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Knowledge of CorelDraw X5 Test

Test syllabus

 Corel basic
 Working with colour
 Working with text
 Working with objects, lines and perspective
 Working with bitmap
 Creating special effect
 Setting for page layout


 40 minutes


 40 multiple choice question


 Each question has between 2 and 8 options; one or more may be correct.
 There is no penalty for guessing if you don’t know the answer, therefore, make sure
you attempt all of the questions
 In order to pass, you will need to answer at least 60% of the questions correctly
 The clock timing of you test is located at the top of the text window
 This test is best viewed using internet explorer version 11.00or higher or Mozilla
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1. Which of the following merge mode used to apply transparencies can also be
used to apply drop shadows?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Blue
d. All of the above
2. Perspective effect CANNOT be added to ____, ____,and ____,
a. Individual objects; grouped object; 3D objects
b. Contours; blend; exthursion
c. Paragraph text; bitmap; symbols
d. All of the above
3. Which of the following file types can be modified while applying filters on them ?
a. Raster
b. Vector
c. Animation
d. All of the above
4. ____ tool removes over lopping segment in the objects
a. Knife
b. Crop Tool
c. Virtual Segment Tool
d. Eraser
5. You can add guidelines to the ____ if you want them to apply to the entire
document and have ____ and ____
a. Master page, corel presents an user-defined presents
b. First page, default an Dynamic presents
c. Last page, corel presents and Dynamic presents
d. None of the above
6. The fish eye lens effect let you ____, ____, ____,
a. Distort magnify old shrink the objects beneath the lens, according to the
percentage value you opacity.
b. Create the effect of an infrared image by mimicking the heat levels of
colours in object beneath the lens
c. Make an object look like a piece of tinted film or colored glass
d. Create the effect of an infrared image by mimicking the heat levels of
colours in object beneath the lens
7. The ____ guides you through the process of finding object that contain the
properties you specify and then replacing those properties with order.
a. Collect to output
b. Document properties wizard
c. Replaces wizard
d. None of the above
8. Which tool helps you convert bitmaps into vector without using power tracing
controls as shown in the image?
a. Trace Bitmap
b. Outline Trace
c. Centreline Trace
d. Quick Trace
9. What is the fuctionality or the select option in the given image?
a. It pick the colour from one object and applies them to another selected
b. It copies the object attributes such as fill, outline, size, effect, and applies
them to other selected objects
c. It lets you select the colour from out side the application
d. None of the above
10. Which of the following is not roll over state?
a. Normal
b. Over
c. Down
d. Up
11. The ____ tool is an excellent tool that lets you lighten, darken, or make colour
adjustments to your bitmap image in CorelDraw. You can view the adjustment in
the preview windows an user the ____ feature to experiment with different
setting until you are satisfied with the result.
a. Straighten image; Resample
b. Bitmap colour mask; inflate Bitmap
c. Edit Bitmap, select from Desktop
d. Image adjustment Lab; Create Snapshot
12. Which of the following tool lets you design multi colored filled objects with
maximum fluid color transition?
a. Interaction Fill
b. Smart Fill
c. Mesh Fill
d. Fountain fill
13. Which tool has been used to fill the shape with the gradient as shown in the
a. Interactive Tool-> Linear
b. Interactive Tool-> Radial
c. Interactive Tool-> Conical
d. Interactive Tool-> Square
14. Which fill tool been used to attain the result shown in the picture above?
a. Interactive Fill
b. Post Scrip Fill
c. Smart Fill
d. Mesh Fill
15. Which among to given options is a cored way to remove a vector extrusion?
a. Right-click an Extruded object-select clear extrude from the list
b. Select an Extruded object, click effect and the click clear extrude
c. Click the color Extrude button on the property Bar
d. All of the above
16. What do items marked ad A and B in the image above represent?
o Toolbar and Status bar
