Vegan Fish Sauce
Vegan Fish Sauce
Vegan Fish Sauce
Combine wakame, garlic, peppercorns and water in a large sauce pan and bring
to a boil. Lower heat and simmer about 20 minutes. Strain and return the liquid
back to the pot. Add soy sauce, bring back to a boil and cook until mixture is
reduced and almost unbearable salty. Remove from heat and stir in miso.
Decant into a bottle and keep in the refrigerator. Use one-for-one to replace fish
sauce in vegan recipes.
Note: You should be able to find wakame in most health food and Japanese
grocery stores. Its also readily available online.
High quality fish sauce with 13.6% protein content and fish paste (bagoong).
Fish of assorted species
Enzymes from micro-organisms
Fermentation vessels provided with stirrer
1. Wash assorted species of fish to free them from undesirable dirt.
2. Grind fish to facilitate hydrolysis of the protein constituent.
3. Place ground fish into clean fermentation vessels provided with stirrer.
4. Add appropriate amount of salt and mix uniformly to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms during fermentation.
5. Introduce enzymes obtained from micro-organisms of plant animals to fortify the natural endoenzymes present in
the fish. Stir the mixture.