Intro To S&T: Learning Outcomes
Intro To S&T: Learning Outcomes
Intro To S&T: Learning Outcomes
1 Intro to S&T
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
Name: _____Randolph C. Salarda____________________________________________
Directions: Write a reflective essay on the role played by science and technology in your life. In writing
your reflective essay, kindly consider the given rubric below. The essay must not exceed the given space
Rubric 1.2. Rubric for Student’s Reflection Paper
Above Meets Approaching Below Expectations
Expectations Expectations Expectations
4 3 2 1
Reflective The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection does
Thinking explains the explains the attempts to not address the
student’s own student’s thinking demonstrate student’s thinking
thinking and about his/her own thinking about and/or learning.
learning processes, learning learning but is vague
as well as processes. and/or unclear
implications for about the personal
future learning. learning process.
Analysis The reflection is an The reflection is The reflection The reflection does
in-depth analysis of an analysis of the attempts to analyze not move beyond a
the learning learning the learning description of the
experience, the experience and experience but the learning experience.
value of the the value of the value of the learning
derived learning to derived learning to the student or
self or others, and to self or others. others is vague
the enhancement and/or unclear.
of the student’s
appreciation for
the discipline.
Making The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection does
Connections articulates multiple articulates attempts to not articulate any
connections connections articulate connection to other
between this between this connections learning or
learning experience learning between this experiences.
and content from experience and learning experience
other courses, past content from and content from
learning, life other courses, other courses, past
experiences and/or past learning learning
future goals. experiences, experiences, or
and/or future personal goals, but
goals. the connection is
vague and/or
Grammar no grammar, minor a few significant pages or
/ Spelling spelling or grammar, grammar, paragraphs with
punctuation spelling or spelling and multiple
errors punctuation punctuation grammar,
errors errors spelling and
World Historical Antecedents Of
Science And Technology
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout history in the world and in
the Philippines;
2. Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society and the
environment; and
3. Identify the paradigm shifts in history.