Gaviscon Drug Study
Gaviscon Drug Study
Gaviscon Drug Study
Angeles City
Patient’s Initial:
Admitting Diagnosis:
Date of Admission:
Generic and Classification/s Specific Action/ Dosage, Frequency Side Effects and Actual Desired Nursing
Brand Name Mechanism of and Preparation Adverse Reactions Effects Considerations
Generic Name: Therapeutic class: - To treat TABLETS CNS: Mental or mood - Monitor sodium
Sodium Bicarbonate Antacids hyperacidity Adults and adolescents. changes intake of patient
- Buffers excess 325 mg to 2 g daily to CV: Irregular heartbeat, taking sodium
Brand Name: Pharmacologic class: hydrogen ions, four times a day, as peripheral edema (with large bicarbonate oral
Gaviscon Alkalinizers increases needed. Maximum: 16 g doses), weak pulse powder contains
plasma daily. EENT: Dry mouth 952 mg of
bicarbonate GI: Abdominal cramps, thirst sodium/tsp; and
level, and raises Children ages 6 to 12. 520 MS: Muscle spasms, myalgia tablets contain
blood pH, mg, repeated once after SKIN: Extravasation with 325 mg/3.9-mEq
thereby 30 min, as needed necrosis, tissue sloughing, or tablet, 520
reversing ulceration mg/6.2-mEq
metabolic tablet, and 650
acidosis. mg/7.7-mEq
Sodium tablet
bicarbonate also - Know that if
increases the patient on long-
excretion of free term sodium
bicarbonate ions bicarbonate
in urine, raising therapy is
urine pH; consuming
increased calcium or milk,
alkalinity of watch for milk-
urine may help alkali syndrome,
to dissolve uric characterized by
acid calculi. In anorexia,
addition, it confusion,
relieves headache,
symptoms of hypercalcemia,
hyperacidity by metabolic
neutralizing or acidosis, nausea,
buffering renal
existing insufficiency, and
stomach acid, vomiting.
increasing the
pH of stomach