Magnesium Sulfate

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Name of Drug Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Pharmacologic Class: - In laxative action, it General Indications: - Hypersensitivity - CNS (with I.V. use): Before:
Magnesium Sulfate Mineral increases osmotic gradient - Used for - Myocardial damage confusion, decreased - Check the doctor’s order
in small intestine, which treatment/prevention of - Diabetic coma reflexes, dizziness, - Assess patients sensitivity
Trade/Brand Name: draws water into intestines hypomagnesemia; - Heart block syncope, sedation, to magnesium
- Epsom Salt, magnesium and causes distention. prevention and treatment - Hypermagnesemia hypothermia, paralysis - Assess GI pain (duration,
sulfate injection These effects stimulate of seizures in severe - Hypercalcemia - CV (with I.V. use): location, quality, time of
peristalsis and bowel preeclampsia or eclampsia; - Administration during 2 hypotension, arrhythmias, occurrence, relief with
Patient’s Dose: Therapeutic Class: evacuation. pediatric acute nephritis, hours preceding delivery circulatory collapse food,
1 g every 4 hours x 6 doses Antacid, anticonvulsant, - In electrolyte action, it treatment of arrhythmias for mothers with toxemia - GI: nausea, vomiting, causative/exacerbative
electrolyte, laxative. is primarily found in due to hypomagnesemia of pregnancy cramps, flatulence, factors).
Route: intracellular fluids, (ventricular fibrillation, anorexia - Assess for weight loss,
Intramuscular Pregnancy Category: D essential for enzyme ventricular tachycardia, or - Metabolic: nausea, vomiting, and
activity, nerve conduction, torsades de points hypermagnesemia, history of recent abdominal
Form: muscle contraction. Drug Interaction/s: hypocalcemia surgery.
Parenteral Maintains and restores - Aminoquinolones, - Musculoskeletal (with - Assess renal function,
magnesium levels. - In Patient’s Indication: nitrofurantoin, I.V. use): muscle serum magnesium levels.
Maximum dose: antacid action, reacts with penicillamine, weakness, flaccidity - Perform hand hygiene and
30 to 40g MgSO4 hydrochloric acid in tetracyclines: decreased - Respiratory: respiratory prepare the medication.
stomach to form water and absorption of these drugs paralysis - Educate the patient about
Minimum dose: increase gastric pH levels. (with oral magnesium) - Skin: diaphoresis the drug, its benefits and
4g MgSO4 - In anticonvulsant - CNS depressants: - Other: allergic reaction, risks.
action, depresses CNS and additive effects injection site reaction,
Availability: blocks transmission of - Digoxin: heart block, laxative dependence (with During:
- Granules (for oral use): peripheral neuromuscular conduction changes (with repeated or prolonged use) - Identify the patient
120 g, 4 lb impulses, producing I.V. use) - Inspect the parenteral
- Infusion Solution: 10 seizure control. - Enteric-coated drugs: drug product for particulate
mg/ml, 20 mg/ml, 40 faster dissolution of these matter and discoloration.
mg/ml, 80 mg/ml. Pharmacokinetics: drugs - administer only the
- Injection Solution: 125 Absorption - Following - Neuromuscular blockers: prescribed dose for the
mg/ml, 500 mg/ml. administration, 30-50% of increased effects of these patient
the dose is absorbed from drugs (with I.V. use) - inform the patient about
Content: the small intestine. the possible side effects.
Magnesium, Sulfur, Distribution - Crosses the After:
Oxygen placenta and small - document the drug
amounts enter the administered
breastmilk. Protein- - monitor patient’s
binding: 25-30% response to drug, as well as
Excretion - Via urine the adverse effects
(absorbed fraction); Via - discontinue drugs if
faeces (unabsorbed adverse effects occur
fraction). - evaluate effectiveness of
teaching plan
- Assess for relief of gastric
- Monitor renal function
(esp. if dosing is long term
or frequent).
- Monitor daily pattern of
bowel activity, stool

Sources: Sources:
1) Hodgson, B. B., & Sources: 1) Hodgson, B. B., &
Kizior, R. J. (2016). Sources: Sources: 1) Hodgson, B. B., & Sources: Sources: Kizior, R. J. (2016).
Saunders Nursing Drug 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & Kizior, R. J. (2016). 1) Hodgson, B. B., & 1) Hodgson, B. B., & Saunders Nursing Drug
Handbook. Missouri: Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Saunders Nursing Drug Kizior, R. J. (2016). Kizior, R. J. (2016). Handbook. Missouri:
Elsevier. Saunders Nursing Drug Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook. Missouri: Saunders Nursing Drug Saunders Nursing Drug Elsevier.
2) MIMS(n.d.). Handbook. Missouri: Handbook. Missouri: Elsevier. Handbook. Missouri: Handbook. Missouri: 2) MIMS(n.d.). Magnesium
Magnesium Sulfate Elsevier. Elsevier. 2) MIMS(n.d.). Elsevier. Elsevier. Sulfate 2) MIMS(n.d.). 2) MIMS(n.d.). Magnesium Sulfate 2) MIMS(n.d.). 2) MIMS(n.d.).
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