United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,878,491

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,878,491
Morgen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 9, 1999
54 PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OFA 5,402,663 4/1995 Rit et al..
FORGED CONNECTING ROD 5,507.093 4/1996 Wittenstein et al. ................ 29/888.09
5,544,413 8/1996 Stevens et al. ........................... 72/356
75 Inventors: Paul Morgen, St Julien les Metz; 5,592,847 1/1997 Sarkisian et al. ......................... 72/356
Jean-Claude Pecourt, Hautes Rivieres; 5,664,327 9/1997 Swars ................................... 29/888.09
Marc Robelet, Florange, all of France FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
73 ASSignees: Ascoforge Safe, Hagondange; s 3. 3. 12,E. E. t s
uropean Pat.
Ascometal, Puteaux, both of France 43 29 371 3/1995 Germany.
59–215236 12/1984 Japan.
21 Appl. No.: 825,572 60-247432 12/1985 Japan.
64-18544 1/1989 Japan.
22 Filed: Mar. 31, 1997 0221232 9/1991 Japan ....................................... 72/416
O O 6–64741 3/1994 Japan.
30 Foreign Application Priority Data 0571341 9/1977 U.S.S.R. .................................. 72/356
Mar. 29, 1996 FR France ................................... 96 O3941 O576140 10/1977 U.S.S.R. . ... 72/356
(51) Int. Cl." ...................................................... B23P 1500 Primary Examiner- Cuda
52 U.S. CI 29/888.091; 29/888.09; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oblon, Spivak, McClelland,
OX O -- O - --- ---------- --- --- ------- --- --- - 29'ss9 091 Maier & Neustadt, P.C.

58 Field of Search ........................... 29/888.09: 72/416, 57 ABSTRACT

/ A process for manufacturing a forged connecting rod of the
56) References Cited type including a big end, a Shank and a Small end. A
connecting rod rough forging, free of lateral flash and
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS including at least one bore initiator on the big end and on the
2,080,640 5/1937 Templin 29/888.09 Small end, is manufactured by forging. The connecting rod
4,993,134 2/1991 Hoag et al.".... 29/ssso) rough forging is sized, content-wise, by plating the connect
5,016,807 5/1991 Haack .................................. 29/888.09 ing rod rough forging between two inserts inside a die in
5,105,538 4/1992 Hoag et al. ... ... 29/888.09 order to obtain a sized connecting rod rough forging.
5,109,605 5/1992 Hoag et al. ... ... 29/888.09
5,131,577 7/1992 Hoag et al. .......................... 29/888.09 18 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

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1 2
PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A ing rods are Sorted in order to group them into narrow weight
FORGED CONNECTING ROD classifications. These grouping operations require accurate
weighing and complicate the manufacture.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In order to improve the geometrical precision of the
1. Field of the Invention connecting rod rough forgings, it has been proposed, in
The present invention relates to the manufacture of a German Utility Model DE 43 29371, to replace the closed
forged connecting rod, and especially of a forged connecting die forging of the Slug with forging of the Slug in a closed
rod for an internal combustion engine. die, by plating between two inserts provided with impres
2. Discussion of the Background Sions. The rough forging obtained includes a Shank, a big
Forged connecting rods, in particular forged connecting end and a Small end; the big end and the Small end each
include two bore initiators separated by a web. At the end of
rods for an internal combustion engine, especially when they forging, the relative movement of the two inserts is stopped
are made of Steel, are manufactured by a process which when the volume of the space delimited by the two inserts
comprises hot forging of a connecting rod rough forging, a and by the die is equal to the Volume of metal of the Slug.
heat treatment and a machining operation. 15 The geometrical precision and the precision in the weight of
The forging includes Several Steps which are, in general, the rough forging are then directly determined by the pre
the manufacture of a Slug by the Shaping rolling of a billet cision in the weight of the Slug. In order to obtain a precision
treated beforehand to a Suitable temperature, the drop forg rough forging, it is necessary to use a precision Slug which
ing or closed-die forging of the Slug, the cutting-off of the can only be obtained by machining, which operation is very
forging flash or its trimming, and a punching Step. expensive for the manufacture of a slug. In addition, the
The heat treatment, which may be carried out at a later forging of the Slug is carried out with large deformations of
Stage or while the rough forging is still hot, depends espe the metal, the deformation ratios are Several tens of %,
cially on the grade of Steel used and on the desired mechani which lead to rapid wear of the inserts unfavorable to mass
cal properties. production.
