Lesson8 Plan
Lesson8 Plan
Lesson8 Plan
Date, time & Subject / Topic Curriculum Links Class / Set Room/Lab Total No. of
period Students
Monday 12/6/17 L8 Assessment 8.3 First Steps in Small Basic
P4 1:30 2:30
Prior learning / Assessment to inform planning (Please also refer to class list and seating plan)
What happened in the last lesson to inform your planning? How has data for this group informed your planning to accommodate the needs and abilities of all of your learners?
This is the tenth lesson in Small Basic. Pupils have covered all the lessons in Small Basic and have spent the last lesson revising and identifying their weak
areas, as a formative self- assessment. Today they will be doing an end of unit assessment.
Lesson Aim: (What do you want the pupils to achieve in broad terms?)
For example to be able to understand be able create
To complete the assessment to show their understanding of the key concepts taught in this unit
Learning Objective: (What are the pupils in the room to learn? make this an open, non-task based statement)
To Learn (about / how/ why/ when/ what happens when ..../ if etc.)
To be able to demonstrate their understanding of variables, loops, IF statements
To be able to identify errors in code
To learn how to create a working solution to a given problem
Differentiated Learning Outcomes: Past tenses as looking for evidence they will have hopefully produced
Key Vocabulary
Small Basic, GraphicsWindow, Turtle, Objects, Operations, Variables, Logical operators, IF, ELSE, Loops
Numeracy Literacy Focus TEL Focus Most Able SEND Focus Health & Safety Role of Other
Focus - Risk Adult(s)
Pupils need to Copying code Use of SmallBasic Extension tasks 6 SEN Departmental H&S none
understand how accurately, without The assessment policy, check all
coordinates work, making mistakes. Use of internet to contains extension JT, CM, AS, and EN pupils can see
random numbers find help for tasks which only will be given extra whiteboard, note
and how to do problems some of the more attention windows, classroom
simple calculations able will be able to lights, ventilation,
in SB. complete Others will be given tripping hazards,
individual support if correct seating
needed to complete position for
the assessment. computer use.
Cross Curricular links - PHSEE, Citizenship, Enterprise, Global News, Innovative ideas & Creative student opportunities
- Pupils create a solution to a real life problem given to them increasing their problem solving skills
Time Link to Teacher Activity Learner Activity Assessment Resources
Learning Objective & Outcomes, Identify the techniques Strategies Used to e.g. TEL,
Outcome Teaching Activities, Revisiting Outcomes & used to differentiate Ensure Progress Other Adults,
number Consolidation for ALL Learners of All Learners Materials and
Pupils greeted at the door. Powerpoint loaded
About 5 showing title of lesson
mins Greet class Good afternoon 8E2 Wait for reply
Ensure seating plan.
Ask pupils to keep planners on top of computers.
Monitor Health and safety issues
Unlock computers and allow pupils to log on whilst
taking register.
Talk to pupils about attitudes towards IT and
programming in particular. This is because some
pupils were saying in the last lesson that SB is never
going to help them in life.
5 mins Explain task 1 of the assessment and briefly task 2 Pupils may ask any Task 1 on
LO1 Tell pupils the rules of the assessment - Leave them questions if they are assessment
on the board unsure worksheet
45 mins LO1, LO2 Pupils will work independently on their assessments. Pupils complete the The assessment
If pupils finish task 1, they should go on to Task 2 activities on the worksheet contains questions in
and attempt the extension tasks. and if need any help can order of cognitive
access the internet, use challenge e.g. first
the small basic guide or question just asks them
look at previous programs. to recall a variable
name, whilst successive
questions ask the pupil
to apply their knowledge
to the solution and
create a program.
5 mins Ensure pupils save their work. Tell them they still
have another lesson, so they can still go home and
revise anything they found difficult and complete their
assessment next lesson.
Home Learning (to enhance prior, existing or potential knowledge and skills)
Pupils should revise their weak areas if any, before the final lesson of assessment.