Platinum 04 2024

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Live, look & feel fabulous

‘Midlife can REDUCE
be the best STRESS
time of life’ With tips from
Dr Dawn Harper
On her career
change and
feeling fulfilled THE BIG DEBATE
in her 50s
Should we live
communally as
we get older?

Stay fit & WIN

A spa hotel

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for all ages


MEALS Loose Women’s Jane Moore
Healthy Triathlete Louise Minchin
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Spring is on its way – hooray! The lighter days This month
mean we can get outside for a dose of natural light, I’m trying..
which is so important for health and happiness. But
although spring is a time to be out and about, it’s also
a great time for a spring clean, especially to open up
the windows and give everything a good airing.
I say this, as we have a feature about the rather
unpleasant topic of mould (p80), which can be a
The CBD Collection
silent killer when lurking in cupboards, carpets and of teas, £28.99,
corners, quietly harming your health. We often have all our windows

closed in winter to keep the heat in and this can result in a build-up of
condensation, which can trigger mould. I encourage you all to have a
thorough look around your home for any mould. The feature contains
tips on cleaning, but sometimes it’s good to call the professionals too
as mould isn’t something you want to mess with or breathe in.
Also on the home front, our Big Debate (p70) looks at shared housing
and why this could be a great idea – not only in retirement but for some DIRTEA Cacao
even before that – as a way to combat loneliness, which is endemic Mushroom Super
Blend, £49.99,
in the UK. We’ve also got a round up of solo holidays as requested by
a reader (p56). And last but no means least, our cover star Melinda
Messenger shares how she felt the fear when it came to changing career
at midlife but did it anyway – plus it’s her birthday the day this issue
goes on sale! Happy birthday Melinda from all at team Platinum.

Katy x WillPowder MCT

Keto Creamer
Sachets, £21,
Katy Sunnassee, Editor-in-Chief
Connect with me at

Thank you for joining our Platinum Ambassadors!

Many thanks to everyone who emailed in to join, or re-join, the Platinum Ambassadors. We
will be including your submissions from the next issue. It’s not too late to sign up though –
simply email [email protected] with AMBASSADORS in the subject header.
We want to hear about your tips, tricks and reviews of anything from recipes to fitness ideas.
All messages are diverted to my inbox, and I get hundreds of emails a day so please be
patient, as I will endeavour to get back to everyone individually – eventually!

career, new loves and life after TV
April 2024

Your style
Things are looking peachy this
month with spring fashions
It's time to ditch the trends and
create your own style
Comfortable and technical

activewear for your outdoor pursuits

You beauty! SHOULD WE ALL

Dottie Monaghan's subtle make-up
tips to highlight your features
Read our in-depth review of the
best at-home LED face masks
50 TIME TO LATHER UP! Discover beautiful bedding and
It's time to rediscover the benefits fabrics from Secret Linen Store


of good old-fashioned soap
52 PLATINUM BEAUTY AWARDS YOU? Find the causes and
Meet our panel of experts putting solutions for mould that might
be lurking at home
Adventure time Interior inspiration to brighten
up your home in time for spring
Four stunning solo retreats to
Deliciously speedy and thrifty
escape to in the UK and Europe
recipes from chef Rosie Sykes
The popular ski destination has
much more to offer in the sunshine
Enter our prize draw for a luxury INSPIRING ORPHANS
overnight spa stay worth £700 Read one woman's inspiring
move from corporate career
ladder to charity champion
Home comforts 100 3 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR
70 LET'S LIVE TOGETHER? CAREER In need of a change?
Can communal living solve the SUBTLE MAKE-UP TIPS Find expert advice on switching
isolation crisis in older age? FOR DAYTIME GLAM direction in later-life working

Your healthy life
106 DR DAWN HARPER The doctor
offers stress-busting advice ahead
Author Sylvie Boulay shares all
of Stress Awareness Month
Create an attitude of gratitude
BOUNDARIES? How to say
with Suzy Glaskie's top tips
no and take back control with
advice from coach Brenda Winkle 128 WALK AWAY YOUR...
Tight hip flexors, with Joanna
Hall's expert walking guide
Elizabeth Joseph focuses hard on
overcoming menopausal brain fog 130 FIT & FEARLESS Louise Minchin
with some interesting ideas conquers the surf in Sri Lanka


Your guide to what’s on
Moore on lasting friendships
14 BOOK CLUB Adele Parks
rounds up the best new reads
our panel of industry experts
Never miss an issue!
124 PUZZLES Three pages of
problems to boost your brain



Each month, our team of experts share their wealth of
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Produced for Kelsey Media by The Health Editor Ltd
knowledge, from fashion and beauty to health and wellbeing. Editor-in-Chief Katy Sunnassee ([email protected])
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The TV presenter Bestselling author The Loose Women MANAGEMENT
Managing Director (Lifestyle) Oswin Grady
and author finds Adele rounds up presenter shares her Retail Director Steve Brown
surfing success on her six favourite latest thoughts, and Head of Direct Consumer Revenue Nick McIntosh
Direct Consumer Revenue Executive Molly Walton
her latest sporting new reads for why female friends Print Production Manager Georgina Harris
Print Production Controller Hayley Brown
adventure. us this month. are all you need.
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Health coach Suzy Platinum’s resident The author and GP DISTRIBUTION
invites you to reap make-up artist offers expert advice ● Distribution in Great Britain: Seymour Distribution Limited,
2 East Poultry Avenue, London, EC1A 9PT
the benefits of shares her advice on how to manage 020 7429 4000;
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Newspread; 353 23 886 3850
of gratitude. not overdone. kinder to yourself.
● The information in Platinum is provided for entertainment and should
not supersede the advice of medical experts. You must not rely on
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any medical condition, seek expert attention.

Platinum Magazine is a registered trademark and is published monthly by Kelsey Media

2024© all rights reserved. Kelsey Media is a trading name of Kelsey Publishing Ltd.
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Note to contributors: Articles submitted for consideration by the editor must be the
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JOANNA HALL GAIL ROLFE ELIZABETH JOSEPH and services offered by third parties.
Our walking expert Fashion expert Gail Our Menopause PRIVACY NOTICE: Kelsey Publishing Ltd uses a multilayered privacy notice, giving
you brief details about how we would like to use your personal information. For full
Joanna shares her says it’s time to Guineapig focuses details, visit, or call 01959 543524. If you have any questions, please ask,
as submitting your details indicates your consent, until you choose otherwise, that we
tips for mobilising ditch the trends and really hard to battle and our partners may contact you about products and services that will be of relevance
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your hip flexors. find your own style. midlife brain fog. [email protected] or 01959 543524.


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Have your
say… Thanks for writing in to share feedback on the magazine.
Here’s a selection of your letters this month. Email your
thoughts to us at [email protected].

‘I want to read more about how to have

a voice as an elder in society’
‘I feel Platinum has got so much some of which will resonate with and finance stories to help women
potential as a mainstream magazine readers and others not so much. It’s working longer and later in life, either
reaching out to mature women. And impossible to please all of the people by choice or circumstance. And going
I also feel frustrated that it feels all of the time, as they say (which I back to fashion, I’m thinking about
so much like many other women’s found out very quickly when I removed including either a one-off or regular
magazines. As a menopaused woman, the puzzle pages!). column on pre-loved, i.e. second-hand,
life is about embracing new ideas, new In this issue we are looking at the fashion. If you or any others reading
concepts and new perspectives on life topic of housing for older generations this have specific ideas for features
and society and my role in it. I so wish and at alternative options people might or topics you’d like to read, please
Platinum would dare to start tackling consider, as loneliness is a major issue write in and let me know and I’ll
a few more relevant topics to women facing a lot of older people. I also look see what I can do. All the best,’
who don’t necessarily have the budget for useful and/or inspiring work, career Katy, Editor-In-Chief
nor interest in expensive holidays, for
example, but who are more concerned
about how to have a concrete voice STAR LETTER PRIZE!
as an elder in society – a society that Congratulations Suzanne, you win a bundle of
faces so many serious challenges. I Star Viridian Nutrition products worth £95! Ethical and
am not sure we want yet more fashion
pages and the lure towards more
letter pure, with 100 per cent active ingredients, Viridian
products will help support your health as we head
selfish, well-to-do lifestyles that don’t into spring. The brand will send your prize directly.
contribute anything concrete to our
positions as elders.’ Suzanne

‘Dear Suzanne, thanks for your honest

opinions, which I will most certainly
take into consideration. I am always
looking to source relevant, helpful

topics that contribute positively to the

lives of the readers at the life stage
they are at, and I know what you
mean about not necessarily wanting or
needing more fashion (though a lot of
readers do say they like the beauty and
fashion, as we present a range of price
points, not just high-end fashion, so
I can’t do away with those).
This type of magazine always has
to provide a balance of content pillars,

Your letters

‘Browsing the magazine section at
my local store, I was looking for
something to cheer up the post-
Christmas, dark January days.
Platinum instantly caught my eye:
I loved the image, the colour, the
articles mentioned. I am heading
towards my 70th birthday this
year so the article about planning
financially to live to 100 was of
particular interest. Also, who
could resist a £5,000 giveaway!
A diamond necklace would be a
real treat. Thank you, Platinum, for
brightening my January.’ Susan

‘Dear Susan, I’m glad the February

issue caught your eye – we must
do red again! – and that you were
drawn to that feature. As a health
journalist (and also editor of Top
Santé magazine, which is all about
health for women 40+), it’s a real
interest of mine to find out all the
latest ways to stay fit and healthy
and improve longevity – although
it’s not always easy to do it all!
I am passionate about sharing
information with other women
on health and longevity, as it
saddens me to see so many people,
including ones close to me, ravaged
by lifestyle diseases that could
‘THERE IS SOMETHING ‘PLEASE PROVIDE SOME possibly have been averted had
FOR EVERYONE’ CHAIR EXERCISES’ they made healthier choices. This is
‘What a great magazine with diverse ‘As a returning reader to Platinum, in part why there are more health
articles. Because many people I was pleased to see that it hasn’t features now, although I try hard
continue to work into their 70s, you lost its wide range of informative not to turn Platinum into a health
manage to be inclusive, and with a articles. Last issue there were a lot of magazine as I know not everyone
good age range of models too. There wellbeing articles, which also made is as interested in the topic as I
is something for everyone.’ Norma good reading. But could Platinum am. Good luck with the diamond
please consider giving some chair- competition too – we may have
‘Dear Norma, thanks for your lovely based exercises? As a disabled picked a winner already by the
message and positive feedback. I do person, I would love to be fitter but time this goes to press!’ Katy
try to make sure the models are age there are no local groups where I live. Financial planning

appropriate – although that’s not Others in my situation may benefit as

Are you W
ith demographers predicting that 100, but in order to accommodate this, the
today’s five-year-olds have a old financial playbook possibly needs rewriting
better chance than ever of living for a new era.

always possible with fashion shots, as well. Carry on the good work.’ Jo
to be centenarians, it is crucial to ‘Getting the risk levels right by not necessarily
be prepared for a potentially longer lifespan by following the old norms that dictate people

prioritising the pace of your spending and the should be in low-risk investments as they
longevity of your wealth. approach retirement because their money needs
According to the latest ONS data, the UK is protecting, is key,’ he says.
home to 13,924 centenarians, placing us seventh ‘People are living better for longer and have
worldwide for the highest number. big goals and ambitions far beyond retirement,

it’s still the case that most brands shoot

Moneyfarm estimates that the average person so make sure your money continues to grow at
will need a retirement pot of £650,000 – in a rate to match those ambitions. Slowing down

prepared to
addition to their state pension and taking into is not the answer, so don’t forget about “future
consideration 1.5 per cent growth after inflation you”,’ adds Chris.
– if they are to live comfortably on £30,000
a year from the age of 66 through to 100. SAVINGS & PENSIONS
Chris Rudden, head of investment consultants The thing to remember is that, hopefully, you will

their campaign imagery on models ‘Dear Jo, thank you for writing in
at Moneyfarm says: ‘From a financial perspective be living in retirement for a long time, and you

live to 100?
it is now almost prudent to assume you will reach want to be living comfortably. That might sound

younger than their target audience. and for making this suggestion. I will With advancements in healthcare and improved lifestyle choices, reaching the grand
old age of 100 is becoming a tangible reality. Platinum looks at ways to ensure you
have provisions in place to reach a century with money still in your pocket!

However, this is slowly starting to look to see how we can include some
change, as you will see from some chair-based workouts for people with
of the lovely imagery we have on our limited mobility. And I am so pleased
active wear round up this issue. to hear you are a returning reader –
Many thanks,’ Katy welcome back!’ Katy 98 PLATINUM PLATINUM 99

Make the most of your downtime with our guide
to the best entertainment for the months ahead.

Upcoming events
Returning for its 24th year, this celebration of
food features celebrity chefs, cooking classes
for kids and adults, plus over 150 exhibitors
showcasing their best culinary offerings. Fancy
making a weekend of it? Join CamperFest for four
days of camping in the heart of Cheshire and get
free access to the festival!


Boost your wellness with Liverpool’s largest
immersive wellbeing festival. Gathering wellbeing
experts from across the North West and beyond, the
day-long event features a jam-packed line up
of interactive panels, networking sessions and talks
covering physical, mental, social, environmental,
financial, occupational and spiritual wellbeing.
Perfect for Stress Awareness Month this April!

APRIL 25-27,
Formerly known as the
Abigail Yardimci, guest
English Riviera Literature author at this year’s festival.
Festival, this bookworm’s
haven returns for its third year and features a line-up
of well-known and emerging authors from the SouthWest.
You can expect talks from guest authors and local
historians, plus writing workshops where you can hone
your own creativity.

Ones to
Latest page turners watch

The Imposter Cure Somehow: Thoughts The Mother Artist

by Dr Jessamy Hibberd, On Love by Anne by Catherine Ricketts, MOVIE: BACK
Octopus Books Lamott, Riverhead Broadleaf Books TO BLACK
Investigating why Books (on sale Apr 9) (on sale Apr 16) RELEASE DATE:
people believe they are This book explores the Forged in the stress APRIL 12 IN CINEMAS
not worthy of success, transformative power of early motherhood, Starring Marisa Abela, this
this book is filled with love has in our lives: essayist Catherine biographical film chronicles
strategies for increasing how it surprises us, Ricketts celebrates the life and music of Amy
confidence and self- forces us to confront creativity while asking Winehouse, through the
belief. A must-read for uncomfortable truths, questions about the journey of adolescence to
anyone struggling with reminds us of our making of motherhood adulthood and the creation
imposter syndrome. humanity and guides us. and the making of art. of one of the best-selling
albums of our time.

John Singer Sargent is
known as the greatest
portrait artist of his era.
Through interviews with
curators, contemporary
HARROGATE SPRING FLOWER SHOW 2024 fashionistas and style
APRIL 25-28, HARROGATE, NORTH YORKSHIRE ( influencers, Exhibition
The first major event in the national gardening calendar, this prestigious flower on Screen’s documentary
showcase features stunning display gardens, live talks and demonstrations, garden examines how Sargent’s
shopping, and showstopping floral arrangements. Organised by the North of unique practice has
England Horticultural Society, all profits are returned to the charity and used influenced modern art,
to promote UK gardening and horticulture. culture and fashion.

Our columnist and Loose Women presenter,
Jane Moore, asks, why are men and women
so different when it comes to friendship?

any years ago, my God forbid, their feelings. There are
then husband was notable exceptions, of course, but
supposed to be going for the most part, the majority of
for lunch with a friend, my friends who are still married
but the man cancelled at the last remain transfixed by their other
minute. “Apparently, his son is ill,” half’s ability to get in a taxi and talk
he explained. “What son?” I asked. in great detail with the driver about
He looked confused. “Good point. Chelsea/Arsenal/Spurs/whatever’s
I have no idea.” chances in the league, but then
It turned out that his friend, who be rendered virtually mute with
was single, had fathered a child with a “beam me up Scotty” expression
someone after a brief fling but hadn’t when she wants to talk about
thought to mention it to his friends. their relationship.
And now that he was owning up Whereas, while us women – again
to it, my then husband hadn’t even with notable exceptions – generally
picked up on this dynamite piece of tend to be far more open about
information. He’d simply replied: anything that’s bothering us and seek
“Alright mate, catch you later.” the advice of family and friends to
Imagine if the same conversation help us through it, men feel the need
had taken place between two women. to appear self-reliant so are more
After, ooh, about five minutes, we’d likely to hide what they’re feeling.
know who the other parent was, I pride myself on being a good pal
where the child had been conceived to others and regularly “water” my
and born, his name and birth weight, friendships with contact, both via
why he was ill, the current status of phone and face to face. And when
the relationship and every one of their I got divorced, they repaid that
plans for co-parenting into the future. loyalty in spades. I remember one
particular day when, shortly after
ARE MEN FROM MARS? my ex had moved out, the house was
Sweeping generalisation I know, but looking a little dusty and sparse and
heterosexual men are funny creatures, I mentioned on our group WhatsApp
aren’t they? They seem to bond over that I was spending the day cleaning
a shared love of a certain sport or and reorganising it to look nicer for
hobby rather than life events or, potential buyers. An hour or so later,


Jane’s diary
I took my daughters to New
York recently and we visited
the 9/11 memorial museum;
a poignant reminder to all of
us of how precious life is and
to enjoy it while we can.

the doorbell went, and outside were Look

five mates who live locally to me, Buy
armed with their own vacuum
cleaners, dusters and various of the month of the
cleaning products. “We’re here
to help,” they declared, and
I’m doing a spot
of room refurbing month
spent the next three hours at home, and If I have a favourite style,
moving furniture around and getting a new look it’s something tailored
polishing my house from top doesn’t have to be and “classic”. Usually,
to bottom. By the time they’d it’s a suit, but I love a
finished, it was transformed. waistcoat too. This dark

blue pinstriped one with

FIERCE FEMALE matching trousers is from
LOYALTY Zara, teamed with that
Would men do that for each other? wardrobe staple everyone
Maybe, but it’s more likely they’d should have: a white shirt.
take each other out for a pint and a
curry. Nothing wrong with that, but
there’s something about close female a little speech to introduce them all
friendships that transcends the norms and explain what they each mean to
of support and becomes something me. It was a magical day and, as you
much deeper. can see from all the squinting (above),
When I hit 60, I didn’t fancy the boiling hot too.
same sort of big party I’d had a These women are there for me, and
decade earlier, when I celebrated with I’m there for them. I don’t speak to
150 people. Instead, one of my oldest them every day, and in some cases,
friends hosted a lunch party at her not even once a month, but I know
house, to which I invited 18 friends that I could call any of them at 4am
(and a couple more who couldn’t from a police holding cell (hopefully
make it) who have meant a lot to a claim I never have to test!) and
me over the years and remain part they’d spring into action.
of my trusted inner circle. Mind you, the same can be said of
They all know about each other, but my ex-husband too, except he’s not
some have never met, so I gave so handy with a vacuum and duster.

by Valerie Martin (£16.99, Penguin Random House)

This will certainly give your book club some interesting discussion
points! Set in 1954, in the tropical haven Verona Island where
prostitution is legal, Lila Gulliver runs a brothel that promises her
exclusive clientele privacy and discretion. So, a haven for the men
then, not necessarily the poor women! To coin my mum’s phrase,
“it was ever thus”. The exclusive clientele includes gangsters
and corrupt lawmen. Mrs. Gulliver has a new girl working for her,
mesmerising and mysterious Carità. A 19-year-old beauty who has
been blind since birth. When the son of a wealthy judge visits Mrs.
Gulliver’s establishment, he immediately falls madly in love with
Carità. Ian Drohan is as naïve as he is ardent, protected by family
wealth and connections. Mrs. Gulliver mistrusts him but Carità is
fearless and headstrong and holds a different view. The two women
must fight for agency in a community too ready to underestimate and
dismiss them. The winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction, Valerie
Martin has written an unexpected and witty novel examining the
eternal inequalities embedded in this particular trade.