When it is carried out at a later Stage, the heat treatment SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
may be a normalization intended to obtain a pearlitic or
ferrito-pearlitic Structure. This is, in particular, the case An object of the present invention is to remedy the above
when Separable connecting rods are manufactured, that is to drawbacks by providing a process for manufacturing forged
Say when connecting rods are manufactured whose big end connecting rods which makes it possible to obtain, in high
may be separated into two parts by brittle fracture. The heat Volume, precision connecting rod rough forgings; that is to
treatment at a later Stage may also be a hardening Step Say which leads, in mass production, to both the dimensional
followed by an annealing Step, the hardening being intended precision and the weight precision to be Sufficient for it to be
to obtain a mainly martensitic structure whose mechanical necessary to neither premachine the reference Surfaces nor
properties are very high. 35 to Sort by weight classifications before fitting into an engine.
When the heat treatment is carried out while the forging For this purpose, a feature of the invention relates to a
is Still hot, which assumes that the temperature at the end of process for manufacturing a forged connecting rod of the
the forging operation is high enough, it always includes a type comprising a big end, a Shank and a Small end, in
controlled cooling operation, either cooling Sufficiently which:
Slowly to obtain a pearlitic or ferrito-pearlitic Structure or 40 a connecting rod rough forging, free of lateral flash and
Sufficiently rapidly to obtain a mainly bainitic Structure. including at least one bore initiator on the big end and
When the desired structure is mainly bainitic, the controlled on the Small end, is manufactured by forging,
cooling may include a temperature hold intended to cause a and the connecting rod rough forging is sized, content
Substantially isothermal transformation. It may also include wise, by plating the connecting rod rough forging
reheating to a temperature below approximately 600 C. in 45 between two inserts inside a die in order to obtain a
order to produce an annealing effect. The annealing may also Sized connecting rod rough forging.
be carried out at a later Stage. In order to obtain precise Sizing, especially in terms of
The machining operation mainly includes the trueing of weight, the relative position of the two inserts at the end of
the Side faces and the machining of the bores in the big end sizing is determined independently of the Volume of metal of
and in the Small end of the connecting rod, the Separation of 50 the connecting rod rough forging, for example using a stop.
the big end into two parts and the drilling of holes intended In order to be able to use connecting rod rough forgings,
to receive the fixing bolts for the two parts of the big end. the weight of which is relatively variable, the assembly
The big end is separated into two parts either by machining including the die and the two inserts comprises at least one
or, when the big end is separable, by brittle fracture under an means for receiving exceSS metal of the connecting rod
impact. 55 rough forging without affecting the shape precision of the
In order for the machining operation to be carried out sized connecting rod rough forging. The means for receiving
under the proper precision conditions, it is necessary to exceSS metal of the connecting rod rough forging may
premachine the reference Surfaces at the periphery of the include at least one cavity placed either in the wall of the die,
rough forging So as to Suitably position it on the machining or in the impression in at least one insert, in a region which
machines, and this operation is tricky. 60 does not affect the geometrical precision of the sized con
Apart from the machining difficulties, this technique also necting rod rough forging. The means for receiving exceSS
has a drawback, in the case of mass production, of leading metal of the connecting rod rough forging may also include
to too great a variation in the dimensions and in the weight at least one orifice placed in the wall of the die and opening
of the connecting rods to be able to fit them into engines to the outside.
