Lesson Plan For Tuesday Week 3 - Maths

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SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY – Professional Experience I Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Date: Time: Stage: Class: School:

Maths – Problem 19/10/21 55 Minutes Year Level 1 Bottlenose Park Lake State School
Solving Dolphins – 1E

APST Focus:
1.1 – Physical, social, and intellectual development and characteristics of students.
1.2 – Understand how students learn.
1.5 – Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
2.1 – Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area.
2.2 – Content selection and organisation.
2.5 – Literacy and Numeracy Strategies.
3.2 – Plan, structure, and sequence learning programs.
3.4 – Select and use resources.
3.5 – Use effective classroom communication.
4.1 – Support student participation.
4.3 – Manage challenging behaviour.
6.1 – Identify and plan professional learning needs.
Curriculum (content description, code and elaboration/s)
Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning, and rearranging parts.
- Developing a range of mental strategies for addition and subtraction problems.
Objective: As a result of this lesson the students will be able to:
- Use the terms ‘add’, ‘plus’, ‘equals’, ‘is equal to’, ‘take away’, ‘minus’ and the ‘difference between.
- Use concrete materials and a number line to model and determine the difference between two numbers, e.g. The difference between 7 and 4 is 3.
- Recognise and the use the symbols for plus (+), minus (-), and equals (=).
- Record number sentences in a variety of ways using drawings, words, numerals, and mathematical symbols.
Background and / or Prior Knowledge:
The students the previous day will have completed a pre-assessment on this content, therefore the teaching towards them will be based off that.

Assessment: diagnostic,
Timing Procedure Considerations
formative, summative Differentiation Strategies
(ORIENTATION)  Students will be assessed
10 Learning intentions: Key Questions – “Does by observation of them  Students know their
Minute - We are learning to uses terms such as anyone have an idea of and questioning them to allocated spots to ensure
s plus, equals, minus, is equal to, and what this word means?” gather an understanding that maximum learning
take away. of their understanding can be achieved in the
- We are learning to record number Equipment – Whiteboard, with this new concept. classroom.
sentences in a variety of using words, marker, and computer.
numerals, and mathematical symbols.
- We are learning to use a number line to Management Strategies – If
determine the difference between two students begin to talk give
numbers. them the warning first and
Success criteria: only warning, if they talk
- You will show how to use terms such as again, they must be moved.
plus, equals, minus, is equal to, and This applies to all sections
take away. of the lesson plan.
- You will show how to record number
sentences using a variety of words,
numerals, and mathematical symbols.
- You will show how to show the
difference between two numbers using
a number line.

 For the orientation session the students

will play a game of fishbowls.
 The game they will be trying to figure
out is problem solving. Therefore, when
they answer it, I will be able to easily
transition into explicit teaching them
some problem-solving questions.
 Once they have answered problem
solving also ask them the question,
“Can anyone tell me what this word
 Remind them that problem solving are
the questions they did yesterday in the
morning session, and they are worded
questions where you must identify the
numbers and mathematical symbols.

20 GUIDED DISCOVERY) Key Questions –  Observing and  Make sure students like
Minute  Use similar examples from the task “Does less than questioning the students Sahara, Willow, and
s sheet to show them how to break down mean minus or of their knowledge and Palmer are especially
a worded question so they understand plus?’ participation with the listening because they
the strategy especially using a number guided discovery phase can often get distracted
line when they have the numbers and and example questions in class and will miss the
symbols from the question. for the task sheet later. key aspects of the lesson.
 During this try and get the students
progressively more to find the numbers
and equations themselves by asking
them to help them learn.

20 (EXPLORATION) Key Equipment – Students  Observing students  An extra work sheet will
Minute  Students will work through the exercise need their iPad for Seesaw. while they are be added just in case
s sheet and will be given a fair amount of completing the task students such as
time to work on the exercise sheet as it sheet and asking Rhythm, Jacob, and
will be a fairly new concept for them. students that look, they Oliver who are
are struggling if they progressing above with
need help. maths if they finish early,
 These task sheets will they can start another
also be taken as work task sheet so they don’t
samples to check what have anything to do.
every students current  Especially observe
understanding is of the students like Sahara,
new concept. Palmer, Willow and
Blaze as they may
struggle with the new
(REFLECTION) Key Questions – “Did we
5  Ask the students what the main things find todays worksheet  Observing and
Minute they learned from the lesson today and difficult?” questioning the students
s reflect on them. to self-reflect on the
 Also, ask the students a question such lesson today to gather
as, “raise your hand if you found that data on every students
difficult” to get an idea of the understanding at the
progression of the students with the current moment.

Reflection on student engagement and achievement against the Reflection on your pedagogy. Namely the teacher skills and
outcome, indicator or objective based on information / evidence provided strategies employed during this lesson. Reflect on your
by the assessment strategies within the lesson. This should be guided by communication skills.
the learning intention and success criteria provided to students for Your questioning, explanations, demonstrations.
this specific lesson. Were management strategies instigated?

Student engagement for this lesson was mixed as there were some parts My teaching strategies for this lesson were mixed as mentioned
of the lesson where students disengaged, and these can be easily fixed before that my teaching strategy of writing the question on the white
for the next lesson. The first disengagement was when I was writing on board was a strategy that wasted time and caused students to
the whiteboard a long-worded question, and this caused students to disengage. I had to move a lot of students for this lesson so better
begin talking. Next time I will just put the question on the projector and behaviour management strategies such as now writing their names
read it out for students and then begin solving the question on the on the board will be implemented for the next lesson to better
whiteboard. The other disengagement was students during the task manage their behaviour.
sheet as they couldn’t read the question due to their reading level. For
the next lesson I will differentiate for these by recording my voice to read
the questions for them.

If I taught this lesson again I would… ( also have a clear action plan for the following lesson/s)
Put the worded questions on the projector to save giving students a chance to talk while I’m writing the question, and putting my own
voice on questions in the work sheet to help differentiate for students who are at a lower level with their reading.

Supervising teacher: Date:

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