Lesson Plan 1

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EDUC 212-03 Lesson Plan Using the edTPA Framework

Name: Joselyn Navarro

Grade level this plan is for: Materials you’ll use: pencils, small whiteboard, Expo markers, printed worksheets, crayons,
scissors, tape
1st grade

Central Learning Focus and Planned Learning Outcomes

Central Focus Understand the relationship between time and analog/digital clocks.
ELA Anchor Standards 3. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Standards for Mathematical

Learning Standard(s) for the 1.MD.B.3
Content Focus
Objectives based on the Learning • Students will be able to interpret a given time on the clock.
Standards listed above • Students will be able to compose their own time on an analog clock.
Prior Academic Knowledge • Students must know what a clock is and the importance of it beforehand.
Anticipated issues Some students may have difficulty remembering what each role of the arrows are.

Academic Language Demands

Language Used (Vocabulary, Analog clock- the time is represented by hands that spin around a dial and point to a location
Syntax, Discourse) on the dial that represents the approximate time
Digital clock- a numeric display indicates the exact time
Meeting the Language Demands On a board there will be a picture displayed of an analog and digital clock. Each will be
labelled so students do not confuse the two and they will be accompanied with simple

Assessment Type (Informal Assessment Task Description Planned Modifications to Evaluation Criteria and
or Formal) (Student Tasks) Assessment Tasks Feedback for Students
(Teacher Tasks - What
evidence of student learning
related to the learning
objectives and central focus
does the assessment task
provide? What feedback will
you provide the students?)
Informal Students will be asked to write If students are not At the end of the lesson this
answers to questions asked by understanding, more examples quick activity before the main
(During Instruction)
teacher on white boards. will be given so they get a one will allow the instructor to
better idea of what they need quickly see which students are
to understand. following the topic. After each
question the students will be
told the correct answer.
Formal Students will have to make up Any students who have Papers will be returned to
(After Instruction) a time and draw it on a clock. difficulty drawing a time can students once they are checked
They will then go around the come up to the teacher for by the instructor. Depending
room writing down the times extra help. Depending on the on the results, if there was
of their classmates on a paper student if they need help going difficulty comprehending the
with all their names. around the room and topic it will be further
reviewed. If there were only a
determining time, they can ask few students who did not grasp
the teacher for help. the lesson they will receive
some one-on-one time.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Launch / Motivation / At the beginning of the lesson students will be asked what a clock’s purpose is. The lesson will
Anticipatory Set begin with an explanation of how clocks work. During this part an analog clock diagram will be
displayed in front of the classroom so students may comprehend the different parts. Students
will be asked what times they do certain activities and the instructor can show what those times
would look like on a clock. After the explanation students will be asked to use a whiteboard and
Instructional Core Sequence expo marker to answer the teacher’s questions. They will be prompted to draw a clock and
display the time asked by the teacher.
(Explore, Explain, Elaborate)
Structured Practice & Before the activity, blank paper watches will be printed. Eash student will get one of these
Application papers with the watch and will be instructed to make up a time and draw it on the watch. After
this is done, they may decorate or color the watches. The instructor will go around the room
(Formal Assessment or
while everyone is coloring and write down each student’s time on a paper so they are aware of
the correct answers. Once this is completed, the students will be instructed to cut out their
watches and tape them onto their wrist. If they need help taping, they may go up to the teacher
for help. Students will then be given another sheet of paper and it has the names of every student
in the class and they need to write down the time on everyone else’s watch. At the end of the
activity, they will all give their sheets to the instructor for evaluation.
Closure Each student will be told to display a time on the white board and tell the teacher/class what the
time on their board is.
How does your lesson plan N/A
include language arts, math, or
social studies content?
Extension Activity Any student finished with the activity early, will be handed a worksheet with clocks of different
times. They will have to write down the time under each clock displayed.
Differentiation/Planned ELL Students: A paper would be given out with written instructions. Additionally, on the paper
Additional Support the content of a clock would be written with pictures that go with lesson, similar to the ones on
the board. Having a visual makes it easier to understand concepts.
(Special Needs, ELL, Gifted,

Bittman, E. (2018, February 27). 5 Free Printables to Teach Telling Time. Retrieved from https://www.weareteachers.com/5-hands-
NEW JERSEY STUDENT LEARNING STANDARDS FOR Mathematics. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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