Nursing Informatics
Nursing Informatics
Nursing Informatics
Faculty of Nursing
Preparatory Master Course
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Prepared by:-
1- Esraa elsaid abd-elbaeth 5-amany zenhom taha
2- Esraa taha elfaramawy 6-Amal ahmed hussein
3- Asmaa abdelrahman abdelghfar 7-aml reda tawfik
4- Amal khairy mamdoh 8-Amira raafat mohammed
9-heba abdelaziz abdelaty
Under supervision:-
Prof. DR/Sabah Sharshor
General Objevtives:
Specific Objevtives:
➢ Introduction
➢ Definition of informatics
➢ Definition of nursing informatics
➢ History of nursing informatics
➢ Goal of nursing informatics
➢ Concepts in nursing informatics with example
➢ Advantages and Disadvantages of Nursing Informatics
➢ Components of nursing informatics
➢ Importance of nursing informatics
➢ The benefits of nursing informatics
➢ Nursing informatics skills
➢ Application of Nursing Informatics
➢ Five key directions for informatics in nursing education and
➢ Definition of Nursing Informatics Specialist (NIS)
➢ The Role of The Nursing Informatics Specialist (NIs)
➢ References
Definitions of informatics
➢ is the science of information, " the art and science of turning data into
➢ Informatics is modeled after the French word informatique and was first
used as medical informatics in the late 1970s, followed by use in nursing
in the 1980s. The ANA designated nursing informatics as a specialty
practice in 1992, although nurses had earlier incorporated informatics
concepts. Subsequently, volunteer ANA members have developed a scope
and standards for practice, which serves as guides for the practice.
The standards of practice created by the ANA in 1995 reflect professional
performance common to informatics nurses. For example, the informatics nurse
contributes to the professional development of peers, colleagues and others.3 In
1995, a certification examination was created at the generalist practitioner level
and since that time more than 400 nurses have been certified in nursing
➢ By the mid-19th century,a rudimentary computer developed by Charles
Babbage appeared
➢ 1950 advancements in information, technology and communication
to the Information Revolution.
➢ 1960, studies were conducted analyzing the applicability of computers in
nursing practice).
➢ 1970’s, HIS were being used for processing physician order entries as well
as for results reporting. In addition, computer applications in nursing
were beginning to appear in the literature.
➢ 1980the first cellular phones and personal computers were introduced .
➢ 1990saw the development of the Internet which in turn made
communication and information available to anyone at any tim
➢ 2000 to Now an essential part of healthcare, as they streamline nurses’
work, improve efficiencies, and enhance the delivery and safety of the
care delivered
Goal of nursing informatics
The goal of Nursing Informatics is to improve the health of populations,
communities, families, and individuals by optimizing information management
and communication. This includes the use of technology in the direct provision
of care, in establishing effective administrative systems, in managing and
delivering education experiences, in supporting life-long learning, and in
supporting nursing research.
Concepts in nursing informatics
4:00pm 180mg/dl
Knowledge = my client glucose level rises in the late afternoon. his insulin
dose needs to be adjusted.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Nursing Informatics
• shared data;
• centralized control;
• prevent of redundancy;
• improved data integrity;
• improved data security, and database systems;
• flexible conceptual design.
• More easily archived
• Standardized and customized reporting
• Legible
• More accurate patient data, less chance of error
• Document set maintained
• complex conceptual design process
• the need for multiple external databases
• the need to hire database-related employees
• Need for multiple external databases
• A more complex programmer environment
• Potentially catastrophic program failures
• A longer running time for individual applications
➢ Data analysis
➢ Research dissemination