Muscular System (1) Asjfnasnfnas
Muscular System (1) Asjfnasnfnas
Muscular System (1) Asjfnasnfnas
Muscle Tissues
A. Skeletal Muscles
a. Striated and voluntary
b. Forms the smoother contours of the body
c. Cigar shaped, multinucleated
d. Fibers can be seen by naked eye
e. Often activated by reflexes
f. Connective tissue wrapping – provides strength and support to the
muscle as a whole; allows muscle to exert tremendous power
without being ripped apart
i. Endomysium – Binds the sarcolemma
ii. Perimysium – Binds the fascicle
iii. Fascicle – Bundle of fibers
iv. Epimysium – “overcoat”; covers the entire muscle
v. Aponeuroses – attach muscles indirectly to bones,
cartilages or connective tissue coverings
vi. Tendons – connects muscle to bone, provide durability
and conserve space
B. Smooth Muscles
a. Visceral, non-striated, and involuntary
b. Spindle shaped
c. Arranged in sheets or layers
d. Stomach, urinary bladder and respiratory passages
C. Cardiac Muscles
a. Striated and involuntary
b. Arranged in spiral or figure 8 – shaped
c. Branched in cells joined by special junctions called intercalated disks
Physiologic properties
a. Electrical excitability
a. It is the ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing signals such as action potentials
b. Contractility
a. It is the ability of muscle tissue to contract when stimulated
c. Extensability
a. Ability to stretch
b. Allows muscle to contract even when stretched
d. Elasticity
a. Ability to return to its original length and shape after contraction or extension
d. Generating heat
Graded responses
“all-or-none” law of muscle physiology applies to the muscle cell, not to the whole muscle.
o States that a muscle cell will contract to its fullest extent when stimulated adequately; it never partially contracts.
Skeletal muscles are organs that is made up of thousands of muscle cells, and they react to stimuli with graded response, or
different degrees of shortening.
A. ATP molecules
are hydrolyzed to release needed energy.
Limited supply – about 4-6 seconds worth
Continous use of muscle tissue leads to use of O2, when O2 debt happens
muscle becomes fatigue
Muscle tone – result of different motor units, which are scattered throught the muscle stimulated by the NS is a systematic way