has to be modified, it can be easily done through the nated surface of said fluid medium; and
computer, and then another part can be made to verify reaction means capable of altering the physical state
that the change was correct. If the design calls for sev 30 of said fluid medium and operating in a prescribed
eral parts with interacting design parameters, the pattern upon said designated surface of said fluid
method becomes even more useful because all of the medium to provide a thin solid lamina at said sur
part designs can be quickly changed and made again so face representing a corresponding cross-sectional
that the total assembly can be made and examined, re lamina of said three-dimensional object to be
peatedly if necessary. formed,
After the design is complete, part production can 35 whereby successive adjacent laminae are provided to
begin immediately, so that the weeks and months be form said three-dimensional object on said object
tween design and production are avoided. Ultimate support means as said translational means moves
production rates and parts costs should be similar to said support means away from said designated
current injection molding costs for short run produc 40 3. A
tion, with even lower labor costs than those associated 1ng: system as set forth in claim 2, and further includ
with injection molding. Injection molding is economi programmed control means for varying the graphic
cal only when large numbers of identical parts are re pattern of said reaction means operating upon said
quired. Stereolithography is useful for short run pro
duction because the need for tooling is eliminated and 45 4. designated
A system
surface of said fluid medium.
as set forth in claim 2, wherein said reac
production set-up time is minimal. Likewise, design tion means includes:
changes and custom parts are easily provided using the a beam of impinging radiation.
technique. Because of the ease of making parts, stereoli
thography can allow plastic parts to be used in many tion A 5. system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said reac
means includes:
places where metal or other material parts are now 50 an electron beam.
used. Moreover, it allows plastic models of objects to be
quickly and economically provided, prior to the deci tion6. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said reac
means includes:
sion to make more expensive metal or other material a beam of high energy particles.
It will be apparent from the foregoing that, while a 55 tion7. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said reac
means includes:
variety of stereolithographic systems have been dis a beam of light.
closed for the practice of the present invention, they all 8. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said reac
have in common the concept of drawing upon a sub tion means includes:
stantially two-dimensional surface and extracting a X-rays.
three-dimensional object from that surface. 9. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said reac
The present invention satisfies a long existing need in tion means includes:
the art for a CAD and CAM system capable of rapidly, a beam of ultraviolet light.
reliably, accurately and economically designing and 10. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said
fabricating three-dimensional plastic parts and the like. reaction means includes:
It will be apparent from the foregoing that, while 65 a jet of a reactive chemical to induce solidification of
particular forms of the invention have been illustrated said fluid medium.
and described, various modifications can be made with 11. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said
out departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. reaction means includes:
a patterned mask overlying said designated surface designed cross-sections of said object, at a two-di
for selectively applying a chemical to induce solidi mensional interface; and
fication of said fluid medium. means for moving said cross-sections as they are
12. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said formed and building up said object in a stepwise
reaction means includes: 5 fashion, whereby the three-dimensional object de
a patterned mask overlying said designated surface signed by said computer is automatically extracted
for selectively exposing said surface to synergistic from a substantially two-dimensional surface.
stimulation. 28. An improved system for producing a three-di
13. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said mensional object from a fluid medium capable of alter
reaction means includes: 10 ing its physical state when subjected to prescribed radi
a patterned mask overlying said designated surface ation, said system comprising:
for selectively exposing said surface to radiation. a body of fluid medium capable of altering its physi
14. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said cal state; -
translational means moves said object as it is formed 15
means for forming said three-dimensional object from
away from said designated surface and further into said said fluid medium by irradiating a designated sur
fluid medium. face of said medium to provide integrated, succes
15. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said sive surface laminae at said surface, said laminae
translational means moves said object, as it is formed together defining said three-dimensional object.
away from said surface and out of said fluid medium. 20 29. An improved system for producing a three-di
16. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein exposure mensional object from a fluid medium, said system com
to said reaction means at said designated surface is prising:
through a second non-reactive medium. a body of fluid medium capable of altering its physi
17. A system as set forth in claim 2, and further in cal state in response to prescribed radiation;
cluding: a radiation source for impinging said prescribed radi
a container for said fluid medium, wherein exposure 25 ation in a selected pattern upon a designated sur
of said designated surface to said reaction means is face of said fluid medium to provide only at said
through the bottom of said container and a second surface a thin solid lamina representing a cross-sec
non-reactive medium adjacent said designated sur tional lamina of a three-dimensional object to be
face. 30 formed; and
18. A system as set forth in claim 17, wherein said means for combining successive adjacent laminae to
second non-reactive medium is heavy water. form said three-dimensional object from said fluid
19. A system as set forth in claim 17, wherein said medium.
second non-reactive medium is ethylene glycol. 30. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
20. A system as set forth in claim 2, and further in 35 radiation source includes:
cluding: a beam of impinging radiation.
