Final DLP One

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Republic of the Philippines

Western Philippines University Quezon-External Campus

Department of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in SCIENCE Grade-3

I. Objectives
A. After 40minutes discussion the students should be able to;

B. Learning Competency
Compare living and non-living things

Living things and Non-living things


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Materials
4. Additional Materials

B. Subject Integration
Music and Araling Panlipunan

A. Preliminary Activity Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
1. Prayer Teacher select a student to
lead the Prayer.

Esmeralda please lead our Classnates let’s bow our head

Prayer close our eyes and let us Pray
Oh! God Almighty behold us
they loving children, offering
day to day to our words and
studies, help us lord to be
obedient to our teachers and
to our companions. Diligent to
our study that we may merit
the blessings, to our self, to
our school and to our country


2. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning teacher.

3. Energizer Children would you like to Yes teacher.
have an action song?

4. Checking of attendance Class who is absent for today? No teacher

I’m glad to hear that.

5. Checking of assignment Class do you an assignment? Yes. Teacher

Pass it to the front, silently. Students will pass the

6. Recalling classroom rules Class please read our Students read the classroom
classroom rules. rules.

A. Reviewing previous lesson Who can remember our The whole class will remember
previous lesson? the past lesson.

Very good.

Direction: Put the appropriate

part of the plant.
I need 5 volunteer from the

Zilong Yes teacher.
Is that correct?

Okay. That’s right.

Thank you for your
cooperation, you may sit

B. Establishing a purpose for I will show you a video clip.

the lesson
Presenting a video clip.

C. Class what is in the video?

Yes. Hanabi Different kinds of animals.


The video did you watched is

relevant in our lesson today.

What do you think our lesson?

No. teacher.
Anyone, do you have an idea?

Our lesson for today is about

the Living things and Non-
living things.

Living things- are things that

are alive. They need food,
water, and air to stay alive.
They have the ability to
reproduce or give birth.
Non-living things- are things
that were once alive or have
never been alive. These things
do not need food, water and
Yes teacher!
Did you understand? What is
the living and non-living

Very good.

What is living things? A living things are alive. They

need water, food and air.
Yes John.

Very good.

What is the non-living things? Non-living things are once

alive or have never been alive.
Yes. Audery

That’s right.

What are the characteristics of

living things? No. teacher

Class do you have an idea?

Okay. The living things are;

Eating/or they need foods. Yes. Teacher

Did you understand class?

They are moving.

Bia give me one characteristic

of a living things.
They are moving, growing,
That’s right! breathing and eating.
Angelo, what are the 4
characteristics of a living


Presenting pictures of living

and non-living things.

I have here a different pictures

of living and non-living things.
Yes teacher.

Did you understand what is

the things that have a life and

Let’s have an exercises.

Direction: Determine if it is
living and non-living things.
A flower is a living things.

A crayon is a non-living

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