Lecture W11

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Innovative Business Practice

Semester May 2023 – Week 11
Presented by Zulik Nguyen
Internal use only
Create the future you imagine
Networking dashboard
Networking Dashboard

• Input your info and fill the survey in 1st sheet.

• Result will automatically show in 2nd & 3rd sheet.
• Add result in 2nd & 3rd sheet to the assignment 3.
Peer Evaluation
Peer Evaluation Survey

• You will receive an email asking you to complete the survey and provide feedback for each team
member. Once all feedback has been received, you will receive the feedback your teammates
have provided via Grade Centre. This feedback needs to be incorporated into Assignment 3:
Brand You and Networking.

• A simple average score will be calculated for everyone based on the feedback they have received.

• NOTE 1: If you do not receive any peer feedback rating from your team members, you will receive
0 marks for this component of your assessment.

• NOTE 2: If you do not give any peer feedback rating to your team members, you will receive 0
marks for this component of your assessment.

• Deadline: 7 days since you click on the link, no later than 31 July.
Social capital (for assignment 3)
Social Capital

“The core intuition guiding social capital research is that the goodwill that
others have toward us is a valuable resource.”

Source: Week 4 Reading: Adler, P.S. and Kwon, S.W., 2002. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of management review, 27(1), p18.
2 types of Social Capital

Bonding Social Capital Bridging Social Capital

(Internal) (External)
Social Capital – Definitions Bonding

Source: Week 4 Reading: Adler, P.S. and Kwon, S.W., 2002. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of management review, 27(1), p20.

Source: Week 4 Reading: Adler, P.S. and Kwon, S.W., 2002. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of management review, 27(1), p20.
Assignment 3 - Social Capital

Social Capital Classroom maps:

Internal / External / Both?

Assignment 3
Assignment 3 – Rubric & documents included
Criteria HD P Documents included
Understanding Conveys strong evidence of Conveys basic evidence of - VIA Strengths Inventory
& assessment reflection on own strengths. reflection on own strengths in Assessment.
of Personal Demonstrates sophisticated response to the self-
Strengths personal assessment and assessment questions posed. - Strengths spotting scale.
awareness through strengths Demonstrates basic personal
inventory assessments and assessment and awareness - Me and My Strengths video
strengths spotting activities. through few or simplistic link (week 2)
Provides excellent strengths inventory
understanding of how the assessments and strengths - Comments on your own Me
identified strengths are spotting activities. Provides and My Strengths video from
important for developing basic understanding of how Strength Spotting discussion
Future self. the identified strengths are board activities conducted
important for developing (week 8)
Future self.
Assignment 3 - Rubric
Criteria HD P Documents included
Understanding The reflection moves beyond Attempts in applying the Personal Network maps (week
and simple description of the learning experience from the 4)
assessment of experience to an in-depth networking skills and social
Networking analysis of how the capital to understanding of Scale Personal Assessment
Skills networking skills and social future self, but fails to
capital contributed to the demonstrate depth of Social Capital Classroom maps
development of future self - analysis. Provides limited
Brand You profile. Exemplary completion of Networking Future Self Mock-up LinkedIn
completion of Networking Scale Personal Assessment; Brand You profile.
Scale Personal Assessment; Personal Network Maps; and
Personal Network Maps; and Social Capital Classroom
Social Capital Classroom maps with some synthesis.
maps and superior synthesis..
Assignment 3 - Rubric
Criteria HD P Documents
Understanding Exceptionally identifies the cultural Can identify the cultural dimensions Team charter
of Belonging dimensions involved in working involved in working collaboratively
and collaboratively within a team. within a team. Basic explanation of Peer evaluation
Distinctiveness Brilliantly explains how the team how the team managed the tension feedback
Tension in managed the tension between between Belonging (Inclusiveness)
Teamwork Belonging (Inclusiveness) and and Distinctiveness that team Cultural survey
Distinctiveness that team members members can face. Limited
can face. Integrates clear descriptions of the significance of
descriptions of the significance of working collaboratively in a team for
working collaboratively in a team for developing the future self – Brand
developing the future self – Brand You profile. Provides limited evidence
You profile. Provides clear evidence from team work; team members’
from team work; team members’ statements/endorsements of
statements/endorsements of working together; and the Team
working together; and the Team Charter.
Assignment 3 - Rubric
Criteria HD P
Quality and Consistently communicates, organizes and Communicates, organizes and synthesizes
Completeness of synthesizes all critical components and some components and/or information from
Documentation information from a broad range of high- a limited range of digital sources.
quality digital sources and in a compelling
Quality of Visual aids are excellent, highly informative, Visual aids are basic with little information,
presentation very effective, and not at all distracting. not very effective, and somewhat distracting.
Outstanding introduction including visual Basic introduction; lacking creativity and/or
creativity (picture of future personal self; basic visual aids such as: picture of future
Mock-Up LinkedIn profile etc.). Finished the personal self; Mock-Up LinkedIn profile etc.
presentation on time by covering all critical Finished the presentation on time by
components. Did not exceed the limit of 20 covering some critical components. Did not
slides maximum. exceed the limit of 20 slides maximum.
Thank you for listening!

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