Potential Test of Ethanol Extract From Onion (Allium Cepa L) Leaves As A Repellent To Aedes Aegypti

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Journal of Islamic Medicine

Volume 4 (1) (2), Pages 65-75

e-ISSN: 2550-0074

Potential Test Of Ethanol Extract From Onion (Allium Cepa L) Leaves As

A Repellent To Aedes Aegypti
Basyar Adnani1 , Zainabur Rahmah2 , Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih3 , Abdul Malik Setiawan 3

Medical Student of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University
of Malang
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic
University of Malang
Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State
Islamic University of Malang

Abstr act
Keyword : Background : The most dangerous vector of mosquito-borne disease,
Aedes aegypti; namely Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF), is Aedes aegypti. One of the
onion leaves; most commonly used prevention methods is using repellent. Objective: This
repellent study aims to know red onion (Allium cepa L) leaves ability as a repellent
against mosquitoes bites, primarily Aedes aegypti. Onion leaves are known
to have flavonoids and essential oil content that believed to have health
benefits such as anti-inflammatory, insecticide, antifungal, and repellency
effects. Method: This study design was a post test only control group of true
experiment, with ± 300 mosquitoes in five treatment groups. The study
design was a true experimental post-test only control group using ± 300
mosquitoes divided into five treatment groups. Positive control, negative
control, and three groups with each extract containing 5%, 10%, and 20%
content. The data taken is the number of mosquitoes alighted on attractants
available, for five consecutive days. The analytical test used is the Kruskal-
Walls and Spearman test with α coefficient 0.05. Results: the number of
mosquitoes perching on each of the extract treatment plates decreased with
increasing extract concentration. In the treatment control group, the negative
control had the highest number of mosquitoes perching, while the positive
control had the least number of perching mosquitoes. All concentrations of
ethanol extract, either 10%, 15%, or 10%, all have the effect of repellent
against Aedes aegypti. Conclusion : 20% of ethanol extract has the most
repellency effect on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
*Corresponding author
Email: [email protected]

Basyar Adnani,Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih,Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

Mosquitoes are the primary vector of approaching and biting human or animal
various diseases dangerous to humans. The skin [10]. Repellent has also been proven to
ability of mosquitoes to deliver disease provide mosquito protection and has the
agents and adapt to their environment, is properties of sticking to individuals, so that
one of the causes mosquitoes become repellent users can do activities without
vector that is difficult to avoid [1]. Some having to be tied to a location [11].
mosquitoes that transmit the disease to Research on the use of repellent continues
humans are Anopheles sp, Mansonia sp, to be developed until a compound is known
Culex sp, and Aedes aegypti. Aedes aegypti as the most effective repellent compound
is the vector of one of the deadliest disease and is widely used by the wider
caused by dengue virus infection (DENV), community, namely N, N, diethyl-meta-
which is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever toluamide (DEET) [1].
(DHF). DEET compounds are known to have
The incidence of DHF has overgrown a high level of effectiveness as a repellent
in the past few decades. The dengue virus in repelling mosquitoes. However, these
(DENV) carried by Aedes aegypti mosquito compounds must be used with caution
poses a significant threat to public health. because they are toxic to the human body
Research shows that around 2/5 of the [10]. DEET can affect the human body
entire world population has a high risk of from skin rashes, pruritus, muscle cramps,
becoming infected with DENV [2]. There insomnia, and respiratory disorders to coma
are reported 390 million dengue infections [12].
each year, with an estimated 3.9 billion The continued use of DEET, which is
people in 128 countries in the world who balanced with incorrect dosages, can cause
are at risk of being infected with dengue damage to the human body as mentioned
virus [3,4]. above. Therefore, research needs to be
Cases of DHF in Indonesia were first conducted to find new repellents made from
discovered in 1968, and since then, natural ingredients with consideration of
Indonesia is considered a hyperendemic safer, cheaper, environmentally friendly,
nation for this disease. Indonesia became also easily found and produced by the
the second country with the most dengue community [13,14].
cases in the world after Brazil in 2004-2010 Natural materials that are often used
[5]. In 2013, the Indonesian Ministry of as mosquito repellent are materials from
Health reported that there were 112,511 plants, including ginger, black pepper,
cases of DHF in Indonesia (41.3 per garlic bulbs, and onion bulbs [15]. Onion
100,000 population), with the highest bulbs contain substances with a smell that
number of hospital admissions due to DHF are not liked by mosquitoes. Onion contains
in Southeast Asia, which was 1.6 out of 100 several chemical contents, such as essential
people each year [6]. oils, cycloalilin, metialilin, dihydroaliin and
The Government of Indonesia other compounds such as flavonoids,
promotes programs to deal with dengue to phenolics, terpenoids, anthocyanins, and
reduce morbidity and mortality in families amino acids. Onion becomes one of the
and communities [7]. One method used by recommended natural mosquito repellents
the government is to do activities that because it does not interfere with the
protect humans from mosquito bites, such respiratory system, so it is safe to use
as the use of mosquito nets, the use of long [16,17].
clothes or trousers, and the use of repellent Research on onion bulb extract
[8,9]. Repellent becomes one of Indonesia’s conducted by Baskoro [16], shows that
most used methods to prevent insects from onion extract can function as a repellent.