indiscriminately. When the weights of the connecting rods in 65 The sizing operation may be limited to the external shape
the same engine vary too much, the engine is poorly of the rough forging, or also concern the bore in the big end,
balanced. Therefore, before fitting into engines, the connect and optionally the bore in the Small end. In this case, a
3 4
connecting rod rough forging is used from which at least the the planarity, that is to say the fact that the Side faces 9a,
web of the big end, and possibly the web of the small end, 9b of the big end 4 and the side faces 10a, 10b of the
has been removed beforehand. Small end 1 are in the same plane,
In order to size the bore in the big end or in the small end, the perpendicularity of the circumferential Surface 11 to
a mandrel, able to slide in holes made in the inserts and lying the side faces 10a and 10b of the Small end;
along the axis of the bore, is placed in the bore of the the center-to-center distance Abetween the big end 4 and
connecting rod rough forging and then the Sizing is carried the Small end 1;
Finally, the sized connecting rod rough forging may be the thickness D of the big end 4 and of the Small end 1;
subjected to a heat treatment, either while still hot from 1O the width C of the big end 4;
sizing, or at a later Stage, before being machined. the diameter B of the bore 5 in the big end 4;
Therefore, the present invention relates to a process for the centering of the bore in the big end 4 with respect to
manufacturing a forged connecting rod comprising a first the width of the big end 4;
end, a Shank and a Second end. The process comprises the the regularity of the circumferential surface 11 of the
Steps of forging a connecting rod rough forging free of 15
Small end 1; and
lateral flash and including at least one bore initiator on the the shape of the regions 12 connecting the Shank 3 to the
first end and on the Second end; and Sizing the connecting Small end 1.
rod rough forging, content-wise, by plating the connecting The connecting rod is manufactured by machining, start
rod rough forging between first and Second inserts inside a ing from a sized connecting rod rough forging whose shape
die in order to obtain a sized connecting rod rough forging. is very close to that of the connecting rod shown in FIGS.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 1 and 2. The sized connecting rod rough forging is distin
guished from the finished connecting rod by the following
A more complete appreciation of the invention and many characteristics:
of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained whereas the connecting rod comprises two pieces, the
as the Same becomes better understood by reference to the 25
following detailed description when considered in connec sized connecting rod rough forging is made of a Single
tion with the accompanying drawings, wherein: piece, Separation into two pieces taking place after
FIG. 1 represents a connecting rod, as Seen from above; the active Surfaces of the sized connecting rod rough
FIG. 2 is a longitudinal Sectional view of a connecting forging are not machined and, Sometimes, the bores in
rod; the big end and in the Small end are not completely
FIG.3 represents a Slug obtained by Shaping rolling, drilled; and
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a connecting rod rough the sized connecting rod rough forging has no holes for
forging before deflashing and punching, fixing the cap to the rest of the connecting rod.
FIG. 5 is a sectional view of a content-wise sizing device 35 However, these differences are Secondary for understand
containing a connecting rod rough forging; ing the rest of the text, and, in order to describe the
FIG. 6 is a Sectional view of a content-wise Sizing device, machining, reference will be made to FIGS. 1 and 2.
at the end of Sizing, containing a sized connecting rod rough The proceSS for manufacturing a connecting rod, includ
forging which has not been dewebbed; ing the main steps shown in FIG. 9, will now be described
40 in more detail.
FIG. 7 is a Sectional view of a content-wise Sizing device,
at the end of Sizing, containing a sized connecting rod rough Abillet 30 is cut from a semi-finished product, which may
forging, the bores of which are sized; be a Slab or a round bar for example, by Sawing or by
FIG. 8 is a partial view of a sizing die from above; cropping, either cold or hot.
FIG. 9 is a diagram Showing the main operations in the After reheating, for example by induction, preferably in a
manufacture of a sized forged connecting rod.
45 controlled atmosphere in order to limit the formation of
Scale, at a temperature preferably above AC and even better
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED between 1050 C. and 1350° C., preshaping rolling of the
EMBODIMENTS billet 30 is carried out in order to obtain a slug 31 (FIG. 3)
having, at one end, a massive part 13 intended to become the
Before describing the manufacturing process according to 50 big end 4 of the connecting rod, at the center, a drawn part
the invention, it will be specified what is meant by a 14 which will become the shank 3 of the connecting rod and,
precision sized connecting rod rough forging. at the other end, a part 15, less massive than the massive part
Referring now to the drawings, wherein like reference 13, in which the small end 1 of the connecting rod will be
numerals designate identical or corresponding parts formed. The preshaping rolling is carried out either by
throughout the Several views, the connecting rod, as shown 55 longitudinal rolling using a mill with rolls having preforms,
in FIGS. 1 and 2, comprises a small first end 1 which or by transverse rolling. In order to improve the productivity,
includes a bore 2, a Shank 3, and a big Second end 4 which it is possible to manufacture Simultaneously two Slugs joined
includes a bore 5 and two lugs 6a, 6b. The big end 4 includes together by one of their ends, and then to Separate them by
a first part 7, made as one piece with the Shank 3 and the Sawing.