Bestselling author Adele Parks MBE shares her picks of the month, including a house-full-of-secrets
thriller, a coming-of-age tale with a quirky heroine, and an honest guide to navigating grief.


by Clare Mackintosh (£18.99, Little, Brown)

Death is unavoidable and so grief is universal, but we are not

universally good at talking about it. Grief can be crushing,
draining, isolating, unpredictable and seemingly never-ending
when you are going through it. Wherever you are with your
grief, and whoever you’re grieving for, this incredibly honest
book was written to support you, to reassure you that things
will get easier. When bestselling writer Clare Mackintosh lost
her five-week-old son, she searched for help in books. The
books she read told her how she should be feeling, but her
experience resisted neat, digestible stages of grief. Many years
later, Claire has written the book she needed back then, offering
18 short assurances that are full of compassion and comfort.

New reads

by T.M. Logan (£16.99, Bonnier Books) by Stéphane
Adam, Jess and their three kids move translated
into a rambling Victorian villa right by Polly
at the very top of their price range. Mackintosh
It’s in need of TLC before it can be
Gallic Books;
considered perfect, but it has potential
to be their dream home. However, March 28)
on the very day they move in, Adam
discovers a door hidden behind a fitted Clara is a
wardrobe, concealing a – frankly freaky hairdresser at
– secret room. Inside, he discovers a Cindy Coiffure,
small selection of secreted personal a sleepy
possessions. Obsessed with how the objects got there and who they belong French salon. Everything about
to, Adam sets in motion a series of events that place his family in terrible Clara’s life seems tired and past its
danger. T.M. Logan always delivers tense, can’t-look-away thrillers that feel best; the old dears who frequent
horribly real. I was on the edge of my seat. the salon, her relationship, her
tanoholic boss Madame Habib who
★★★★★ only looks back and not forward.
Clara wonders if there’s more
to life. Then a customer leaves
behind the first volume of In Search
of Lost Time by Marcel Proust.
Adele Parks MBE is the author of
23 bestselling novels including Just As Clara reads, she discovers
Between Us, Lies Lies Lies and Just an entirely different world, and
My Luck. She writes compelling, is encouraged to strike up an
twisty, psychological thrillers that unexpected friendship. Slowly but
are popular all over the world, with surely, she sets about working out
five million English language editions who she wants to be. I found this
sold. She is dedicated to spreading tender and witty coming-of-age
the joy of reading and is a proud story refreshing. It’s peppered with
ambassador of the National Literacy a cast of quirky characters and led
Trust. She loves hearing from readers by a unique heroine.
P L AT I N U M E X P E R T so keep in touch with her via X
Adel e Park s M BE (formerly Twitter) @adeleparks
or at
by Tara Moss (£9.99, Penguin Random House) by C.L. Taylor (£14.99, HarperCollins;
available March 28)
Set just after WWII, journalist Billie Walker is
finally back home in Sydney, although the loss of her Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget have one
father and the disappearance of her husband makes dreadful thing in common: they are all being
celebrating the end of the war bittersweet. Billie stalked. Consequently, their lives are filled
reopens her late father’s private investigation agency with constant anxiety, which ramps up to
and spends her time tailing cheating husbands. But daily terror as they are always watching
when a young man goes missing, Billie finds herself and waiting, never knowing who is in the
on a dangerous path that barrels through the highest shadows or what will happen to them next.
levels of Sydney’s society and its filthy underworld. The worst thing is, this group of four used
This thrilling historical mystery has earned glowing to be five, until Nat was finally and fatefully
reviews from literary stalwarts including Peter James, followed home by her stalker… Coming
Joanne Harris and Ian Rankin, as well as support together for Nat’s funeral, they are handed
from Hugh Jackman. I can certainly see the appeal of a wreath saying RIP. The threat is that in 10 days, another one
the straight-talking, champagne-drinking detective, of them will die. The only way to stop the killer is to get closer
who plunges us into a flamboyant, escapist past. than they ever dared to their stalkers. Tense and powerful.

★★★ ★★★★★
‘It’s taken a long time to get to where I am today,
but I’m really grateful that I went for it’
Celebrity interview

‘I don’t want to
live with regret’
TV presenter-turned-psychotherapist Melinda Messenger, 53, talks to Joanna Ebsworth about
changing careers, following her heart, and the importance of taking on new challenges.

elinda Messenger is the first to admit her journey to
is living proof that building a new career has been far
you can successfully from easy when I catch up with her
switch careers in over Zoom a few days later.
midlife when you put your mind to ‘Up until the point when I started
it. Having graced our TV screens to fully wind down my TV work
for almost three decades, the former around seven years ago and start
glamour model-turned-presenter, training, I’d spent over a decade
53, made the conscious decision doing up to four different TV shows
back in 2010 to begin stepping a year, often working every day
away from the showbiz spotlight back-to-back,’ says Melinda. ‘It
to pursue her childhood dream of was just one thing after another,
becoming a psychotherapist. And and while I was really grateful
years of academic endeavour later, to have all those opportunities,
it’s clear the risk has paid off: having I also recognised if I didn’t make
completed her diploma and master’s a conscious choice to step away
degree, the mum-of-three now runs [from TV], I’d never get to be a
a private psychotherapy practice psychotherapist, and that would be
at the Centre for Psychotherapy something I’d massively regret.’
in London. She has also trained It was during a stint as a
to become a dream guide; taken contestant on Dancing On Ice in
a course in mindfulness at Oxford 2010 that Melinda says she ‘got
University; and is days away from a calling’ to change careers and
qualifying as a reiki master and take control of the situation –
energy therapist when I meet her for the first however it turned out. ‘I knew if I didn’t do
time – along with Platinum Editor-in-Chief Katy something about how I felt, something precious
Sunnassee – at a swanky celeb-packed party for in me would be destroyed. So, I decided to

her TV agent’s birthday (she still dips her toes honour that and see where it took me. It’s taken
into telly work when the urge takes her). a long time to get to where I am today, but I’m
Our meeting is short and sweet – just like really grateful that I went for it.’
Melinda herself who, at a petite five foot two, Melinda says lots of people regularly tell
radiates enough warmth to heat a church hall. her they’d love to retrain for a new career, but
Our time is only cut short due to the fact that admit they’re scared of change. ‘And I really
she’s setting off on a charity trek up Snowdon the understand all of that,’ she says earnestly. ‘I’ve
next day with her fiancé, television expedition faced real challenges; there were lots of false
leader and medic Dr Raj Joshi, who she first met starts and huge difficulties, but I’m on the other
when she was least expecting it, on the 2023 side now. I’m fully qualified and accredited, have
series of Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins. All my own psychotherapy practice, and I’ve been
I can do after wishing Melinda lots of luck on her working with clients for seven years as well as
next adventure and watching her head home for doing dream-guide work. I’m reaping the gifts
an early night, is grab another glass of Sauvignon and benefits of getting through the challenge.’
Blanc, sigh a little enviously, and turn to Katy Continuing the hard work when it feels like
to ask, ‘how does she do it?’. But then, Melinda the world is against you is a bit like harvesting,

suggests Melinda. ‘You keep ploughing and I can see the process they’re in, and I know
ploughing the field – even when the weather’s they’re going to be OK.
bad and you don’t feel like it and you feel like the ‘When a client’s lost all hope, I can hold
crop isn’t going to yield anything – but you keep the hope for them until they’re ready to take
going because you believe in it. And eventually, it back,’ she continues. ‘And that’s how it helps
you will take in the harvest and benefit from the to heal. My work is really challenging but
work you’ve created.’ deeply rewarding; it’s a vocation. And you do it
It’s an incredibly inspiring attitude, I tell her, because you’re called to do it. You couldn’t do
especially for those of us who feel scared by it otherwise, because there are much easier
the idea of starting over in later life to follow a ways to make a living, let’s put it that way.’
childhood dream or higher calling. ‘It’s scarier
not to try,’ says Melinda firmly. ‘Imagine if you A DEEPER MEANING
don’t? Every new beginning is scary. Every As a child, Melinda says she wanted to be a
new adventure is scary, but there’s a really fine teacher or a psychiatrist. But it was only when
line between fear and excitement. Not doing she got older that she realised she was more
something because of fear is much, much worse interested in healing. ‘I was always spiritual,
than trying something new or different and but I hid it, I guess,’ she explains. ‘I grew up in
seeing what path it can take you down.’ a family where spirituality wasn’t accepted, and
More to the point, says Melinda, we shouldn’t I didn’t really see it around me, so I kept it
allow our thoughts and feelings about getting private. But it was always in my nature as far
older prevent us from seizing every new back as I can remember; being really little and
opportunity that comes along. ‘I think midlife wanting to know the answers to why we were
is the best time of life, without fail,’ she says here, why we’re human, what is God, and what is
emphatically. ‘I feel that this is the time that there that’s bigger than us.
women come into their own power, and you get ‘I just went on a journey of exploring different
to live the life you want to live. Usually, we’ve faiths, but essentially, doing this was all about
done our child rearing, we’ve built our careers, looking for a way back to myself because all the
or we’ve looked after relationships and family answers were there anyway. Personally, I believe
members, and it’s at this point where you get the healing is about the whole body, the whole
opportunity to come into your own power. And system – mind, body and spirit – so I wanted to
we have an awful lot to give, to share, to offer. find something where I could address all three,
I think it’s an extraordinary time, and quite a gift.’ because that for me was the only way healing
would be possible. That’s when I decided to train
A NEW CALLING in integrative transpersonal psychotherapy. In
The type of psychotherapy Melinda practises is, addition, I went off to Peru and Nepal to do my
she says, ‘very in depth’, requiring her to work own shamanic retreats, trained in meditation and
with clients over several years to help them reiki and energy work for healing, and learned
find out who they really were ‘before the world for myself directly what helped me to heal so I
told them who to be… before you got distorted could offer those practices to others.’
and out of balance, or you lost the connection
to yourself’. To this end, she focuses on helping FINDING YOUR “YOU”
people to change patterns in their lives, find their Melinda admits to having tried most alternative
way ‘back home’ and, most importantly, heal, so therapies over the years, from Bach flower
they can ‘live life as they were meant to, and not remedies, Qigong and yoga to using crystals to
by the expectations that were placed upon them’. help her connect to different energies. ‘There are
But before Melinda could begin to help others, a lot of powerful practices I’ve learned to trust in
she had to go through nine years of therapy over the years to help me draw in strength when
herself as part of her training. I need it, and I think that everything has a place,’
‘As a psychotherapist, I can’t take anyone she says. ‘If you think about it, looking after your
anywhere I haven’t been,’ she explains. ‘So, I’ve wellbeing is about how you keep your being well.
gone into the depths of my soul, self and psyche. It’s not about your job, or the roles you play. Your
I’ve gone to the places where there’s nothing being is who you are underneath all the roles and
apart from death, destruction or fear. Very often, jobs you do. Your being is who you are when you
when I’m sat with a client, they can feel like sit quietly, when you can feel connected to your
they’re the only one dealing with the situation heart. It can feel different for different people.’
they’re in. But all the processes pretty much have To that extent, Melinda believes self-care
similar core routes and themes. So, I can sit with forms an essential part of looking after your
somebody in their extreme distress, or fear, or wellbeing, whether that involves getting dressed
loss or grief, and I can see what’s happening. up, using face masks, eating well, reading books,

Celebrity interview

‘I’ve faced real

challenges; there
were lots of false
starts and huge
But I’m on the
other side now’

‘ Every new
beginning is scary.
But not doing
something because
of fear is much
worse than trying
something new’

Celebrity interview

socialising in the right company, or taking it?’, retorts Melinda, wisely. That leads us nicely
regular exercise. Ironically, however, she claims onto the subject of her deciding to ditch the hair
she’s only recently started to enjoy fitness as dye last year and embrace the grey – which
part of her lifestyle since entering her early subsequently sent the UK media into meltdown.
50s – following years of telling herself that Was she surprised by the reaction?
she wasn’t the “sporty” type. ‘Yes, I was!’ she admits. ‘And I’m still shocked
‘As a child, I was always active, but I now about it. I couldn’t understand why my hair
recognise that I disowned that part of myself colour was so significant, and people are still
somewhere along the line, even though the talking to me about it now. I was astounded,
outdoors is my favourite place to be,’ she says. because I had people calling me up to say they’d
‘I love sporty challenges. I’ve done skydiving, been watching the story on the BBC news. But
lots of treks, and have taken part in reality TV it’s just my hair colour. Embracing my greys
programmes such as The Jump and Dancing was meant to be freeing. And then, ironically, it
On Ice. But I never acknowledge that I enjoyed became very un-freeing because there were huge
doing those things. expectations [for me to stay grey]. But it’s fine.
‘Now, I realise that being active is an Ultimately, it’s about living the life we want to
important part of me. I did Celebrity SAS: Who live and not the life that others expect us to.
Dares Wins because I wanted the physical Why does it matter if you’ve coloured your hair
challenge of doing something I never thought or not coloured your hair? Mine might be pink in
I could do. Naturally, I struggled, because I’m six months. Who knows?!’
only 5’2” and my Bergen [large rucksack]
weighed the same as all the male contestants’.
But what I got from the experience was getting
to the point where I couldn’t go any further,
and I’d never experienced that before. Marathon
runners talk about breaking through that
moment, and when I felt it for myself, I was
like “wow, that’s real”. It woke up a part of
me that realised I like to be pushed and
challenged physically. I just wish I hadn’t
discovered it so late in life.’


If finding a love for fitness was the last thing
Melinda expected to gain from taking part in
Celebrity SAS, you can be sure she definitely
wasn’t looking for love. But find love, she did.
After being dismissed from the gruelling training
camp covered in bruises, she was asked to
pop into the programme’s medical tent to see
Dr Raj Joshi for a “quick chat about foot rot”
(yes, really!). They kept chatting, and less than
a year later, the pair got engaged on a trip to
New Zealand last August.
‘Yeah, I mean, I won’t say too much, but it
was the last thing I expected,’ she says. ‘It was
interesting timing, because I’d just completed
my training, and my children are all grown
up now, so maybe the timing was right. I’m a
great believer that when the timing’s right for
something, it happens. And again, I think when
you’re not looking for something, that’s when
it usually comes and knocks at the door, in the
most unexpected places.’
I suggest that it’s when you meet someone
at your most real and vulnerable, that you can
often begin a relationship from an authentic,
more genuine place as opposed to an unrealistic
place of perfection. ‘Which never exists, does


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Your style
Find what looks good on you with our round-up of top fashion picks,
expert style advice and the latest in activewear.

P26 – Pantone’s
Colour of the Year
2024, Peach Fuzz,
is the inspiration
for this month’s
style picks.
P28 – Gail Rolfe
helps you find your
own personal style,
so you don’t have to
follow the crowd.
P32 – Move in
style whatever the
weather with great
activewear pieces to
help you feel good
and look great!

Bonmarché Sweatshirt,
£18, and Jeans, £22,

Scamp & Dude Amele Peach Cats Eye
Sunglasses, £30,

Oliver Bonas
Space Dye
Roll Neck, £65,

Boutique x Damaris
Balcony Bra, £24, and High
Leg Knicker, £12, both

F&F Soft Touch Tech Cowl

Neck PalePeach Sweat,

Our peachy picks this month are an homage Vivienne
Trousers, £169,
to Pantone’s Colour of the Year, Peach Fuzz!

Fable England
Garden Pink
Lady Lyocell
Robe, £125,

TK Maxx
Peach Trim Oliver Bonas
Jeans, £29.99, Peach Sparkle Coco Cardi, £65,


Platinum picks

Bonmarché DASH Long Sleeve

Coloured Stripe Sweatshirt, £30,
Naturalizer Clarice Ankle
Strap Pump, £69.99,

Aurum Activewear Joe Browns Free

Sports Bra, £4.99, Fallin’ Suede Bag, £65,
Fable England Nocturnal
Garden Silk Lyocell
Scarf Pink Lady, £60,

Bonmarché DASH
Long Sleeve Plain
Hooded Sweatshirt,

with Gail Rfe
Ignore sartorial trends and create your own style, says Platinum's
resident fashion expert. Rules are there to be broken!

he world of fashion has and the carefully curated group of women
changed dramatically over I follow, who are no longer in the first
the last few decades. And I flush of youth, but still have a magical
think it’s safe to say that the ability to look stylish and unique. A few
overwhelming autonomy of global fashion of my favourites include @susirejano,
trends is no longer as significant as it used @anoukyve, @dearcharlotteparis,
to be. Which is probably a good thing for @lindavwright, @sissiottostyle,
everyone. I have witnessed almost five @whatpeoplearewearing, and @beatriz84.
decades of fashion trends be reinvented. It’s all about finding your style heroes,
In my early days as a fashion editor, the women in your tribe and accepting
headlines screamed the “next big thing” they may change over time. It also helps to
and those of us who cared about being au visit a big city as a source for inspiration.
courant, followed like lemmings. The first I may live in the countryside now, and
question anyone asked me was, “what there are some beautifully dressed women
should I be wearing this season?”. But, here, but for me nothing beats a quick trip
without doubt, there has been a seismic to Notting Hill and Chelsea if I wish to be The Boyfriend Fine
change since the emergence of the fired up with new ideas. Poplin in Chocolate, £95,
internet and social media. Nothing will ever prevent women
The power to influence has shifted shopping for something new. So my
and the result is a world where there advice is to go in two distinctly
are myriad options. Style and fashion different directions. If your
inspiration now emerge from so many purchase is a whim, a fashion
platforms. Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, flutter, then spend the least amount
and blogs sit happily alongside the hugely possible. But when it comes to something
influential glossy fashion mags. Instead of you hope to hang onto for a decade or
diktats and must-haves, there are gentle more, spend your cash wisely and invest. Hayley Leather
Square Hinge
suggestions and hints of what may appeal. It could be a leather handbag, a pair of

Belt in Tan,
Today it’s more about how you wear timeless boots, a wool or cashmere scarf, £60,
an outfit that matters, with style hacks a blazer or even jeans. Don’t be afraid to
that instantly elevate existing wardrobe buy out of season. Some of my best buys
favourites, clever new ways to wear a were bought in the sales at completely Leather Heeled
Ankle Boots in
scarf, or which jeans best suit your shape. the wrong time of year. Simply store them Brown, £149,
All this freedom may sound wonderful, until the right season arrives. Trends don’t
but freedom can be daunting. So where do matter anymore. The really important
I get my inspiration from these days? I still maxims are: does it fit correctly, is the
view the fashion shows of those designers colour good for you, does the cut flatter
I find inspiring. Then I turn to Instagram your figure, and does it make you happy?

New looks

Organic Cotton Ribbed

The all-rounder
Knitted Tank in Flax, £98,

This is my new favourite I admire. Add a layer,

mix of colours: ivory, drop a layer, depending
brown or tan, with on the season. The
black and denim blue. sweater-vest revival in
It’s a totally versatile plain or Fair Isle knits
combination that is perfect for those
works all year round, “I need an extra layer
and looks fresh and days”. The more wintry
instantly appealing. The Arket jacket can be
inspiration came from switched to a lightweight
Anouk Yve (1.3million blazer, bomber or just a
followers on Instagram, cardigan. And if jeans
@anoukyve), whose are not your thing, then
minimal taste in dressing add a midi-skirt instead.

Swing Crossbody
Leather Bag in Beige,

Adidas Originals SL72 Leather

and Suede Trimmed Mesh
Sneakers, £80,
Ameria Palazzo
Jeans in Light Blue,

100% Silk Paisley Print

Scarf in Brown, £39.95,

Mini Grey Pearl Drop

Earrings, £12.50,

Lyocell Blend Long Short Double Jacket in Dark

Sleeve T-shirt in Off Beige, £229,
White, £27,

New Balance 574
Trainers in Green Leaf
Grey, £95,

Casually curated
Blend casual street-style vibes affair with oversized scarves is
with tailoring: I would add a grey going nowhere, as it’s just too
T-shirt under the denim shirt, sensible and practical. So even
add the wide-leg trousers that now, it will be a great buy. If you
have an edge from the topstitch already own anything similar to
detail, and finish with the chic this look, then you can kick them
and sleek tailored blazer. It may into the new season with the
still be chilly in March so throw addition of a narrow leather belt.
an oversized scarf over the Rule: never throw belts away as
blazer when necessary. This love they never go out of fashion.