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

Supported by Kiu, et al. [18] which states Medicine, Brawijaya University Malang, in
that an onion bulb can be used as one of the January 2019, and the potential test was
natural repellents in repelling mosquitoes. beginning between 06:00 and 13:00.
Research on the use of onion bulbs as 2.3 Research Population
mosquito repellent has been done, but no The population used in this study was
research has been conducted on how the the Aedes aegypti sp., who met the
potential of the extract of onion leaves researcher’s inclusion and exclusion
(Allium cepa L.) as a repellent against criteria. The inclusion criteria of this study
mosquitoes. Onion leaves have a much are:
lower price than the bulb and are known to  Aedes aegypti sp. adult females
contain flavonoids and essential oils in  Aedes aegypti sp. living adults
them.  Aedes aegypti sp. active adults
Onion leaves are known to have  Aedes aegypti sp. adults who have
higher flavonoid content compared to other been fasted for at least 4 hours
plants [19]. Onion leaves are also thought The exclusion criteria of this study are:
to contain essential oils as their tubers do.  Adult male Aedes aegypti sp.
Flavonoids have an insecticide, repellent, mosquitoes
and antifungal effect on insects [20, 21].  Adult Aedes aegypti sp. mosquitoes
While essential oils have health benefits that cannot fly
such as anti-inflammatory, anti-buffer, anti-
 Adult Aedes aegypti sp. mosquitoes
inflammatory, antifungal, and which are not fasted of has been
decongestants [20, 22]. Therefore,
fasted but has not reached 4 hours
researchers are interested in researching the 2.4 Research Sample
potential of ethanol extract of onion leaves
250 mosquitoes were used in this
(Allium cepa L.) as a repellent against study. Mosquitoes then divided into 5 cages
mosquitoes, which were tested on Aedes
with 5 different treatments, as follow:
aegypti mosquitoes.
 Treatment I (Negative Control): A
cup containing cotton, 2.5 cc chili
marinade, and 2.5 cc aquades.
2.1 Research Design
 Treatment II (Positive Control): A
This research was an experimental
cup containing cotton, 2.5 cc chili
laboratory study with a true experimental
marinade, and 2.5 cc DEET.
post-test only control group design to
determine and compare the effects of  Treatment III (Extract 10%): A cup
ethanol extract of red onion leaves (Allium containing cotton, 2.5 cc chili
cepa L) as a repellent against Aedes aegypti marinade, and 2.5 cc ethanol extract
mosquitoes in various concentrations. of onion leaves 10%
The factors involved in this research  Treatment IV (Extract 10%): A cup
variable are as follows: containing cotton, 2.5 cc chili
 The independent variable is the marinade, and 2.5 cc ethanol extract
concentration and the duration of of onion leaves 15%
repellent exposure from onion leaf  Treatment V (Extract 10%): A cup
ethanol extract. containing cotton, 2.5 cc chili
 The dependent variable is the number marinade, and 2.5 cc ethanol extract
of mosquitoes that perched on each of onion leaves 20%
2.2 Place and Time of the Study The estimated number of repetition of
The study was conducted at the this experiment is based on the formula
Entomology Department of the calculation by Tjokronegoro [23] as follow:
Parasitology Laboratory of the Faculty of

