ACE Personal Trainer Manual, 4 Edition: Cardiorespiratory Training: Programming and Progressions

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The key takeaways are the physiological adaptations to cardiorespiratory exercise and how it affects the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It also discusses components of cardiorespiratory training sessions and the ACE IFT model phases.

Cardiorespiratory exercise affects the muscular system by increasing type I and II muscle fibers, mitochondria and capillaries. It affects the cardiovascular system by increasing cardiac output and stroke volume via hypertrophy of the heart muscle. It affects the respiratory system by increasing tidal volume and efficiency of respiratory muscles.

The components of a well-designed cardiorespiratory training session include warm-up, workout and cool-down phases. The workout should include different intensities in various zones and modes of exercise like running, cycling, swimming etc.

ACE Personal Trainer

Manual, 4th edition

Chapter 11:
Cardiorespiratory Training:
Programming and Progressions
Learning Objectives
 This session, which is based on Chapter 11 of the ACE Personal
Trainer Manual, 4th edition, features a discussion of the
physiological adaptations to acute and chronic cardiorespiratory
exercise. It also includes coverage of the cardiorespiratory-training
phases of the ACE IFT™ Model.
 After completing this session, you will have a better understanding
– How cardiorespiratory exercise affects the following systems: muscular,
cardiovascular, and respiratory
– The components of a well-designed cardiorespiratory-training session
– General guidelines for cardiorespiratory exercise
– Various modes of cardiorespiratory exercise
– The ACE IFT Model cardiorespiratory training phases and their appropriate
application with clients
– Special considerations for youth and older adults
 Physical movement is essential for human survival.
 The obligatory need for physical activity is very low in
modern society.
 The need for people to structure their lives to include
higher levels of physical activity has risen dramatically.
Physiological Adaptations to Cardiorespiratory Exercise

 Muscular system
– Type I muscle fibers (low- to moderate-intensity exercise)
– Mitochondria
– Capillaries
– Type II muscle fibers (high-intensity exercise)
Physiological Adaptations to Cardiorespiratory Exercise (cont.)

 Cardiovascular system
– With endurance training, the heart muscle will hypertrophy,
enlarging its chambers and becoming a bigger and stronger
– Increased cardiac output
• Primarily due to a larger stroke volume
• A redistribution of the cardiac output to the active muscles (via
vasodilation) may also improve after training.
Physiological Adaptations to Cardiorespiratory Exercise (cont.)
 Respiratory system
– Alveoli
• The structure in the respiratory system that interfaces with the
cardiovascular system.
– More efficient muscles of respiration
• Diaphragm
• Intercostals
• Muscles that pull the ribcage upward during active inspiration
• Muscles that pull the ribcage downward during active expiration
– Increased tidal volume
Time Required for Increases in Aerobic Capacity
 Cardiovascular adaptations are usually measureable
after a couple of weeks of training.
 VO2max
– Increases with training, but reaches a peak and plateaus within
about six months

 Ventilatory threshold (VT)

– A significant marker of metabolism that permits prediction of
lactate threshold (LT) during progressive exercise
– May continue to increase for years with continued training, as
illustrated on the following slide
Schematic of Changes in VO2max and Metabolic Markers
Steady-state and Interval-based Exercise
 Steady state
– Consistent intensity of exercise where the energy and
physiological demands are met by the delivery from the
physiological systems
– Limited by the willingness to continue or the availability of
oxygen, muscle glycogen, and/or blood glucose