Black Leather Belt,


100% Wool Scarf

in Cream, £49.95,

Bronte Textured
Blazer in White,
£368; Kylie
Stitch Wide Leg Lyocell Denim Collared Relaxed Shirt,
Trousers, £178, £49.50,
both Block Heel Shoes
with Buckles,

Radley London
Westwell Lane
Medium Crossbody
Leather Bag, £259,

New looks

The Everyday Military

Jacket In Authentic
Khaki, £350; Forever Shirt
in Chambray Blue, £150,
Style tips
Trends to try this season – but
remember to make them your own!

Wear one sweater and throw the

other across your shoulders. In the
Nappa Leather same colour it looks chic.
Woven Croissant
Bag in White, £169,

Open-knit Sweater
with Button Detail in
Navy Blue, £99.95, Alpaca Blend Open-knit
Sweater, £49.99,

"Grandadcore" has emerged from

Elevate the TikTok as a strong trend this spring.
This shirt ticks all the right boxes.

Why take the conventional option
when you can be more daring? Classic
navy and white will always be a style
winner but adding a less predictable
shade, like this khaki jacket, elevates
the look to striking and fresh. The
navy pleated midi-skirt is one of those Gathered Grandad Collar Blouse
versatile items that can be styled up in White/Blue Stripe, £95,
for weddings with an ivory blazer and
heels, will look office-perfect teamed The kitten-heel slingback is the shoe
with a silk blouse or toning jumper, for this season. It works with jeans,
dresses, skirts and cargo pants.
and still has the ability to look casual
Leather with a white T-shirt and trainers.
Knee High Worn with flat black boots makes it
£109, wearable in spring, autumn and even winter if you add a puffer jacket.

Pleated Midi Skirt in Navy,

Metallic Accent Slingbacks in
Chalk, £65,

Easy to throw on, this striped

knit dress in tones of blue is a
wearable alternative to florals.
Printed Silk Scarf
in Blue/Off White,

Wool-blend Ribbed Dress in

Dark Blue, £97,
Monty Cream and Black Leather Mary
Jane Pumps, £249,

Move your body in
effortless style with
comfy activewear
made for every age,
shape and size.

Finisterre Women’s Bolster

Full Zip Fleece, £135,




Lola Starr Midnight

Leggings, £70, Midnight
Sports Bra (pink), £40, and
Drop Arm Tank Vest, £35,

Wallien One Piece
Swimsuit Longsleeve in
Moon, £129,


Amazing Jane Rise

Leggings Black &
White Stripe, £42, and
Rosa Active Tank, £30,

M&S Goodmove Jacket, £65,
Goodmove Joggers, £29.50,
and Goodmove Trainers, £79,


Finisterre Nieuwland
2e Yulex® Long Sleeve
Swimsuit, £150,

M&S Goodmove Coat,
£59, Goodmove Vest,
£17.50, and Goodmove
Leggings, £27.50, all


Bonmarché DASH Plain

Panelled Leggings,
£20, and Mosaic Print
Side Panel Vest, £15,


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You beauty!
Make the most of your beauty routine with expert make-up tips,
new beauty gadgets and tried-and-tested products.

P42 – Make-up artist

Dottie Monaghan’s
expert tips for subtle
make-up to enhance
your features.
P44 – We shine
a light on the best
at-home LED
masks to boost your
skincare routine.
P50 – Soap has
had a makeover! It’s
time to test the new

cleansing bars that

can work wonders.

Platinum beauty guru and celebrity make-up artist Dottie Monaghan shares tips on
how not to overdo your make-up. Connect with her at

ow do I apply make-up onto
my mature skin without
looking overly made up?’
It’s a question I often get.
Sometimes it’s from people who have
never applied make-up and feel they
could benefit from a little help to look
less tired and brighten their complexion
or redefine areas like lips and brows,
which can thin with age. But it’s also
asked by people who find the products
they apply no longer work as well for
them now as they did in the past. Your
skin is always evolving and its needs
change, as does the shape of your face.
Think about what you want to achieve
from your make-up and focus on
enhancing your best features. You can’t
hide wrinkles by applying extra make-up
– it will only draw attention to them.
A great skincare routine is essential Blending
to looking fresh and having a healthy with a brush is
complexion. And the more hydration the
skin has, the brighter it will be. Heavy key to a light,
moisturisers are not compatible with natural make-
make-up so apply serums and skincare up look.
products with hydration added to them,
then place a primer on top to seal it and
help avoid make-up going into wrinkles.

Dottie’s how-to for enhancing what you’ve got!

It should only take five minutes and skin using a brush. Avoid the outer Apply blush to cheeks when the face
a few key products to transform skin eye area as you don’t want make-up is straight, and not when smiling.

from dull and tired to glowy and fresh. migrating into laughter lines. If applied the latter way, when you

● Not everyone needs foundation, but ● A colour-correcting concealer is relax your face it will bring the colour
if you feel you do then opt for a tinted great to hide age spots, blemishes or lower, giving the appearance of a
moisturiser or tinted serum. Use a high pigment areas. Again, blend well. droopy face. You want max lift!
brush to blend out to the ear and ● Define the eyebrows using a pencil ● Many of us use a magnifying mirror
down the neck. or angled brush and build the colour when putting on make-up – which is
● A thin application of a creamy- up slowly. Open eyes look more a great help – but it’s all too easy to
textured concealer to the undereye youthful so use eyelash curlers before focus on small areas with magnified
and inner corners of the eye will really you apply mascara. texture and pores. So, use a regular
brighten the face yet won’t leave ● Blush and highlighters are skin mirror to look at your finished result
you feeling caked in make-up. Make saviours offering warmth and radiance and see your whole face. Remember,
sure to blend seamlessly onto the to bring your complexion back to life. this is how others will see you.

Beauty buys

Chanel Eyelash Max Factor

Curler, £30, Miracle Pure Concealer,
Create the £10.99,
illusion of a
more open eye Blemishes may
using eyelash need coverage
curlers. Be gentle and a more
and always use matte finish,
before mascara, perhaps even
otherwise with colour
PRAI MenoGlow Collagen Boosting eyelashes may correction in.
Cremegel Moisturiser, £30, stick to the If the area is curler. dry then apply
Maximise your make-up results by primer first,
applying a lightweight base. This is or mix the
a cross between a cooling gel and a product with
skin-plumping cream, blurring fine a little of your
lines while adding hydration. moisturiser.

Ilia Limitless Lash

Mascara, £28, Trinny London Studio 10 Hydra Peptide
The shape of this BFF Eye Fusion Daily Defence
applicator wand will Concealer, £28, SPF30, £48,
capture even the
shortest, finest hairs, The undereye area This 5-in-1, colourless,
for a flake-free and will benefit from supercharged daily
volumising look. If this brightening, skincare will offer
you’re not used to hydrating concealer instant luminosity to
putting on mascara, that’s buildable and the skin plus nourish,
hold the wand to non-creasing. With perfect, protect,
eyelashes and blink hyaluronic acid restore and prime.
onto it while gently offering hydration, Apply onto cleansed
wiggling the wand. it’s a cross skin in the morning
between a serum where needed and watch
and a concealer. dull, tired, lacklustre skin
Stila Blush & Bronze Hydro-Blur transform. It’s my new
Cheek Duo, £27,; or Ilia favourite product!
Multi-Stick, £36,
When a product delivers more than Max Factor
just one thing, it’s a big win. A creamy Miracle Pure Eco Artist Precision
textured blush can be used on cheeks, Skin-Improving Face Brush, £18,
lips and eyes resulting in skin looking Foundation,
luminous. A stick is also easy to apply: £14.99, Apart from applying
simply dot on This gives a very fine detail, this
then blend out light coverage could be the only
with fingers. to imperfections brush you need. It’s
while evening your finger but better,
skin tone. It’s as one end gets into
also buildable small areas and above
on the areas that the eye, then the
may need more other end is great
coverage. Apply for buffing out
with fingers then larger areas.
blend out to ears
and neck using a
large, soft brush.

Let there
be light!
The at-home ith the recent backlash against time wanting to look as good as possible
beauty gadget the term “anti-ageing”, it’s now for as long as possible.
market is almost un-PC to discuss wanting One way to help stay looking great is to
taking off. to reverse or halt time in some use laser treatments, of which there are many
Editor-in-Chief way. And it’s understandable; for years, beauty varieties. But LED devices are now becoming the
Katy Sunnassee companies made us feel as though it wasn’t most common as you can get these for at-home
puts some of OK to grow older, and you’d not see any older use. ‘LED (light emitting diode) therapy is a
the latest LED models in adverts. This, thankfully, has changed, non-invasive treatment that penetrates the skin
face masks and it’s far more common to see 50-plus women at different layers to treat different skin concerns
to the test. in advertising, which is to be celebrated. including laxity, acne, pigmentation, eczema,
But yet… most of us still want to look as good psoriasis, rosacea and ageing,’ says Dr Raj
as we can. It’s not as though women are no Arora, GP, skin doctor and top medical educator
longer seeking the same treatments they once (
were. It’s just that “anti-ageing” has undergone ‘The mechanism of action is essentially at
a rebranding to “pro-ageing” or “age positive” – a cellular level. LED light therapy appears to
which is a good thing, as it’s more celebratory of affect cellular metabolism by triggering cellular
the fact we’re all getting older, while at the same reactions. This results in increased collagen

LED Masks


This mask offers eight wavelengths of fact it’s so wearable means I’m more
light: red, blue, green, orange, purple, likely to use it. I also like the pre-
cyan and yellow, as well as NIR (near programmed treatments that mean the
infrared), all emitted from 600 tiny mask automatically changes colour
LEDs spread evenly and densely after 5-10 minutes and that my phone
across the surface. It gently warms plays relaxing “spa” music on the app.
skin to dilate pores temporarily so the However, the mask didn’t always
light can penetrate effectively. The connect to the app, plus it needs
smart mask is also app-connected and charging after only a few days – not
features pre-programmed treatments, really an issue as long as you don’t
or you can design your own. Use a few lose the charging lead! And while this
times a week for 6-12 weeks to see mask is significantly lighter than some,
visible results. The FAQ Swiss 201 it doesn’t pack down flat due to the
is also available at £449 with just the rigid eye hole – so not one to take on
red, green and blue lights. holiday. Another slight drawback of
You can wear this around the house the large open eye hole is you don’t
rather than having to sit in one place get many LEDs near the “crow’s feet”
due to a cord or a battery pack, which area, and neither do you get them
I like. It also has an open-eye design directly above and between your eyes,
rather than small eye holes, meaning where frown lines develop, as that’s
you can do other tasks while wearing, where the chunky on-off button sits.
such as work at a computer or watch But, overall, the FAQ Swiss 202
TV. Other masks are so bright you is easy to use, and I feel the biggest
have to keep your eyes closed during improvements were to skin texture,
use, but not this one. It has a good as serums seemed to glide on more
non-slip, adjustable silicone headband smoothly. For best results though,
and is super lightweight so it’s easy you need to use it a few times a week
SAFETY NOTE to use. Although it’s expensive, the for three months.
It’s important to consult
your skin doctor or GP if you are
unsure as to whether LED light
therapy is suitable for you. ‘Generally,
it’s very safe but it should be avoided
by anyone using photosensitive
medication (oral and topical), or with
photosensitive eye or skin conditions,
as well as those with a history
of skin cancer or who are
pregnant,’ says
Dr Arora.

production, wound healing and increased a wider range of wavelengths to target several
blood flow,’ she says. concerns, including near infrared (NIR) for skin
In terms of light range, Dr Arora says it tightening. NIR comes at wavelengths 810nm
depends on what outcome you want. ‘The most to 850nm (nanometres) – beyond what humans
popular is red light, which penetrates skin at can see – and can help increase your skin cells’
a deeper level and therefore triggers cellular mitochondrial function, meaning they produce
changes. Red light therapy can help to stimulate energy more efficiently, thereby extending
the production of elastin and collagen, as well their lifespan. This all helps stimulate collagen
as increase blood flow. This leads to tighter production, reduce wrinkles and sunspots, and
and smoother skin. Red light therapy is also reduce inflammation with regular use.
great for wound healing.’ ‘Using red light therapy can increase blood
Other LED colours include blue light to target flow to your skin, while blue light can reduce
acne, and green light for pigmentation. Some of acne and congestion – in both cases allowing
the newer and more savvy at-home devices have better absorption of active skincare ingredients.’

Other models If your budget doesn’t stretch to the FAQ 202, these are some good options…

MASK £320,
This mask features
132 LEDs, 66 of which
are red and 66 near-
infrared (NIR). NIR
enhances the efficacy
of red light when
combined, so each
bulb contains both
wavelengths to best
benefit skin. Use it for
10 minutes a day for
improved plumpness
and radiance, fewer
wrinkles and less
pigmentation and
inflammation. There’s
no need to wear eye
shields but they are
provided. It also packs
down flat and comes
with a travel bag.

LED Masks

Skincare expert Dr
Maryam Zamani
created this golden
mask containing 150
diodes and five LED
colours: red (630nm)
for stimulating collagen
and elastin and
reducing inflammation;
blue (430nm) for
blemishes; green
(520nm) to calm and
reduce pigmentation;
yellow (570-590nm) to
boost circulation and
lymphatic flow; and
white (450-460nm)
for wound healing and
repair. There’s also a
£600 mask with NIR
plus a red/blue combo
specifically for acne.

This silicon-based LED face mask
delivers red and near-infrared light.
The red 633nm light waves penetrate
1-6mm deep to rejuvenate and plump,
boosting circulation and helping build
collagen. The mask switches off after
10 minutes and it’s recommended to
use it 5-7 times a week. The portable
battery pack lasts for ages before
needing to be recharged at the mains,
making it good for travel.

This small device helps smooth
feather and smile lines, and increase
fullness of your lips while evening out
lip tone – all in three minutes a day.
Four wavelengths of LED light are
emitted from 56 individual bulbs. Add
it to your daily skincare ritual and it’s
said you’ll see results in eight weeks.

£190, FACEGYM in
Notting Hill, London
LED masks are expensive
so if you want to “try
before you buy”, head to
FACEGYM on Kings Road,
Notting Hill, where you can
try the Signature Skin Reset.
This tri-technology facial
workout combines a double
cleanse chemical peel, a
hydro-vacuum sealed mask
and the rejuvenating power
of LED, all designed to
target hyperpigmentation,
blemishes, dullness and
signs of ageing.

LED Masks

For anyone with concerns
around the delicate skin on
the neck and décolleté (top
of your chest), this red light
therapy device provides
clinically proven results.
Three 10-minute treatments
per week can reduce the
appearance of redness,
pigmentation, wrinkles and
sunspots while promoting
healthier looking skin, with
no downtime. Made from
soft, flexible silicone, it’s
very portable, and with a
small pre-powered, hand-
held controller attached to
it, you don’t have to remain
plugged into a socket.

This is ideal for those crow’s
feet and brow furrows that can
be difficult to treat. The mask’s
shape means these tricky areas
are entirely covered, and if
you add the Skin Hydrogel Eye
Masks under the device, you can
enhance the performance of the
80 LEDs even further. Delivering
four powerful wavelengths
that target collagen and elastin
production, you only need to wear
this for three minutes, six times
a week. It’s hands-free too, so
you can get on with other things.
Although I think I’d take the three
minutes of beauty relaxation!

Time to
Loved for its simplicity, soap and other similar bars are making
quite a comeback –even for those of us with dry skin.

ost of us remember the harmful to the skin. Studies have sebaceous glands. This is because
days when a skincare found that the optimal acid mantle is soap is formulated by mixing either
routine meant nothing mildly acidic, with a pH of 4.7-5 – and animal fat or vegetable oils with
more than lathering those around this level will have fewer water and an alkali. ‘The alkali works
up with a bar of Pears, Camay or issues such as dryness and irritation.’ on the oils and triggers a chemical
Palmolive. But such cleansing bars Those with more alkaline skin, process called saponification.
went out of fashion in more recent pH8-9, may experience acne, eczema Soap traditionally contains anionic
times with the increase in popularity or irritation. ‘Despite these findings, surfactants [organic components]
of cleansers and shower gels. Much the pH of many skincare products is that produce high foam,’ says Karen.
of this, of course, was due to the above pH5, with the average soap But as with all things cosmetic, we
drying nature of soaps. being 9.5-10.5,’ says Karen. And when have many types of soap to choose
‘The epidermis is your body’s first the pH of your skin is disrupted by from. The three soaps below aren’t
line of defence,’ explains skincare products, your complexion can suffer. guaranteed to be mild, but if you
expert Karen Sinclair Drake, co- don’t have dry skin, and use a good
founder of Flowering Pharmacy TYPES OF SOAP moisturiser, you will be fine...
( ‘Skin Soaps are popular because they work
has a mildly acidic coating that – they rid your skin of grease and dirt, ● SUPERFATTED SOAPS:
acts as a defensive barrier against and leave it feeling squeaky clean. ‘These are bars that contain extra oil,
environmental pollution and The problem with this effectiveness such as olive oil, that has not been
chemicals, and is home to 20 million is that as well as ridding your skin of saponified, meaning it hasn’t turned
skin bacteria and fungi per inch. Your dirt, soaps can strip it of sebum, the into soap,’ explains Karen. ‘This
skin’s acid mantle neutralises agents natural oil produced by your skin’s superfatting greatly improves the

Cleansing bars

Pass the bar

Choose one of these caring cleansers
All Naturals Organic Eczema
Soap Olive Oil and Calendula
contains allantoin to help healing,
calendula to soothe, and kaolin
(a clay) to mop up irritants.

‘Soap rids your

skin of grease and FOR DULL-LOOKING SKIN:
Skinowl Beauty Bar Kit Turmeric

dirt and leaves

& Agave (£36,
harnesses the cell-stimulating
power of turmeric and hydrating

it clean, but hyaluronic acid to leave skin

refreshed, renewed and protected.

can strip it of
TO EXFOLIATE: The thermal
mud and bamboo powder in
Drunk Elephant Juju Bar (£25,

its natural oil’ gently remove

dead skin cells and impurities,
while açaí, goji berry and marula
oil condition. This fragrance- and
soap-free bar has a pH of 6.3,
so won’t strip your skin.


Each of Holy Lama’s four varieties
of handmade Ayurvedic soap
contains saponified coconut oil and
essential oils. Rainforest Soap (£4, contains vetivert
soap’s moisturising capabilities, but oil to cool skin, as well as patchouli,
it doesn’t change the high pH and cedarwood and turmeric oils.
some people can find them not
cleansing enough.’ THE MULTITASKER: Filthy Faace Face
& Body Bar (£14, isn’t your
● TRANSPARENT SOAPS: run-of-the-mill bar – it’s a 100 per cent natural,

‘These include the addition of alcohol handmade, vegan soap. Packed with skin-loving
to make them clear, and glycerin ingredients such as shea butter and glycerine,
for moisturisation,’ explains Karen. this multitasking bar is perfect for both face
‘Alcohol can dry the skin, but for and body. Good for all skin types, it’s a
many, the moisturising properties one-stop shop for feeling squeaky clean.
of the glycerin balance this out.’

● TRIPLE-MILLED SOAPS SOAP ALTERNATIVES they are synthetic, they can be very
‘These are passed through a milling If you have dry skin, try these: gentle on your skin.’

machine of smooth stainless steel ● SYNDETS: ‘Soap products with

rollers three times, and pressed into a more neutral pH are called syndets,’ ● CLEANSER BARS: ‘These
a smooth, fine paste,’ says Karen. says Karen. ‘Chemically, they are are gentle, effective and far from
‘They contain more soap and less not soaps, but a synthetic detergent drying, so are safe to use on your
water, which produces a longer- (hence the name, “syn-det”) in a bar face. Many of these bar cleansers
lasting, harder soap with less goop form. They generally have a more contain ingredients to fight breakouts,
and a richer lather.’ favourable pH of 5.5, and though pigmentation and even wrinkles.’