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

P (n – 1) ≥ 16 2.5.4 Making Chili Water Immersion as

P = number of treatment carried out Attractant
n = number of repetition per treatment
As much as ½ kg of red chili blended
Based on the formula above the calculation
until smooth, then add 500 ml of water, put
for repeated treatment is at least 5 times.
it in a closed bucket and leave for 7 days.
After 7 days the results of the marinade can
2.5. Research Procedure
be used immediately.
2.5.1 Data Collection Methods
2.5.5 Repellent Potential Test
Observation forms were used to
Observations were made every 5
collect data. The number of mosquitoes that
minutes at 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 hours on mosquitoes
perch on the cup was counted and filled out
perched on cotton in the cup. At each time
to the form. The quantitative data was
interval between treatment hours, the cup is
regarded as a ratio scale.
removed from the cage. The results are then
2.5.2 Manufacture of Onion Leaves
2.5.6 Analysis of Results
The extraction process was carried
Data obtained from observation are
out by ultrasound-assisted extraction using
then entered into a table and classified
96% ethanol solvent. The process is as
according to the treatment of this study.
Due to abnormalities and inhomogeneity of
 500 g of Shallot Leaves are processed the data, the analysis was conducted using
first into dry powder (simplicia) which
non-parametric method. Analysis of the
is obtained from the Materia medika data used is the Kruskal Walls test using
plant shop, Batu. SPSS (Statistical Product Service Solution),
 The sample was then weighed with an followed by the Mann-Whitney test as a
analytical balance and dissolved using post hoc test to find out the potential
96% ethanol in a beaker glass with a differences between each treatment group.
ratio of 1:10 simplicia and ethanol. The data obtained also performed a
 The dissolved simplicia is then Spearman correlation test to determine the
extracted by the UAE (ultrasonic- relationship between the repellency
assisted extraction) method using an potential and the length of treatment with
ultrasonic cleaner for 3 x 2 minutes the number of mosquitoes perched.
with a wavelength of 20-2000 Hz
which will produce a top layer RESULTS
(supernatant) which is a mixture of Result of this experiment shows that
ethanol and the active substance. the average number of Aedes aegypti
 The supernatant was filtered using mosquitoes perched on treatment I
filter paper so that filtrate was (Negative control) was 8 ± 3.03, treatment
produced and collected into an II (Positive control) was 0 ± 0, treatment III
evaporation flask. (10%) was 2 ± 2.33, treatment IV (15%)
 The results are then evaporated to was 1 ± 1.50, and treatment V (20%) was 1
separate the Shallot Leaves extract ± 1.68. Of the three non-control treatment
obtained from the ethanol solvent. groups, it was found that the concentration
2.5.3 Stock Extract Preparation Data of 20% had the highest repellency effect
Collection Methods compared to the other treatment groups.
A concentration of 100% onion Detailed results can be seen in picture 1.
leaves extract was used to make the stock
solution. Following this, the stock solution 3.1. Kruskal Walls Test on the
was diluted using distilled water to make a Concentration Extract of Onion Leaves
concentration of 10%, 15%, and 20% [14]. (Allium cepa L) to Mosquitoes Perched

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

From the results of the analysis, it can To find out where the significant
be stated that there is a difference in the differences are, a post hoc test is performed
effectiveness of the concentration of using Mann-Whitney test. The post hoc
extracts of onion leaves (Allium cepa L) as analysis results inform that the average
a repellent against Aedes aegypti number of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that
mosquitoes. Statistically, this is proven by perched in the aquades treatment group was
probability value < α (5%). Detailed results the most numerous and significantly
can be seen in table 1. different from the average number of Aedes
aegypti mosquitoes in all treatments. While
Table 1: Kruskal Walls Test I the number of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in
Chi-Square Statistic Probability the treatment group given DEET was the
84.263 0.000 lowest and significantly different from the
average number of Aedes aegypti
mosquitoes in all treatments. Detailed
results can be seen in table 2.

10 8 ± 3.03
Total mosquitoes

4 2 ± 2.33
1± 1.50 1 ± 1.68

2 0± 0

K(-) K(+) K10 K15 K20
-2 Group
Note: K (-): negative control; K (+): positive control; K10: extract concentration of 10%; K15: extract
concentration of 15%; K20: extract concentration of 20%.

Picture 1. The Average Number of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes that Perched Based on The
Etanol Concentration of Onion Leaf (Allium cepa L) as Repellent

Table 2. Post Hoc Mann-Whitney Test 1

Probability Pairwise Comparisons
Waste Mean K(-) K10 K15 K20 K(+) Notation
K(-) 8.08 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 a
K10 2.20 0.000 0.021 0.001 0.000 b
K15 1.20 0.000 0.021 0.155 0.000 c
K20 0.92 0.000 0.001 0.155 0.000 c
K(+) 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 d

