Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
Teacher: Learning Area Reading & Writing Skills
Teaching Dates and Time:
Sem./Quarter Second Semester
The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
A. Content Standards
The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and development.
B. Performance Standards
The learner...
C. Learning 1. Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in writing across disciplines EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
a. narration EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.
Competencies/Objectives b. description EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
c. definition EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
d. exemplification / classification EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
e. comparison and contrast EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
f. cause and effect EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
g. problem - solution EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
h. persuasion EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
II. LEARNING The internet ( for visual aids and other references)
A . References
1. Teachers Guide CG. Page 1
2. Learner’s Material
B. Other Learning
a. Reviewing previous Present the new lesson Present the new lesson Present the new lesson
lesson or presenting Lesson 1: Text as Connected Lesson 2: Techniques in Lesson 3: Patterns of
the new lesson Discourse Selecting and Organizing Development
b. Establishing a 1. Define: text, discourse 1. Identify various techniques 1. Distinguish between and
purpose for the 2. Identify devices for in selecting and organizing among patterns of
lesson analyzing a written text as information development
connected discourse
c. Presenting Motivation: Motivation: What does a pattern of
examples/instances How do you define text? 1. What is the importance of development in writing refer
of the new lesson Discourse? selecting and organizing to?
d. Discussing new 1. Definition of text and 1. Brainstorming list 1. Narration 5. Cause and Effect
concepts and discourse 2. Graphic organizer 2. Description 6. Comparison and
practicing new skill 3. Topic outline 3. Definition Contrast
#1 4. Sentence outline 4. Exemplification 7. Problem-Solution
8. Persuasion
e. Discussing new 1. Devices for analyzing a 1. Examples of Techniques in
concepts and written text as connected selecting and organizing
practicing new skill discourse information
f. Developing Perform a short exercise Perform a short exercise Perform a short exercise Perform a short exercise
mastery (leads to prepared by the teacher prepared by the teacher prepared by the teacher prepared by the teacher
Assessment 3)
g. Finding practical Cite examples of situation
applications of skill where text and discourse is
in daily living. important
h. Making Have students make Have students make Have students make
generalizations and generalization on the generalization on the generalization on the
abstractions about importance of Text and importance of techniques in importance of writing
the lesson Discourse selecting and organizing
i. Evaluating learning Activity 1: Examining a story Activity 2: Graphic Organizers: Activity 3: Writing a Activity 4: Paper and Pencil
using devices to analyze a text Teaching with Newspaper paragraph following a certain Test
as connected discourse patter of development
j. Agreement