Crisis Management DQSP Test - Model Answer
Crisis Management DQSP Test - Model Answer
Crisis Management DQSP Test - Model Answer
Learner Supervisor
1.3 What is the process for external communication during a crisis? (1)
It needs to be approved before release during a crisis
1.4 What list must be updated annual as part of contingency planning? (4)
The list of the crisis management team, customer (including restaurants)
Legal authorities, emergency numbers and contact numbers
1.6 Who should be contacted if the MD is not available during a crisis? (1)
The person in charge of the business in his/her absence will be
responsible for the communication
1.7 Who may communicate with media and regulatory authorities? (1)
Digistics directors in consultation with customers
2. Stages of crisis
2.1 What will the first phase of a crisis consist of: (3)
Notification of crisis by distribution centre staff, customers, media or
Regulatory authority
Initial investigation to gather all information
Crisis identification based on gathered information
2.3 A crisis will move into the third phase in which manner: (5)
Communicate outcome to board members
All information gathered and reported to be filed at DC
On-going review and assessment of crisis to establish if corrective action
2.4 The fourth phase is post crisis and involves what? (2)
Assess and implement system/s modification against crisis learning’s e.g
Standard operating procedures, quality systems, supplier practices,
Distribution practices.
3.3 How will involvement of team members in the test be evaluated? (1)
As part of the test.