We can’t wait to start testing what’s hot this year in skincare,
haircare and make-up. Follow us to see what makes the cut from
our beauty guru Dottie Monaghan and her panel of industry experts!

It’s with great excitement just about skincare, haircare and
that I’m announcing make-up – fragrances and gadgets
Platinum’s first ever beauty will feature too.
awards! Later this year, So, watch this space to find
we’ll be showcasing the very out which products deliver on
best products on the market – performance and value, which ones
the ones that really deliver – and are innovating, and which ones are
we’re pretty sure there’ll be some just marketing fluff, and soon you’ll
surprises in store. be able to make a confident beeline
I’ve recruited a panel of expert straight to the tried-and-tested
judges that is diverse, experienced award winners. In the meantime,
and incredibly enthusiastic. We’ve you can sign up to the Platinum
deliberately gone for a breadth of newsletter via our website for
expertise, with skin specialists, more great beauty news.
beauticians, make-up artists and There may be other beauty awards
hairdressers, plus celebs and out there, but the Platinum Beauty
influencers with proven expertise Awards will reveal exactly what’s
and opinion. They’ll be joining me
to test a broad spectrum of products.
Our testing will be independent,
real-world and reliable. And it’s not

Beauty awards

Introducing our fabulous team of expert judges. We asked each of them what
they feel are the most exciting things happening in beauty right now.

Dottie Monaghan Andrea McLean Anthea Turner Ariane Poole

Platinum beauty Presenter, author Media personality Make-up artist and
expert, hairdresser and media coach ‘The biggest change advocate for women
and make-up artist ‘The availability of is our access to over 50
‘For me personally, creams and gadgets research knowledge ‘The biggest change
the most exciting that were once the via the internet. is the acceptance by
thing going on at preserve of A-listers. We can now make the beauty industry
the moment is the They have become informed decisions that women over 50
first ever Platinum normalised as part about where to spend are relevant and are
Beauty Awards!’ of a beauty routine.’ our money.’ finally being seen.’

Denise McAdam Emma Coleman Grace Fodor Jane Black

RVM Dermatology nurse Studio10 Founder & Beauty therapist
Hairdresser and hair practitioner pro-age advocate and aesthetician
health expert ‘Inclusion of more ‘Most exciting is ‘The use of
‘The most important sustainable options the deep fusion of technologies that
change I see is the in skincare, such skincare ingredients naturally rejuvenate
increased inclusivity as plant-based and personalisation the skin for clients
of our industry. ingredients and of make-up driving who want to look
Embracing diversity fully biodegradable higher performance their best without
is a positive.’ packaging.’ at skin level.’ surgery or filler.’

Lorna McKay Nicola de Burlet Petsa Kaffens Zanne Lee

Experienced creator, Co-director at The Journalist in fashion, Content creator of
buyer and innovator PR Studio Plus beauty, health and timeless style and
‘The creation of new ‘The rise of the travel; lecturer in skincare over 40
products that affect midlife woman – and design and fashion ‘We’re becoming
our wellbeing. And demystifying the ‘Skincare becoming more educated about
how we communicate menopause. We are more specialised, the ingredients that
– the internet has finally seeing more combining science benefit our skin, and
made the industry older women in and anti-ageing how to be healthy
more accessible.’ beauty advertising.’ techniques.’ from the inside out.’

Entries to the awards will open from February 26, 2024. Entry is free. The awards entry form
can be found at or by scanning the QR code.


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Head off on a solo retreat, find out what
Aspen’s got to offer in summer, or enter our
giveaway for a luxury overnight stay.

P56 – Rediscover yourself

on a solo adventure with our
round-up of restorative UK
and European retreats.
P60 – Writer Lily Smith heads
to Aspen on a summer break and
finds that the winter ski resort
has so much more to offer.
P66 – It’s giveaway time with a
luxurious stay in The Coniston
Hotel Country Estate & Spa in
the Yorkshire Dales.

and I
Take yourself away on
an adventure to enjoy
some alone time or to
find your tribe on these
retreats and getaways,
specially designed for
solo travellers.

Solo retreats

Have a
Mamma Mia
WHAT Wellbeing Escapes x Nefeli
Nine Yoga and Hiking Retreat
WHERE Dikastika, Greece
WHEN April 21-27, May 12-18,
June 9-15
PRICE From £1,675 pp (sharing)

Staying in a beautiful seaside villa in

Dikastika near Athens with views of the
Aegean Sea, follow in Donna Sheridan’s
Hone your artistic skills
footsteps as you pack your bags and take WHAT Painting Week in Italy to visit the old town of Usseaux
yourself off to Greece for this wellness- by Friendship Travel and the city of Turin, alongside
packed getaway, created by Wellbeing WHERE La Placette Hotel, nearby sights including Brunetta
Escapes and Nefeli Nine. Designed Usseaux, Italy d’Usseaux Protagonists’ and
for those who want to experience the WHEN May 3-10, June 7-14, Heroes’ Museum, Laux Lake and
sights, sounds and smells of Greece September 20-27 the Church of St. Peter.
while keeping active and relaxing the PRICE From £1,475 pp After a day of exploring and
mind, the itinerary features daily guided WEBSITE painting, you can relax and unwind
hikes exploring the flora and fauna of the in your very own double room or

beautiful Greek countryside and coastline, Staying in your own double room treat yourself to a treatment at
alongside a visit to a traditional Greek fish in the charming La Placette the hotel spa. The package also
taverna and an organic farm. Hotel, complete with panoramic includes a daily menu of freshly
Back at the villa, you’ll enjoy a healthy, views of the mountains, this full- prepared local cuisine, as well as
largely plant-based diet of three gourmet board retreat offers the perfect ATOL-protected flights from the
meals per day, alongside stress-relieving opportunity for anyone who is UK and airport transfers, taking
yoga classes and a relaxing massage craving some countryside solitude the fuss out of solo-travel admin.
treatment. Plus, the small group setting, and artistic inspiration.
with a maximum of eight people, creates Your week in Italy’s hidden hills
an inclusive and friendly atmosphere – combines sightseeing and culture
perfect for solo travellers who are looking with creative pursuits, including
to connect with others. Airport transfers five days of tuition and painting
are also included, giving you added peace workshops with local artist Luisa
of mind when travelling alone. Diaz, who encourages you to take
in your surroundings and unleash
your impressions onto canvas.
You will also have the opportunity

Move in Morocco
WHAT Pilates Retreat in Marrakech delicious meals, and a pool for sunny
by Flavours Holidays days spent relaxing – you’ll also have
WHERE Marrakech, Morocco plenty of time to explore the beautiful
WHEN April 13-20 and 20-27 Moroccan city. Included are group
PRICE From £2,199 pp excursions planned to the famous
WEBSITE Majorelle gardens and the local
market in nearby Ourika, alongside
Guided by expert instructors who an optional guided walking day in the
tailor each class to you – no matter Atlas Mountains.
your experience level – this active and Sticking together with your fellow
exciting week-long retreat features retreaters, all transport (including
daily Pilates classes alongside health airport transfers) is taken care of in a
and fitness advice to help you get the private minibus. The big win for solo
most out of the week. travellers on this trip is that you won’t
Staying in a modern villa situated on be charged a single room supplement.
the outskirts of Marrakech – complete So, you can enjoy a space all to
with a chef on-hand daily to prepare yourself, for no added charge.

Solo retreats

Go on a
WHAT Campervan Retreats
WHERE Various UK locations
WHEN Various dates
PRICE From £250 for two nights,
£295 for three nights

Got your own campervan? Fill the tank,

pack your bags and whisk yourself
away on a curated Campervan Retreat,
specially designed for women who
own campervans – or who fancy hiring
a camper and giving “van life” a go! boarding, sauna sessions, sailing
Taking place at private estates across lessons, wild swimming, massage
the UK, each retreat offers a maximum therapy, ecstatic dance and more! It’s
of 16 women a safe space to pitch up self-catering, so you’ll need to pack
their campers and enjoy a wellness- your own food and cooking equipment,
packed itinerary together. but groups often gather round a
The activities vary between retreats, communal fire to eat and spend time
but you can expect to enjoy a selection together. Upcoming locations include
of yoga classes, drumming circles, gong East Sussex (May 9), Cornwall
baths, meditation sessions, macramé (June 9), Pembrokeshire (June 27),
workshops, guided awe-walks, paddle Yorkshire (July 4) and Kent (August 9).


When you hear the name Aspen, do you immediately think of snow and skiing? This mountainous
region isn’t only a winter paradise but fabulous to explore in summer, too. Lily Smith paid a visit.

fter an early start, Aspen is often pictured alongside corner and bright flowers lining
a long-haul flight, and snow, there was something about the the clean pavements.
a bumpy connecting infinitely bright sunshine that made The next day, after a nourishing
flight into the mountains, the town come alive. breakfast, we donned our hiking
I was relieved to finally touch down in We checked into the most boots and headed to the gondola
Aspen, Colorado. The sun was shining luxurious hotel I’ve ever set foot in, (conveniently located right next
as we stepped off the plane and into The Little Nell (, to the hotel) to ascend Aspen
the quaint little airport – complete before setting off on a guided walk Mountain – a journey complete with
with carved wooden bears holding with Dean’s Aspen Walking Tours picturesque views over the town,
welcome signs – before heading to ( We learned which sits perfectly nestled among the
downtown Aspen three miles away. about the town’s proud history while surrounding mountains. Upon reaching
As the historic mountain town came wandering through the streets – which the top, we met with our ACES guide
into view, I immediately fell in love feel like they’ve been plucked from (Aspen Center for Environmental
with the perfectly cosy and authentic a flawless movie set – complete Studies, for a guided
small-town vibe it radiated. While with talented musicians on every hike, where we explored shaded

Aspen in summer

Enjoy stunning
views while
Aspen Mountain
on the gondola.

Rafting is a
popular summer
activity in nearby

‘On our hike, I gazed at


the most unreal “pinch-me”

views I have ever seen‘
Breathe the fresh
Aspen air during
mountain-top yoga.

forests, admired wildflower meadows,

and gazed at the most unreal “pinch-
me” views I have ever seen.
After the guided portion of our
hike, we continued to explore at our
leisure, unable to peel our eyes away
from the picture-perfect landscape.
Then, we descended the mountain
and enjoyed a hearty lunch at The
Little Nell’s Ajax Tavern – featuring
the renowned truffle fries, which we
were told we had to try – followed
by a relaxing afternoon of culture
and classical music at Aspen Art
Museum ( and
Aspen Music Festival and School


The next morning, we hopped on
some e-bikes for a visit to the most
photographed mountains in North
America: the Maroon Bells. Having
never ridden an e-bike before, the
initial propulsion caught me by
surprise, but once I managed to
balance out my pedalling with the
motor, the extra umph was greatly
appreciated during the uphill ride. Snowmass is
While I was half-expecting a hugely popular
with mountain
moose or bear to cross my path at bikers in summer.
any given moment, this activity was

Aspen in summer

Watch out for

zippy mountain
bikers at the Elk
Camp Gondola
in Snowmass.

speed, reaching around 40mph at one

point, which resulted in involuntary
squeals and laughter bursting out of
me. I’m not sure what ached more
at the end of that day: my legs from
biking or my cheeks from smiling!
The next morning, we headed back
up Aspen Mountain for an outdoor
yoga class. As a yoga teacher myself,
I was especially looking forward to
this – and it exceeded all expectations.
After a long day of travelling,
followed by a few active days of
hiking and biking, I was grateful for
Zip along the
alpine coaster at the opportunity to stretch my body,
The Lost Forest breathe deeply, and re-centre myself.
in Snowmass. The class was filled with creative
flows, breathwork and meditation –
my favourite part of the trip. There towards Maroon Lake to meet another which I would’ve enjoyed anywhere,
was something simply magical about ACES guide, who led us on a trail and but getting to move through the class
whizzing along on my e-bike, passing taught us all about local nature. while gazing out over the mountains
grand mountains and expansive lakes, After the guided tour, we continued was an awe-inspiring experience.
with the wind in my hair and the sun our hike beneath the Maroon Bells,
shining down on me – that grin never traversing some uneven and tricky A PLAYGROUND FOR
left my face. terrain (hiking boots recommended!) THE ADVENTUROUS
As the roads took us higher, our while listening to babbling brooks and Next, it was time to go to Snowmass
surroundings became increasingly keeping our eyes peeled for wildlife. It Village (, a
spectacular until the vast, snow- was a sunny day, which made for a hot renowned winter playground and
capped twin peaks finally came into and sweaty hike, so we retreated to a vibrant summer community just
view – and what a view it was. Mouths shady spot to refuel before e-biking nine miles from Aspen. Home
agape and eyes fixated upon the back to the hotel. On the downhill to an abundance of restaurants,
looming mountains, we made our way home, our bikes seriously picked up accommodation, shops, and a huge

selection of things to do come snow
or sunshine, Snowmass is perfect for

‘As we went anyone seeking an outdoorsy getaway.

Upon arrival, we checked into
our cosy condo at The Crestwood

higher, our ( before donning

our hiking boots and taking the Elk

surroundings Camp Gondola and Chair lift all the

way to the summit. Here, we enjoyed
a short hike and admired yet more

became more mountainous views, this time featuring

a dramatic backdrop of ominous
clouds as a storm brewed overhead.

spectacular’ After a battering of freezing rain on

the chair lift, we headed to The Lost
Forest at Elk Camp. This lively hub
offers a range of outdoor activities,
and while it’s a skiing haven in
winter, the main draw in summer is
mountain biking. In fact, according
to the International Mountain Biking
Association, it’s the fifth most popular
mountain biking spot in the US and
seventh globally. It was astounding
to see agile bikers hurtling down the
mountains, and while I didn’t feel
brave enough to try it out myself,
I did put my thrill-seeker hat on for the
alpine coaster – an exhilarating ride
on an elevated track through the forest
– which I’d highly recommend.
Another summer activity on offer
in Snowmass is rafting. One for the
adrenaline junkies, this adventurous
activity sees you traversing down
rivers of turbulent currents as you
try to stay on course (and upright!).
If that sounds like your cup of tea,
check out Blazing Adventures

On our final evening in Snowmass,
we donned our cowboy hats and
headed to the Snowmass Rodeo
( This was, in
fact, my first rodeo, and I once again
found my mouth agape as I watched
people attempting to hold onto horses,
bulls and sheep, who were furiously
trying to throw them off (often with
much success). With our ears still
ringing from the electric atmosphere
and cheering crowd, we ended our
The Aspen night at a local tavern, where we
Mountain ski raised a glass to what had been a
lift is located spectacular week of adventures.
just beside
The Little Nell.
If I were to summarise how I felt
while exploring Aspen and Snowmass,

Aspen in summer

Just down the road from

Aspen, Snowmass is
a mountain town
with plenty to offer
in summer.

Trip notes
Return flights in July between
The Little Nell in London and Dallas cost
Aspen features around £480, with connecting
a courtyard and flights between Dallas and
pool where you
can relax after Aspen costing around £600
a busy day in ( Visit
the mountains. for more.
STAY: The Little Nell in
Aspen (from £748 per night in
summer, and
The Crestwood in Snowmass
(from £315 per night in
EAT: Aspen restaurants
include: French Alpine Bistro,
Jour de Fête,
Las Montañas
Snowmass restaurant
highlights: Venga Venga
(, and
Mawita (
the word that immediately springs
to mind is awe. From the moment
I arrived, my eyes were endlessly
treated to a stunning array of sites
– from scenic mountains to pristine
streets, all embellished with colourful
flowers of every hue.
Speaking about their beloved
mountain towns, the locals all said
the same thing: people come for the
winter, then stay for the summer. The streets
After spending a week soaking up of Aspen are
the sunshine and scenery last summer, and pristine.
I can certainly see why.

Here’s your chance to win a
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et within 1,400 acres of beautiful woodland and Finnish sauna, Himalayan sauna, aromatherapy steam
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The Coniston makes the most of its location on a
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The prize includes:

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1 Simply visit us at where
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2 Answer the question on
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3 Closing date and time is
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non-refundable, non-transferable, except employees, directors or subject to availability. 4 Full Ts&Cs can be found
and non-exchangeable. officers of The Coniston Hotel, their • Valid until September 30, 2024.
• Based on two guests sharing. families, agents, or anyone profes- • Entry into this prize draw is left and online.
• Any other incidental expenses sionally connected with the draw. taken as acceptance of these
relating to the prize are not • The Coniston Hotel reserves the terms and conditions.
included in the above prize and right to substitute the prizes with • Closing date to enter is March
must be paid for by the winner, one of an equivalent or greater 21, 2024.




Interior inspiration, money-
saving recipes and expert
advice on home issues.

P70 – Can living
together be the
solution to isolation
in older age?

P78 – Meet one

of the founders
of British brand
Secret Linen Store.

P80 – Discover
where mould may
be lurking and
how to tackle it.

P86 – Get a fresh

take on your home
décor with design
ideas for spring.

P88 – Five
delicious money-
saving recipes that
are ready in a flash.



With a loneliness epidemic hitting hard, would you consider living

communally to fend off isolation? Cohousing, retirement villages
or shared houses could be the future of independent living as we
get older, but what’s it really like being part of one big boisterous
community? Angela Kennedy investigates.

f you’re feeling lonesome, neighbourhoods, according to
you’re certainly not alone as a recent study4.
1.4 million people aged 50 ‘Communal living builds up
and older admitted they were meaningful relationships where strong
often lonely1. It’s a black hole that’s bonds can grow. Collaboration of
easy to fall into; for example, due to skills gained throughout a person’s
New Ground Cohousing photo by Jill Mead, Burghley Retirement Living;
Marilyn Hamilton of Findhorn photo by Kate Bewick, Postlip Hall – all
retirement, if your partner has passed working life can be a wonderful asset and community. Residents make

Ben O’Sullivan,, Birchwood Hall by Marie-Therese King.

Words: Angela Kennedy. Images: Shutterstock, Charlotte Balazs of

away, or if friends or family have to the group. Socially, it opens up decisions together on managing the
moved away. possibilities for shared meals, walks, community, share social activities and
Loneliness is dire news for health activities or even holidays. The eat together regularly. New Ground’s
because being socially disconnected emotional support of community living aim is to “promote neighbourliness,
is as bad for you as smoking or heavy brings peace of mind to know you combat isolation and offer mutual
alcohol consumption. Plus, those always have a valued support network. support” and “share a determination
who feel lonely are 50 per cent more It’s a bit of a win-win,’ says Dr Annette to stay self-dependent, young-at-
likely to die prematurely than socially Greenwood (, heart and active”. Residents are also
engaged people2. Interestingly, over- who specialises in helping women encouraged to become active in the
50s are five-and-a-half times more challenge limiting habits or beliefs wider local community. Charlotte
likely to be lonely if they don’t have to create happier lives. Balazs, 70, a former Medical Royal
someone to talk to3. In other words, One highly successful example College administrator, moved to New
having people around you for a good of an all-female community of Ground in 2016 because she wanted
chat is vital for wellbeing. over-50s is New Ground Cohousing that balance of community with
That’s where communal living in London. Cohousing is a group of independent living – as well as the
comes in. In fact, being part of a self-contained homes with additional benefits of being part of an all-female
cohousing community gives you communal spaces such as gardens, group. ‘I chose New Ground as I
a mental health boost and lowers arts rooms and dining areas. So, you could be part of a community but also
anxiety compared to traditional get a good balance between privacy continue living my own life with my

The big debate

own front door. As women, we have are usually positioned close to towns
commonality, and of course we have so you can easily access shops and
varied life experiences, but we are public transport, and you pay a service
now in control of our decision-making charge to cover things such as security
and future. We do this as a mutually and building maintenance.
supportive community, which is such Burghley Retirement Living has
a heart-warming and reassuring way four retirement villages in the UK
to live. It really is a no-brainer as a offering one- or two-bedroom luxury
good way to live in your third age, a no-brainer apartments, with smaller sites having
with mutual support, sense of purpose, about 37 apartments, while the bigger
stimulation and friendship – it’s a good as a good way sites have up to 64. The housing is
life,’ she says.
to live in your designed with the needs of older
people in mind, meaning appliances
Retirement villages are larger scale, third age’ and plug sockets are positioned for
easy use, there’s non-slip bathroom
purpose-built sites for over-55s, flooring and easy-access showers, and
Charlotte Balazs,
which are self-contained apartments buildings are thermally insulated with
New Ground Cohousing
or houses with communal areas and double glazing to reduce energy costs.
regular social activities on offer, such There are security measures, such as
as trips, crafts, games or fitness. They video-door entry, CCTV surveillance

systems and security locks on
windows. Gardening, window cleaning
and building repairs are included.
‘As people age, their circle of
friends gets smaller and loneliness
creeps in. We want our owners to
be active in the community, making
and maintaining friendships, because
we see first-hand how important
this is in later life. Homeowners
have opportunities to participate in
group activities, events and clubs,
promoting a sense of belonging and
companionship. Regular interactions
with neighbours, our lodge managers
and participation in activities can
positively impact mental health and
emotional wellbeing,’ says Marie
Buckingham, development director
at Burghley Retirement Living.
In general, retirement villages
may be a good option if you want
to downsize and live in a supported
community among people of a similar
age with activities on offer. However,
it always pays to do your homework
before you jump in, as some
retirement sites have been criticised
for charging high service costs,
having poor resale value, leaseholder
restrictions and additional ground rent
costs, according to campaign group,
HomeOwners Alliance5.


