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I. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct answer 10

Blue , Alt, Red, Modulation, Intranet, Transmission Control Protocol, Internet Protocol,
Fields, Datasheet, DBMS, FILE

1. The ______________ software involves creating , modifying , deleting & adding data in a database.

2. The commands available in the ________menu are Information, New, open, save save as etc.

3.You can enter data in the __________ view.

4.In a database form, the blanks in which information entered are called __________.

5.The two commonly used protocols ___________________&____________________.

6.An _____________ is a private network.

7.The process of converting a digital signal to an analog signal is called ___________________.

8.The unselected figures is displayed with ______ handles.

9. To rotate the selected figures, hold down the ______key & drag a ______ handle.

II. Choose the correct option. -10

1. The Load figure type option is available on the _____ menu.

a. File b. Edit c. Help d. None of these.

2.The image formats that are supported by pivot animator are_____

a. JPEG b. GIF c.PNG d. All of these

3.A _______ is a set of rules that computer use to communicate with each other access a network.

a. Rules b. Method c. Protocols d. None of these

4.Theprocess of converting an analog signal o a digital signal is called ________

a.Modulation b. Demodulation c. d. None of these

5.Which Access object cane be linked to a form _____

a. Query b. Record c. Field d. Table

6.In a Query, the lower pane is also known as the ___

a. Query Design Grid b. Query Design Table c. Query base grid d. Query base table.

7.Which Property should be set to that it becomes mandatory to enter a value in the Grade field.

a. Allow Zero length b. Requires c. Indexed d. Format

8.When you create a blank, database it has ____ table (s) by default.

a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

9.The column is an Access table are also know as

a. Fields b. Records c. Rows d. none of these

10.What is maximum length of the short ext dataype.

a.100 b. 255 c. 200 d. 300

III. Label the diagram - 5

IV. True or False - 5

1. A database cane have only one table. _____

2.The extension of database file in Access is .Accdb . _____

3. A modem can convert only digital signal to a analog signal. ____

4. Pivot animator supports only GIF format for image ____.

5.An internet is a private network. ______________

VI. Answer the following – 20

1.How do you rotate and scale multiple figures?3

2.Name two commonly used protocols.2

3.Differeniate between (i)LAN and PAN (ii) JPEG and PAN.6

4.What are the two parts of the Design View.2

5.What is a primary key ?3

6. Explain any two functions of a DBMS.4



I. Fill in the blanks with correct answer - 10

Web browser , Increase, Google, Delete, formula , font, number,

workbook, one (1), copy

1. ________is a collection of worksheet.

2. The number of worksheet in a worksheet by default is ____.

3.When you cut (or) ______ a cell range , a dotted line appears around the cell range.

4.To delete the cell context, select the cell(s) & click the ________ key.

5._______are right-aligned by default.

6.To make the data look bigger, click the _______font size option .

7. A popular search engine is ________.

8.The font formatting commands are present in the _______group on the home tab.

9. You can make changes in the cell or in the _________ bar.

10.______ is a program that lets you see the web pages on the internet.

II. Answer the following questions : 20

1. Give the full forms of the following : i. .mil ii. .net iii. .jp

2. Name all the buttons present in the lower row in the Font group on Home Tab.

3.Which toolbar has Undo and Redo buttons?

4.Name the types of data you can enter in a worksheet.

5.Name the various categories of Smart Art Graphics

6.What is animation ?mention the four animation effect.

7.Name the three horizontal and vertical alignments of data in a cell.

8.How many rows and columns are there in a worksheet of Excel 2013?

III. Write True or false for the given statement. - 10

1.Calibri, Times New Roman, and Arial are examples of font. _____
2.A webpage is a document written in HTML. ______

3.The Internet is a network of only en thousand computers. _____

4.You can align the text at an angle in a cell. _____

5.To do the action again that you undid, click the Redo button on the Quick Access Toolbar.___

6.You cannot change the Row Height or Column width manually. ______

7.A worksheet is a page containing a grid of cells made up of rows and columns. ____

8.An Excel 2013 worksheet has 1,048,576 number of rows. ____

9.the Smart Art Graphics are grouped into five categories._____

10.A sound icon appears when an audio clip is inserted on the slide.____

IV. Label the following . 10



I. Fill in the blanks – 10

Myspace, Spybots, Crop, Write - Protected , Horizontally, Orange, Sixdegrees,

Caption, Stage, 480

1.The _______ coloured handle is called the origin handle.