 Interval training
– Higher-intensity exercise followed by recovery periods
– Provides anaerobic adaptations that improve tolerance for the
buildup of lactic acid (lactate threshold)
– Provokes an increase in stroke volume that is not achievable
with lower-intensity steady-state training
Components of a Cardiorespiratory Workout Session
 Warm-up
– A period of lighter exercise preceding the conditioning phase of
the exercise bout
– Should last for five to 10 minutes for most healthy adults
– Should not be so demanding that it creates fatigue that would
reduce performance.
– Stretching
• The practice of stretching before performing any warm-up is not
justified and may potentially be harmful.
– May be subdivided into a general cardiovascular warm-up
followed by a more exercise- or event-specific dynamic warm-up.
Components of a Cardiorespiratory Workout Session (cont.)
 Conditioning phase
– The higher-intensity elements of a session should take place
fairly early in the conditioning phase of the workout.
– Cardiovascular drift during steady-state training
• A gradual increase in heart-rate response during a steady-state
bout of exercise
– Aerobic-interval training exercise-to-recovery ratios between 1:2
and 1:1
– “Lactate sinks”
• Aerobically trained type II muscle fibers that are proficient at using
lactate for energy during hard steady-state exercise
Components of a Cardiorespiratory Workout Session (cont.)
 Cool-down
– Should be of approximately the same duration and intensity as
the warm-up
– Five to 10 minutes of low- to moderate-intensity activity
– “Muscle pump”
– An active cool-down can help remove metabolic waste from the
muscles so that it can be metabolized by other tissues.
– A stretching routine following the cool-down period is
Cardiorespiratory Exercise for Health, Fitness, and Weight Loss
 Most health benefits occur with at least 150 minutes a week of
moderate-intensity physical activity.
 ACSM and AHA F.I.T.T. guidelines
are widely accepted.
 Additionally, clients should always
enjoy the exercise experience.
 Changes in fitness are more sensitive
to modifications in intensity than to
modifications in the frequency or
duration of training.
Monitoring Intensity Using Heart Rate
 Numerous variables impact MHR:
– Genetics
– Exercise modality
– Medications
– Body size
• MHR is generally higher in smaller individuals who have smaller
hearts, and hence lower stroke volumes.
– Altitude
• Altitude can lower the MHR reached.
– Age
• MHR does not show a consistent 1-bpm drop with each year in all
Estimated Heart Rate Formulas
 Estimated MHR formulas (three formulas):
– MHR = 220 – age
• Standardized predicted MHR formula used in fitness for decades
• Standard deviation (s.d.): +/- 12 bpm (+/- 36 bpm at 3 s.d.)
– MHR = 208 – (0.7 x Age)
• s.d. close to +/- 7 bpm
(+/- 21 bpm at 3 s.d.)
– MHR = 206.9 – (0.67 x Age)
• s.d. close to +/- 7 bpm
(+/- 21 bpm at 3 s.d.)
 Accurate programming with
MHR requires actual MHR
– Impractical for the vast majority
of clients and trainers
Monitoring Intensity Using Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
 Heart-rate reserve (HRR) equals
the difference between MHR and
– Target HR (THR) = the desired
HR during exercise
– The Karvonen formula can be
used to calculate THR as a
percentage of HRR:
THR = (HRR x % Intensity) + RHR
 Accurate programming with HRR
requires actual MHR and RHR
– Actual MHR is impractical for the
majority of clients and trainers
ACSM Guidelines for Using %MHR
Monitoring Intensity Using Ratings of Perceived Exertion

 Two versions of the RPE scale:

– Classical (6 to 20) scale
– More contemporary category ratio
(0 to 10) scale

 Both scales are capable of defining

ranges of objective exercise intensity
associated with effective exercise
training programs.
Monitoring Intensity Using VO2
 Intensity can be monitored as a %VO2max or %VO2R
– Training based on metabolic or ventilatory responses is much more
meaningful than using arbitrary ranges of %VO2max or %VO2R,
especially when these values are predicted.
– Training intensities that are too far below the first ventilatory threshold
(VT1) yield minimal cardiorespiratory fitness benefits.

 Submaximal assessments that predict VO2max generally use

predicted MHR
– Errors in predicted MHR will affect predicted VO2max
Monitoring Intensity Using METS

 METs
– Multiples of an assumed average metabolic rate at rest of 3.5
• Resting metabolic rate is not exactly 3.5 mL/kg/min in every individual.
– The utility of using METs is so substantial that it more than makes up
for any imprecision
• Exercising at 5 METs equates to working 5x greater than when at rest
– 5 MET x 3.5 mL/kg/min = 17.5 mL/kg/min
Monitoring Intensity Using Caloric Expenditure
 When the body burns fuel, O2 is consumed, which yields
calories to perform work.
– 5 kcal per liter of O2

 Absolute VO2 (L/min)

 Relative VO2 (mL/kg/min)
 Commercial cardiovascular exercise equipment
– Provide estimates of caloric expenditure using absolute VO2
based on the amount of work being performed
– Kcal per exercise session = L/min x 5 kcal/L x minutes

 Online caloric-expenditure calculators are available for a

variety of physical activities on the ACE website.
Monitoring Intensity Using the Talk Test
 Ventilation increases as exercise intensity increases
– Linear increase, with the exception of two distinct deflection points: VT1 & VT2

 Initially, increased ventilation is accomplished through increased

inspiration (tidal volume)

 At about the intensity of VT1, the increase in ventilation is

accomplished by an increase in breathing frequency (respiration rate)

 Above VT1, but below the second ventilatory threshold (VT2),

speaking is possible, but not comfortable.

 VT2 represents the point at which high-intensity exercise can no

longer be sustained.
– Onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)
– Above VT2, speech is not possible, other than single words.

 The talk test is an index of exercise intensity at VT1.