Yet another type of communal living
are the big house communities, which
used to be associated with the hippy
communes of the 1960s and 70s,
although most have long thrown off
that stereotype. They are now called
intentional communities, meaning
people who have come together
by choice rather than chance. For
example, when you move house in
the usual way you don’t pick your
neighbours, but big house intentional
communities often have shared beliefs
time to come have been converted into separate
whether that’s spiritual, political or together units too. You’d also be expected to
just a desire to live in a certain way
with like-minded people. to nurture be fully involved with the community
from decision-making to cooking,
Of course, the sense of intention
also applies to cohousing and community cleaning and gardening by rota, as
well as having access to lots of social
retirement villages, but big house
communities differ as they are a more
relationships’ activities. If you are a very private
person, this is probably your worst
immersive experience. You might Heather Holve, Postlip Hall nightmare. But for others, a huge
have a private room but share other ( attraction of this type of community is
facilities such as the kitchen and that it’s like living with one big family.
bathrooms, although many big houses It’s multi-generational living too, as

The big debate

residents range from families with eco-village sustainable development garden into nature. The dunes, forest,
children to retired people – so you of about 125 houses. beach and lagoon all energise and
get the mental and emotional benefits Marilyn Hamilton, 76, moved to support me. This is a community that
of mixing with all ages. Findhorn in 2018. ‘I felt called to is nourishing and inspiring.’
The Findhorn Foundation is one move to Ecovillage Findhorn after my Of course, sharing your life with
of the biggest and oldest intentional husband died in 2017 and I attended a a big group of people won’t always
communities in the UK. It was founded retreat there. I love living in a village be sweetness and light – community
in 1962, near the north-eastern environment, where I can walk out my decision-making and general
Scottish coastal village of Findhorn, door to the shop and will know most differences can lead to conflict.
as a self-sustaining eco-community people I see. The familial/community ‘Dealing with disagreements generally
with spiritual roots. It has a big house bonds are tangible and strong. I also comes down to being willing to have
as part of the site but it also has an love walking out through my small difficult conversations with others in

nities_Psychological_Effects_and_Coping_Strategies_in_Times_of_COVID-19 5
a mutually trusting and respectful GROUP DECISIONS of experience at Postlip, which is a
way,’ says Marilyn. When it comes to conflict resolution, wonderful resource. But even more
Heather Holve, 59, is part of patience, openness and respectful impressively she remains open to
the community at Postlip Hall – a communication is the key to harmony. new ideas and is willing to try new
beautiful listed Jacobean manor house ‘Not everything in a community is ways. Plus, she has a hilarious set of

in Gloucestershire. It has 15 acres of plain sailing and Postlip has seen its anecdotes on Postlip and the people
land with organic vegetable gardens fair share of conflict. With 50 years who lived here,’ says Heather.
and livestock. It’s been divided into of residents moving in and out there While communal living isn’t for
separate units so it’s essentially is always flux on group dynamics everyone, it does sound like a smart
cohousing within a big old house and and how the group gels. We make way to live as you get older, if you
it is run as a housing association with decisions through consensus so we enjoy company, collaboration and
monthly meetings for community need to keep lines of communication shared activities. But it’s certainly not
decision-making. ‘I love the space and open and be prepared to be patient. some sort of utopia. ‘Communal living
the community at Postlip. We share a We have agreements so everyone can bring challenges. Sometimes
manor house with a kitchen garden, is clear about commitments to the decisions are taken by majority, so if
chickens, pigs and sheep. You bond community and what is good and you are a person who prefers complete
and care for your community. You bad communication. We also have a autonomy, bear this in mind. If you
can be very different people in your facilitator who helps us be open and prefer a very private life this may not
interests and professions, but you fair about differences,’ says Heather. be the best fit for you. With so many
have a shared will to collaborate and Residents at Postlip Hall are aged different people and personalities,
be worthy custodians of the building from one to upwards of 80, so there’s conflict can arise. The question to ask
and the land. We make time to nurture a real big family vibe with plenty of yourself before deciding to embark
these relationships – the summer is room for the talents and wisdom of on this journey is, do the benefits
great for sharing a barbeque or pizza all ages. ‘One of our founders, who outweigh the negatives?’ says Dr
evening,’ says Heather. is in her 80s, has more than 50 years Annette. Only you can answer that.

The big debate

Meet the women who love

communal living…

‘We practise holistic

ways of living’
Mary Inglis, 78, Findhorn, Scotland.
‘I joined Findhorn in 1973, when the the elders then were encouraging and
community was only 11 years old with fewer
than 100 residents, all living in mobile people, even if sometimes these were
homes. Today there are more than 500 strange to them. I appreciated their
residents living both at The Park and in steadiness and their life experience,
the local area in ecologically built houses. which they shared but didn’t press upon
Before coming to Findhorn Community, us. Hopefully, those of us who are
aged 28, I was a journalist and began now elders can do likewise. There’s a
getting involved in experiential education. recognition that people will have different
I continued with writing, editing, developing viewpoints and priorities. Not everything
and running educational programmes at needs to get sorted out immediately; some
Findhorn. I’m a coach in personal and things just take time.
spiritual development and a facilitator in the ‘I plan to remain here for lots of reasons:
Transformation Game, a board game that long-term friends who have been involved
offers a playful approach to exploring in building this community; new friends
and transforming issues in life and work. bringing fresh energy; my appreciation of
‘I love that my community continues the area; and the familiarity and friendliness
to explore and practise more holistic of the local areas of Findhorn and Forres.’
ways of living – ecological, social and (

Findhorn is
a spiritual
made up of
dwellings with
shared spaces
for gardening
and other


‘I’m not lonely

Pam Ward, and afternoon tea. We all get along
74, Albany so well. And I’ve even used the big
Lodge, lounge space to host a Prosecco
Derby. get-together with my friends from
‘My daughter the charity shop.
moved to ‘I am visiting my family in Australia
Australia with at the moment, and I know all is well
her partner and my and safe in my apartment. I have
grandchildren six years arranged for the lodge manager to
ago. Then I lost my husband to put my heating on for me the day
Parkinson’s disease three years later. prior to me returning to England. Just
So, my life changed forever. I am a having someone to help like that is
sociable person and I felt so lonely. wonderful. I don’t have to deal with
I realised the street I lived on was a the stress or cost of maintaining a Burghley
lonely place that lacked community large home. I’m not lonely anymore. Villages offer
spirit. Even when walking my dog, I have made friends and we have lots apartments
Ollie, daily, I hardly saw anyone else in common. We chat, we laugh and alongside
communal living.
on the road. So, I knew something we look out for each other. I have a
needed to change. I volunteered at lovely apartment that really feels like
a local charity shop, which helped me home.’ (
meet people and I started to look for
a new place to live. I saw an advert
for Albany Lodge, and after a good
look around and finding out I’d be
able to bring Ollie, my six-year-old
Shih Tzu with me, I knew it was the
right place for me. I moved in in June
2023, and it has been wonderful!
‘Within a couple of weeks of
moving in, I made new friends.
I spend time in the communal lounge
where I often meet up with other
homeowners to have a morning
coffee before work or before a big
walk with Ollie. I’ve also attended
events planned by our wonderful
lodge manager. There’s been a fashion
event, carol singing, Christmas party

The big debate


‘It feels like

a big family’
Marie-Therese King, 54, Birchwood Hall
Community, Worcestershire.
‘I moved to Birchwood Hall in 2017 with my
10-year-old-daughter. I had separated from the
person I was living with and didn’t want to rent
somewhere alone as a single parent. Living
communally was the obvious solution and I was
lucky there was space at Birchwood for us.
‘I love sharing this amazing Victorian house
with so many interesting like-minded individuals.
I feel as if we are one family. It’s supportive and
affordable for someone like me, with a career as
a self-employed artist and art tutor that brings in At Birchwood
Hall, everyone
varying amounts. I love the space. We rent huge
maintains the
rooms, so we have plenty of our own space and house and
also share eight acres outdoors. The vegetable gardens
garden is my favourite part; growing food, together.
herbs and flowers, sharing the workload and
knowledge. Another favourite are the communal
meals – we eat as a household every night and
twice a week we eat together as a community.
‘I think my daughter, Freya, has benefited
tremendously from being around the community
at Birchwood Hall; she is a very well-rounded
young adult with a mature outlook on life. As a
parent, I’ve felt very supported living amongst
elders. I am one of seven siblings from a very
close-knit family, so I’m used to having lots of

in a busy social environment. I love the

interaction. We spend at least one day a month
doing routine maintenance jobs as a group; this
is also a fantastic time of working together to
improve the place we all share. It does feel like
a big family.
‘We all respect each other and I have formed
some really close friendships. Being here has
enabled me to concentrate on my art with less
pressure to earn money, as living communally
means the bills are shared and the rent is
very reasonable. I feel I can easily achieve
a very good work-life balance, mentally and
physically. I am now able to work from home
from a studio (, so can be
very flexible with the hours I work. Part of my
art involves studying nature and wildlife in the
countryside, so daily walks from the hall are
also one of the things I love about living here.’


Fall in love with…

Secret Linen
Give your bedroom a makeover with the gorgeous bedlinen, curtains,
nightwear and more from Secret Linen Store. Co-founder and creative
director Molly Freshwater tells us all about her foray into the world of
fabrics and where she gets the inspiration for her designs.

Buttercup 100% Linen

Pillowcases, from £22,
Duvet Covers, from £115,
and Fitted Sheets, from £79.

Canyon Pink 100% Linen

Pillowcases, from £22,
Co-founders and sisters Duvet Covers, from £159,
Harriet and Molly (L-R). and Fitted Sheets, from £95.

Design focus

Brighten up your bedroom

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Kitty McCall Summer Garden Jude 100% Cotton Bedlinen,

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and Emperor Duvet Cover, £289. Duvet Covers, from £59.

I have always been interested in My favourite fabric to work with is palette. It’s on my bed now! We have
pattern and fabric. I was also good linen. It’s all about texture for me and some new designs launching soon,
at maths when I was younger and linen has a texture like no other fabric. including a collaboration collection
there’s something about repeating We piece-dye our linen bedding, with printmaker Molly Mahon
patterns that ties the two together. which gives the colour amazing depth. ( and a design from
I went to Epsom School of Art, My favourite colours change most Jessie Cutts (, made
and then did a degree in Textile days, but I’m currently into muddy using our leftover fabric scraps, which
Design at Nottingham Trent neutrals like sludgy reds and yellows will raise money for charity Choose
University. We didn’t use computers with dusty pinks, alongside pops of Love (
at all on my degree, but I have since bright colour. No grey, thank you!
learnt how to use them for design and We are delighted and proud to be

now love to combine hand painting I get my inspiration from everything a certified B Corp business. This
with clever computer programmes. and everywhere. I recently visited means, alongside making great
Paris where I was inspired by art, bedlinen and accessories for your
I originally thought fashion pavements, fashion, graffiti and fruit bedroom, we ensure we do our best
might be my calling, but I then shops. I love putting together a colour for people and the planet. All our
realised my passion was for the palette from daily life and nature. Most natural and high-quality fabrics are
fabrics themselves, rather than of my designs start with plants, but responsibly sourced, and everything is
the actual garment design. I fell colour can be found everywhere. made in the UK and Europe with love.
into bedroom retail after a part-time We have more to do, but this is a big
job in a bedroom showroom, selling My favourite design is probably part of our business and future.
mattresses and iron beds. I then Jude. This new design features a
worked my way up and into head clever jacquard pattern, complete with l Find more inspiration and shop the
office, and the rest is history. the most wonderful woodland colour full collection at

26% The number
affected by damp or
mould in the UK *

Mould advice

Is your
Spring cleaning is around the corner but sometimes we need more
than a quick vacuum and spruce up. If mould is lurking anywhere, you’ll
want to be rid of it fast before it can harm your health. Find out why it’s
so deadly and what to do to prevent mould from building up.

ove it or hate it, a spring social housing home. As a result, a
clean is a ritual that can new law has been proposed requiring
uncover more than a spot landlords to investigate tenant


of dust in the kitchen complaints of mould or damp within
cupboards. That’s because, while a fortnight and make repairs rapidly,
scrubbing away in a forgotten corner if there’s a medically confirmed risk
of the bathroom you might find a to health. Currently, the Government
hidden health hazard lurking in your is undertaking a review of existing
home. A dark patch of discolouration, guidance on health impacts of damp
slimy film or fuzz probably means you and mould in homes, with new
have mould in your house. It thrives guidelines expected by summer.


in damp conditions, so kitchens
and bathrooms are mould hotspots, VARIOUS STRAINS
especially if poorly ventilated. So, what exactly is this unwelcome
It’s often found on walls, ceilings, substance that could be making itself
window frames, floors, baths, at home in the dark recesses of your
showers, concealed behind furniture bathroom or kitchen? ‘Moulds are a
and even inside your fridge. type of fungi that spread by making
About 6.2 million households spores and they thrive best in warm,
had issues with mould and damp humid conditions. Mould exists in the
during 2018 and 2019 – and it air as a microscopic substance, which
can be a serious threat to health. usually can’t be seen until it grows
Having mould in your home can together in large numbers,’ says Dr
make you more prone to respiratory Nasha Winters, healthcare teacher
infections, allergies and asthma as and specialist in integrative cancer
well as harming your immune system, care (
according to the NHS. ‘Although some species of mould
The danger was starkly highlighted are considered harmless, like those
in 2020 by the tragic death of two- that grow on cheese, there are others
year-old Awaab Ishak, who died due that cause major health issues.
to a respiratory condition caused by The most toxic to human health
exposure to toxic black mould in his is called Stachybotrys chartarum,

5 ways to
stop mould
Embark on the ultimate spring clean
with these expert tips and products for
eliminating and avoiding mould growth.

Try Clean
Living Biological
Bathroom Cleaner
Starter Kit (£10.80,, which
contains everything you
need to zap mould without
the harsh chemicals. It
was developed using
probiotic technology,
so the friendly bacteria
in this solution eats
away mould to leave
sparkling clean surfaces. It’s free from
toxic ingredients and leaves no harmful
residues. Refills start at £1.99 each.

Use Astonish
The Good One
Natural Power
Cleaning Paste
This multi-purpose
cleaner is made from
100 per cent naturally
derived ingredients and
is not toxic to pets or the environment.
A little goes a long way – dab onto a cloth
and dampen, then wipe away mould.

plants reduce airborne toxins such as
Ventilate and clean. ‘Mould benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene.
thrives in rooms lacking natural *NOTE: Mould can grow in houseplant
sunlight and adequate ventilation, soil. Prevent this by letting excess water
and in damp environments such as drain into a tray underneath, and cover
bathrooms. Regular cleaning reduces the the top of the soil with aquarium gravel.

likelihood of any mould growing. Focus
on corners, shower curtains and rugs, as Try essential oils. A traditional
these can retain moisture from the shower. blend known as Thieves Oil
Avoid drying clothes or towels in the (cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus and
bathroom,’ says Holly Shaw of Allergy UK. rosemary) may protect against

airborne pathogens. This blend was found
Add air-purifying plants. to significantly lower airborne levels of
Houseplants were found to absorb three different types of bacteria1. Find it
harmful toxins from the air, in a in Young Living Thieves Essential Oil
study by space agency NASA*. Blend (from £19.97,
In particular, English ivy may help reduce Dr Winters also suggests adding
mould in your home, peace lilies remove cinnamon, clove, tea tree, grapefruit seed,
VOCs (volatile organic compounds) oregano and thyme essential oil to a
including formaldehyde, while snake cold-air diffuser to purify your home.

Mould advice

‘Check your kitchen and bathroom

regularly and don’t forget to look
behind larger furniture’

or black mould,’ she adds. Other For example, more than 25 per cent of eyes, dizziness, headaches, throat
types of health-harming mould asthma cases in the USA are related and sinus discomfort, bloating, visual
include Cladosporium herbarum, to mould exposure. In rare instances, changes and rashes. So, it becomes
which is easily transported through when there’s systemic mould infection a systemic issue that depletes your
the air and commonly found inside in immune-compromised individuals, energy levels as well as causing health
uncleaned refrigerators, on spoiled such as those living with cancer, problems and joint pain, leaving you
food, on window frames, in rooms AIDS or long-term steroid patients, feeling tired and drained.
with poor ventilation, and in damp it can lead to organ failure and death,’ ‘Long-term mould exposure stirs
areas. Aspergillus fumigatus is found says Dr Winters. up an inflammatory and immune
in decaying vegetables and roots, response, sapping cellular energy
and stored sweet potatoes, while HEALTH HAZARD from your body for the day-to-
Alternaria alternata grows in food, The first signs of mould exposure day physiological activities that
textiles, rotten wood and plants. can appear similar to a common cold, are required to survive. If mould
All of these strains can trigger such as coughing, sneezing, sore infections become systemic, they can
mould allergy, causing symptoms throat – but crucially, symptoms don’t impact all cells, tissues and organs
such as bronchitis, rhinitis, itchy clear up after a couple of weeks as of the body, including your joints,’
eyes, eczema and asthma1. they would with a seasonal cold virus explains Dr Winters.
‘Mould usually enters the human if the mould remains in your home. So, what do you do if you’ve been
body through inhaled spores, which Instead, with prolonged exposure, you exposed to mould? ‘First, you must
can lead to chronic health conditions may experience memory problems, identify and remove the mould source
such as upper respiratory tract issues. excessive fatigue, weak voice, watery or healing can’t begin,’ advises Dr

‘ The first thing to do is
find out what is causing
the mould to grow’
Winters. ‘For cleaning, hydrogen to increase elimination through the Holly Shaw, a nurse advisor at Allergy
peroxide is a gentle, non-toxic bowels,’ she advises. UK ( ‘Then remove the
disinfectant that works by releasing mould. If you experience breathing
oxygen to break down moulds. DEALING WITH DAMP difficulties or severe allergic reactions
Then, my favourite way to recover As for cleaning up mould in your to mould, it is best to consult a builder
from mould exposure is with 30-45 home, you should, of course, check or specialist to remove it.
minutes, five days per week, of low- your kitchen and bathroom thoroughly ‘But if you want to remove it
EMF sauna sessions, as sweating and regularly. But don’t forget to yourself, clean with vinegar solution
liberates the mould spores from the look behind the fridge, sofa and other or use specialist mould-removal
tissues of the body,’ she says. furniture that’s pressed up against products. Wear a face mask to protect
‘Also, you need to ensure your the wall. Window frames covered by yourself from breathing in harmful
organs of elimination are functioning curtains are another prime spot for mould spores and ensure that your
optimally. This means exercising hidden patches of mould, as are inside hands and eyes are protected with
and practising breathwork, as well wardrobes. The first thing to do is gloves and goggles.’
as sweating for elimination through to deal with the damp, which is the
the skin. Make sure you are properly source of mould growth. PREVENTION IS KEY
hydrated so your kidneys can function ‘Find out what is causing the mould When it comes to preventing mould
well. Try milk thistle supplements to grow; repair any leaks and fix regrowth, there are plenty of simple
to support your liver, and eat plenty problems causing condensation or ways to stop it creeping back into the
of fibre and magnesium-rich foods excess moisture in the home,’ says corners of your home. ‘Keep rooms

Mould advice

well ventilated by opening doors and

windows whenever possible. Dry your
washing outside if you can, or at least
ensure there’s adequate ventilation in
the room while drying. Try to make
sure your home doesn’t get too cold
either – aim for at least 15 degrees
centigrade,’ says Holly.
‘Also, quickly repair or report to
your landlord any leaks that could
lead to damp conditions, such as wet
carpets or floorboards. Keep living
spaces minimalist and clutter-free
to allow for good air circulation.
Wipe windows that become damp
DIY removal of mould or wet inside the glass and around

the frames to prevent black mould.
Protect your lungs, eyes mould, to avoid blasting mould For persistent mould, you can have
and skin from contact with spores into the air.
walls covered with a mould-resistant

mould when cleaning, by
Don’t attempt to tackle paint, and it could be worth investing
wearing an FFP3 respirator
extensive patches in a dehumidifier with a HEPA (high
face mask, goggles, rubber
of mould yourself. efficiency particulate air) filter to
gloves and long sleeves.
For areas larger than one

remove microscopic particles, such
Use a vinegar solution, meter, call in a professional. as mould spores, from the air in your
or a specialist mould Search Trading Standards-
home,’ advises Holly.
removal product. Spray vetted companies on
onto a cloth, then rub rather
than spraying directly onto the for mould removal specialists.

