SW 5
SW 5
SW 5
of other chemicals. These chemicals need to be A severe disadvantage of using ozone is the for-
added only in small amounts, are easy to dose, mation of bromate when it reacts with bromide,
inexpensive, and 100% effective, causing them to which is often present in surface water.
be used on a large scale for drinking water prepa-
ration, even when their use is not strictly necessary Chlorine
as part of a multiple barrier system. Chlorine is the disinfectant most commonly used
in the world. This disinfectant reacts in water:
When attention is paid only to the quality of the Cl2+ H 2 0 -> HOCI + H* + Cl-
water, ozone is the most attractive disinfectant. HOCI — H* + OCI-
After all, it decomposes, after having completed its
task, to molecular and atomic oxygen, which are in which the uncharged HOCI easily reaches the
quite desirable drinking water components. protoplasm of the negatively charged bacteria.
o 3 ->o 2+ o Finally, it holds that:
Figure 68 - Ozone generator at Weesperkarspel(Noord- In addition to the use of chlorine gas, disinfec-
Holland) tion can also be accomplished with solid or fluid
4.11 Other treatment techniques
When the filter bed is saturated with pollutants,
Adsorption the filter material is removed. Activated carbon
Adsorption may remove non-charged micropollut- can be regenerated. At high temperatures the con-
ants from the water. Adsorption is based on the prin- taminants are partly burned and partly vaporized,
ciple that different particles will attract each other without burning the activated carbon itself.
because of the surface forces (van der Waals force,
surface tension). By creating a very large surface Powdered Activated Carbon treatment (PAC)
area, a relatively good removal can be achieved. Activated carbon can also be used for adsorption
by adding it in a powdered form to the water (some
In drinking water production, two different types of milligrams per liter). The powder is removed after
adsorption are used: a certain retention time by filtration or sedimen-
- granular activated carbon treatment (GAC) tation.
- powdered activated carbon treatment (PAC) Powdered carbon cannot be regenerated.