Audio Visual - Projek
Audio Visual - Projek
Audio Visual - Projek
TOTAL 70 100
Session: Disember 2018
1. Pendahuluan – isu/fakta
2. Lakonan
3. Komen daripada para pelajar
4. Kesimpulan
Setiap kumpulan boleh memilih salah satu daripada topik dibawah. Walaubagaimanapun tajuk yang dipilih
tidak boleh sama dengan kumpulan yang lain.
1. Pembaziran
2. E-games
3. Makanan menarik di sekitar PMJB
4. The best lecturer in PMJB
5. Penggunaan telefon bimbit
20 15 10 5
Covers topic in Includes essential Includes essential Content is
depth with details knowledge about information about minimal OR there
and examples; the topic. Subject the topic but are several factual
subject knowledge is there are 1-2 errors; focus is
knowledge is good; focuses on factual errors; unclear.
excellent; focuses an important focus may be
on an important concept. unclear.
Product shows a Product shows a Product shows Product shows a
great amount of good amount of some amount of minimal amount
Effort time spent and time spent and time spent and is of time spent and
very careful, neat careful, neat slightly lacking is lacking
work. work. neatness neatness.
Makes good use Makes excellent Makes some use Use of minimal
of color, graphics, use of color, of color, graphics, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to graphics, effects, effects, etc. to effects, etc. to
enhance the etc. to enhance enhance the enhance the
presentation. the presentation. presentation, but presentation.
occasionally these Often, these
detract from the detract from the
content. content.