Dr Nasha
Winters is
a leading
authority and
author in
cancer care and research. She has
created educational programmes
for both healthcare institutions
and the public on incorporating
vetted integrative therapies in
cancer care to enhance outcomes.
Find her at and

Holly Shaw is a
Nurse Advisor
at Allergy
UK, a patient
DID YOU organisation
KNOW? supporting,
Old foam advising and
mattresses or advocating
pillows can harbour for those with allergies. She
specialises in paediatric food
hidden mould2,
allergy and education. Find more
so check them tips for cleansing your home of
regularly. mould with Allergy UK’s factsheet

Dragonfly Swarm Wallpaper
in Sage, £140 per roll,

Time to freshen up
Spring is here – and with it, a multitude of interiors ideas to throw out the old and invest in the new.
But refreshing your look doesn’t mean spending a fortune, advises interiors writer Carol Burns.

n winter, when the light is shorter and less intense, cotton mixes. Allow them to mingle on the ends of sofas
our interiors turn to features like the flickering of a and the backs of chairs and let them get as creased and
real fire and the twinkling of Christmas decorations. crinkled as you can – it’s part of their natural texture.
But with the change of clocks and the lengthening Keep heavier textiles handy for lengthening those summer
days, our homes can look a bit tired. So, before you start nights you want to enjoy outside.
scrolling those impossibly perfect show homes for ideas,
here’s a few simple tips to update your look. COLOUR
A boutique owner who favoured a black wedding dress
WINDOW DRESSINGS in her window, once explained its appeal: “Everyone is
In an ideal world, you would have two sets: one thick wowed by it and tries it on, but nobody ever buys it.”
and cosy for winter, and another light and airy set for the This can sum up high fashion when it comes to interior
summer. You can’t underestimate the difference window colours. But if trend is important to you, it’s worth knowing
dressings will make to your house. If you can, take that Pantone’s Colour of the Year 2024 is Peach Fuzz
them down (spring is a great time to wash or air them ( This tone will be found everywhere, but
anyway) and the room will be instantly awash with light. always beware of refreshing your interiors to follow the
The downside of this is that the state of your décor will crowd – high-fashion colours can age poorly (think of
immediately reveal itself, but a lick of paint – even the aubergine and avocado bathroom sets) so only use on-trend
same colour – can make a huge difference. colours if you genuinely like them.
If you like the coastal interior look, blue is a real staple,
TEXTILES alongside whites. But blue tones are seemingly infinite, so
I’m a lover of throws at any time of year – let’s face it, even have a wander through this season’s paint colours if you are
in the height of summer, nights in Britain can be a bit chilly. keen to improve upon the classic Cornish-themed light blue
Swap out your thick chunky wool and velvets for linens and and cream colour scheme, or go for a softer powder blue.

Spring style

Niki Allium Powder Blue Alice

Sheer Voile, Stripe 100% Cotton
POA, Bedding, from £17,

Klaude Sofa, POA,,
in Peach Fuzz-
inspired living room.

Oscar Sofa in
Prussian Blue
Velvet, £2000,

I vote for the wonders of the inky Prussian Blue (in the
gorgeous sofa above), or even something with a grey tone.

I’m a huge fan of the power of plants, and bringing a little
of the outside in with a few well-placed palms or a ficus
will power up your look. Go big for floor plants if you have
Security Plantation Shutters,
the space, and move them around your room until you

find their perfect spot.
Don’t underestimate the impact darker colours can
offer, too. They will add zing to your interiors and the
bright lights of spring are the perfect accompaniment to
experimenting with darker tones that will also work during
the winter months against that crackling fire. Dark greens
are classics for heavy rooms like libraries and dining rooms,
but they can be tricky to pair up with. It’s best to dip your
toes into the many shades of green with a colour like sage.
Remember to collect plenty of paint and colour charts
before embarking on a major project. And if you do choose
a strong colour, avoid pairing it with a glaring brilliant
white. Softer tones of this interior staple will enhance your
XV Stripes The Yarmouth Blanket, and The
bold choice of colour. Compton Blanket, both £120,
Happy decorating!

Tilde’s magic
Serves 2

l 2 eggs
l Soy sauce, splash
l 1 tbsp water
l Salt and black pepper, to taste
l Light olive oil
l 10g butter
l 2 flour tortillas
l 2 spring onions, finely sliced
l 80g bean sprouts
l ½ carrot, cut into ribbons
l 50g sustainable frozen cooked
North Atlantic prawns
l Lime juice, to taste
l Chilli oil, to taste
l Coriander, few sprigs

1. Whisk the eggs with the soy sauce,

water, and salt and pepper. Heat the oil in
a medium frying pan over a medium heat,
add half the butter and pour in half the
egg mixture. Leave the egg to set on the
base, until about 60 per cent set.
2. Drop 1 tortilla on top of the egg mix
and leave to cook through. Remove
to a plate, egg-side up, and repeat the
process with the remaining wrap. Keep
the first one warm, covered with a clean
tea towel.
3. When both are ready, top the wraps
by laying on spring onions, bean sprouts,
carrot and prawns down one side of the
eggy flatbread, then season to taste with
soy sauce, lime juice, chilli oil, salt and
pepper. Finish with coriander, then roll
the whole thing up to eat.

l Bean sprouts are good value but tend

to come in large packets. If I have any
left over, I like to pickle them to extend
their life, then use to pep up salads and
sandwiches. To make the pickle, cut the
bean sprouts into bite-size pieces and
sprinkle with salt. Heat light vinegar,
such as rice vinegar, with sugar to
taste, enough to completely cover the
veg. Add aromatics such as coriander
seeds or star anise. Once the pickling
liquor has simmered for a few mins,
pack the veg into a sterilised jar and
pour over the liquid. Once cold, seal
and store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Money-saving recipes

5 speedy
Use up kitchen cupboard
ingredients for home cooking with
maximum flavour and minimum
cost with recipes from chef Rosie
Sykes’ new book, Every Last Bite.

Cauliflower farfalle
Serves 4 out over a separate baking tray and 4. Bring a large saucepan of salted
toast in the warming oven until light water to the boil and cook the pasta.
l 1 cauliflower, 400g, broken into golden brown. Remove, leave to cool When the cauliflower is tender, turn
bite-size florets, leaves included and rub the loose skin off. Set aside. off the oven and leave it to stay warm
l 2 red onions, cut into eighths 2. In a large bowl, combine the while the pasta finishes cooking.
l ½ lemon, diced small, skin on cauliflower, its leaves, the red onions, Once cooked, drain the farfalle,
l Chilli flakes, pinch confetti of lemon pieces and chilli saving a bit of pasta water. Toss the
l 1½ tbsp light olive oil flakes. Glug over the olive oil and pasta with the walnut dressing and
l 400g farfalle pasta season thoroughly with salt. Toss splash in the bit of pasta water to
l Sea salt and black pepper everything together well. Remove the help coat the bows, then fold through
hot tray from the oven and spread out the cauliflower. Season to taste, pile
For the dressing: the cauliflower mixture, then roast for into warmed bowls and sprinkle the
l 75g walnuts 20-25 mins until the cauliflower has remaining Parmesan over the top.
l 2 garlic cloves, chopped softened and slightly caramelised.
l Flat-leaf parsley, handful 3. While the cauliflower is roasting, l Nuts are an expensive
l 80ml light olive oil make the walnut dressing. Put the commodity so it is really worth
l ½ lemon, juice walnuts, garlic and parsley into a storing them well. Since they
l 50g Parmesan or pecorino, grated food processor and whizz until it contain a lot of oil they can spoil
starts to form crumbs. Slowly add easily, so it’s a good idea to keep
1. Preheat the oven to 220°C, gas the oil until you have a paste, then them in well-sealed packets in
mark 7. Heat a large oven tray at fold in the lemon juice and all but the fridge. I keep mine in a large
the same time. Spread the walnuts 1 tbsp of the cheese. Season to taste. Tupperware container.

Money-saving recipes

Satsuma, l 6 satsumas
l 1 small red onion, finely sliced

pomegranate l 1 pomegranate
l 1½ tbsp red wine vinegar

and fennel l 1 tsp honey

l 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

salad with feta

l 2 fennel heads
l 200g feta
l 3 chicory heads or radicchio leaves
Serves 4
l Chives, finely chopped
l Sea salt and black pepper

1. Peel the satsumas with a knife to get

rid of all the pith, then cut into slices
about 3mm thick. Put the satsuma
slices, along with any juices, into
a large bowl with the onion and a
pinch of salt. Mix well, then leave
the onions to soften.
2. Cut the pomegranate in
half, then cut one half in half
again. Squeeze the juice
from the two quarters
through a sieve into a
bowl. This should reward
you with about 4 tbsp of
pomegranate juice. Add
the vinegar and honey
to the bowl, then season
with salt and pepper.
Slowly drizzle in the oil,
whisking to incorporate.
3. Take the other half of the
pomegranate and place it cut
side down in your hand. Tap
it with a rolling pin to dislodge
the seeds. Remove any white
membrane from the seeds, then
add to the bowl with the satsumas
and onion. Trim the fennel, reserving
any fronds, then slice very finely and
add to the bowl. Chop the reserved
fennel fronds and add those too.
4. Crumble in the feta and gently toss
all the ingredients together. Put the
salad leaves and chives in another
bowl, season lightly and dress with
some of the pomegranate dressing.
Arrange the salad leaves on four plates,
then scatter the rest of the salad over
the top, finishing with extra dressing.

l Pomegranates and satsumas come

into season around the same time and
make very good partners, with their
contrasting notes of sharp and sweet.
This salad is ideal with warm pitta or
flatbread to mop up all the juices.

Every Last Bite by
Rosie Sykes (£18.99,
Quadrille). Photography
by Patricia Niven.

Leek, spinach and chickpea soup

Serves 4 when sizzling, turn the heat down. about a bit, then add the vinegar.
Put a lid on and cook for 10 mins so 4. Whizz the contents of the pan in
l 3 tbsp olive oil, plus extra splash the onion is softening and sweet, a food processor, then add the saved
l 1 onion, halved and finely sliced stirring halfway through. Add the liquid from the canned chickpeas
l 2 small leeks, sliced, using all leeks and cook over a medium heat and blend to a smooth paste. Stir the
the green for a further 10 mins, with the lid on, bread purée into the soup, stir well
l 5 garlic cloves, 4 crushed, 1 cut until the leeks lose their crunch. and cook for a further 5 mins. Season
into quarters lengthways 2. Add a splash more olive oil and to taste and add more stock if you
l 400g frozen spinach, defrosted the crushed garlic to the pan and prefer a thinner soup. Serve in hot
l 400g chickpeas tin, drained, cook gently for a couple of mins. bowls with a slick of olive oil on top
liquid reserved Once the garlic has got familiar with and hunks of bread.
l 800ml vegetable stock the onion and leek, add the spinach,
l 2 slices bread, cut 2cm thick chickpeas and stock. Bring to a l Water left over from cooking
and cut in half simmer and cook for 5 mins, lid on. pulses (or from the tin) adds
l Thyme, sprig 3. In a separate frying pan large body and depth to soups and
l 1 heaped tsp sweet smoked enough to hold the bread in a single stews but will also lighten batters.
paprika layer, heat the remaining oil. Add Try replacing one of three eggs in
l 2 tbsp sherry vinegar the bread and thyme sprig and fry pancake batter with 50ml of pulse
l Sea salt and black pepper over a medium heat until the bread liquor. For vegan recipes, pulse
is starting to become light golden, water, also known as aquafaba,
1. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a medium turning occasionally. Add the is a flavoursome replacement for
heavy-based saucepan with a lid over quartered garlic and let it colour water. It keeps well in the fridge for
a medium heat and when hot, add the a little. When the bread is ready, several days and can be frozen for
onion. Add a good dose of salt and, add the smoked paprika and stir up to three months.

Money-saving recipes

baked rice
with sausage
Serves 4

l 3 tbsp light olive oil

l 400-500g best quality sausages,
each chopped into 4 pieces
l 100g small round shallots or red
onions, cut in quarters
l 240g greens, very finely chopped
l 200g short-grain rice
l 2 heaped tbsp harissa
l 100ml cider or white wine
(optional); if using, reduce the stock
amount to 500ml
l 600ml boiling vegetable stock
l 198g sweetcorn tin, drained
l Coriander, generous handful
l 1 lemon, juice
l Sea salt

1. Preheat the oven to 220°C, gas

mark 7 and at the same time, heat a
large casserole dish with a lid with
2 tbsp of the oil. Once hot, add the
sausage pieces to the dish and cook,
uncovered, for 15 mins, stirring halfway
through, until browned and cooked
through. Remove from the oven and
turn the oven temperature down to
200°C, gas mark 6. Lift the sausages
out with a slotted spoon, leaving the
juices behind. Add the shallots or
onions and a good pinch of salt, stir
well. Put the lid on and return to the
oven for about 10 mins, or until the
shallots are softening.
2. Add the shredded greens and
remaining oil, stir and put the lid back
on. Return to the oven for a further
5 mins to continue softening the

shallots and wilt the greens. Then,

stir in the rice and coat well with the
shallot mixture. Add the harissa and
return to the oven for a few mins. At
this stage, you can add the cider or
wine, if using, and return the dish to the
oven for a further 5 mins.
3. Add the hot stock, give everything to the oven for 15 mins. Now the stock l The greens bulk this recipe up
a good stir and cook, uncovered, for has absorbed but the rice shouldn’t be without taking centre stage and
20 mins, or until two thirds of the stock entirely dry – add a splash of hot water give the rice a wonderful lightness.
has been absorbed. If you are not using if needed. Stir in the coriander and a Cutting the sausages into little
cider, just add in all the hot stock. Add squeeze of lemon, cover the pan with chunks makes them go further. For
the sweetcorn and the sausage pieces a clean cloth and leave to settle for a vegan version, replace the sausage
and give everything a good stir. Return 5 mins, then serve. with cubed root vegetables or squash.

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Looking each month at issues affecting
women from midlife onward in the world
of work, with expert help and advice.

& finance
P96 – Charity
founder Natalie
shares her story
from corporate exec
to championing
needy children.
P100 – Career
coach Josie Copsey
shares her expert
help on tackling
work challenges
in later life.

My new chapter
From airline
to inspiring
Natalie, a former British Airways employee, left her role in 2017
Natalie with one
of the Chat Club
students who
won a blogging
and set up Chat Club to support and motivate disadvantaged
children in orphanages overseas to achieve their goals.

orking for British build their confidence and self-belief, verbal and written, as we also help
Airways for 33 years in as often many of them have lost their improve their English skills. We have
a variety of roles – from sense of worth in life as a result of debates and conversations about
customer service and being abandoned and/or deprived. topics that matter to all of us, whether
marketing to product design, sales Along with other mentors in the UK, they be environmental, personal,
and franchising – gave me the travel including students at sixth forms, we issues in our respective countries,
bug. In 2017, at the age of 57, I chose meet online with groups of children news headlines, future ambitions,
to restructure my life and decided to aged 12-17 at selected orphanages sports or the arts – really anything
combine my love of travel with a new and schools. Each mentor works with we all want to chat about. Most
venture outside of the corporate world their youngsters for a period of 3-4 importantly though, we have fun.
– and I’m here to say that life very months before helping new students. Chat Club has been as fulfilling
much goes on after a full-time career! Throughout the hour, our chat is both and exciting as my career was
Ever since my school days, I’ve with BA, but with more personal

combined employment and volunteer Natalie was motivated reward. Through Chat Club I have
work with charities and foundations in to set up the charity witnessed students develop from shy,
after 33 years at BA.
the UK and overseas. So, after a great unconfident youngsters into inspiring
deal of research, the support of my young teens and adults who are proud
patient partner and friends, and to use their voice and skills; giving

many introductions to people in speeches, winning competitions,

various other charities and groups, hosting events and more.
I set up Chat Club, which is now part I’m so proud that many of them
of a registered charity. have pushed through the barriers
of their traumatic backgrounds to
FULFILLING WORK complete college, university and
Chat Club matches up mentors in apprenticeships, gaining qualifications
the UK with underprivileged and to help them pursue their chosen
destitute young people in schools career paths and on to leading
and orphanages overseas, helping to self-fulfilling, independent lives.

Volunteer work

Children’s Garden
Home was set up
in 2001 to help
abandoned and
destitute children.

‘Chat Club
has been as
fulfilling as
but with more
personal reward’
Some of th
e yo
children from unger
orphanage the
having fun
Natalie with Ernest !
and Stellah (to her
right), and other Chat
Club students during
her visit in Nov 2023.

Moses (centre), founder of Children’s

Garden Home, with his wife Sylvia
and some of the children.

Chat Club students outside
the Chidren’s Garden Home
Craft Shop, which they made!

The dilapidated science room needs

funding to rebuild.

