Review Article Tuna Flavoring Powder

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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022

ISSN 2320-9186 2312

GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022, Online: ISSN 2320-9186


Junianto1, Finny Nurul Qolbi2, Fiza Jasmine Hasani2 dan Melati Taufanputri2
1) Lecturer Staff of the Department of Fisheries, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Indonesia
2) Students of Fisheries Undergraduate Study Program, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Indonesia

Synthetic, protein content, moisture content, nausea, natural.

Fish-based flavoring powder is an alternative to the use of synthetic flavorings that are widely used by
the people of Indonesia. This article aims to review fish-flavoring powders. Based on the literature study ob-
tained information that the manufacture of flavorings made from fish can use the meat and head. The fish
head used can come from the industrial waste of fish fillets. The proximate composition and degree of fond-
ness for flavoring are influenced by the type of fish meat used.

The majority of Indonesian people in making dishes are always added flavoring powder. A commonly
used flavoring powder is monosodium glutamate (MSG). Monosodium glutama is produced from the process
of protein hydrolysis. Sources of protein obtained from plants / plants. Vegetable protein contains 40% glutam-
ic acid while animal protein contains 11-22% glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid be-
cause the body can produce aglutamic acid.
The addition of MSG to each processed food causes the body to receive intake every day. Msg intake
every day will have a bad impact on the human body. The common adverse effects felt by the body are easily
drowsy, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, heart beating, chest pain and can decrease brain function.
Currently there is a substitute option for the use of MSG, namely animal flavoring powder. Flavoring powder
from animal raw materials that have been on the market is from raw materials for chicken, beef and fish. This
article aims to review fish-flavoring powders.
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022
ISSN 2320-9186 2313

Flavoring is a food additive to add flavor and improve the quality of taste in food. Flavoring consists of 2
types, namely natural flavoring and synthetic flavoring. Natural flavorings are obtained from plants and ani-
mals directly or through physical, microbiological, or enzymatic processes. Synthetic flavorings are not found in
nature, obtained from chemical processes with raw materials from nature and mining products.
Flavoring perception is defined as sensations arising from the integration (merging) or mutual influence
of signals produced as a result of the detection of chemical components by the sense of smell, sense of taste
and abundance of stimuli from food or drink. Flavoring perception is influenced by the availability of volatile
components and the result of interactions between the main components and aroma components in food. Fla-
vor release depends on the availability of flavor components in the gas phase and affinity between the flavor
component and the food matrix. The properties of flavor components will determine interactions with food
components such as molecular size, functional groups, shape and volatility (Naknean and Meenune 2010).
The development of the food flavoring industry in Indonesia looks increasingly in demand by the public.
Flavorings circulating in Indonesia are dominated by synthetic flavorings (MSG). This synthetic flavoring can
have an effect on the health of the human body including dizziness and nausea. Based on Widyalita et al.,
(2014), although allowed as a flavoring dish, excessive use of MSG can cause dizziness and nausea. This symp-
tom is called Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. Public reports to the Food Drug Administration (FDA), 2% of all
MSG users experience health problems, so WHO set adi (Acceptable daily intake) for humans at 120 mg / kg3.
Alternatives to synthetic flavorings are natural flavorings, including flavorings made from fish. The
manufacturing process is quite simple and easy to do, namely by boiling.
The fish to be cooked receives heat with a water medium. Boiling can lead to greater loss of nutrients in
fish. This happens because during the boiling process the fish is submerged in water so that some water-
soluble nutrients such as protein are dissolved in the boiled water causing the fish stew water to contain nutri-
ents and have a savory taste that can be used as a flavoring agent. According to Pundoko et al., (2014), in the
process of processing fish many important nutrients such as proteins, fats and moisture content that may be
lost during the processing process, especially after the boiling process. During the boiling process that takes
time allows a lot of protein and fat to be lost or carried away in boiled water. This boiled water is the basis for
making flavorings.
In addition, boiled water used as raw materials needs to be supplemented with fillers or thickeners to
stabilize the dough. A commonly used filler is wheat flour.
Wheat flour is flour produced from processing wheat seeds so that it contains starch or complex carbo-
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022
ISSN 2320-9186 2314

hydrates from the endosperm of wheat seeds. Wheat flour is used as a thickener and can also be used as a
dough stabilizer. According to Yuanita and Silitonga (2014), the function of flour is as a filler and binder to im-
prove emulsion stability, decrease shrinkage due to ripening, give a light color, improve product elasticity. In
addition, it can form a dense texture and draw water from the dough. The following is conveyed the process of
making flavorings made from raw parts of fish such as meat, head and offal.

