Arch 413 Reviewer
Arch 413 Reviewer
Arch 413 Reviewer
• German engineer who developed the double
cantilever idea of pre-stressing construction.
• Progressed idea that pre-stressed concrete can be a
safe, economical, and elegant solution to almost any
major structural problem.
• Designed: Bendorf Bridge over the Rhine River,
Germany (1962)
• by using high tensile steel improve the efficiency of
the materials
• works for a span greater than 35m.
• Prestressing enhance shear strength and fatigue
Pre-stressed concrete is a form of concrete where initial resistance of concrete
compression is given in the concrete before applying the
• Dense concrete is provided by prestressing systems
external load so that stress from external loads is counteracted
thus improving the durability
in the desired way during the service period. This initial
• Best choice for the construction of sleek and slender
compression is introduced by high-strength steel wire or
alloys (called ‘tendons’) located in the concrete section.
• Prestressing helps to reduce the dead load of the
concrete structure
How does Prestressed concrete Work?
• Prestressed concrete remains uncracked even at
In the real life, high tensile strength steel wires are inserted
service load conditions which proves the structural
into the beam section and they are stretched and anchored,
then released. Now the steel tendon wants to gain its original
length and tensile stresses are transformed into compressive • Composite construction by using the prestressed
stress in the concrete. Now after loading there are two kinds concrete unit and cast-in-unit derives the economic
of forces on the beam, structure.
Internal prestressing force DISADVANTAGES
External forces (Dead load, Live load, etc.) • Higher material costs
• Prestressing is an added cost
WHEN WAS PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE • Formwork is more complex than for RC (flanged
INTRODUCED? sections, thin webs) – thus, precast not as ductile as
In 1929, Eugène Freyssinet (1879-1962) was a skilled RC
craftsman and a prolific bridge builder, who invented
WHO PATENTED PRE-STESSED CONCRETE? In conventional reinforced concrete, the high tensile strength
Eugène Freyssinet of steel is combined with concrete's great compressive
• French engineer considered the father of prestressed. strength to form a structural material that is strong in both
• His initial recommendations for practical use of pre- compression and tension.
stressing in 1933: (1)Use metals with very high Prestressing removes several design limitations conventional
elastic limits (2)Submit them to very strong initial concrete places on span and load and permits the building of
tensions (3)Use stiff concrete. roofs, floors, bridges, and walls with longer unsupported
• Designed and build: Luzancy Bridge (across Marne spans. This allows architects and engineers to design and
River, France)-1946; Le Veurdre Bridge (across build lighter and shallower concrete structures without
Allier River, France)-1910-1911 sacrificing strength.
Composite beams are normally hot rolled or fabricated
steel sections that act compositely with the slab. The
composite interaction is achieved by the attachment of shear
connectors to the top flange of the beam. This connector
generally take the form of headed studs.
There are two main forms of deck: shallow and deep. The
figure above illustrates a typical shallow deck (50–100 mm)
and below is a deep deck (225 mm).
Conventional and innovative composite beams
Cables are made of a series of small strands twisted A tensile structure is a construction of elements carrying
or bound together to form a much larger cable. Steel only tension and no compression or bending. The term tensile
cables are either spiral strand, where circular rods are should not be confused with tensegrity, which is a structural
twisted together and "glued" using a polymer, or form with both tension and compression elements. Tensile
locked coil strand, where individual interlocking structures are the most common type of thin-shell structure.
steel strands form the cable. Most tensile structures are supported by some form of
compression or bending elements, such as masts,
A cable is a flexible structural component that offers compression rings or beams.
no resistance when compressed or bent in a curved
shape. Technically we can say cable has zero A tensile membrane structure is most often used
bending rigidity. as a roof, as they can economically and attractively span large
Mast Support
Compression Ring Support
Location: Banska Brystica,
Slovacia, 1826
First suspended metal roof
Location: London, 1894
Architect: Horace Jones
Structural Engineer: John Wolfe
Location: Moscow, 1922
Architect: Vladimic Shukhov
Sidney Myer Music Bowl- constructed in 1958. It is located
TYPES OF TENSILE STRUCTURE in Melbourne. The bowl's canopy consists of a thin membrane
A two-dimensional tension fabric membrane can take planar made out of half an inch weather- proofed plywood sheeted
tensile forces, but it cannot take significant forces on both sides with aluminum attached to a cobwebbed frame
perpendicular to this plane. Therefore, in addition to being of steel cables and supported by 21.3 meters (70 ft) masts
pre-stressed, tension fabric must take a certain three- pivoted to the earth. Longitudinal cables hold up the roof and
dimensional shape, in order to remain stable. These shapes transverse cables hold it down.
were discovered by Otto and Berger during their investigation
of natural forms, such as soap bubbles. There are two types
of general shapes: anticlastic and synclastic shapes.
