Grade 7 Feb Worksheet
Grade 7 Feb Worksheet
Grade 7 Feb Worksheet
a) View
b) Edit
c) Window
d) None of the above
2. This ideals with the rotation and movement of the object from one point to another in specific
a) Tweening
b) Shape Tween
c) Motion Tween
d) Transition
3. This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen.
This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen
a) Dashboard
b) Flash Stage
c) Tools Palette
d) Layers Panel
4. This action allows you to save the object in the library panel for future use.
a) Importing
b) Exporting
c) Convert to text
d) Convert to Symbol
a) Text Box
b) Text Tool
d) Key frames
7. The tool that creates a rectangle, which you can customize the sides.
a) Rectangle tool
b) Square tool
c) Rectangle primitive tool
d) Oval tool
8. This tool is useful when you are zoomed in and need to move around an area in your artwork.
a) Merge Tool
b) move Tool
c) Hand Tool
d) Zoom Tool
9. ____________ is a way to partially hide an image in the layer immediately below another layer.
The 2 layers get locked together to produce the effect.
a) Morphing
b) Tweening
c) Stacking
d) Masking
10. This panel indicates what settings are being used for objects and allows you to change those
a) Tools
b) Actions
c) Frames
d) Properties
6. What is the name of the folder in which symbols in flash movie are stored?
7. What is the onion skin feature used for?
9. What is the white rectangular area you add the contents of a flash movie called?
10.What is the use of mask layer feature?