Flavoring Making from fish meat

Fish meat that can be used as flavoring ingredients are tuna, skipjack, cob and mackerel. In addition to
fish meat, there are also additional ingredients used. Additional and other ingredients and tools in the manu-
facture of this flavoring as found in Table 1 (Fadila and Juhartini, 2021):
Table 1. Flavored Tools and Materials Made from fish meat

Tool Material
Food scales Fish meat
Measuring cup Mineral water
Wok Salt
Blender Garlic
Sieve Onions
Microwave Carrot
Washbasin Spring onion
Sterile container Nutmeg seeds
Knife Lemongrass and celery
Stove Pepper powder

The stages of its creation are as follows:

1. The meat of the fish that has been removed skin and bones is soaked in a solution of lemon water and
salt for 15 minutes. After that it is washed thoroughly.
2. The meat that has been soaked and washed is boiled with enough water and supplemented with nutmeg
seeds, and lemongrass (scooped). Boiling lasts for 10 minutes.
3. Next mixed with spices such as garlic, onions, onions and others. After that it is blended to mix evenly.
4. The dough mixture is roasted (fried without oil) until slightly dry (thick dough) and browned yellow, it
takes about 60-90 minutes.

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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022
ISSN 2320-9186 2315

5. Next, flatten it into a baking sheet, then dry through the roasting process in the oven and blender until it
gets a powder with a smooth texture.
6. Then put in a tightly sealed sterile container.

Flavoring manufacture from fish heads

Fish heads used as flavoring materials are waste from the fish fillet industry. Commonly profiled fish are
catfish, tilapia, tenggiti fish, cob fish.
The stages of making it are as follows: The head of the fish is still freshly cut into pieces and washed
thoroughly. Next mixed with water and salt in the pot and then boiled for 30 minutes with a boiling tempera-
ture of 80 - 100 °C with the addition of seasoning (onion, garlic, pepper, and salt). The broth from the stew is
filtered with a sieve and then the broth liquid (filtrate) is filtered / pulp-free. Then the broth (filtrate) is given
the addition of fillers, wheat flour. Broth that has been added wheat flour is done drying using the oven. After
dry is crushed using a blender until it is powdered, then sifted so that flavoring powder is obtained, then pack-
Rusteristic Chemical Flavoring of Meat type raw materials and fish heads
Various studies related to the manufacture of flavorings made from fish head meat have been widely
done in Indonesia. Here are the results of this research.
The research results of Tamaya et al (2020) obtained information as contained in Table 2.
Table 2. Protein content and flavoring moisture content of various fish meat raw materials

Types of fish meat Protein content and flavoring water

Protein levels Moisture content
Lukeed fish meat 16,54 % 5,69 %
Bawal fish meat 11,26 % 7,98 %
Kurisi fish meat 8,78 % 6,13 %

Based on Table 2 above, the type of fish meat has an impact on the difference in the proximate content
of the flavoring produced. The level of fondness for flavoring produced is also influenced by the type of fish
meat used as reported by Tamaya et al (2020) in Table 3.

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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022
ISSN 2320-9186 2316

Table 3. Favorite level of flavoring of various raw materials of fish meat

Types of fish meat Favorability level value

Appearance aroma taste texture
Lukeed fish meat 7,27 7,33 7,30 7,37
Bawal fish meat 7,57 7,47 7,50 7,30
Kurisi fish meat 7,57 7,00 7,40 7,33

Based on the literature study obtained information that the manufacture of flavorings made from fish can use
the meat and head. The fish head used can come from the industrial waste of fish fillets. The proximate com-
position and degree of fondness for flavoring are influenced by the type of fish meat used.

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