2.Flip button is used he flip the selected figure _________.
3.To select a sprite , double - click on the _____.
4. The default stage size is _____ pixel wide by 360 pixels tall.
5.Spywares are also called as _______.
6.A computer virus cannot infect_________ dics.
7._______ are the First social networking site.
8. ________ were started by Tom Anderson.
9.If you want a part of the picture ,click the _______ button in the crop group on the format
10. A______ is a short description or a title that accompanies a graphic with or without a figure
II. Choose the correct option- 10

1.Pictures can be inserted in publisher from

a. Your computer b. Bing Image Search c. one drive d. All of these.
2. When you select a picture the pointer changes to a -____
a. Plus sign b. Arrow sign c. Four – Headed arrow
d.Pitcher sign
3._____allows people to watch and share self created videos .
a. Picasa b. Youtube c. Adobe photoshop d. None
of these.
4.Individuals articles on a blog are called ___
a.Blog posts b.e-mails c. documents d. None of these.
5. Which of the following are antivirus software programs _____
a. MCAfee virus scan b. Norton Antivirus c. Quick Heal Total Security d. All of these
6. The default value in the Scale box is ____
a.80% b. 100% c.200% d.None of these
7. Which color handle of the stick figure is used to move the entire figure ?
a. Red b. Orange c. Blue d. None of these

8.The Extension of scratch project is

a. .docx b. .pptx c. .xlsx d. .sb2
9. The Shrink button is used to make the sprite.
a. Bigger b. Smaller c. Invisible d. Duplicate
10.Which of the following is a method of spreading computer virus ?
a. E-mail b. Pen drive c. Both a & b d. None of these
III. Answer the following : 20

1. What is computer virus ?

2.What is the purpose of the orange handle in the stick figure ?

3.What are the main parts of the scratch window ?

4.Mention any three rules to avoid virus infections.

5. What is full form of FTP

6. What is use of Picasa software?

7.What are the four building blocks in publisher ?

8.What are the requirements for online gaming.

III. Label the following : 5

IV. True Or False . 5

1. Once you add the backdrop to a project , you cannot change it. ____

2.You cannot change the color of the stick figure. ____

3. You should delete spam mails without reading them.______.

4. Facebook was created by Tom Anderson. ______

5 .A thumbnail is a graphic image in reduced size.______



I. Fill in the blanks : 10

1. The formula in Excel starts with an _________ sign.

2.A _________ is a secret sequence of characters that enables a user to control access to a computer,
a program, or a file.
3.______ rearrange the data in ascending or descending order.
4.Textboxopion is available on the ______ tab.
5.To insert a textbox , Click the insert tab and in the ______ group, click the Textbox option.
6. A _______ is a page containing a grid of cells made up of rows and columns.
6._______ refers o access points that offer wireless internet connection at homes and public places.
7.______ is a set of rules followed by computers in a network for communication.
8. You can insert mathematical symbols and equations using the ____ group on the Insert tab.
9.A _____ is a Pre-designed presentation that includes custom formatting and designs.
10. Smart Art option is available on the ______ tab.
Answer the following(very short) : 10

1. How can you stop a running slide show ?

2.What is an Instant image of computer screen called ?
3.Name the IT professional who develops computer program.
4.What is a chart?
5.Name the symbol used to start an Excel formula.
6.How many rows and columns are there in an Excel worksheet?
7.Name the tab that has option to format the background of a slide.
8.Which tab and group has the option to insert mathematical symbols.
9.What is the advantage of a table in Excel.
10.What is the full form of ICT and Wi-Fi.
Answer the following ( Short) : 15

1. Mention few advantages of Networking.

2.How will you insert textbox in your slide ?
3.What is an animation ? What is its importance.
4.Name any two ICT tools used in education.
5.How will you convert a table to a range.
Choose the correct option. 10

1. The _______ tab has all the commands required for inserting various objects.
2._____ is a special sound or visual effect applied to the objects on a slide.
3. The name of the column next to column Z is
a. ZA b. AZ c. AA D.Z1
4. The Function used to find out the maximum value in a series is
5. Which of the following chart represents a single data series?
a. Line chart b. Column chart c. Scatter chart d. Pie chart.
6. A strong password usually has
a. 10 or more characters b. Special characters
c. Combination of upper and lower – case letters. d. Buying a software .
7. Which one is not a valid command in tracking group of Review tab?
a. All markup b. No mark up c. Hide markup d. Simple markup
8. In word 2013, Options option is available on clicking the ______ tab.
a. Home b. File c. Insert d. None of these
9. It is an eight –wired connector commonly used o connect an NIC with a hub.
a. Rj- 45 b. Router c. Modem d. None of these
10.Multimedia application may contain.
a. Sound b. Animation c. Video d. All of these.

V. Long answer - 5
1. Difference between LAN & PAN
2.Write the steps to insert an equation in a word 2013 document .

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