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Used to design curves and figures in two-dimensional (2D) space; or curves, surfaces, and solids

in three-dimensional (3D) space.

a. Sketch up b. CAD c. AUTOCAD d. CADD
Why CPU is called the “brain” of the computer?
a. composed physical equipment that makes computer c. most of the “computing takes”
b. manipulates computer programs d. it is hardware.

A computer system use to assist in the creation, modification, and analysis of a design. It
describes the process of creating technical drawings with the use of computer software.
a. Sketch up b. CAD c. AUTOCAD d. CADD
Which of the following is not a part of AUTOCAD working environment?
a. menu browser c. quick access tool bar
b. menu bar d. AUTOCAD coordinate system
Why do you need to have a detailed file name in saving a file in AUTOCAD
a. to easily find the file c. to be unique
b. to be organized d. to have a quick access
A users want to read or scan documents on the World Wide Web what working environment tool is needed
a. Menu browser c. quick access tool bar
b. file name d. menu bar
With a hot grip you can perform these editing tasks
a. Move b. Offset c. Rotate d. Scale
What will happen when you start a Modify command such as Erase?
a. all files will be deleted. c. the AutoCAD will malfunction
b. the cursor changes from crosshairs to pickbox d. the object will be highlighted
How can you remove selected objects from a selection set?
a. by Select object b. by Shift picking c. by removing d. by adding
By default when you start a new drawing you use the Worlds Coordinate System (WCS), what does it
a. (1, 1, 0) point b. (0, 1, 0) point c. (0, 0, 0) point d. (1, 1, 1)
. Most AutoCAD drawings are composed purely and simply from these basic concepts.
a. point, line b. point, circle c. lines, circle d. point, circle

A student wants to sketch image or an object what tool is needed?

a. printer b. digitizer tablet c. plotter d. optical drive
Mr. H assigned his students to make a house floor plan using a computer application. What computer
application will use to make a floor plan?
a. apache b. AUTOCAD c. sketch up d. ORALCE
Of the following software, which is not an application software?
a. abode photoshop b. Flash c. AUTOCAD d. WINDOWS 8
What is the difference between operating system software and program software.
a. operating system software focus on interface while program software focus on application
programs b. operating system software focus on hardware while program software focus
on applications
c. operating system software focus on application program while program software focus on
program interface
d. none of the above.
What is the difference between system hardware and peripherals
a. peripheral is the input and output attached to the computer while system hardware is the main
part of the system
b. peripherals are the main parts of the CPU while system hardware is the input and output device
attached to the CPU.
c. peripherals process the application software while system hardware process program software.

Mouse, Keyboard Printer and monitor is an example of_________.

a. peripherals b. software c. hardware d. application program
d. peripheral process program software while system hardware focus on system unit.
Student A. instructed by his teacher to submit their AUTOCAD output printed in tracing paper. What printing
device needed to print the output?
a. line printer b. laser printer c. thermal printer d. plotter
Humans communicate with computer by giving commands which peripheral tool is needed and known as
the principal device in communicating computers.
a. keyboard b. mouse c. monitor d. optical drive
A commercial product made by Autodesk, with many versions, including one called AutoCAD
a. Sketch up b. CAD c. AUTOCAD d. CADD
Using the coordinate: (2,1) and (@2, 1). How the second pair define different point?
a. the leading @ symbol c. located on different axis.
b. it is undefined d. location is undetermined.
What is the horizontal strip across the top of an application’s window, wherein each word containing
features and actions that are available for the application use?
a. Quick Access Toolbar b. File Name c. Menu Bar d. Search Box
The tool that allows you to search for a particular data or document in a help file or to web?
a. File name b. Menu bar c. Search Box d. Too;bars/Ribbon
It is found in the bottom left-hand corner of the AutoCAD drawing window to remind you which is the x axis,
and which is the y axis.
a. Tray Setting b. Info Bar c. UCS d. WCS
This indicates your (0, 0, 0) point by default when you start a new drawing.
a. UCS b. WCS c. Draw Toolbar d. Drawing Area
AutoCAD provides a whole range of modify tools such as Move, Copy, Rotate and Mirror to be able to
a. creates new objects c. place you’re drawing.
b. selects objects in you drawing. d. suits the image you need.

