Audio Visual - Projek

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Session: Disember 2018

Name :__________________________ Code/Course Name : DRK3022 – Audio Visual

Reg. No: ___________ ____________ Projek : 1 (70%)

CLO2: Mengorganisasikan aktiviti-aktiviti berdasarkan kemahiran-kemahiran yang dipelajari .

(A3: LD4,LD9)
REMINDER: Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. All parties involved in cheating or plagiarism will be given zero
mark on the specified assessment.

Setiap kumpulan dikehendaki merakam 1 video dengan syarat-syarat dibawah.

 Durasi 3 hingga 5 minit sahaja

 Dirakam dengan menggunakan telefon sahaja
 Perlu ada seorang pengacara atau berpasangan

Pengisian video pula perlulah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

1. Pendahuluan – isu/fakta
2. Lakonan
3. Komen daripada para pelajar
4. Kesimpulan

Setiap kumpulan boleh memilih salah satu daripada topik dibawah. Walaubagaimanapun tajuk yang dipilih
tidak boleh sama dengan kumpulan yang lain.

1. Pembaziran
2. E-games
3. Makanan menarik di sekitar PMJB
4. The best lecturer in PMJB
5. Penggunaan telefon bimbit

Tarikh penghantaran dan pembentangan: 14 Mac 2019

Prepared by: Verified by:

(Course Coordinator) (Head of Programme)

Date: Date:
Session: Disember 2018

Name :__________________________ Code/Course Name : DRK3022 – Audio Visual

Reg. No: ___________ ____________ Projek : 1 (70%)

20 15 10 5
Covers topic in Includes essential Includes essential Content is
depth with details knowledge about information about minimal OR there
and examples; the topic. Subject the topic but are several factual
subject knowledge is there are 1-2 errors; focus is
knowledge is good; focuses on factual errors; unclear.
excellent; focuses an important focus may be
on an important concept. unclear.
Product shows a Product shows a Product shows Product shows a
great amount of good amount of some amount of minimal amount
Effort time spent and time spent and time spent and is of time spent and
very careful, neat careful, neat slightly lacking is lacking
work. work. neatness neatness.

Product shows a Product shows Uses other Uses other

large amount of some original people’s ideas people’s ideas but
original thought thought and (giving them does not give
and critical critical thinking. credit), but there them credit.
thinking. Ideas Work shows new is little evidence
are creative and ideas and of original
inventive. insights. thought or critical

Makes good use Makes excellent Makes some use Use of minimal
of color, graphics, use of color, of color, graphics, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to graphics, effects, effects, etc. to effects, etc. to
enhance the etc. to enhance enhance the enhance the
presentation. the presentation. presentation, but presentation.
occasionally these Often, these
detract from the detract from the
content. content.

Correct grammar, 1-3 errors in 3-5 errors in More than 5

spelling, and grammar, grammar, errors in
punctuation. spelling, and spelling, and grammar, spelling,
punctuation punctuation. and punctuation.

Prepared by: Verified by:

(Course Coordinator) (Head of Programme)

Date: Date:
ORGANIZATION Information in logical, Student presents information Reader difficulty following Sequence of information is
interesting sequence which in logical sequence which work because student difficult to follow /4
reader can follow. reader can follow. jumps around.
CONTENT OF Students demonstrates full Student is at ease with Students is uncomfortable Student does not have grasp
KNOWLEDGE knowledge (more than content, analysis is sufficient with content and is able to of information, student
required). Analysis is and each point is explained in demonstrate basic cannot answer questions
comprehensive and detailed; brief and some evidence is concepts. Analysis is only about subject. Analysis is /4
each point is explained in provided. Analysis is clear. rudimentary, some points very basic, many points are
detail and evidence provided. have been missed. Analysis missed and most points not
Analysis is clear, engaging, is basic and some points properly explained.
and thorough. are not properly explained.
REPORT All required sections are All required sections are All required sections are Sections are poorly
IDEAS AND included, and each is included but one needs to be included but one or two are organized and some are
FORMATTING effectively organized. organized better. Formatting poorly organized. missing. Formatting is /4
Formatting is professional is acceptable. Formatting is inconsistent. messy.
and consistent.
TASK Student has understood the Student has understood the Student has not fully Student has misunderstood
COMPLETION objective of the task and objective of the task and understood the objective of the objective of the task and
completed the assignment as mostly completed the the task. Student fulfils failed to follow instructions.
instructed. Student fulfils the assignment as instructed. some of the requirements Student fulfils few of the /4
requirement of the Student fulfils all of the of the assignment. requirements in the
assignment and has put care requirements of the assignment.
and effort into the process. assignment.
NEATNESS Work is neatly done. Work has one or two areas Work has three or four Work is illegible.
that are sloppy. areas that are sloppy. /4
SPELLING AND Report has no punctuation, Report has a few punctuation, Report has some Report has numerous
GRAMMAR spelling, or capitalization spelling, or capitalization punctuation, spelling, or punctuation, spelling, or /4
errors. Very few grammatical errors. Few grammatical capitalization errors. Some capitalization errors.
errors exist. errors exist and don’t impede grammatical errors exist but Numerous grammatical
meaning. generally don’t impede errors exist and impede
meaning. meaning.


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