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

3.2. Kruskal Walls Test on the Length of Aedes aegypti mosquito perched. The
Treatment of Onion Leaves (Allium cepa correlation test between the length of the
L) to the Number of Mosquitoes Perched experiment as a repellent and the amount of
The result of the analysis shown that Aedes aegypti mosquitoes perched at proves
there is no difference in the effectiveness of that there is a positive (unidirectional) with
the concentration of extracts of onion leaves the strength of the relationship is weak.
(Allium cepa L) on the length of the These results are consistent with statistical
experiment as a repellent against Aedes analysis, which shows probability value < α
aegypti mosquitoes as can be seen the (5%) and the coefficient correlation value
probability value > α (5%). So there is no of 0.202. Detailed results can be seen in
need to do a post hoc Mann-Whitney test in table 5.
this Kruskal Walls test. The detailed result
can be seen in table 3. Table 5: Spearman Correlation Test II
Correlation Coef. Probability
Tabel 3: Kruskal Walls Test II 0.202 0.044
Chi-Square Statistic Probability
4.976 0.290 DISCUSSION
The concentrations used in this study
3.3. Spearman Correlation Test on the start from 10%, 15%, and 20% with the
Concentration of Onion Leaves Extract result that there is a significant adverse
(Allium cepa L) on the Number of effect between the extract concentration and
Mosquitoes that Perched the number of attracted mosquitoes. It
Results of the test inform that there is indicates that the higher the concentration
a relationship between the level of used, the fewer mosquitoes perched on the
concentrations of onion leaves extract cup. This condition indicates that the
(Allium cepa L) as a repellent with the potential of substances as repellent is
amount of Aedes aegypti mosquito perched. getting better because the more
The correlation test between the level of concentration is used, the higher the
concentrations of onion leaves extract number of mosquitoes that reject it [24].
(Allium cepa L) as a repellent with the The result of data analysis is that there is a
amount of Aedes aegypti mosquito perched strong negative correlation, which also
shows that there is a negative (opposite) indicates that the greater the concentration
relationship which is quite strong. This is used, the higher the content of the active
proven statistically with the probability substance in onion leaves extract (Allium
value < α (5%) and the coefficient cepa L), which can cause the Aedes aegypti
correlation value of -0.400. Detailed results mosquito to be reluctant to perch. So it can
can be seen in table 4. be concluded that the onion leaves extract
has the potential as a repellent.
Table 4: Spearman Correlation Test I In the data analysis of the effect of the
Correlation Coef. Probability length of the experiment (persistence) on
-0.400 0.000 the number of mosquitoes perched, it was
found that there was no significant
3.4. Spearman Correlation Test on the difference from the average number of
Length of Treatment of Onion Leaves mosquitoes perched at each observation
(Allium cepa L) As a Repellent to the time. Nevertheless, the results of the study
Number of Mosquitoes that Perched showed a positive relationship between the
The result of the test shows that there length of time (persistence) of the extract of
is a relationship between the length of onion leaves (Allium cepa L) as a repellent
treatment of onion leaves extract (Allium to the number of mosquitoes that perched.
cepa L) as a repellent with the amount of This indicates that the longer the use of the

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

onion leaves extract (Allium cepa L) as a indicates that the response to reject
repellent, the more mosquitoes perched. So mosquitoes depends on the concentration
it can be concluded that the longer the time and time of exposure because essential oils
of observation, the potential for onion have volatile properties even more at room
leaves extract (Allium cepa L) as a repellent temperature [24]. Also, some essential oils
against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes will have an effect as a repellent against insects.
decrease. In previous studies, it was known that
This situation can be caused by the allycin and allyl methyl sulfide, which are
occurrence of evaporation from the extract the contents of essential oils, also affect as a
over time, so that mosquitoes do not repellent against mosquitoes [15].
recognize the smell of substances contained In a previous study by Muhamat, et al.
in onion leaves (Allium cepa L) which [30], it was supported that the essential oil
causes it reluctant to perched to the content was an odorless compound which
attractants that have been provided. mosquitoes did not like and that this
Younus, et al. [25] said that here also there compound was found in several plants,
is a strong role of ODE (Odor Degrading including zodia, legundi, and onion leaves.
Enzyme) to eliminate the odor complex It was also said the effect of essential oils as
from repellent in OBP and make mosquito repellent on some plants varied
mosquitoes smell the attractant again. Also, when a study was carried out on several
the condition of the study environment can different mosquito species.
affect the behavior of mosquitoes during These odor compounds will bind to the
treatment. The intended environmental chemoreceptors of the mosquito (sensilla),
conditions can be caused by temperature, which are in the mosquito antenna and enter
humidity, and wind gusts in the room. It is through the pores of the sensory trichodea
known that the temperature of 28 ° C is the [31]. The odor molecule will be carried by
optimum temperature in mosquito activity olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) to the
[26]. So there is a possibility that the antenna lobes in the brain to be interpreted
mosquito's landing to the cup is influenced that the molecule is not an attractant
by the increased level of mosquito activity, molecule. Then the molecule will bind to
plus the mosquito is placed in a cage with odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) and
limited space. interact with G-protein-coupled receptors in
Onion leaves (Allium cepa L) have olfactory receptors (ORs). G-protein will be
been known to be one of the main sources alternately active and cause changes in G-
of flavonoids in various countries. protein conformation so that there is an
Although derived from similar biosynthetic activation of intracellular signals in the
pathways, onions accumulate different form of cyclic AMP and IP3 + DAG (cyclic
amounts of flavonoids in each plant tissue. adenosine monophosphate and inositol
Onion leaves are one part of a plant with a triphosphate diacylglycerol) which will
high flavonoid content, which is influenced open the pathway for Na ++ and Ca ++
by the stage of plant development and the ions. The entry of these two molecules
environmental conditions in which shallots causes depolarization of the mosquito's
grow [27]. Flavonoids are one component nerves and produces electrical impulses,
of phenolic, which are compounds with OH which are then sent to the mosquito antenna
groups attached to an aromatic ring, which lobes, and response arises in the form of
are important and are used as insecticides appropriate behavior that is avoiding the
and repellent in higher plants [28]. odor [32].
Flavonoids are one of the compound Previous research on onion leaves used
compounds in essential oils, and according as a repellent against mosquitoes has never
to Guenther [29], compounds in volatile been done, but studies using other parts of
oils are volatile at room temperature. This the onion plant have been conducted.

