Grasps Cp1 and 2 - Edited

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(Class Participation 1 and 2 in

Purposive Communication)

Prepared by:

Noted by:
Dr. Conrado Vidal
General Education Department Coordinator


Topic/s The Nature/Principles, Elements, and Modes of Communication

Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of communication by:

Objective/s 1. Defining communication and its process and principles;
2. Drawing to show the role each element plays in the communication
3. Discussing the modes of communication.

Due to the emergence of different social media platforms, some millennials
seem to have a low level of awareness and diminishing appreciation for the
Goals essence of communication in real life or face-to-face settings. In some cases,
communication breakdowns or ‘miscommunication’ happens due to a lack of
knowledge about the nature of communication. Given all these, your goal is
to gently remind your fellow millennials about the communication principles
and the elements of communication.

First task. See Appendix A.

Second task. As for the comic strip of your written scenario in the first task,
other members can draw or edit and combine pictures/clip arts that show the
elements of communication. At the lower right portion of the strip, write the
evident mode/s of communication from the picture and provide a 2-3
sentence explanation how they are manifested.

Roles Advocates / Graphic artists

Audiences Your fellow millennials / Professionals in your field / professors
Situation You need to present a comic strip showing the elements and importance of
communication in your professional setting.
Products • Written scenario (in PDF) and
• Comic strip (.jpg)

The members should still click turn only.

Thus, the leader will submit the following files:

• Written scenario in pdf, comic strip in JPEG, and self-and-peer
assessment file in pdf


Standards for the 2nd task:

Criteria 16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 1-5 points

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Content The content is The content The content is The content
clear and element reflects vague in lacks a clear
concise, with a a logical conveying a point of view
very logical progression of point of view and logical
progression of ideas. and does not sequence of
ideas. create a strong information.
sense of
Quality The image is The image is The image is The image is
clear. somewhat clear. unclear. pixelated.
Relevance All images/ Most graphics Some graphics Only a few
graphics and and information and information graphics and
information used used are highly used are highly information used
are highly relevant to the relevant to the are highly
relevant to the points discussed. points relevant to the
points discussed. discussed. points
References The comic strip The strip The strip The strip
(Academic contains 4 and contains 3 contains 2 contains 1 or
Integrity) above number of references or references or below
references or works cited. works cited. references or
works cited. works cited.
Punctuality The work was The work was The work was The work was
submitted on submitted 24 submitted 25-48 submitted 49
time. hours after the hours after the hours and above
given deadline. given deadline. after the given
TOTAL: 100 points


[1] To quantify the adjective ‘most’ as used in the relevance criterion, level 3 means that out of
all the graphics and information, only one to two graphics/information are still not relevant;
‘Some’ in level 2 means having three to four irrelevant graphics/information; ‘A few’ level 1
means having five or more irrelevant graphics or information.

Grading Rubric: Audio/Video Presentation. (n.d.).


Self- What are your contributions for this performance task?

Peer In this part, please assess the performances and contributions of each
Assessment member from the group using the rubric below. Please be honest and
objective as possible. Provide screenshots or print screens if you intend to
assign a very low score to your groupmates.

Name of assessor:

On a scale of 1-3, being 3 as the highest, how many points will you give to each of your
groupmates? Note: Extend the number of columns based on the number of your group

Criteria Member 1 Member 2 Member 3

(Full name) (Full name) (Full name)

1. Suggestions made
2. Time-on-task
3. Openness to
4. Awareness of

Narrative comments (if only necessary)

Member 1:



Member 2:



Appendix A (First Task)

Directions: Create your own scenario where a specific occurrence of noise/barrier happened
within the parameter of your specialization/field (e.g., medical practitioner and patient in clinic,
IT professional and a foreign client in an office, etc.). Limit it in 7-8 sentences only.

Sample Scenario:

A woman from the lowlands visited a particular ethnic group. Being tired, she
decided to sit down on top of a grain mortar. Sometime later, a group of three men
approached her and asked her who among them she wanted to marry! This was because in
their culture, when a woman sits on a grain mortar, she is signaling her desire to find a
husband. However, the woman from the lowlands did not know that. It took a lot of
clarification and intervention from the village chief and from the woman’s companions to
explain to the men that she did not know of such a cultural signal.

Table 1. Sample Scenario with a noise/barrier

1. Nature/Principle
of Communication Communication is guided by culture and context.
(1 only)
2. Context ethnic tribe wherein sitting on a grain mortar has a cultural meaning

3. Speaker/Sender a woman from the lowlands

4. Encoding the act of sitting down on top of a grain mortar

5. Message A. From the speaker’s point-of-view, she wanted to rest.

B. From the receivers’ point-of-view, she wanted to get married.

6. Channel visual and gestural modes of communication

7. Decoding She wanted to get married.

8. Receiver/s a group of three men

9. Feedback A. The three men asked the woman who she wants to marry.
B. The village chief and woman’s companions clarified the culture
between and among the woman and the three men.

10. Noise Cultural noise


Table 2. Nature/Principles and Elements of Communication

It’s your turn:

Scenario (1-20).

of Communication
(1 only)
23-24. Context
27-28. Encoding
29-30. Message
31-32. Channel
33-34. Decoding
35-36. Receiver/s
37-38. Feedback
39-40. Noise


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