Monitoring Intensity Using Blood Lactate and VT2
 The metabolic response to exercise is generally non-linear.
– It is more reasonable to program exercise in terms of metabolic
– Easily marked by either blood lactate or VT1 and VT2
 Blood lactate threshold and VT1
– Bicarbonate buffering
 OBLA, HR turnpoint
(HRTP), and VT2
– HRTP is a flattening of
the heart-rate response
to increasing intensity.
Three-zone Training Model

 Zone 1  Zone 3
– Relatively easy exercise – Reflects heart rates
– Reflects heart rates below VT1 at or above VT2
– Client can talk comfortably – Client definitely cannot
talk comfortably
 Zone 2
– Reflects heart rates from
VT1 to just below VT2
– Client is not sure if he or
she can talk comfortably
Cardiorespiratory Exercise Duration
 Benefits gained from exercise and physical activity are dose-related.
– Greater benefits are derived from greater quantities of activity.
– Physical activity expending ≤1,000 kcal/week generally only produces
improvements to health.
– Expending ≥2,000 kcal/week promotes effective weight loss and significant
improvements to overall fitness.

 Beginner exercisers
– Typically cannot tolerate 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity
– Generally cannot start with the recommended frequency
Cardiorespiratory Exercise Progression
 Progression follows basic training principles, including:
– Overload
– Specificity

 Exercise duration is the most appropriate variable to

manipulate initially.
 Thereafter, implement progressions by increasing
exercise frequency and then exercise intensity.
 Fartlek training
Types of Cardiorespiratory Exercise
 Physical activities that promote improvement or maintenance of
cardiorespiratory fitness:
• Equipment-based • Seasonal exercise
cardiovascular exercise • Water-based exercise
• Group exercise
• Mind-body exercise
• Circuit training
• Lifestyle exercise
• Outdoor exercise
Physical Activities That Promote Improvement or Maintenance of Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Exercise Description Recommended Groups Activity Examples
Endurance activities requiring minimal skill All adults Walking, slow-dancing, recreational cycling
or fitness or swimming

Vigorous-intensity endurance activities Adults participating in regular exercise or Jogging, rowing, elliptical training, stepping,
requiring minimal skill having better than average fitness indoor cycling, fast-dancing

Endurance activities requiring higher skill Adults with acquired skill and higher fitness Swimming, cross-country skiing
levels levels

Recreational sports Adults participating in regular training with Soccer, basketball, racquet sports
acquired fitness and skill levels
Equipment-based Cardiovascular Exercise
 The aerobic value of any equipment-based program is
based on how the machine is used.
– Sustained moderate-intensity exercise is the foundation of
cardiorespiratory exercise training.

 Many pieces can estimate the MET or caloric cost of

– Common sense is required when using the MET or caloric
values generated by exercise equipment.
– In less-fit individuals, and if handrail support is used, the values
may overestimate the actual value attained.
Group Exercise
 During the past few decades, an enormous variety of
group exercise formats has emerged.
 Common to most formats is the use of music.
 The choreography and intensity can vary greatly.
– Group indoor cycling programs can elicit VO2 or HR values greater
than those achieved during exercise tests.
– Group exercise designed for older individuals
can be very low intensity.
Circuit Training
 Cardiorespiratory training effects can be observed during
circuit training by:
– Alternating muscular strength and endurance activities with
classical aerobic training
– Performing the activities in a rapid sequence

 Depending on equipment availability, circuit training can

be performed by:
– A single individual rotating through select exercises
– Groups of participants rotating in an organized manner through
several exercise stations
Outdoor and Seasonal Exercise
 Outdoor exercise activities
– Have emerged out of recreational activities, many with the
promise of providing cardiorespiratory fitness
– Some activities are much more variable in their cardiorespiratory
training effects.

 Seasonal exercise activities

– Likely to have a large cardiorespiratory training effect if the
activities require sustained physical activity
• Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the
winter months and walking and running in the
warmer months
Water-based Exercise
 Water aerobics classes and games can be effective
methods of exercise.
 Water-based exercise is particularly valuable for older or
obese individuals or those with orthopedic issues.
 Energy cost of ambulatory activity in the water
 Immersion in water causes the blood to be redistributed
to the central circulation.
Mind-body and Lifestyle Exercise
 Mind-body exercise
– Generally not associated with high-intensity aerobic activity
– May provide an intensity comparable to that of walking
– Examples include Pilates, hatha yoga, Nia, and tai chi

 Lifestyle exercise
– Consistently performed domestic activities can provide enough
stimulus to make previously sedentary people fit and contribute
to excellent health.
– Activities like yard work should be viewed in the context of the
total exercise load.
ACE IFT Model Cardiorespiratory Training Phases
 The ACE IFT Model has four cardiorespiratory training
Phase 3 Phase 4
Phase 1 Phase 2