Anticlastic Shapes
A German architect and structural
Are created by having the radii of the principal
engineer, he was well known for his
curvatures on opposite sides of the tension fabric surface. As
pioneering innovations in lightweight and
a result, when loaded at a particular point, tension will
tensile structures.
increase on one curve of the membrane and leave the opposite
curve. Thereby, preserving equilibrium and keeping the
structure stable. In order to keep anticlastic shapes, some kind
of structural frame or support is necessary in the form of
cables or steel beams. Some examples of anticlastic shapes
are saddle, cone and wave forms.
Synclastic Shapes
synclastic shapes are characterized by having the
radii of the principal curvatures on the same side of the fabric.
In order to counteract external forces, pressure from the
within is necessary. This is why synclastic shapes are
associated with air-inflated structures. The difference of
pressure created by air pumped into the building is able to
1972 Munich Olympic Stadium- is a striking example of
counteract the external forces, in the form of wind or snow.
how otto gracefully applied the many lessons he learned in
tensile structures. Otto used the idea of Antonio Gaudi for
the roof of the Olympic stadium in Munich.
1. PVC
- less expensive 15-to-20-year life span easy to erect. WHY USE TENSIONED MEMBRANE STRUCTURE?
2. Silicon Glass
- higher tensile strength brittle, subject to damage from • Flexible Design Aesthetics
flexing 30+ year life span. tensile fabric structures provide unlimited designs of
3. Teflon/PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) distinctive elegant forms that can be realized because of the
-similar to silicon glass, less brittle. unique flexible characteristics of membrane.
• Outstanding Translucency
in daylight, fabric membrane translucency offers soft
ENGR. VLADIMIR SHUKHOV diffused, naturally lit spaces reducing the interior lighting
A Russian engineer was one of the costs while at night, artificial lighting creates an ambient
first to develop practical calculations exterior luminescence.
of stresses and deformations of • Excellent Durability
tensile structures, shells and with several different membranes in the market place such as
membranes. Shukhov designed eight PTFE fiberglass, ETFE film, PVC AND EPTFE, the
tensile structures and thin- shell structures exhibition durability and longevity of tensile membrane structures have
pavilions for the Nizhny Novgorod Fair of 1896
been proven and built-in climates ranging from the frigid artic within a building and ultimately reducing electrical energy
to the scorching desert heat. costs.
• Lightweight Nature • Variety Of Membranes
the lightweight nature of membrane is a cost-effective whether it’s a permanent durable structure that needs to last
solution that requires less structural steel to support the roof longer than 30 years, an insulated membrane system for
compared to conventional building materials, enabling long thermal performance or a deployable flexible application,
spans of column-free space. there are a variety of tensile membranes to choose from to
• Shipment meet specific performances for your next building project.
• Low Maintenance • Sustainable Building Material
tension fabric structures are somewhat unique in that they by using translucent tensile fabric membranes like PTFE,
require minimal maintenance when compared to an PVC, insulated tensile membrane or transparent ETFE films,
equivalent-sized conventional building. daylight is maximized in building interiors, thus reducing the
• Cost Benefits costs for electric lighting.
most tensile membrane structures have high sun reflectivity
and low absorption of sunlight, resulting in less energy used
1960s - german architect Frei Otto pushed the boundaries of
membrane technology and opened people’s eyes to what can - a thin pliable sheet of material forming a
be created with tensile fabric barrier or lining.
- From the word Membrana, the Latin origin
of membrane simply means skin, thin layer. Of
course in architecture this word is used for the skin
of a building which we are creating out of foils, and
coated fabrics.
- Membrane Structures are lightweight
constructions full of beauty and elegance.
- the art of spanning enormous distances
with minimal material thickness
- Structures with a thin, flexible surface
(membrane) that carries loads primarily through
tensile stresses
4. Frame Supported
1. Mast Supported
2. Point Supported
• A cylindrical shell that has a considerably large
radius in comparison with its length
• Carries load in two ways: (1) As an arch carrying
load to the lower elements (2) As a curved beam to the
Classification of Doubly Curved:
Synclastic – have a similar curvature in the same direction
(domes)Anticlastic – have curvature in the opposite • An edge beam may be provided at the springing
direction level of the shell for additional support
• It is possible to construct different and safer shell
6. TRANSLATION SHELL structure by combining portion of the basic shell
A dome set on 4 arches
• Intersection shells, barrel shell and folded plate,
• All vertical slices have the same radius barrel shell and short shell, barrel shells and domes of
• The vertical sections are all identical revolution, and barrel shells and conoids are all
• It is generated by a vertical curve sliding along concrete shell combinations
another vertical curve. The curves can be circles,
ellipses, or parabolas.
