Warrior Sequence - Surya Namaskar C - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Warrior Sequence - Surya Namaskar C - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Warrior Sequence - Surya Namaskar C - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
4-4 minutes
We are often asked how to get from Utkatasana (fierce posture), through the two variations of
Virabhadrasana (warrior pose), and on to the seated postures. This particular sequence seems to cause
a lot of confusion with newer students. The postures are linked with vinyasas (specific breath and
movement) just like the rest of the sequence, but it can seem like you are doing another sun salutation
(which is why it sometimes called Surya Namaskar C), as you don’t come back to standing in between.
It is not often specified on the asana practice sheets, so we will go through it step by step here.
Twist the right foot slightly, open the hips and the arms out to the sides. Look at
Shodasha Inhale the left fingertips. Try to imagine you are between two panes of glass, pull the
lower belly in, keep bending the front knee.
Keeping the arms extended to the sides, straighten the left knee, twist the left foot
Saptadasha Inhale
in and the right foot out.
Asthadasha Exhale Bend the right knee, keep looking at the fingertips
Exhale Bring the palms down next to the right foot, step back chaturanga dandasana
Vimshathihi Inhale Upward facing dog
Exhale Downward facing dog
Now jump through to the seated position which in Yoga Chikitsa (primary series) will be dandasana.
It may take a while to remember the sequence completely, but try to practice it properly every time so
that it gets committed to memory. When you’ve got this down and you become more confident in your
practice you can start to add in handstands and other control elements.