GR 5 LP Simplification

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Grade Subject Topic Date Perio Teacher Students Under SEN G

& Sec d Number Observation (Wave &
Boys Gi (Wave2) 3) T
5F matics ION 1,2 30

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

 ALL students will be able to recognize
To recognize the concept of DMAS the concept of DMAS rule.
To apply the concept in problem solving  MOST students will be able to
situations contribute towards the topic.
 FEW students will analyze the situation in
real life where they come across daily life
Key Words: Learning Skills: observation skills,
Computational skill , problem solving skills
Division, Multiplication ,Addition,

Time Lesson Outline Assessment

To recognize the concept of DMAS (Questioning,
30 Minutes marking, online,
tracking, self/peer
Introductory activity/arrangement:

Starter :

 On a piece of chart paper, write '4 + 5 x

6', and ask the students to solve it in their
math journals.
 Ask students to compare their answers
with an elbow partner.
 Invite students to share their answer with
the whole class.
 Explain on the chart paper that if you add
4 to 5 first, and get 9, then multiply 9 by 6
which equals 54, the answer is incorrect.
Tell students that when you have
multiple operations meaning addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and/or division,
in one expression, you must follow some
rules about the order of operations.
 Tell students that the order of
operations states that multiplication and
division must be done before addition and
subtraction. For the sample problem, first
you would multiply 5 by 6 which is 30,
then add 4, equaling 34.

Main Phase:
Act1: Students are divided into groups .
Find out the different solutions for the same problem and
identify the correct method
Act2: Asked to recognize the concept and
solve the problems

Act3: Students are asked to simplify the

problem (given)
Act5: Students will be discussed each other.
Act6: Students are asked to solve daily life
After the stipulated time is over groups are called
to present their work. Simultaneously ideas are
asked and shared among parallel groups.


 Quick recap of the lesson by appropriate way of

questioning, catering the needs of all the three
levels of the class.
 Guideline to complete the worksheet and
 Mentioning the different source of reference for
easy concept reinforcement.

How will differentiation be achieved? (Task/ Resource/ Outcome/ Support/ Instruction):

SEND:individual attention , differential worksheet , quizizz

Low Achievers : personal attention , Through worksheets, QUIZIZZ

Middle Achievers :Classroom activities and differential worksheet

High/G&T Achievers: Through HOT questions, Given chance to solve on the white board,
sharing revision questions with peer(s)

Cross-Curricular Links /Real Life Situations:

Science – complex machine,
Operator precedence in computer programming
Real life applications: population, price of vehicles, banks, stock products
Moral Value: Able to plan set goals and establish relationship.
Lesson linked to UAE culture: Calculating VAT

Resources Used: CBSE textbook, online books and blogs, question cards
Technology for Learning: ICT

Preferred Websites:http://www.math –

Home work from the text book activities.
Research work: Search and find work simple techniques
Follow-up for next lesson (if applicable): BODMAS RULE

Remarks of the Head of the Department/ Observer:

Signature of HOD………R.VithyaRaja…………………………………….

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