• Also called a prefab building, means that DIFFERENT MEMBERS IN THE ASSEMBLY OF THE
the entire building, house or part of it is first PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS:
constructed in a factory. These are typically used
1. Eave Strut - A secondary steel framing member
as a skeleton for a pre-engineered building but can
used at eaves and high side peak. It is located at
also come ready to build and use, as is.
the intersection of roof and the exterior wall, so
• In construction and civil engineering, the
that act as both the first purlin and the last girt.
most common forms of prefabrication are the use
of pre-fabricated and prefabricated steel sections. 2. Roof Panel - Simply a roofing system. tHe section
In a type of building that often replicates specific of material, usually sheet metal; it is made up from
parts or structures, for example making big ships
alloys of various metal like steel, iron, copper,
and factories. The framework required for
Zink and aluminum.
moulding concrete components on-site and that
can be difficult to construct. 3. Roof Purlin - A horizontal structural member in a
roof. Purlin support the loads from the roof deck
or sheeting and are supported by the principal
Primary Frames
rafters and/or building walls, steel beams etc.
• The fundamental frame of pre-engineered steel
structures is composed of strong steel columns 4. Rigid Frame Rafter and Rigid Frame Column -
and rafters that are fastened together with fittings The load-resisting skeleton constructed with
like flanges. straight or curved members interconnected by
most rigid connections, which resist movements
Secondary Frames induced at the joints of members.
5. Ridge Line - The intersection of twoo roof planes, BASIC BUILDING PARAMETERS.
or the highest horizontal edge of a single roof
Building Length:
surface, forming the highest horizontal line of the
roof. Whenever possible maintain equal bay lengths
throughout the building. When this is not possible
6. End Wall - The wall at each end of the building.
make all interior bays equal and make the end
7. Wall Panel - Enhance the walls appearance. - A bays equal but shorter than the interior bays.
single piece of material, usually flat and cut into a Building Width:
rectangular shape, that serves as the visible and
exposed covering for a wall. Whenever possible make building width a
multiple of 3m. This is because roof purlins are
8. Side Wall - A wall that forms the side and the spaced at 1.5m on centers and 3m is equal to two
external supporting wall of a building or structure. purlin spacings one on each side of the ridge.
- Geodesic dome is a thin shelled arrangements made out of triangles (a network of struts) connected together to
form a true sphere.
- The triangles are architecturally firm and distribute the stress throughout the dome, allowing the structure to bear
heavy loads for their size.
- Space frame is the three-dimensional framework that makes the dome stabled.
- The triangles are put as hexagons and pentagons (works best because of lack of corners to concentrate stress) to
eventually form the dome.
• Domes are the most efficient structure known to man, they use less
material, lighter and stronger than any other types of building bar none.
• They are much stronger than any conventional buildings
• Domes can be built very quickly and economically.
• The nature of the spherical design provide strength because all the points
of the structure share the stress evenly as opposed to the right angles of typical box
• Domes become super strong when they are fixed to the ground by slabs,
crawl space, or even full basement.
• Geodesics domes are the only man-made structure that gets proportionally
stronger as it increases in size.
• Extremely “green” in terms of cost, building materials and future maintenance.
• The sphere has the greatest volume given a certain surface area, it stands to reason that it also is the most economic
to construct in terms of size and available budget.
• The environmental benefits of domes would also play as part, as its proven to have lesser footprint and negative
impact than that of a rectangular home.
• In addition, domes are easier to retrofit for energy engineering such as: radiant heat, solar energy, water collection
systems, compost toilets, and many other alternative utilities.
Weather Resistance
• Domes are naturally hurricane resistant. High wind can pass smoothly over a dome because it has no corners and flat
surfaces to cause turbulence.
• Domes are aerodynamic, eliminates roof and truss structures and are made of high-performance green materials designed
to withstand considerable wind loads from severe storms like tornados, hurricanes and typhoons.
• Due to their highly structural integrity, they perform extremely well in such natural disasters as earthquakes, floods and
severe wind storms.
Planning the construction
• Designing the dome is the first step to know the size and amount of triangles needed from the calculation to form the dome.
• Struts: these are the framework for the dome which are made up of rods.
• Material selection should be as made as different materials create different kinds of domes.
• Finalizing the structures
• The calculations differ by class of the dome, like 2V, 3V, 4V, etc.
Strut Preparation
• Cutting the struts as per calculations
• Flattening the edges
• Drilling holes for joints
• Bending the flattened edges
• Sealing and painting the struts
Materials Used
• Most common material use to build a geodesic dome is steel as they connect the network of the beams/struts together.
• The triangular panels of the dome can be covered with either plastic, wood, or drywall.
• Tessellation" means that you are breaking up a flat surface into smaller "tiles" with no gaps or overlaps.
• The tessellation of the triangular face of an Icosahedron into smaller triangles increases the Geodesic Dome Frequency.
• Tessellation" Lets You Build a Larger Dome with Shorter Struts, and Makes the Dome More Spherical.
• Geodesic domes are stable and easy to • Unusable space inside of a
construct. geodesic dome
• The distribution of weight, throughout the • Custom doors and windows are needed.
structure makes it stable during earthquakes
and similar hazards.
• Have an aerodynamic shape that protects them • Drainage and fire escapes can be an issue as
against strong wind or storms. they need to meet code requirements.
• Since the geodesic dome is spherical in shape • Needs very skilled labors.
it has less surface area, reducing the interior
temperature and heat gain, and also enables
uniform air flow.