But while chatting sounds fun, and
it is undoubtedly beneficial – we’ve
seen the good results after all –
these overseas homes and schools
need financial support too as this
is vital for their survival. Sadly,
many governments don’t support
orphanages in their own countries,
so a key part of Chat Club is raising
funds to help support these children.
We currently work with an amazing
but desperately poor orphanage
school in Kenya called Children’s
Garden Home. It was founded in 2001
by a man named Moses, who himself
The girls’ bathroom
was abused, destitute and living in is in dire need of
the streets, and yet he had a vision to refurbishment to make
better himself and the lives of other it more hygienic.
children like him. And so Children’s
Garden Home was born, with the help in their school break and after school shower and toilet facilities, which
of his wife Sylvia and their staff. before going to bed at 10pm. have been in place for too long and
Now, 500 youngsters attend the I’ve been to Kenya many times and, are now in a state of disrepair.
school, with 200 of them living in believe me, it is tough for many living The second is to fund the rebuild
the orphanage – some with special there. But I visited Children’s Garden of the science classroom, which
educational needs – and they range in Home in November last year with has been well used but is no longer
age from three months up to 20 years two other mentors from the UK and functional, and without which the
old, only leaving when they are fully found it to be a safe haven, an oasis students can’t take their national
self-sufficient. Moses must find ways in the midst of the strife and chaos, exams in sciences, which impacts their
to cover all the costs, from basics such providing a loving, caring and happy ongoing education. These two projects
as food, clothing and toiletries and environment – in fact, one of the need around £3,000 each, which isn’t
facilities, to support workers’ happiest places I’ve ever visited. a huge sum compared to the cost of
and teachers’ salaries. building in the UK.
All cooking, cleaning, washing MUCH-NEEDED FUNDS Our third project, which is ongoing,
and caring for babies is shared by For 2024, Chat Club is focusing is to help fund healthcare for those
everyone, both kids and staff alike, on three projects to help Children’s at the home, such as regular doctor
and starts before the school day – they Garden Home. One is to fund and and dentist check-ups, emergency
wake at 4am. Children also do chores rebuild the separate girls’ and boys’ visits to hospital when needed, and

Volunteer work

Natalie saying
goodbye to
everyone at
the orphanage
after her last visit.

prescribed and essential medication, wait and hope they get help before hope we can raise the money needed
none of which is funded by the it’s too late. to help Children’s Garden Home.
Kenyan government. If a child needs Since we started, more than 100
emergency care, as happened in the children and young adults in schools To find out more and donate to the
home this past Christmas, they can’t and orphanages have taken part in vital work of Chat Club, go to their
access it as the state hospital was Chat Club. We’re proud that 100 per Kindlink giving page at
closed – yes, they close! – and they cent of all donations to Chat Club go fundraising/Brighton-Beachside-
can’t afford private care so have to directly to the orphanages, and I really Rotary-Club/childrens-garden-home.

Words from the children Lucy, 12, in

a Chat Club
Two of the pupils at Children’s Garden Home share about session.
life at the school and how Chat Club has helped them.
‘There has been a big increase ‘I’m in grade 12 and I joined
in the number of children Chat Club in 2022. There are
coming to the home, but we four of us in our Chat Club
lack resources. We need basics group including our teacher
including food and personal Kathy in England. She is my
items such as soap, toothpaste hero; she taught me many
and shoes. We also need things I didn’t know and I’m
salaries for our wonderful applying them in my life.
teachers. We do all we can Right now, I’m confident,
to provide for ourselves by focused, and determined in
growing healthy vegetables, everything I do. She is the
raising chickens and running a best mentor and teacher
sewing business. I am grateful because she always teaches
to all who donate and for the us with all her heart and
home for shaping me into who without getting tired of us.’
I am today.’ Paul, aged 19. Lucy, aged 12.

to boost
your career
Feeling stuck in your job, struggling with workplace changes or simply looking for something
new? These challenges can be quite daunting later in life, says career coach Josie Copsey.
Here, she offers three ways to look at your work situation and make those important changes.

s a career and confidence
coach, I see many of my
clients experience
self-doubt about the
job they’ve been in for a number of
years – from experiencing imposter
syndrome to wanting to make a career
change – but they’re not sure where to
start in order to fix these issues.
With that in mind, I’ve prepared
three questions that have been
presented to me from my clients
recently about their own work
situations, plus a snippet of the
coaching we’ve gone through to help
them navigate a solution and find a
way forward. Hopefully you’ll find
these answers useful if you’re going
through a later-life career change.

Later-life career

‘HOW DO I MOVE TO skills and strengths. Would these be

‘List out your skills
transferable to a new remote-working
role? This gives you clarity on

‘I’m in my late 50s, currently what you can do and who you can
working in office admin and
looking for a role where I can
work more from home. I’m not sure
help – particularly useful when
meeting potential employers or
clients in the future.
and strengths.
where to start or what I could do?’ You can either work for yourself
and source your own clients, or Would these be
You’ve identified that you’re alternatively you can work for
currently working in an
administrative role and want
to work from home on a more regular
companies who specialise in sourcing
virtual assistants for their clients.
They arrange the work for you.
basis. There are many opportunities
available now for remote-working
administrative assistants who support
It’s also worthwhile reaching out to
your own professional network and
arranging a coffee with colleagues
to a new remote-
many companies and entrepreneurs,
for a few hours or days a week.
you may have worked with in the past.
You never know who you could be
working re? ’
Spend time identifying the areas you connected to and the opportunities
enjoy about your role and list out your those connections could bring.


‘My company recently
carried out a review of key
functions and as a result
I’ve lost an area that I’ve looked
after for 25 years to another
department in the business. It’s
where I started my career initially;
I’ve achieved so much in this area
and now feel like it’s been taken
from me. My boss has told me it’s
not personal and that they want
me to focus on project work, which
is another area of my role. I can’t
help feeling lost and that part of
my identity has been taken. I’m
not sure what to do?’

Grab a journal and write
your answers to the
following questions:
l What’s been your greatest
achievement in your career and
why is this important to you?
l What does success mean to
you now?
The answers that you see reflect
where you are today. They will
change, because your definition
of success will change, and you
will have many more incredible
achievements in your future career.
But remember, your job and role
do not define who you are. Your
skills, strengths and experience are
what make you unique. Reconnect
with these to remind yourself of
who you are and what you can do.
Make a list of your top 10 skills
and strengths. Then pick five
significant people, at least two
who know you in a work capacity,
and ask each of them to tell you
what they believe are your three
greatest strengths. Make a note of
what they share and look over your
list. What themes do you notice?
Build on this with your
experience. I encourage clients
to write their story so far, a short
biography. Include in here what
you’ve accomplished, the lessons
learnt and where they’ve taken you
both personally and professionally.
This is a powerful reminder of
what you’ve already achieved in
your life so far.

Later-life career

‘I’M RETURNING long time can also bring mixed

TO WORK AFTER emotions, so be kind to yourself.
TIME AWAY’ Here are some journal prompts
to help you explore that next step:

‘I’ve taken a couple of l What did you love about your
years out of work to previous job or role?
concentrate on some l What did you love about your
personal projects. I now need to three favourite past roles?
look at getting back into work l What has been missing from
to bring a salary in, but I’m not your past role?
sure if I’m ready to go back into l If you never had to work
a senior leader corporate role.’ again for money, how would
Josie Copsey is you spend your time?

a career and Taking time out from Finally, before you make any
confidence coach work can help to put big decisions on what to do,
for corporate other areas of life into get clear on what your non-
professionals, perspective. Before you make negotiables are when returning
supporting individuals, teams any decisions, look over your last to work. Think on your work
and senior leaders to become two years and journal on what hours, your work-life balance, the
the best version of themselves. you have learnt about yourself. type of work environment, the
Josie is her clients’ cheerleader, Are there any new skills that location, and travel time to get to
helping them to believe in you’ve acquired in your time work. By defining what you won’t
themselves with 1:1 coaching. away from work? There may be compromise on in your next role,
Visit for more some inspiration here that can whatever that may be, you’re
or connect with her at help shine a light on what you do putting what matters most to you next. Returning to work after a at your core.

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healthy life!
P106 – Dr Harper’s
tips to combat
stress during Stress
Awareness Month.
P108 – Learn how
to say no and set
better boundaries for
yourself and others.
P112 – Menopause
Guineapig Elizabeth
Joseph tackles
menopausal brain fog.
P114 – Meet author
Sylvie Boulay who
writes about the joys
of getting older.
P120 – Our resident
health coach offers
advice for cultivating
more gratitude.
P124 – Boost your
mental wellbeing
with three pages
of puzzles.
P128 – Walk away
tight hip flexors with
Joanna Hall’s guide.

P130 – This month,

Louise Minchin
conquers the seas
on a surfboard.


We all want to know how to live not only longer but better. This month, Dr Harper invites
us to check our stress levels and learn how to be kinder to ourselves.

adly, I cannot remember the last time I did a health problems like anxiety and depression, and for others
surgery without seeing someone suffering with the it may be physical problems like a flare-up of irritable
adverse effects of stress. And as April is Stress bowel syndrome or a skin condition. Recognising how we
Awareness Month, I thought it might be a good respond to stress in ourselves and others is the first step
opportunity to think about how we recognise difficulties in in managing things; communicating it is the second.
ourselves and those around us. Many years ago, I worked in a busy hospital department.
Our bodies respond to stress with a surge of adrenalin We worked long hours with very little let-up and we were
that puts us into “fight or flight” mode. Back in caveman being asked to work longer days. One of my colleagues
days, when stress came in the form of a mammoth looming explained very calmly that she was working at capacity
on the horizon, the stress reaction was a good thing. and didn’t feel she could safely take any more on.
It put us in the best place to aim an arrow accurately or Another said nothing but, in the weeks, and months that
to run fast to escape, and having survived the encounter, followed, she often left the ward early for meetings, which
the adrenalin surge would pass. we subsequently found weren’t happening. She had never
behaved like this before, but rather than recognise her
UNDER PRESSURE changing behaviour as a symptom of being under too much
In 2024, our stresses don’t come in the form of mammoths. pressure, the rest of us became increasingly annoyed with
They come in the form of relationship or family tensions, her. Eventually she broke down and admitted she wasn’t
financial worries and pressure at work, and that longer term coping. She ended up taking several months off work.
ongoing stress can take its toll physically and mentally. I often reflect on that time, as I am sure, had she been able
For some people, chronic stress may manifest as mental to communicate her stress with us and had we been able
to have open and supportive conversations, the outcome

‘S tresses come in the form

could have been very different.

of relationship or family I also think it is important to learn to prioritise and
delegate. In 2016, I went on Celebrity Island with Bear

tensions, financial worries Grylls for Stand Up 2 Cancer. It was the toughest thing
I have ever done. We spent two weeks literally surviving
on a remote island off the coast of Panama with no
and pressure at work’ outside contact. I have never been so hungry, thirsty and
exhausted, but it was an amazing experience and it taught

Doctor’s advice

me a lot about the pressure I put myself under. When we partner, mother, friend and colleague if you allow yourself
were collected from the island, we were given our phones some “me-time”. So, this Stress Awareness Month, be kind
and we all spent the next couple of hours trawling through to yourself. Do something that makes you smile every day,
messages and emails. Very quickly, I realised that the world and you and those around you will reap the benefits.
hadn’t stopped spinning because I wasn’t able to respond

immediately to queries, and much of the correspondence


had righted itself without me. I was 52 when I was on that Dr Dawn Harper is author of
island, and it was life changing. I learned for the first time Live Well To 101: A Practical Guide
that it is OK to say no and it is OK to delegate. To Achieving A Long And Healthy
Sometimes, as women, we put ourselves at the bottom Life (£10.99, Headline).
of a long to-do list, below looking after family, friends and
colleagues. But I am a firm believer that you will be a better

Time to set new
If you’re always saying yes to others, and no
to your own needs, it may be time to set
healthier boundaries for yourself,
says coach Brenda Winkle.

hen I left an unhealthy do that on your own or in a like-
marriage 15 years ago minded community with support.
and began a healing One of my clients who struggled
journey, I quickly with boundaries said, ‘It’s not like I
realised that the life I wanted was was last on the list, more like I had
on the other side of setting healthy taken myself off the list, and I wasn’t
boundaries – but I didn’t know what listening to my body or my own
healthy boundaries felt like. I went feelings very well’. After taking time
from having almost no boundaries to understand her own needs she now
to being so rigid with boundaries that says, ‘I’m much better at listening to
they became my armour. myself and considering my opinion
‘Think of boundaries like a cell and desires and incorporating those
membrane where you get to decide into decision-making processes’.
what flows in and out,’ says Laurie The result is that she feels better,
Anne Briere (, has created more balance in her life,
a somatic practitioner. Boundaries she has more energy, and the people
allow us to be in healthy relationships in her life trust that when she does
with others and aren’t just a protective something, it’s because she wants to.
tool. They are an essential component
of deep connection. WHAT ARE
Life-changing transformations BOUNDARIES?
happen when you get clear with your The limits you place around your time,
own needs and desires. Setting aside space, emotions, energy, belongings
some time to consider what your and physical body are all types of
preferences and limits are is time boundaries. You likely already know
well spent, whether you decide to areas where you need to assess your


‘You can set

boundaries by
writing a note,
reading it aloud, or
sending an email’

current boundaries, and also reinvent
how you want to show up in your life.
For those people in your life, ask
for their support as you set new
boundaries early in this new year.
Tell them you are learning to set
better boundaries and you’ll likely
find unexpected cheerleaders who
want you to succeed. Keep in mind
there are only two reasons someone
would object to your boundary: you’re
setting a boundary they don’t see

Try this 4-part

themselves being able to set, or they
are benefitting from you not setting
this boundary.

Waiting too long to set a boundary
might mean resentment or frustration
Change the language to fit your
builds up, which can make your
needs and the situation, and
boundary-setting feel more like a
improvise once you feel confident.
volcanic eruption, weakening the
boundary because you’re apologising
for your frustrated outburst, then
1 I noticed…
Briefly explain the situation using facts
in one to two sentences.
rolling back your boundary, setting
yourself up to repeat the cycle. The
key is to learn to listen to the subtle 2 I felt…
Be honest with how you felt.
cues that it’s time to draw this line.
The first sign of the need for a
boundary might be tension in your
3 I’d like to request that…
State your needs, desires, limits,
or deal breakers.
body, stomach upset, a flash of anger
or irritation, or an impulse to say
something. You can set the boundary 4 Moving forward, can we agree that…
Restate your request.
verbally or in writing. There’s no
In many cases, this will begin a
shame in writing out what it is you
conversation and deepen the relationship
need if you feel worried you won’t by bringing a situation into the open. You
remember the things you want to say. get to decide if you are willing to negotiate
When you first set a new boundary, or not based on the boundary being a
you can expect people to need a few preference or a limit.
reminders before they remember your As you reinvent yourself, communicate
new limit. Maybe you need to restate your needs, preferences and deal breakers
your boundary. If you find yourself to people. You’ll find you not only feel
repeating your boundary more than better but that you’ve built trust.
2-3 times to the same person, it could
be time for a consequence.
Boundary consequences work best
when they are directly related to the
boundary violation and done in a
non-emotional way. A consequence
money to make up for the time it takes
you to fill up the car. ‘Listen to your
for your friend who is repeatedly late
might be that you tell her you won’t
wait in the restaurant for longer than
gut; you already
15 minutes next time, or you have her
over to your house so it doesn’t matter
Breaking the promises you make
to yourself are the most common
know where you
as much if she’s late. If your grown
son forgets to put petrol in the car,
boundary violations I’ve found in my
practice. Rather than consequences, need to set better
again, a consequence might be that
he has to give you petrol money, plus
I invite you to consider how you
can create support to keep those boundaries’

promises to yourself. What can you boundaries learn they aren’t great at Brenda Winkle is
do to honour the promise you made hearing other people’s boundaries. an educator, healer,
to you? Learning to honour your Use their boundary-setting as content speaker and guide,
own promises helps you get better at to get better at your own. You’ll find and is the host of
Your Yes Filled Life
setting boundaries for other people. new ways to state your boundaries
podcast. She helps
How you respond to other people’s and learn dozens of ways to say no.
sensitive and successful high
boundaries is important too. When Even bigger, you’ll learn all the ways performers find, reclaim and live
someone sets a boundary or says you haven’t been saying no even fuller lives using energy healing,
no, do you respect that limit or do when you thought you were, which breathwork and somatic coaching.
you try to talk them out of it? Many will mean you get even better at Visit
people who are working on their own setting firmer boundaries for yourself.

Forgetfulness, anxiety and word confusion aside, Elizabeth Joseph
focuses hard on finding a solution to her brain fog this month.
Follow her at

o you find yourself of preventing dehydration and Earthing next to the
forgetting why you stimulating the circulation of blood. Angel of the North –
a much better location
walked into a room, not I have also sought to add foods rich than my back yard!
being able to recall the in omega-3 into my diet. Omega-3
right word for something as mundane fatty acids have antioxidant and anti-
as “washing machine”, or maybe inflammatory effects, which may lead
can’t remember an appointment or them to improve brain function.
something you planned or promised Foods rich in omega-3 include fresh
to do? Are you struggling to absorb fruits and vegetables, whole grains,
and remember new information, to fish, beans, nuts and olive oil. On the
follow simple tasks, to concentrate? flip side, it also makes sense to avoid
Losing your sense of direction? inflammatory foods, which surely only
Developing a new anxiety when make brain fog worse – fried foods,
driving? Walking into stuff ? These processed foods, refined carbs and
are all examples of brain fog. sugary drinks.
Our brains need oestrogen in order
to function. As our oestrogen levels GOING “OUT THERE”
fluctuate, we are more likely to suffer But that’s not what you’re here for,
from brain fog. This takes a lot of us is it? You want to know what else is
by surprise. Many perimenopausal out there. You want to know what
women find themselves looking after really “out there” stuff I have been
both children and ageing parents, trying since last we met. Well, I’ve
and working in demanding jobs. As been drinking red wine, muttering in
a result, we often mistake brain fog doorways and of course taking my
for life just throwing a few too many shoes and socks off. Wait, what?
responsibilities our way. It takes a All of the above can help you combat
while, for many, to realise that it is brain fog. No, really.
also down to hormonal fluctuations. Resveratrol is a plant-based
compound that behaves like an
FINDING SOLUTIONS antioxidant. It can be found in
I have made a concerted effort to chocolate, grapes, peanuts and some
drink more water. Which initially berries. It is also found in red wine.
sounds a bit daft, but water is Research has shown that resveratrol
essential to the brain – in terms can protect brain cells from damage


and stress by reducing inflammation

and clearing toxins out of the brain.
So, a moderate amount of red wine
(one glass) could allow you to reap
quite a number of health benefits.
Just the one glass mind you!
Recent scientific research has
also shown that walking through a
door into another room can cause
our brains to reset our memory to
make way for new memories and
experiences. So next time you forget
why you went into the kitchen, you
can reassure yourself that it is simply
the result of The Doorway Effect.
You can counteract this effect by
muttering “red wine, red wine, red
wine” as you enter the kitchen, thus
remembering exactly why you went
Pro Plus Fizz in there in the first place.
Berry, £5.99,,
energy levels
And taking my shoes and socks off ?
in menopause.
Earthing, also known as grounding,
is marvellous. It simply involves
putting your bare feet on the
ground, preferably in the morning
sun, for at least 20 minutes to
attune yourself to its powerful
electrical field, thereby
reducing inflammation,
speeding recovery and
improving sleep.
Now, as I live in the
North East of England,
I most definitely do not have
morning sun all year round.

‘ Drinking red I also don’t have a garden.

I have a small yard and I don’t
think standing in one of my

wine, muttering larger plant pots is going to quite

cut it. However, I promise you that
the few times that I’ve had the guts

in doorways and to do this in the local park, or indeed

alongside the Angel of the North,
I am convinced it improved my sleep,

taking your shoes lessened some aching joints and eased

the brain fog.
And last, but not least, I am about to

and socks off can all give Pro Plus Fizz a try. I recall many

moons ago, as a student, taking Pro

Plus to get me through “having pulled

help with brain fog. an all-nighter” to finish an assignment.

This new product is aimed at the
menopausal woman to help combat

No, really! ‘ unpredictable and fluctuating

energy levels. I wonder whether
it will help with the brain fog?

‘I’ve documented
the joys and
horrors of
growing older!’
Sylvie Boulay shares her ups and downs of growing older, and what
compelled her to collate her thoughts, feelings and experiences
into an illustrated book called Beyond Beige.