rotational means, supplementing said translational 31. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
means for altering the orientation of said object radiation source includes:
relative to said designated surface at which laminae an electron beam.
are being formed. 32. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
21. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein the level radiation source includes:
of said fluid medium locating said designated surface is a beam of high energy particles.
variable. 33. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
22. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein the level radiation source includes:
of said fluid medium locating said designated surface is 45 a beam of light.
maintained constant. 34. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
23. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said radiation source includes:
translational means has multiple degrees of freedom of a beam of ultraviolet light.
movement. 35. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
24. A system as set forth in claim 4, wherein precise 50 radiation source includes:
focus of said beam of impinging radiation upon said X-rays.
designated surface is maintained. 36. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
25. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said radiation source and pattern includes:
prescribed pattern is formed upon said designated sur a patterned mask overlying said designated surface
face by radiation emanating from the face of a cathode 55 for selectively exposing said surface to synergistic
ray tube. stimulation.
26. A system as set forth in claim 2, wherein said 37. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein said
prescribed pattern is formed by light directly emanating radiation source and pattern includes:
from a phosphor image. a patterned mask overlying said designated surface
27. A system for directly producing a three-dimen selectively exposing said surface to radiation.
sional object as it is designed by a computer, compris 38. A system as set forth in claim 29, wherein expo
ling: sure to said prescribed radiation at said designated sur
deriving graphic image output from said computer, face is through a second non-reactive medium.
said graphic image defining successive adjacent 39. A system as set forth in claim 29, and further
cross-sections of the three-dimensional object de 65 including:
signed by said computer; a container for said fluid medium, wherein exposure
means for drawing upon and forming successive of said designated surface to said prescribed radia
cross-sections, corresponding to said computer tion is through the bottom of said container and a
second non-reactive medium adjacent said desig 44. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein precise
nated surface. focus of said prescribed radiation upon said designated
surface is maintained.
40. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein said 45. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein said
second non-reactive medium is heavy water. selected pattern is formed upon said designited surface
41. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein said by radiation emanating from the face of a cathode ray
second non-reactive medium is ethylene glycol. 46. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein said
42. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein the selected pattern is formed by light directly emanating
level of said fluid medium locating said designated sur
10 from a phosphor image.
47. A system as set forth in claim 39, and further
face is maintained constant. including:
43. A system as set forth in claim 39, wherein said programmed control means for varying the pattern of
said impinging radiation upon said designated sur
translational means has multiple degrees of freedom of 15 face of said fluid medium.
movement. k s k k









United States Patent (19) (11 B1 4,575,330
Hull (45) Certificate Issued Dec. 19, 1989
4,288,861 9/1981 Swainson et al. ................... 365/127
4,292,015 9/1981 ... 425/62 X
STEREO LTHOGRAPHY 4,329,135 5/1982 ... 425/174
4,333,165 6/1982 ... 365/127 X
(75) Inventor: Charles W. Hull, Arcadia, Calif. 4,374,077 2/1983 Kerfield ................................ 264/22
4,466,080 8/1984 ... 365/.27 X
(73 Assignee: UVP, Inc. 4,471,470 9/1984 Swainson et al. ................... 365/.27
No. 90/001,611, Sep. 28, 1988 1917294 4/1969 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
2553039 4/1985 France .
Reexamination Certificate for 144478 11/1981 Japan .
Patent No.: 4.575,330 58-2114-13 12/1983 Japan .
Issued: Mar. 11, 1986 566795 1/1945 United Kingdom .
Appl. No.: 638,905 1556451 11/1979 United Kingdom.
Filed: Aug. 8, 1984 2035602 6/1980 United Kingdom .
51) Int. Cl'......................... B29C35/0s; G03C9/08
52 U.S. C. .................................. 425/1744; 156/58; H. Kodana, "Automatic Method for Fabricating a
264/22; 36.5/119; 365/120, 425/162; 425/174 Three-Dimensional Plastic Model with Photo-Harden
58 Field of Search ..................... 425/162, 174, 1744, ing Polymer," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 52,
425/425; 264/22, 40.1, 25, 219, 183,250, 255, No. 11, Nov. 1981, pp. 1770-1773.
