Yoga For Kids Age 13-18 Years - Sheet1

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Lesson plan for children (teenage)13 to 18 years class

Name Babusha Jain

Target Group Yoga for Children Age group 13-18 years

Age 13-18
Number of

Day 1 Method Time(minutes)

We will introduce ourselves.
Conditioning 10
Then we will quickly start with 3 minute conditioning with breathing, aum chanting and prayer.

Talking points

Then, we'll take a introduction of the students. We'll try that each keeps it under 4
sentences. Since we have only one hour we'll ask the students to speak name, age
and one favourite hobby. We will ask students if any of them are already into any
fitness regime or sports or dance. If so, share their experience.

Children in the age of 13-18 years are interested in getting involved in activities which
Introduction are trendy or in fashion.
We will use public figures, celebrities, sports personalities to endorse the importance
of Yoga (LeBron James, Sachin Tendulkar, Robert Downey Jr, Connor McGregor,
Miley Cyrus)

We'll share some scientific facts about benefits of yoga, to basically clarify that it is
meant for people of all religions
(Reference :

One of us will give instructions while the other demonstrates the sahajbhaav asanas.
Warm Up This will happen simulatneously along with the students.
Introduction to yogendra rhythm

Upwards stretch Asanas - Talasana
Forward bending - Hastapadasana 25
Sideward - Konasan I and II
For Back - Dhanurvakrasana

Students will be made to do only dynamic with a brief intro to static. Here one of us will
demsonstrate while the other instruct

We tell them that why Shavasana is considered the best and one of the most
important asana.

Instructions -
loosen your hair, remove socks and watches and any other accessory > Lie down flat
on your mat > Close your eyes, you will keep your eyes close all the time, unless we
ask you to open > Guided meditation where we ask them to contract and release
muscles started from toes, calves, thights, abdomen and stomach, chest, neck, and 6
eyes). > Bring back focus to your breathe > Keep your eyes closed > Observe how
your tummy is going up and down > Observe the flow of energy in your body right now
> Imagine you are lying on the grass after working out or running and how tired you
are and you just want to calm your breath > Keep your eyes closed> Concentrate on
your breath > Let all kinds of thoughts, gently push them away and tell yourself that
breathing is your best friend > Slowly move your toes and fingers and gently put your
feet together >Keep your eyes closed > breathe > Lay om your right side making a
pillow of your hands > slowly sit in sukhasana with eyes still closed

Meditative asana - Sukhasana and Vajrasana

Pranayam I and IV(To be done in Sukhasana or Vajrasana)

Points to discuss - 7
For quietude effect and inner harmony.
Pranayam How pranayam works like magic in making someone sleep.
and Kriya Benefits in concentration and focus.
Points to Discuss-
Sitting in front computer can give migraine to even kids. How we can control it by this 3
Sinus points on our face and why we need to massage them.
Question answer session

Discussion on din chariya or daily schedule.

Talking points -
Effects of junk food and soft drinks on human body. How it makes us gain weight as it
is diffcult to digest.
Importance of water intake in a day and warm water in the morning, along with jivha 3
mulha shodna.

Write -
3 things that you love eating.
3 things you like in a friend.

Breathing and Aum chanting

Day 2 Method (minutes)
Conditioning Breathing, aum chanting and prayer as done on previous day 2

1.) Feedback from the first day.

Talking points -
What they did after class
What did they eat
How well did they sleep

2.) Homework from previous day

Talking points -
How the food that we intake can affect our whole day and maybe more
Discussion How qualities that we look for in a friend, should be what exactly how you yourself 10
should be. Then only we will have good people as friends.

Effects of Yoga in Controlling emotions -

How yoga is not only important for our body but for also our mind. A lot of us have
faced bullying. We will share our own experience when we were in school. Yoga will
also teach us not to bully and also not to get affected by bullying. How we can use
breathing for controlling our emotions and gain confidence. How we are all unique and
beautiful and how we should love the body we are born in. How we can use our anger
into doing something proactive.
Sahajbhaav asana as done on previous day
Warm up, Previous day asana revision
excersises 25
and Asanas Full body stretch - Yashtikasana(both can be done in the morning on the bed itself, giving a good start to the system)

Relaxation Shavasana (same as previous day) 5

Kriyas and Repeat Pranayam from first day 5

Pranayam Nishpand bhav 5
Yoni Mudra 3
Questions and feedback.

Talking points-
Place of morals and duty towards oursleves, family, teachers and the environment
Tricks to improve discipline(journal writing etc) 10

Homework -
Write 5 positve points of daily routine life including health care.

Breathing and AUM chanting

Each asana. kriyas and pranayams will be explained in detail with meaning, steps, limitations/contraindications and benefits.

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