Which of the following is necessary in setting the fillet command?

a. Angle b. Base point c. Distance d. Radius
Which of the following can be joined using JOIN command?
a. Arc b. Circle c. Construction line d. Ray
The following are some of the properties and settings that you can save in a layout, except
a. Plot scale b. Line weight c. Paper size d. Drawing orientation

What will you see when you pick the first point and move the cross-hairs to the location of the second
a. point b. rubber band line c. arc d. circle
What will happen if you hold the Shift key down on the keyboard while picking a selected object?
a. added from the current selection set. c. deselected from the current selection set.
b. added from the other set. d. selected from the current selection set.
How are you going to draw an arc between two intersecting lines or adjacent polyline segments?
a. First, use the command to set required radius then select two lines.
b. First, use the command to select two lines then st the required radius.
c. First, select line and specify chamfer distance.
d. First, enter distance value then second chamfer distance.
What short-cut can you use to breaks to the end points of lines and arcs and to polyline vertices?
a. Shift + Right Click Endpoint c. Shift + Left Click Endpoint
b. Shift + Right Click Midpoint d. Shift + Left Click Midpoint

Why do you need to select retain button?

a. to keep the object on the screen as individual objects.
b. to delete the object on the screen.
c. to duplicate the objects on the screen.
d. to move the object on the screen.
How to create a first block?
a. Pick the Pick point button c. Pick the Select Objects button.
b. Pick the OK Button d. Pick the Delete button.
What will happen when you select Ok button then the dialog box closes?
a. The file will be saved. c. The file will be deleted.
b. Your drawing will be labelled d. Your drawing will contain a Block definition.
When creating blocks, if the objects in the block are drawn on Zero layer, what will happen to the
properties of the current layer?
a. Zero layer will assume the properties of the current layer when they are inserted.
B. Zero layer will delete the properties of the current layer when they are inserted.
c. Zero layer will save the properties of the current layer when they are inserted.
d. zero layer will shut down the system of your computer.
Which of the function keys can be used for activating the Osnap Mode?
a. F3 b. F5 c. F9 d. F8
What is the default file extension of an AutoCAD drawing?
a. Dwg b. Dwf c. Dws d. Dwt
What command is used to specify setting in dimension style manager?
a. Ddim b. Dimspec c. Dimalt d. Dimsize
What command in the Standard toolbar that you can get deleted objects?
a. MI b. CO c. OP d. OOPS
The command that allows you to mirror selected objects by picking and defining the position of an
imaginary mirror line using two points.
a. Copy b. Mirror c. Offset d. Move
Which command is used to change the size of an existing objects?
a. Move b. Rotate c. Scale d. Zoom
Which command can be used to create a new text style (TS) and modify the existing ones?
a. Dtext b. Mtext c. Text d. Style
Which of the keyboard keys must be pressed to execute a command or to accept an AutoCAD default?
a. F@ and Enter b. Enter and Space bar c. Enter and Esc d. Esc and
Which of the following is important in setting the chamfer command?
a. Angle point 1 and 2 b. Base point 1 and 2 c. Distance 1 and 2 d. Radius 1 and 2
if you need the text to be reverse, you mirror the text, then you need to set:
a. MIRRTEXT to 0 b. MIRRTEXT to 1 c. TEXTMIRR to 0 d. TEXTMIRR to 1
Which keystrokes will UNDO a command?
a. Alt + U b. Alt + Z c. Control + U d. Control + Z
Which of the following dimensioning commands is evident in the drawing?

a. Dimaligned
b. Dimangular
c. dimlinear
d. Qleader

This is commonly known as the physical equipment that makes up the computer system ?
a. hardware b. software c. printer d. mouse

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