298,308; 36.5/107, 119, 127, 106, 120, 156/58, A. J. Herbert, "Solid Object Generation,” Journal of
246,273.3,273.5,275.5; 250/432 R, 433,492.3, Applied Photographic Engineering, 8(4), Aug. 1982,
492.1, 558; 522/910; 430/269,296, 942; pp. 185-188.
342/179; 427/53.1, 54.1, 55 H. Kodama, "A Scheme for Three-Dimensional Dis
(56) References Cited
play by Automatic Fabrication of Three-Dimensional
Model," IECE, vol. Jó4-C, No. 4, Apr. 1981, pp.
2,381,234 8/1945 Symmes .............................. 430/294 Request for Reexamination of U.S. Patent No. 4,575,330
2,525,532 10/1950 Dreywood .......................... 430/419 filed Sep. 27, 1988, by E. I. Du Pont de Nemours &
2,708,617 5/1955 Magat et al. ... ... 264/183 X Company.
2,775,758 12/1956 Munz. ................................. 342/179 Primary Examiner-Richard L. Chiesa
2,908,545 10/1959 Teja. ... 264/22 X
3,306,835 2/1967 Magnus. . 425/174.4 X 57 ABSTRACT
3,428,503 2/1969 Beckerle ............................. 430/269 A system for generating three-dimensional objects by
3,609,707 9/1971 Lewis et al. ........................ 36.5/119
3,635,625 1/1972 Voss............ ... 425/162 X creating a cross-sectional pattern of the object to be
3,723,120 3/1973 Huntine ...... ... 522/90 X formed at a selected surface of a fluid medium capable
3,775,036 11/1973 Winning ........................... 425/174.4 of altering its physical state in response to appropriate
3,866,052 2/1975 Di Matteo ........................... 250/558 synergistic stimulation by impinging radiation, particle
3,932,923 1/1976 DiMatteo ........................... 29/407 bombardment or chemical reaction, successive adjacent
3,974,248 8/1976 Atkinson........ ....... 425/162 X laminae, representing corresponding successive adja
4,041,476 8/1977 Swainson...................... 365/19 cent cross-sections of the object, being automatically
4,078,229 3/1978 Swainson et al............. 36.5/107 formed and integrated together to provide a step-wise
4,081,276 3/1978 Crivello..................... 430/269 laminar buildup of the desired object, whereby a three
4,100,141 7/1978 - ... 526/301
... 36.5/19 dimensional object is formed and drawn from a substan
264/219 tially planar surface of the fluid medium during the
425/162 forming process.
B1 4.575,330
1. 2
reaction means capable of altering the physical state
REEXAMINATION CERTIFICATE of said fluid medium and operating in a prescribed
pattern upon said designated working surface of
said fluid medium to provide a thin solid, first
AS cross-sectional lamina of structure at said working
Surface representing a corresponding cross-sec
tional lamina of said three-dimensional object to be
Matter enclosed in heavy brackets appeared in the formed, and
patent, but has been deleted and is no longer a part of the means for automatically recoating over the entire said
10 first cross-sectional lamina of structure with a body of
patent matter printed in italics indicates additions made
to the patent. fluid and decreasing a substantial portion of said body
of fluid in thickness from a fluid layer of excess fluid
AS A RESULT OF REEXAMINATION, IT HAS thickness to a successive fluid layer of less thickness in
preparation for formation of a second cross-sectional
lanina of structure adhered to said first cross-sec
Claims 1,2 and 27-29 are determined to be patentable
as amended.
tional lamina of structure, whereby successive a
plurality of successively adjacent adhered laminae are
provided to form said three-dimensional object on
Claims 3-26 and 30-47, dependent on an amended 20 said object support means as said translational
claim, are determined to be patentable. means moves said support means away from said
designated working surface.