small end 1, and a cap 8 which is separated from the part 7 60 The Slug 31 is then forged, either by closed-die forging or
along the plane P and fixed to the part 7 by bolts (not shown by drop forging, in general in two or three Successive
in the figure) which are placed in holes drilled along the axes impressions. In order to obtain a rough forging 32 (FIG. 4)
XX' and YY in the lugs 6a and 6b. having flash 16 at its periphery and comprising a big end 17,
The precision of the connecting rod is defined, on the one a shank 18 and a small end 19. On each of its side faces 20a,
hand, by a variation in the weight, which must be less than 65 20b, the big end 17 has a bore initiator 21 (only one is visible
0.7% for a precision connecting rod, and, on the other hand, in the figure). The two bore initiators 21, arranged facing
by geometrical parameters which are, in particular: each other, are separated by a web 22. In general, the Shank
S 6
18 has longitudinal ribs 23 and a web (not visible in the treatment is carried out at a later Stage, that is to Say after the
figure). The small end 19 has two bore initiators 24, facing sized connecting rod rough forging has returned to room
each other, and separated by a web 25. The geometry of this temperature. In this case, the heat treatment includes an
rough forging is characterized, in particular, by drafts (for austenizing operation prior to the controlled cooling and
example the angle C. shown in FIG. 4) of at least 3. may, for example, be a normalizing operation.
The peripheral flash 16 of the rough forging 32 is removed After heat treatment and, optionally, shot peening, in
by trimming and, optionally, the Web 22, Separating the bore order to remove the Scale and to generate compressive
initiators 21 of the big end 17, is removed by punching. The Surface Stresses, the sized connecting rod rough forging is
web 25, separating the bore initiators 24 of the small end 19, machined.
may also be removed by punching. A connecting rod rough The machining includes, in particular, the trueing of the
forging 33 is thus obtained. These operations may, side faces 10a and 10b of the Small end 1 and of the side
optionally, be Supplemented by a levelling operation which faces 9a and 9b of the big end 4, the machining of the bores
makes it possible to remove all or part of the unnecessary 2 and 5 in the small end 1 and in the big end 4, and the
drafts. drilling and tapping of the holes intended to receive the bolts
The connecting rod rough forging 33 is then sized, 15 for fixing the cap.
content-wise, in order to obtain a sized connecting rod rough Compared to the related art, the machining is lighter, on
forging 34 which is Subjected to a heat treatment and then the one hand because the dimensions of the rough forging
machined So as to obtain a precision connecting rod; that is are close to the finished dimensions, and on the other hand
to Say a connecting rod whose tolerances on the external because it is unnecessary to premachine the periphery of the
geometry are leSS than 0.3 mm and on the weight, less than rough forging, which premachining is absolutely necessary
0.7%. The content-wise sizing operation will be described in in the related art in order to position the rough forging on the
more detail later. machining machines appropriately.
After sizing, and before machining, the sized connecting After machining, the cap 8 is separated from the rest of the
rod rough forging 34 may be Subjected to a heat treatment connecting rod by brittle fracture along the plane P.
