NCM 110 Midterm Reviewer

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NCM 110 • Memory-.

Utilizes integrated circuits

and are used by operating systems,
software, and hardware
• Hardware-Physical components of a
• Health informatics-. The management computer eg. microprocessors, hard
of health information using computers. disks, RAM and motherboard.

•  Initial Assessment or Assessment- •  Telemedicine-. Is the use of

Establishes a baseline. Very first time information and telecommunication
your admitted somewhere. Nurse will technologies to exchange clinical
ask for a detailed health history & information
physical assessment
• Electronic Medical record- Provides
• Telenursing-The use of easy retrieval of specific data such as
telecommunications and IT for the trends in vital signs, immunization
delivery of nursing services records, current problems

• Telehealth-The use of • Central processing Unit- . Interprets

telecommunication and electronic instructions to the computer, performs
information to exchange healthcare the logical and arithmetic processing
information and provide and support operations, and causes the input and
services such as long-distance clinical output operations to occur
healthcare to clients
• Electronic Medical record- Provides
• System software-Collection of one or easy retrieval of specific data such as
more programs used to control and trends in vital signs, immunization
coordinate the hardware and other records, current problems
application software
• Central processing Unit- . Interprets
• Read Only memory-Memory that is instructions to the computer, performs
etched on a chip that has start-up the logical and arithmetic processing
directions for your computer. operations, and causes the input and
output operations to occur
• Storage Devices-Devices which are
capable of holding information either • Nurses use all of the aspects of the
temporarily or permanently. Foundation of Knowledge Model,
regardless of their area of practice.
• Random Access memory-It stores data
including numbers, letters of the • Electronic monitors help nurses keep
alphabet, graphics and sound track of their patients’ vital signs.

•  Output devices- Converts information • To create software, a programming

into human-readable form language must be used.
-it can be text, graphics, tactile, audio,
• A major advantage of computerized
and video.
scheduling verses hand scheduling is
the ease of locating appointments
through a computer search. 
• . Electronic medical records can be with the computer and tells it what to
accessed from several locations at the do
same time.
• nursing diagnosis-a data collection tool
• Electronic medical records (EMR) are for standardized languages, which
used to record clinical data. information would the nurse expect to
see as part of data collected for nursing
•  Current advancements in medical
technologies continue to change the
methods and outcomes of medical • to enhance patient care and safety,
treatments nurses can continue a compassionate
• Patient records are filed alphabetically
by family name. • Hard drive-A peripheral that has very
high speed and high density. It is very
• The health record is an example of a
fast means of storing and retrieving
primary data source.
data as well as having a large storage
•  Individuals suffering from technology capacity in comparison with other types
overload feel distressed when deprived of storage
of computers and mobile devices.
What Is Nursing Informatics
• Information technology (IT) refers to
 Informatics nurses -are registered
the computer hardware and software
nurses (RNs) who work at the
that medical practices use to
intersection of technology and nursing.
accomplish daily tasks.
 Nursing informatics -is a specialty of
• The health record is an example of a
nursing that combines knowledge of
primary data source.
nursing, communications, computer
•  Individuals suffering from technology science, and information science
overload feel distressed when deprived
Why Do We Need Informatics Nurses?
of computers and mobile devices.
 Nursing informaticists- improve health
• Information technology (IT) refers to
systems which can improve health
the computer hardware and software
outcomes for patients.
that medical practices use to
accomplish daily tasks.  These nurses work to develop
• Storage converts data to information communications and information
that can be used by human observers to technologies systems while also serving
solve problems, such as diagnosing a as educators, specialists, researchers,
patient's medical condition. and software engineers. 

• a doctor is the best place to seek What Does an Informatics Nurse Do?
answers to health related questions?  Encouraging evidence-based best
• Software-is practices, education, and research
A set of instructions that communicates efforts.
 Encouraging evidence-based best Documentation Of Client Status and Client
practices, education, and research Record Keeping

Managing the transition from paper charting to

electronic medical charting
 Study the following:
Skills Needed for a Career in Nursing Informatics
 7 technology for a better nurse in the
 Communication
 Computer programming
 The nursing process using computer
 Critical thinking & problem-solving
 Examples of nursing technology
 Interpersonal skills like empathy and
 Parts of computer and use of it
conflict resolution
 Role of nurses as nursing informatics
 Knowledge of health data systems
 How computer useful in nursing
 Project management
Level of Competencies
 Why tele-health is trending at this time
 The Beginning Nurse
 How technology be useful in future.
 The Experienced Nurse

 Informatics Nurse specialist

 Innovator Nurse

Computer Systems

 Nursing practice

 Nursing education

 Nursing Management

 Nursing research

The Value of Nurse Informaticists

 Tele-health

 Home health

 Ambulatory care

 Outpatient settings

Computer in Nursing service

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