Principles of Learning What Did The Model Teacher Do Which Applies/contradicts The Learning Principle Remarks/Reflection

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Principles of Learning What did the Model Teacher do which Remarks/Reflection

applies/contradicts the Learning

Application of Contradiction of
Principle Principle
1. The learner must Statement of Some objectives
clearly perceive the objectives at the comes out as a result
goal. start of the class. of learners’ needs.
2. The learner must be Gauging learners’
psychologically ready. readiness through
questioning or
3. The learner must be Using motivation
motivated to learn. through the interest
of learners.
4. The learner must be Not really, passive
active not passive for learning can still be
maximum learning. essential during hard
5. The learner must Repetition is
repeat or practice what unnecessary.
he has learned in order Learners must
to remember. generate their own
examples and apply
the lessons.
6. The learner must put Synthesis of lesson No application when
together the parts of a after a block of only a small part of a
task and perceive it as a lessons were bigger block has
meaningful whole. taught. been discussed.
7. The learner must see Using experiences
the significance, as a stepping stone
meanings, implications, to generalization.
and applications that
will make a given
8. The learner must be The learners must be
prepared to respond. interested to
respond, more than
prepared. What
sparks learning is
interest, not merely
9. The process of Using individual
problem solving and learning styles to
learning are highly cater to all learners.
unique and specific.

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