o Menu bar and Document Title bar
o Program title bar and Toolbox
o Property bar and Darken
17. Which of the actions will follow if you can click on OK in the dialog box shown
above with changing any setting?
a. The default color profile will get assigned to untagged document
b. The color profile of the active document will get assigned to the pasted or
imported document
c. The color profile of the imported or pasted document will get assigned to
the active document
d. None of the above
18. You cannot more individual character in artistic text, but you can use a variety of
special effects.
a. Yes
b. No
19. Which web-based service lets you post your design and make it available
exclusively to your client, who can then revice the design and post comment?
a. Collect for output
b. Concept share
c. Publish to PDF
d. Export to Office
20. Color management system in CorelDraw has for methods of interpreting out-of-
gamut. colors.
a. Yes
b. No
21. Dynamic guides are temporary guidelines that let you position and align objects
a. Yes
b. No
22. Which among the following is NOT a type of Transparency?
a. Structure
b. Uniform
c. Texture
d. Pattern
23. The smooth mesh color option allows the colors added to the mesh nodes blend
seamiessly with the rest of the object ?
a. Yes
b. No
24. When you apply a lens to a vector object, the lens it self becomes a vector image.
Likewise, if the lens is placed over a bitmap. The lens becomes a bitmap to.
o Yes
o No
25. The master page is a virtual page that contains?
a. Guides Layers
b. Desktop Layers
c. Grid Layers
d. All of the above
26. Layout of the following options will you set to enable or disable Dynamic Guides?
a. Layout-> Dynamic Guides
b. Window -> Dynamic Guides
c. Too l-> Dynamic Guides
d. View -> Dynamic Guides
27. How can you achieve the result shown in the image?
a. Text -> Drop Cap
b. Text -> Straighten Text
c. Text -> Fix Text To Path
d. Text -> Encode
28. What tool have been shown in the image above?
a. Crop, knife, eraser, virtual segment delete
b. Shape, smudge, brush, roughen brush, free tranform
c. Smart fill, post script fill, interactive fill, mesh fill
d. Drop shadow, extrude, contour, transparency
29. Which view lest you create drawings in actual pixel, providing an occurate
representation of how a design will appear on the web, and also helps align
objects more accurately?
a. Enhanced
b. Draft
c. Pixels
d. Wireframe
30. Which of the following belongs to Artistic Media Tool?
a. Yes
b. No
31. What The Font? Commend lets you capture and submit a font sample for quick
and easy identification.
a. Yes
b. No
32. Document that contain color profiles are know as togged document.
o Yes
o No
33. The Two-point perspective effect gives an object the appear once of receding in
two direction. How can you copy the same affect to another selected object?
a. Select an object. Click effect>Copy effect> Power clip from
b. Select an object. Click effect>Copy effect> Lest from
c. Select an object. Click effect>Copy effect> Contour From
d. Select an object. Click effect>Copy effect> Perspective From
34. Which technique is used for specifying the spacing increment for snapping text to
the path?
a. Leading
b. Kerning
c. Snapping
d. Tick snapping
35. Rafer to image.
Which of the following lens type has been applied to the picture on the left to
archieve the result show in the picture on the right?
a. Heat map
b. Invert
c. Magnify
d. None of the above
36. Which of the following do you see to merge the two shapes into one as shown in
the image?
a. Envelope Tool
b. Boundary effect
c. Interactive Blend Tool
d. Power clip
37. How can you create the shape, as shown in the image, in the most appropriate
a. Create a circle and drag the uppermost node inward
b. Draw the shape manually with any shape drawing tool
c. Trim the appropriate shape from each other
d. None of the above
38. Which of the given wrapping styles follows the current of the abject?
a. Square
b. Square straddle text contour
c. All of the above
39. Using of the following can we modify images in CorelDraw?
b. Corel CAPTURE
c. Corel CONNECT
d. Corel “POWER TRACE”
40. ____ tool lest you create smooth curves with fewer nodes than curves drawn by
any freehand tool.
a. Bezier
b. Spline
c. 2 Point Line
d. 3 Point Curve

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