1. A system for producing a three-dimensional object 27. A system for directly producing a three-dimen
from a fluid medium capable of solidification when sional object as it is designed by a computer, compris
subjected to prescribed synergistic stimulation, said
system comprising:
deriving graphic image output from said computer,
a container holding said fluid medium, said medium said graphic image output defining successive adja
being sufficiently absorptive of solidifying radiation to cent cross-sections of the three-dimensional object
enable formation of an adequately cohesive layer of designed by said computer;
structure capable of being partially unsupported by a container holding a fluid medium capable of solidifi
any other layer of structure during formation cation, said fluid medium being sufficiently absorptive
means for drawing upon and forming successive of solidifying radiation to enable formation of an
cross-sectional laminae of said object at a two-di adequately cohesive layer of structure capable of being
mensional interface and of said fluid medium partially unsupported by any other layer of structure
defining a designated working surface, said laminae is during formation
including a first cross-sectional layer of structure at means for drawing upon and forming successive layer
said working surface cross-sections, corresponding to said computer
means for automatically recoating over the entire said designed cross-sections of said object, at a two-di
first crass-sectional layer of structure with a body of mensional interface and of said fluid medium
fluid and decreasing a substantial portion of said body 40 defining a working surface, said layer cross-sections
of fluid in thickness from a fluid layer of excess fluid including a first cross-sectional layer of structure at
thickness to a successive fluid layerofless thickness in said working surface
preparation for formation of a second cross-sectional means for automatically recoating over the entire said
layer of structure adhered to said first cross-sectional first cross-sectional layer of structure with a body of
layer, and 45 fluid and decreasing a substantial portion of said body
means for moving said cross-sections cross-sec of fluid in thickness from a fluid layer of excess fluid
tional layers as they are formed and building up said thickness to a successive fluid layer of less thickness in
object from a plurality of successively adhered layers preparation for formation of a second cross-sectional
of structure in step wise fashion, whereby a three layer of structure adhered to said first cross-sectional
dimensional object is extracted from a substantially 50 layer, and
means for moving said cross-sections crass-sec
2. An impro en for producing a three-dimen tional layers as they are formed and building up said
sional object aid medium capable of solidifica object from a plurality of successively adhered layers
tion when sub to prescribed synergistic stimula in a stepwise fashion, whereby the three-dimen
SS sional object designed by said computer is automat
a body of fluid medium capable of transforming its ically extracted from a substantially two-dimen
physical state in response to synergistic stimulation, sional surface.
said fluid medium being sufficiently absorptive of said 28. An improved system for producing a three-di
synergistic stimulation to enable formation of an ade mensional object from a fluid medium capable of alter
guately cohesive lamina of structure capable of being 60 ing its physical state when subjected to prescribed radi
partially unsupported by any other lamina during ation, said system comprising:
formation a body of fluid medium capable of altering its physi
object support means immersed within said fluid me cal state, said fluid medium defining a designated
dium for supporting a three-dimensional object to working surface and being sufficiently absorptive of
be formed; 65 solidifying radiation to enable formation of an ade
translational means for selectively moving said object guately cohesive layer of structure capable of being
support means progressively away from a desig partially unsupported by any other layer of structure
nated working surface of said fluid medium; and during formation
B1 4,575,330
means for forming said three-dimensional object from guately cohesive lamina of structure capable of being
said fluid medium by irradiating a said desig partially unsupported by any other lamina of structure
nated workingsurface
vide in
of said fluid medium to pro
successive surface laminae at said
during formation
a radiation souce for impinging said prescribed radia
working stifice, said laminae together defining said 5 tion in a selected pattern upon a designated working
three-dimensional object., said laminae includ surface of said fluid medium to provide only at said
ing a first cross-sectional layer of structure at said working surface a thin, solid, first cross-sectional
working surface and lamina of structure representing a cross-sectional
means for automatically recoating over the entire said lamina of a three-dimensional object to be formed;
first cross-sectional layer of structure with a body of 10 and
fluid and decreasing a substantial portion of said body means for automatically recoating over the entire said
offluid in thickness from a fluid layer of excess fluid first cross-sectional lamina of structure with a body of
thickness to a successive fluid layer of less thickness in fluid and decreasing a substantial portion of said body
preparation for formation of a second cross-sectional of fluid in thickness from a fluid layer of excess fluid
layer of structure adhered to said first cross-sectional 15 thickness to a successive fluid layer of less thickness in
layer, whereby a plurality of successively adhered
layers of structure form said three-dimensional object preparation for formation of a second cross-sectional
29. An improved system for producing a three-di lamina of structure adhered to said first cross-sec
mensional object from a fluid medium, said system com tional lamina of structure, and
prising: 20 means for combining successive a plurality of suc
a body of fluid medium capable of altering its physi cessively adhered adjacent laminae of structure to
cal state in response to prescribed radiation, said form said three-dimensional object from said fluid
fluid medium being sufficiently absorptive of said medium.
prescribed radiation to enable formation of an ade




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