followed, optionally, by shot peening. The shot peening 25 The content-wise sizing operation includes placing the
Serves, on the one hand, to remove the Scale and on the other connecting rod rough forging 33, preferably after having
hand, to create compressive Surface Stresses. coated it with a protective lubricant, in a recess 35" of a die
In general, the connecting rods are made of carbon Steel 35 placed on a Support block 36 of a press and, by operations
or of low-alloy Steel, that is to Say a Steel containing less than of plating it between two inserts 37 and 38, each including
10% by weight of alloying elements. Depending on the an impression 39, 40, giving the rough forging 33 its final
applications, it is Sought to confer on them a structure which shape. The shape of the recess 35" in the die 35 corresponds
is essentially pearlitic, or ferrito-pearlitic, or essentially exactly to the desired shape for the periphery of the sized
bainitic, and the heat treatment is chosen depending, on the connecting rod rough forging. The impressions 39 and 40
one hand, on the desired Structure and, on the other hand, on are, in hollow form, the desired shape for the side walls of
the nature of the Steel. A perSon Skilled in the art knows how 35 the connecting rod. The upper insert 38 slides inside the
to make this choice. receSS35' and includes, in its upper part, a platen 41 which,
The essentially pearlitic Structures are obtained with Steels at the end of Sizing, comes into abutment with the upper part
containing approximately 0.6% to 0.75% of carbon. They 42 of the die 35 in Such a way that the spacing between the
have the advantage of enabling Separable connecting rods to two inserts 37, 38 corresponds exactly to the desired thick
be obtained. The heat treatment includes a controlled 40 neSS for the sized connecting rod rough forging 34. Since the
cooling, at a rate of less than 10 C./s, from a temperature amount of metal (the weight and therefore the volume) of the
at which the Steel has an austenitic Structure. connecting rod rough forging 33 is always slightly higher
Ferrito-pearlitic Structures are obtained under the same than that which is Strictly necessary for producing the sized
conditions as above, but using a steel containing less than connecting rod rough forging 34, the assembly including the
0.4% of carbon. It is also possible to obtain separable 45 die 35 and the two inserts 37 and 38 comprises means for
connecting rods especially by adding from 0.04 to 0.2% by receiving the exceSS metal without affecting the shape
weight of phosphorus to the Steel. precision of the sized connecting rod rough forging 34.
Bainitic Structures are obtained by a controlled cooling, at Several embodiments are possible, distinguishing, for
a rate of greater than or equal to 0.5 C./s in order to obtain example, one embodiment in which the webs 22 and 25
at least 60% of bainite, from a temperature at which the steel 50 separating the bore initiators 21, 24 of the big end 17 and of
has an austenitic Structure. This cooling may include a the Small end 19 are not removed before sizing, and an
temperature hold in an intermediate temperature region So as embodiment in which at least the web 22 is removed and in
to carry out a Substantially isothermal transformation in which at least the bore 5 in the big end 4 is also sized, (if the
order to obtain a lower bainite. The controlled cooling may web 25 of the small end 19 is removed, it is also possible to
be Supplemented either by reheating to a temperature below 55 size the bore 2 in the small end 1).
600 C. at the end of cooling, or by annealing after returning In the first embodiment, illustrated in FIG. 6, the webs 22
to room temperature. The Steels used are, in general, either and 25 of the rough forging 34 (in the figure, since the inserts
of the XC70 type or of the 45M5 or 38MSV5 type, and they 37 and 38 are shown clamped together, the rough forging 34
may also contain an addition of from 0.04% to 0.2% by shown in cross-section is a sized connecting rod rough
weight of phosphorus So as to obtain Separable connecting 60 forging) are not removed. The impressions 39 and 40 in the
rods. inserts 37 and 38 include projections 43, 44, 45 and 46
With billet reheating temperatures above AC and pref which are intended to impart the shape of the bore initiators
erably at 1050 C., the steel is always austenitic during 47a, 47b,48a and 48b of the big end 17 and of the small end
forging. If, at the end of content-wiseSizing, the temperature 19. The thickness of the projections 43, 44, 45 and 46 is
is high enough, that is to Say above the Steel's Ars point, the 65 substantially less than the depth of the bore initiators 47a,
controlled cooling may be carried out directly while the 47b, 48a and 48b (which exist prior to the sizing operation)
rough forging is still hot from Sizing. If this is not So, the heat so as to leave spaces 50, 51, 52 and 53 free, these being able
7 8
to receive the exceSS metal. With this arrangement, the related forging operations. It is also distinguished therefrom
exceSS metal, with respect to the desired theoretical weight by the fact that it is performed without the formation of flash.
for the connecting rod, lies in the webs 22 and 25 intended Finally, it enables drafts of less than 0.5 to be obtained,
to be removed, So that the external geometry of the sized compared to a minimum of 3 in respect of the rough
connecting rod rough forging is not thereby affected. Thus, forgings.