When I reached my 70th birthday some reason I visualised them as little

two years ago, I had this feeling I cartoon strips. Eventually there were
had crossed into a different world. so many I had to draw and write them.
A world where I was invisible and
where people treated me differently. Beyond Beige is the illustrated story
My body also started to change. I of a woman’s old age. It is about and
found myself in odd situations, some for women because I just don’t know
of which were quite funny and for what it is like to be a man. I show in



Real life

‘I was worried my
illustrations would
not be good enough…
then I realised
they didn’t have
to be perfect, they
just needed to
make sense’

‘Being invisible brings out the worst in me
and makes me want to do outrageous things’

gritty detail exactly what it is like is the tiredness. My energy is finite I have no art training other than
to be old, the joys and the horrors now and that sucks. For me that lack a limited amount of life drawing.
of my experience and that of other of energy is worse than depression, However, I have a lifelong passion
older women who confided in me. anxiety, illness or being invisible. At for cartoons. I was worried my
I bring it all out into the open with the same time, I am incredibly grateful illustrations would not be good
no euphemisms or censorship. for the joys of old age: being involved enough, but I had no choice because
with my granddaughter, having fun all my ideas came to me as pictures,
The book documents the highs and with my friends and not caring too and they simply took over my brain
lows of my life now. The worst thing much what anyone thinks. until I drew them. Eventually I realised

Real life

my drawings didn’t have to be perfect, had addiction issues. As I’ve

they just needed to make sense to my got older, I’ve found that my
readers. Learning to use the drawing own emotions are amplified;
package on my iPad was the hardest sadness is deeper, but joy
thing I have ever done! and happiness are also
brighter. Not many women
I was attractive when I was young, of my age are willing to
and it was a shock when people discuss intimate physical
(men mainly) stopped looking at problems but even fewer will
me. But I was not prepared for them talk about their mental health.
to literally stop seeing me at all, and
sometimes bump into me! Being I feel that everybody’s mental
invisible brings out the worst in me health is neglected in society, not
and makes me want to do outrageous just in older people. It is discussed
things. I can see the advantage in more now but it doesn’t attract as
terms of robbing banks or jewellers! many resources as it should. In the
I don’t, of course, do those things but case of old people, there can be
I can draw them. And I am planning extra issues such as lack of mobility,
to do chalk art on the streets next. hearing loss and the deaths of family

I grew up in France, where it didn’t

matter whether women looked
young or not, but they did have
to be beautiful. I think it is worse
now, as whereas it’s OK for women
to be older, they also now need to
be fit and slim, well dressed, take
care of themselves and continue to
do interesting work – the pressure is
relentless. Now, I would rather be a
loud, cross old woman than an elegant
one. I get angry that women’s health
issues, including menopause and
incontinence, are still often seen as
things women should just put up with.

My training as a therapist makes

it easier for me to talk about
emotions and painful situations. I’m
a member of the British Association
for Counselling and Psychotherapy
(BACP) and particularly loved
working with cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT) where it is crucial to
recognise thoughts and feelings, body
sensations and the behaviours that
follow. I can talk openly about cancer,
depression, anxiety and fears. I also
included a chapter on my own coping
mechanisms in the hope they would
help my readers.

Mental health is very close to

my heart, partly because of my
childhood experience. I lived with
a depressed, controlling mother,
which I write about in my book. Also,
I worked for many years as a therapist
helping clients who were bereaved or

and friends, which make it more likely
for people to suffer from loneliness or
depression. The world of technology
is changing so fast too that many
old people get left behind, me
included, but I am lucky to
have a lot of very helpful
young people and some
clever old ones to help me.

Thinking about the book took years

but producing it took about 18
months. I don’t know which comes
first, writing or drawing. My ideas
come mostly in bed in the morning
when I am still half asleep, or during
the day when I am out walking. The
ideas collide in my head and insist on
coming out, so I need to write or draw
them to quieten them down. The buzz
in my brain is magical.

I had wanted to write about other

women’s experiences but few of my
friends wanted to contribute. So,
I decided to talk about my own life,
or describe what I had observed in
others. As the book grew, it became
more and more personal, and I
included stories about my childhood.
My experiences are unique to me,
but I discovered from my friends’
reactions when they read it that they
could relate to it and the book led
them to tell their own stories.

When I gave the book in draft form

to all my friends, I was surprised
how they started opening up about
their own stories. I discovered things
about my oldest friends they had
never before mentioned. One friend
called me a show off, which I took
as a great compliment! One woman
said it made her feel sad, made her
laugh, and that she identified with a
lot of it and would buy it for friends.
And that’s my hope for Beyond Beige
– that it will be passed from friend to
friend and provide a chuckle as well
as helping women feel they’re not
alone. I want women to be amused,
entertained, saddened, and even
shocked – and perhaps more willing
to talk to their friends and families
about their own lives. I feel much less
invisible since I wrote Beyond Beige,
and ultimately that’s what I want for
readers, too.

Real life

‘I want women
to be amused,
saddened, even
shocked – and
perhaps more
willing to talk to
their friends and
families about
their own lives’

4 ways I stay active

1 PARKRUN I do parkrun every
Saturday. It is for all ages,
and you can run, jog or walk. I am
3 LINE DANCING I do line
dancing, albeit badly, with a
local group organised by Healthy
usually one of the last to finish and Communities, which I love as it’s
I get a standing ovation because fun and I meet new people.
the lovely volunteers can finally
pack up and go for coffee!
4 LEARNING I have just
joined my local U3A
Find Beyond
Beige: A Woman’s

2 WALKING HOLIDAYS I go (University of the Third Age, Illustrated Story

with an organisation called because they have Of Old Age, by
HF Holidays. I love walking but I an iPad group, so I’m finally Sylvie Boulay at
don’t have a sense of direction, so trying to learn all the tricks about Amazon (£11.99,
Free Association
walking with other people creates drawing I could have done with
all the joy without getting lost. a year ago!

There’s a simple, inexpensive daily habit that will improve your DID YOU
health and transform the way you feel. Health coach Suzy Glaskie KNOW?
shares the extraordinary power of an attitude of gratitude. arch,
According to rese
pr ac tise
people who

de ha ve
e all know the feeling more optimistic and having higher daily gratitu
lower le ve ls of
of being trapped in self-worth. Gratitude has even been
a spiral of negative shown to help people to recover depression.
thoughts. The good from post-traumatic stress disorder.
news is there’s a simple but amazingly Gratitude and negative emotions
powerful antidote that can interrupt cannot occupy the same space in your
the cycle of anxiety. It’s something brain – so the more that you practise our day and to ruminate endlessly on
that I’ve been doing for more than gratitude, the more it will crowd out those negatives. It takes a concerted
12 years now and I wouldn’t give it up those negative emotions. Put another effort to sift through our day and pick
for anything. So, what is this magical way: we can only think one thought out the good bits. But I promise you
habit? It’s a daily gratitude practice. at once. That means that if you’re this, the more you do it, the easier it
Nothing fancy: in fact, it couldn’t be expressing gratitude for the lovely text gets and the more natural it becomes.
simpler. Each night, I jot down three you received from a friend, you can’t The more you look out for the good
things that I’m grateful for in a journal at the same time be worrying about bits, the more you’ll find good bits
that I keep by my bed. the economy or feeling anxious about to look out for. What we appreciate
If I could persuade everyone to your family. The gratitude crowds out appreciates (read that back a couple
adopt just one habit, it would be the negative thoughts and signals to of times to let the sense of it sink in –
a daily gratitude practice. It’s no your body that it can relax. it’s a simple yet powerful statement).
exaggeration to say that this is a As human beings, we are hardwired The trick is to keep going long enough
practice that transforms people lives to focus on what’s gone wrong with to make this a habit.
on every level.

Research has shown that people who ‘ What we appreciate appreciates.
The trick is to keep going long
practise gratitude consistently benefit
from a range of amazing benefits.
These include everything from a
stronger immune system and lower
blood pressure to feeling more joyful, enough to make this a habit’
Health coaching

Suzy’s 5
top tips
Cultivate an attitude of
gratitude with these practices.

Compile a “proud-of-me” list
Grab a piece of paper and write
down 50 things you appreciate
about yourself – from your
positive qualities to things you’ve
done over the years to be proud of.

Write a letter of gratitude
Sit down and write a letter
to someone in your life who
has helped you in some way.
It will make their day to receive it –
and, importantly, your own emotional
wellbeing will receive a huge, lasting
boost too.

Keep a gratitude journal
by your bed
Start tonight! It doesn’t need
to be a fancy book – a plain
pad will do. Write down three things
from today that you’re grateful for.
Remember – they can be tiny!

Catch yourself
We tend to complain about
stuff automatically. Next
PRACTISE, NOT Gratitude Can Make You Happier time you find yourself having a
PERFECTION (£12.25, Mariner Books), has proven moan, follow up immediately with
Do try and write the things down that a nightly gratitude practice expressing gratitude for something;
rather than simply thinking them; encourages us to drift off to sleep with it will instantly shift your state.
there’s something about transferring positive thoughts, and also benefits us
these thoughts into written words that with longer and more refreshing sleep.

makes this practice so effective. I’ve seen the most remarkable

The point of a gratitude journal changes in my clients who adopt
is not to be a work of art. My own this practice. They transform their
journals are scrawled – they’re not personal relationships, feel happier in
pretty to look at, but they are beautiful their own skin and bounce back more
to read. Nobody will see them but you, quickly from life’s challenges. The
so don’t get hung up on writing perfect ability to reframe what happens to us

phrases in a perfect-looking journal. through gratitude is a superpower.
Psychologist Dr Robert Emmons, And it’s available to ordinary human Adopt a power pose
author of Thanks! How Practicing beings like you and me. Whenever you need a boost
of confidence, try the Wonder
Woman power pose. Stand
with your feet apart, hands on hips
Suzy Glaskie is a functional medicine health coach
and host of the Midlife Illuminated podcast. She offers and chin tilted up. Adopting this pose
a subscription-based coaching group called Freshly for a few minutes will transform how
Minted. Find her at and you feel about yourself.

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Each letter of the alphabet
has been replaced by the
same number throughout this
grid. Use the decoded letters
given to work out the identity
of other letters and fill in the
grid. The alphabet list and
reference grid will help you
to keep track of the letters
you’ve decoded.

You have ten minutes
to find as many words
as possible using the
letters in the wheel.
Each word must be
three letters or more
and contain the central
letter. Use each letter
once, and no plurals,
foreign words or proper
nouns are allowed.
There is at least one
nine-letter word.

AVERAGE: 24 words
EXCELLENT: 32 words

Fill the grid by drawing blocks

along the gridlines. Each block
must contain the number of
squares indicated by the digit
inside it. Each block must
contain only one digit.

1 Photo taken with a zoom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lens (5-2)
5 Lost in thought, inattentive (6)
11 9 Sections of a play (4)
12 One who stands to inherit (4)
12 13 14
13 Place for boats to unload (7)
14 Batch of recruits (6)
15 Pointed to (9)
15 16 17
16 Yonks? (4)
18 17 College courtyard (4)
19 Make allowances for (4,7)
19 20 21 22 21 Public ways (7)
23 24 Harmonised (with) (5)
25 Mythological female divinity (5)
24 25 26 27 26 Bright yellow domesticated
songbird (6)
29 Period of a school year (4)
29 30 31 32 33 34 31 Colour-stained (4)
32 Opposed to (4)
33 Reluctant (4)
36 37 38 39 40 36 Swap for something else (6)
38 Spookily strange (5)
41 39 Bed cover (5)
42 43 44
42 Gathered with ornamental
stitches (7)
45 44 Pressed together (11)
46 Author not known (4)
46 47 48 49
47 Total catch (4)
50 48 Syllabus (9)
51 Variety of steak (3-3)
51 52 53 52 Shortage (7)
53 Feel sad about the absence of (4)
54 Racing probability (4)
54 55 56 55 Soak up like a sponge (6)
56 Narrow-minded (7)

SUDOKU 2 Sleep late (3,2)
3 Napkin (9)
4 Convulsion, revolution (8)
6 Stain or eyesore (4)
Fill in the blank squares 7 Make furious (6)
with the numbers 1 to 9, 8 Identical brothers or sisters (5)
so that each row, each 9 Valuable old object (7)
column and each 3x3 10 Look like (a relative) (4,5)
block contains all the 11 Good at gardening (5-8)
numbers from 1 to 9. 18 Pleasantly warm (5)
20 Flee with the intent to marry (5)
22 Have a hearty meal (4,2)
23 Shocked (13)
27 In sport, a score of nothing (3)
28 Stick (6)
30 12 Angry ___, Henry Fonda
classic (3)
34 The ones here (5)
35 Facts which confirm a story (5)
37 Homo sapiens (9)
40 Not requested or applied for (9)
41 Fast-accelerating racing car (8)
43 Come clean (7)
45 Girl Scouts (6)
47 Animal which laughs
hideously (5)
49 Ancient Greek goddesses
of the arts (5)
50 A great distance (4)


3 letters 6 letters 8 letters
4 letters 9 letters

How long will it take you to correctly fit

these words into the grid?



The nine-letter word is

All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd -

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tight hip
We all know walking is good for us, so
each month Joanna Hall, The WalkActive
Coach, shares her tips on optimising
your walking efforts to bring you more
joy and more results.

hether you suffer from lumbar spine. The hip flexors are 1. Tight hip flexors limit the ability
lower back discomfort, involved in any movement taking for the leg to extend back and
niggling knee pain as the leg forward or flexing the hip. stimulate the glutes, reducing your
you stride, or you’re When you limit the time the hip ability to propel yourself forward
struggling to pick up your walking flexors can move and stretch, and achieve an effective brisk pace.
pace, there’s one common factor such as extended time spent 2. This can result in a “flat bum”
that could be undermining your seated at a desk or when driving appearance, due to the glutes
walking efforts: your hip flexors. long distances, the muscle group not being stimulated, thus
This month, I’m sharing some becomes shortened, compounding reducing their strength.
important tips to help strengthen the effects of misalignment and 3. Your stride length becomes
and lengthen your hip flexors, so restricted movement. This adds shorter, so any speed is achieved
you’ll be in better shape to optimise further problems if you are already through speeding up the legs rather
your walking stride. experiencing joint discomfort through than lengthening the stride, and this
the effects of menopause or inflamed can impact other joints.
WHAT ARE YOUR joint conditions such as arthritis. 4. Knees are exposed to more load
HIP FLEXORS? All of these problems layered on top bearing as you walk.
They are a group of muscles that of each other can set up challenges
thread from the front of the hip for the body to walk well, which can Stretching the hip flexors and getting
through the pelvis, attaching to the lead to the following issues: a little bit of mobility into them can so


4 hip-flexor fixes
Improve your cardiovascular health by aiming for the right
quantity and quality of movement with these walking tips.

1 3
Walk downhill Swing your legs
Adding a down slope early on Try this before you set
in your walk can be a good hip out. Stand tall, think about
easer. As you walk down the good posture and shift your
hill, focus on leaving your back foot weight onto one leg. Slowly try to
on the ground a little longer before swing the non-weight bearing leg to
peeling it up, and feel a gentle achieve a smooth pendulum motion.
opening in the thigh of the trailing Keep the bodyweight lifted up so
leg. Raise the bar and challenge that you create a smooth pendulum
yourself to walk up and down a swing, paying particular attention
slope 3-4 times at the start of your on trying to emphasise more of
walk. Take your time and check a backswing. This gently opens
you don’t rush the back leg off the the hip flexor on the swinging leg
ground. Be curious with the feeling and can be really good to mobilise
at the front of the thigh. Think of tight hips and nourish hip mobility.
this as saying “Hello hip flexors”! Repeat up to 12 times on each leg.

2 4
Don’t forget your ankles Add your arms
Even if you are being This is a simple on-the-go
conscientious about opening game changer for your
up your hip flexors, if your hip flexors. Start to walk,
ankles are stiff, your hip-flexor focusing on good posture and
range of motion will be limited. standing tall with each stride. Once
You may not have given your ankles settled into a rhythm, raise both
much thought in the past, but stiff arms above your head, extending
ankles are quite common. them as high as possible. Continue
Before setting off, mobilise your to walk with your arms above your
ankles with some ankle circles and head for 10-20 strides, paying
pointing and flexing your feet. At particular attention to opening up
home, I’d recommend adding 8-10 your stride with your back leg.
daily heel raises, focusing on rising Relax the arms down and repeat
up to the junction of the pad of your 3-4 more times. As you walk with
foot and toes, then easing gently your arms up, you’ll feel a delicious
down. You can do this while waiting stretch right through the front of
for the kettle to boil. You get the the torso and opening of the thigh.
often be neglected. But incorporating added bonus of strengthening your Great for hip flexors as well as
this advice, plus my four on-the-go feet and supporting good alignment boosting gut circulation and back
tips (right), will offer some powerful as well as supporting your hip care. Don’t be self-conscious – give
benefits to improve results for greater flexor opening when you walk. this a go, it really is a game changer!

mobility. And the added bonus is

that your lower abdominals will
thank you, plus your lower back will
be supported, and you’ll notice an
'If you only do one thing, focus on how you walk
improvement in your posture and the
tracking from your foot to your knee.
downhill to improve the mobility in your hip flexors'
Give these tips a go, and if you’re
only going to take one thing from my
Walk fitter, healthier, happier and trimmer with
advice this month, focus on how you
the WalkActive app, Joanna Hall’s scientifically
walk downhill to improve the mobility
proven walking technique to help you walk better.
in your hip flexors and really make Platinum readers can download and subscribe
a difference to your walking. I look to the WalkActive app today to start a 7-Day
forward to hearing how you get on! all-access free trial. Simply scan the QR code
or find out more at
Joanna x
Final thoughts

Fit & fearless! Our columnist, endurance athlete and former BBC Breakfast presenter
Louise Minchin, shares updates about her latest daring escapades. This month
she’s conquering the waves with her new surf skills.

he sun has only been up ACCEPT DEFEAT?
for about half an hour and I have always loved the exhilaration
already tropical heat wraps of battling with the power of the sea,
around me like a blanket but encased in a tight wetsuit with my
as I dip my toes into the pale green hands and feet going numb, surfing
sea which is as warm as a bath. I feel has always felt like a particularly
lucky, not only is it freezing back at brutal sport. There have only been
home in the UK, but here in Sri Lanka fleeting moments when I have
I am about to have a surf lesson with stood up on the board, before face-
my daughters Mia and Scarlett. planting into white froth. I’ve been
Surfing is one of the sports we so unsuccessful that I was beginning
have attempted to do as a family, to wonder whether, age 55, I should
but without much success – apart accept that surfing is not for me.
from my husband David. Most of Our Sri Lankan surf experience
our previous experiences have been was different right from the start.
in the pounding, relentless waves of Our instructors Amil and Suneth
the North Cornish Coast. demonstrated a new way of standing
up which made more sense to me.
I think they took one look at me and Louise caught the waves – and
realised that jumping straight to my the surfing bug – in Sri Lanka.
feet, or in surf speak “popping up”,
was going to be too challenging for shore, only falling off when I hit the
my well-used knees. Instead, they sand and bellyflopped just in front of
showed me how to bring my back foot one of the packed beach bars. In the
forwards first and then step onto my moments before that embarrassment,
front foot. After only 10 minutes on I understood what surfing is about; that
the sand practising, we headed off elusive but magical feeling of floating
like eager ducklings. effortlessly above the surface, being
The waves were perfect; gentle propelled by the power of the ocean. WORDS: LOUISE MINCHIN. PORTRAIT OF LOUISE: RACHEL JOSEPH.
and regular, nothing like the raging After a week spent out on the
mess we are used to. Assisted water, I think we can now officially
by a well-timed push on the call ourselves surfers, and despite my
back of their boards, Mia and misgivings, I have realised my age is
Scarlett both caught the first no barrier. There are few things more
wave they attempted, and joyful than sitting on my board beside
elegantly glided towards the Mia and Scarlett riding the swell,
beach. When it was my turn, chatting and joking while waiting for
despite laughing when I heard the perfect wave. I can’t wait to do
their shouts of “up Mum”, I it again, and hope when we return to
surprised myself by riding those challenging Cornish breakers
the wave all the way to our new skills stay with us.

Louise Minchin’s Fearless: Adventures

With Extraordinary Women (£18.99,
Bloomsbury) is out now. To see more
of Louise’s adventurous exploits, follow
her at

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