Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Assessment Type (Informal Assessment Task Description Planned Modifications to Evaluation Criteria and
or Formal) (Student Tasks) Assessment Tasks Feedback for Students
(Teacher Tasks - What
evidence of student learning
related to the learning
objectives and central focus
does the assessment task
provide? What feedback will
you provide the students?)
Informal Students will be asked to write If students are not At the end of the lesson this
answers to questions asked by understanding, more examples quick activity before the main
(During Instruction)
teacher on white boards. will be given so they get a one will allow the instructor to
better idea of what they need quickly see which students are
to understand. following the topic. After each
question the students will be
told the correct answer.
Formal Students will have to make up Any students who have Papers will be returned to
(After Instruction) a time and draw it on a clock. difficulty drawing a time can students once they are checked
They will then go around the come up to the teacher for by the instructor. Depending
room writing down the times extra help. Depending on the on the results, if there was
of their classmates on a paper student if they need help going difficulty comprehending the
with all their names. around the room and topic it will be further
reviewed. If there were only a
determining time, they can ask few students who did not grasp
the teacher for help. the lesson they will receive
some one-on-one time.
Bittman, E. (2018, February 27). 5 Free Printables to Teach Telling Time. Retrieved from https://www.weareteachers.com/5-hands-
NEW JERSEY STUDENT LEARNING STANDARDS FOR Mathematics. (n.d.). Retrieved from