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Match the Adobe Photoshop tool box diagram from the following: MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
(10x1=10) Diploma Course Examination, December, 2015
Certifcate in Computer Application
A. Healing brush tool - 2 Subject : COMPUTER GRAPHICS (CCA -105)
B. Magic wand tool - 6
C. Eyedropper tool - 9 Full Marks:40 Time: 1 hour
D. Lasso tool - 1
A. Write full form of the following:
E. Horizontal type tool - 8 1. GIF - Graphic Interchange Format
F. Viewing mode - 5 2. EPS - Encapsulated Post Script
G. Editing modes - 10 3. TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
H. Blur tool - 3 4. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
I. Color box - 4 5. GEM - Graphics Environment Manager
J. Brush tool - 7
6. CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black
7. PDF - Portable Document Format
8. BMP - Bitmap
9. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
10. RIP - Raster Image Processor
G. Levels -2
II. Tick ( √ ) the correct answer from the list : (10x1=10)
H. Exposure -4
I. Gradient map -10 1. The typical size of graphic design is measured in
J. Color balance -6 a) mm b) cm
c) inches d) pixel
Ans : pixel
2. By changing the percentage of we can blend
multiple layers with one another.
a) Transparency b) Opacity
c) Thickness d) Dimension a) Ctrl+C b) Ctrl+M
Ans : Transparency c) Ctrl+R d) Ctrl+U
3. tool is used to magnify an area of the design. Ans : Ctrl+M
a) Zoom b) Layer 10. The default extension of photoshop file is
c) Histogram d) Hand a) jpg b) psop
Ans : Zoom c) psd d) gif
4. tool is used to cut certain area of the image. Ans : psd
a) Clone stamp b) Brush III. State True or False of the following statements : (10x1=10)
c) Crop d) Eye dropper
Ans : Crop 1) From shadow highlight we can adjust image for more realistic. T
5. A short cut key for editing keyboard short cut is
2) Resizing of smart object does not lost image quality. - T
a) Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K b) Alt+Ctrl+K
c) Ctrl+Shift+K d) Alt+Shift+K 3) Scroll bar display vertically on right side of the screen only. - F
Ans : Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K
6. To rotate the image 1800 4) We cannot draw a new image in photoshop. - F
a) Image>image rotation>1800 b) Image> transform>1800
c) View>rotate>1800 d) Edit>transform> rotate 1800 5) Multiply blend mode makes only black color transparent. F
Ans : Image>image rotation>1800
6) From channel we can adjust red, green and blue color separately.T
7. To open levels panel
a) Filter>adjustment>levels b) Window>levels 7) Different layers can be grouped together. - T
c) View>adjustment>levels d) Image > Adjustments > Levels.
Ans : Image > Adjustments > Levels 8) If tools does not appear, we can get it from image>tools. - F
8. Which of the following will be useful to fill layer as background
a) Gradient b) Lasso 9) Layer mask helps in hiding some portion of the image. – T
c) Marquee d) Mask
10) Gaussian blur is available in filter menu. - T
Ans : Gradient
9 .The short cut key for curve tool is
D. Match the following:
1. Hand tool - 4
2. Color Box - 5 Diploma Course Examination, June, 2015
3. Rectangle tool - 9 Certificate in Computer Application
4. Dodge tool - 8
5. Eyedropper - 10 Full Marks:40 Time: 1 hour
2. Which one of the following palettes enable you to record, revert and
delete the changes made to an image
a) Info c) Histogram
b) History d) Color b) Duplicate a channel option d) Copy a channel
Answer: b) History Answer: a) Duplicate channel option
9. represents
a) Thaw mask c) Pucker tool
b) Twirl clockwise d) Push left tool
10. How many channels are required in RGB?
a) three b) four c) two d) six
11. Which one of the following enables you to specify a direction of a) Zoom tool c) Bloat tool
movement in pixel from 1 to 999? b) Hand tool d) Thaw mask
a) Layer blur c) radial blur 24. Which one of the following pair includes in brush stroke filters?
b) Motion blur d) smart blur a) Stylize and pixalete c) spherize and polar
12. ‘Masking stored the images as which one of the bit grayscale channel? b) Crosshatch and ink outlines d) None of the above
a) 16-bit b) 2-bit c) 4-bit d) 8-bit 25. Which one of the following is not a component of Photoshop window?
13. Tile filter breaks up an image into? a) Zoom tool c) save tool
a) landscape b) square c) mirror d) vertical b) Hide tool d) print tool
26. The three lens shapes offered by lens flare filter are?
a) 50-300mm zoom, 55mm prime, 105mm prime
14. represents
b) 40-300mm zoom, 25mm prime, 105mm prime
a) Twirl clockwise c) Push left tool
c) 50-300mm zoom, 55mm prime, 205mm prime
b) Puckertool d) Mirror tool
d) 20-300mm zoom, 45mm prime, 105mm prime
15. Permanent mask can be created be storing in which channel?
27. Which one of the following is used to lighten and darken area of an image?
a) alpha b) gray c) palette d) mask
a) Dodge c) sponge
16. The filter adds degrees of wiggliness to an image is?
b) Smudge d) gradient
a) distort c) Gaussian
28. Once you have made some distortions, you can use which one of the
b) destructive d) ripple
following tool to restore the image to initial state?
17. An image can consist up to how many channels?
a) Undo tool c) warp tool
a) 12 b) 24 c) 18 d) 26
b) Reconstruct tool d) bloat tool
18. A software that comes with Adobe Photoshop is
29. The command that modifies the overall mixture of colors in an image is
a) Photoshop pro c) Photoshop plus
b) Photoshop image ready d) Photoshop file
a) Template c) balancing color
19. The resolution of raster image is?
b) Masking d) command color
a) 72 to 96 ppi c) 27 to 69 ppi
30. Which one of the following allows you to save a file with a file name?
b) 72 to 69 ppi d) 45 to 90 ppi
a) save c) save with
20. Which one of the following is not a file format of JPEG?
b) save as d) all of the above
a) .jpg c) .png
31. A curve path consists of two anchor points connected by a……
b) .tiff d) .avi
a) Node c) line
21. Which one of the following is not include in Artistic filter?
b) Converting path d) curve segment
a) Brush stroke c) Neon glow
b) Film grain d) plastic wrap
32. represents
22. Which one of the following is used to straight-edge and free hand
a) Zoom tool c) Thaw mask
segment of a selection border of an image?
b) Hand tool d) Refection tool
a) dodge c) magic wand
33. The tools move pixels at 90 degrees angle to the way you move through
b) marquee d) lasso
the brush is?
a) Shift pixel c) reflect tool
b) Bloat tool d) twirl tool
Identify the names against the figure given below MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Diploma Course Examination, June, 2018
Diplomae in Computer Application Semester I
Subject :Computer Graphics (DCA-105)