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

Kiu et al. [7] in their research concluded It was also found that the longer the time
that an onion bulb could repel and even interval of exposure, the potential for
cause death in mosquitoes. Kumar, et al. repellent against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
[33] supported by Debra, et al. [34] also decreases.
said that an onion bulb becomes one of the
traditional plants that have an effect on ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
health as an insect repellent (repellent) to Researcher thank the Department of
avoid insect bites and scorpion stings. Medical Health, Faculty of Medicine and
The limitation of this study is that this Health Science UIN Maulana Malik
study used extracted material without Ibrahim Malang for providing us support
analysis and separation between the and input so that researchers can get the
flavonoids on the onion leaves first so that best results during this research.
no description of the active substances that This study has passed the ethical
played the most role and the determination clearance test by the Medical Research
of the flavonoid levels contained in the Ethics Commission of Medical and Health
onion leaves. The concentrations tested still Science Faculty, The Islamic State
did not match the positive control (DEET), University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of
although the results showed that the onion Malang with certificate number 001/ EC/
leaves (Allium cepa L) had the potential to KEPK-FKIK/ 2020.
be natural repellent. Also, it is unknown
side effects from the use of onion leaves as
a repellent in humans. Therefore, further REFERENCES
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Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as
a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

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Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan
Potential Test of Ethanol Extract Onion (Allium cepa L) Leaves as a Repellent to Aedes aegypti

Table 6. Research data Extract Concentration of 15%

Negative Control Time (H) 0 1 2 4 6
Time U1
(H) 0 1 2 4 6 2 1 3 5 6
U2 1 0 1 1 2
U1 6 12 10 14 18
U3 0 0 1 0 1
U2 8 8 6 7 7
U4 0 1 0 1 1
U3 10 5 6 4 7
U5 0 0 1 1 1
U4 6 10 6 8 7
U5 8 7 6 7 9
Extract Concentration of 20%
Positive Control
(H) 0 1 2 4 6
Time (H) 0 1 2 4 6 U1 1 1 2 5 7
U1 0 0 0 0 0 U2 1 0 0 0 1
U2 0 0 0 0 0 U3 0 0 2 0 0
U3 0 0 0 0 0 U4 0 0 0 0 1
U4 0 0 0 0 0 U5 0 0 0 1 1
U5 0 0 0 0 0
Total Mosquito Perched
Extract Concentration of 10%
Negative Control 0
(H) 0 1 2 4 6 Positive Control 202
U1 4 3 6 7 10 Extract Concentration of 10% 55
U2 2 1 1 2 2 Extract Concentration of 15% 30
U3 2 1 1 1 2 Extract Concentration of 20% 23
U4 0 0 1 1 2
U5 0 1 1 2 2
The results of the study calculated by the total number of mosquitoes that
perched in each treatment group. U1: repetition of the day 1; U2:
repetition of the day 2; U3; repetition of the day 3; U4: repetition of the
day 4; U5: repetition of the day 5; Time 0, 1, 2, 4, 6: Observations are

Basyar Adnani, Zainabur Rahmah, Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih, Abdul Malik Setiawan

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