connecting rods are obtained which have a very high geo The plating operation has the advantage of not only giving
metric and weight precision. Instead of providing differ the periphery of the connecting rod a precise geometry but
ences in depth between the bore initiators and the thick also of adjusting the thickness of the big end and of the Small
neSSes of the projections of the impressions in the inserts, it end, and of ensuring the trueing of the connecting rod. This
is possible to provide, on the projections 43, 44, 45 and 46, makes it possible, especially, to reduce, or indeed eliminate,
and along their axes, recesses (not shown) which may certain machining operations.
receive the exceSS metal. Finally, the sizing operation makes it possible to obtain a
In a second embodiment (shown in FIG. 7), the connect very high quality in the regions 12 connecting the Shank 3
ing rod rough forging is deWebbed before sizing, and the of the connecting rod to the Small end 1. This quality
external geometry of the rough forging and the bores in the 15 Significantly increases the fatigue Strength of the connecting
big end and in the Small end are simultaneously sized (it rod.
would be possible, for example, to deweb only the big end The invention applies both to entirely sized connecting
and to size only the corresponding bore). The sizing of the rods (in which the entire periphery is sized) and to connect
bores is carried out by adding the mandrels 59 and 60 to the ing rods in which only certain precise regions Serving as
die 55 and the two inserts 57 and 58, these mandrels sliding reference Surfaces are sized. In particular, the Shank of the
in holes 61, 62, 63 and 64 made in the inserts 57 and 58, and, connecting rod is not always completely sized. The dies and
optionally, in holes 65 and 66 drilled in the Support block 67 the inserts are then designed accordingly.
of the press. The axis and the diameter of the first mandrel The connecting rods may not be separable and the cap
59 correspond, respectively, to the axis and to the diameter Separated from the Shank of the connecting rod by machin
of the bore in the big end. The axis and the diameter of the 25 ing. In this case, the bore in the big end of the connecting rod
Second mandrel 60 correspond, respectively, to the axis and rough forging is not circular but oval (two semicircles
to the diameter of the bore in the Small end. During Sizing, connected by two straight segments) So as to take into
the metal is clamped not only against the internal wall of the account the thickness of the machining. The die, the inserts
die 55 and against the impressions in the inserts 57 and 58, and, optionally, the corresponding mandrel then have a
but also against the mandrels 59 and 60. Thus, sizing of the shape adapted accordingly.
external part and of the bores in the sized connecting rod Finally, the forging may be carried out Semi-hot (after
rough forging is obtained, however, in the absence of reheating to a temperature below AC). In this case, the heat
particular provisions, any excess metal would be unable to treatment must then be carried out at a later Stage.
escape and the precision on the thickness, and therefore on The invention applies to any type of connecting rod as
the weight, would not be good. In addition, means are 35 well as to any type of comparable forged component.
provided for allowing the exceSS metal to escape without Obviously, numerous modifications and variations of the
affecting the geometry of the sized connecting rod rough present invention are possible in light of the above teach
forging. These means are, for example, on the Side of the ings. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of
small end or on the side of the big end, an orifice 68 placed the appended claims, the invention may be practiced other
in the wall of the die 55. The orifice 68 is frustoconical and 40 wise than as Specifically described herein.
flared outwardly. During sizing, a small amount of flash 69 What is claimed as new and desired to be secured by
is formed in the orifice 68, this flash 69 being cut off when Letters Patent of the United States is:
extracting the sized connecting rod rough forging after 1. A process for manufacturing a forged connecting rod
sizing. These means may also be small spaces 70, 71 which comprising a first end, a Shank and a Second end, the process
are left available in the part 72 of the die 55 (FIG. 8) 45 comprising the Steps of:
corresponding to the big end of the connecting rod, these forging a connecting rod rough forging free of lateral flash
Spaces being arranged, for example, along the axis of the and including at least one bore initiator on the first end
holes which will be drilled in the lugs for penetration of the and on the Second end; and
bolts for fixing the cap to the rest of the connecting rod. The sizing the connecting rod rough forging, content-wise, by
exceSS metal, which will be transferred into these regions, 50
plating Said connecting rod rough forging between first
will in any case be removed during drilling of the holes. and Second inserts inside a die in order to obtain a sized
The Sizing operations which have just been described connecting rod rough forging.
enable the entire connecting rod rough forging to be sized. 2. A proceSS as claimed in claim 1, comprising the further
However, the sizing may be limited to only the big end, or Steps of
to the big end and to the Small end. The important point is 55
fixing a relative position between the die and the first
that the characteristics of a precision connecting rod, which insert;
were described above, be respected, in particular the weight.