 Clients are categorized into a given phase based on their

current health, fitness level, and goals.
– Clients may be in different phases for cardiorespiratory training
and functional movement and resistance training.
Phase 1: Aerobic-base training
 The focus is on creating positive exercise experiences that help
sedentary clients become regular exercisers.
 No fitness assessments are required prior to exercise.
 Focus on steady-state exercise in zone 1 (below VT1).
 Gauge intensity by the client’s ability to talk comfortably and/or RPE
of 3 to 4.
 Increase exercise duration (<10% increase per week)
 Progress to phase 2 once client can sustain steady-state
cardiorespiratory exercise for 20 to 30 minutes in zone 1 (below talk
test threshold; RPE of 3 to 4) and is comfortable with assessments.

Phase 2: Aerobic-efficiency Training
 The focus is on increasing the duration of exercise and introducing
intervals to improve aerobic efficiency, fitness, and health.
 Administer the submaximal talk test to determine HR at VT1.
 Exercise programming in Zone 1 (< VT1) and Zone 2 (VT1 to < VT2)
 Progressions for Aerobic-efficiency Training:
– Increase duration of exercise in zone 1
– Then introduce low zone 2 intervals just above VT1 (RPE of 5)
– Progress low zone 2 intervals by increasing the time of the work interval and later
decreasing the recovery interval time.
– As the client progresses, introduce intervals in the upper end of zone 2 (RPE of 6).

 Most clients will train in this phase for many years.

 If a client has event-specific goals or is a fitness enthusiast looking for
increased challenges and fitness gains, progress to phase 3.
Phase 3: Anaerobic-endurance Training
 The focus is on designing programs to help clients who have
endurance performance goals and/or are performing seven or more
hours of cardiorespiratory exercise per week.
 Administer the VT2 threshold test to determine HR at VT2.
 The majority of cardiorespiratory training time is spent in zone 1, with
intervals and higher-intensity sessions focused in zones 2 and 3.
 Cardiorespiratory training time is distributed as follows:
– Zone 1 (< VT1): 70–80% of training time
– Zone 2 (VT1 to < VT2): <10% of training time
– Zone 3 (> VT2): 10–20% of training time
 Many clients will never train in phase 3.
 Only clients who have very specific goals for increasing speed for
short bursts at near-maximal efforts will move on to phase 4.
Phase 4: Anaerobic-power Training
 The focus is on improving anaerobic power to improve phosphagen
energy pathways and buffer blood lactate.

 Programs will have a similar distribution to phase 3 training times in

terms of distribution among zones 1, 2, and 3.

 Zone 3 training will include very intense anaerobic-power intervals

that are at or near maximal levels.
– Zone 3 intervals in phase 4 will be of shorter duration than in phase 3,
due to greater intensity (RPE = 9 or 10)
– Increase length of recovery interval during zone 3 interval sessions

 Clients will generally only work in phase 4 during specific training

cycles prior to competition.
Recovery and Regeneration
 As a general principle, training should be periodized.
 The biggest programming mistakes include:
– Taking too few recovery days
– Trying to do something other than recover on recovery days
– Trying to progress the training load on recovery days (when it
should only be progressed on hard days).

 The bottom line is that recovery days are for recovery.

 Two or three hard training days per week are probably
adequate to allow progress toward most goals.
Cardiorespiratory Training for Youth
 In youth, there are two primary considerations:
– Prevent early overspecialization
– Protect against orthopedic trauma from training too much

 Youth typically perform intermittent activity

rather than the more sustained activity that is
typical of fitness exercise.
 For obese youth, structured exercise may be
– Intensity should be low enough that exercise is fairly comfortable
(zone 1).
– Since energy expenditure is of primary importance, the duration
of exercise should probably progress to an hour or more.
Cardiorespiratory Training for Older Adults
 In older individuals, there are four overriding considerations that
dictate modification of the exercise program:
– Avoiding cardiovascular risk
– Avoiding orthopedic risk
– The need to preserve muscle tissue
– The rate at which older individuals respond
to training
 Older adults are less tolerant of:
– Heavy training loads
– Rapid increases in training load
– Single-mode exercise
– Stop-and-go game-type activities
 Sarcopenia and low bone mineral density are also concerns for
those over 50.
 Physical activity or structured exercise performed with
regularity causes adaptation in the heart, lungs, blood,
and muscle tissue and promotes the ability to perform
even more exercise.
 This session covered:
– Physiological adaptations to cardiorespiratory exercise
– Components of a cardiorespiratory workout session
– Cardiorespiratory exercise for health, fitness, and weight loss
– Types of cardiorespiratory exercise
– ACE IFT Model cardiorespiratory-training phases
– Recovery and regeneration
– Considerations for youth and older adults

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