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Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 5.58.00 PM
Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 5.58.00 PM
Daniel Batlle Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no
Earle, del Greco Levin Professor of Nephrology/Hypertension relevant financial interests.
Professor of Medicine
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL
Jose Arruda 1. Batlle D, Kurtzman NA. Distal renal tubular acidosis: hypothesis on
the pathogenesis. In: Coe FL, ed. Hypercalciuric States, Chapter 9.
Chief Division of Nephrology
New York, NY: Grune & Stratton, Inc; 1984.
Professor of Medicine 2. Parker TF III, Glassock RJ. Lamentations and Provocations. Perspec-
University of Illinois at Chicago tives on the evolution of nephrology as a discipline. Nephrol News Is-
Chicago, IL sues. 2018;32(5).