Since the sizing is carried out hot, a person skilled in the moving the Second insert with respect to the die; and
art will understand that, in order to determine the exact determining a position of the Second insert at the end of
geometry of the tooling, it is necessary to take account of the 60 sizing independently of a Volume of metal of the
thermal expansions and that it is preferable to ensure that, connecting rod rough forging.
during manufacture, the temperature of the tooling remain as 3. A process as claimed in claim 2, wherein:
Stable as possible. the die and the first insert bear on a Support block of a
The Sizing operation is distinguished from the related preSS and the Second insert Slides inside the die and
forging operations especially by the fact that the flows of 65 includes a stop which, at the end of Sizing, bears on the
metal take place with little deformation, less than 10%, die so as to fix the relative position of the first and
compared to the minimum of several tens of % for the Second inserts accurately.
9 10
4. A process as claimed in claim 3, wherein an assembly 10. A process as claimed in claim 1, comprising the
which comprises the die and the first and Second inserts further Step of heat treating the sized connecting rod rough
includes at least one means for receiving exceSS metal of the forging.
connecting rod rough forging without affecting a shape 11. A process as claimed in claim 10, wherein the con
precision of the sized connecting rod rough forging. necting rod is made of a Steel whose chemical composition
5. A process as claimed in claim 4, wherein the at least one comprises, by weight, less than 10% of alloying elements,
means for receiving exceSS metal of the connecting rod the rough forging is hot forged at a temperature above 1050
rough forging comprises at least one cavity which is placed C., and the sizing is carried out while the rough forging is
either in a wall of the die, or in an impression in at least one Still hot from forging.
of Said first and Second inserts, in regions which do not affect 1O 12. A process as claimed in claim 11, wherein the tem
a geometric precision of the sized connecting rod rough perature at the end of sizing is above the Steel's Ara
forging. temperature and heat treatment is carried out while the sized
6. A process as claimed in claim 4, wherein the at least one rough forging is still hot from sizing.
means for receiving exceSS metal of the connecting rod 13. A proceSS as claimed in claim 12, wherein the heat
rough forging comprises at least one orifice placed in a wall 15 treatment includes at least one controlled cooling at a
of the die and opening to the outside. cooling rate of less than 10 C./SSO as to obtain a pearlitic
7. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the first end or ferrito-pearlitic Structure.
is larger than the Second end, the process comprising the 14. A proceSS as claimed in claim 12, wherein the heat
further Step of Sizing at least a bore in the first end using the treatment includes at least one controlled cooling at a
connecting rod rough forging from which at least a first web cooling rate of greater than 0.5 C/S So as to obtain a
of the first end has been removed beforehand. structure containing more than 60% of bainite.
8. A process as claimed in claim 1, comprising the further 15. A proceSS as claimed in claim 12, wherein the heat
Step of Sizing a bore in the Second end using the connecting treatment is a normalization operation intended to obtain a
rod rough forging from which at least a Second web of the pearlitic or ferrito-pearlitic structure.
Second end has been removed beforehand. 25 16. A process as claimed in claim 11, wherein the Steel is
9. A proceSS as claimed in claim 8, wherein, in order to a Steel enabling a separable connecting rod to be obtained.
Size the bore in at least one of the first end or the Second end, 17. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the connect
a mandrel, which is able to slide in holes made in the first ing rod rough forging is obtained by a drop forging of
and Second inserts and lying along an axis of the bore in the closed-die forging of a Slug.
at least one of the first end or the Second end is placed in the 18. A proceSS as claimed in claim 17, wherein the Slug is
bore in the at least one of the first end or the second end in obtained by a preshaping rolling of a billet.
the connecting rod rough forging, and then the sizing is
carried out. k k k k k

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