DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W4
DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W4
DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W4
The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-skeletal, integumentary, digestive ,circulatory
B. Performance Standards excretory, respiratory and nervous systems.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Explain how the organs of each Explain how the organs of each Explain how the organs of each Explain how the organs of each Explain how the
Write the LC code for each organ system work together organ system work together organ system work together (S6LT- organ system work together (S6LT- organs of each organ
(S6LT-IIc-d-1) (S6LT-IIc-d-2) IIc-d-3) IIc-d-4) system work together
Describes a person’s reaction in Identifies the main parts of the Describes a healthy body
a given situation. nervous system. Identifies the different ways of maintaining a healthy body.
Describes the function of each Practices the different ways of maintaining a healthy body.
part of the nervous system
How Do Parts of the Nervous How Do Parts of the Nervous How Do You Maintain a Healthy How Do You Maintain a Healthy HOLIDAY
II. CONTENT System Works? System Works? Body? Body? I’DL ADHA
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Adduru,
Adduru, pp. 91-106 Adduru, pp. 91-106 Adduru, pp. 108-116 pp. 108-1116
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Video Presentation Charts, Video Presentation Charts Charts, Power Point Presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or ENGAGEMENT: ENGAGEMENT: ENGAGEMENT: ENGAGEMENT: Ask, “Are You
presenting the new lesson Show a sharp object and ask, “If Ask the pupils, “Can you do two Review the different body systems Healthy?” “What makes you
you are suddenly hurt with this things at the same time?” and their functions. healthy”
sharp object, what is your Ask, “What happens when one of
reaction?” the major organs of the body does
not function well?”
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture of a mother Telling What Will Happen Next. Are You Healthy With or Without Smoke
lesson calling for her daughter. Ask, Analyze each situation and write Do you do the following practices? 1 Work in groups of three. Write
“What is the stimulus in this down what will happen next. Write YES or NO on the blank. survey questions to find out if the
picture?” What is the You can also act or dramatize 1 _I take a bath and keep my body pupils enrolled in your school are
response?”. the situation. clean daily. safe and free from cigarette smoke.
1 You are walking along the 2_I eat French fries, hamburger Do their father or mother smoke?
pathway when you heard and take soft drinks everyday. Are there other members of the
someone calling your name. 3_I always quarrel with my family who smoke? Have they been
What will you do? classmates with a smoker on their way to and
2 Jim is wiping a table when he 4_I often sleep late at night. from school?
felt something painful in her 5_I drink a lot of water and fruit 2 Interview at least ten pupils.
finger. How will Jim react? juices. 3 Tally the result through a chart.
4 Describe the results. Are your
schoolmates safe and free from
cigarette smoke?
5 Compare your findings with the
other groups.
D. Discussing new concepts EXPLANATION: (Video EXPLANATION: (Power Point EXPLANATION: EXPLANATION: : (Power Point
Presentation) Presentation) -A healthy body means the person Presentation)
-The central nervous system -The nervous system consists of is strong, free from diseases -In order to maintain a healthy body,
receives information from the the nerves, spinal cord and the always happy and smiling, alert, one must have adequate nutrition,
sensory nerves and responds to brain, which work together as smart, has good disposition and have enough rest and exercise, avoid
the information by sending the control system of the body. can relate well with others. alcoholic drinks, stay away from
messages through the motor -The brain and the spinal cord - A normal body is a healthy illegal drugs, refrain from smoking
nerves to various parts of the make up the central nervous body and what is healthy varies and stay away from a smoker,
body. system, which processes all from individual to individual. observe proper hygiene and
- The central nervous system incoming and outgoing A healthy body is best determined maintain environmental sanitation,
receives and interprets messages in the body. by looking at a comparison of learn to manage stress and consult
information and directs the -All the nerves make up the height, weight, body fat ratio, the doctor when not feeling well.
body what to do. peripheral nervous system. fitness, diet, and hydration.
-The central nervous system -The sensory nerves gather
consists of the brain and the information from the
spinal cord. The brain controls environment that they send to
everything you do. It enables the central nervous system.
you to speak, to remember, to -The motor nerves transmit
memorize and to move your impulses from the brain to the
bones and muscles in muscles and glands of the body
coordinated ways. It controls for proper reaction/action.
the beating and the emotions of
your heart and allows you to
perform so many things even
while you are asleep.
E. Continuation of the discussion Activity: Measuring Your Activity: Fill in the blank boxes Activity: Are you healthy? Describe Activity: List down the food that you
of new concepts (leads to Reaction Time with the correct word or a healthy person. should eat to obtain a balanced diet.
Formative Assessment 2) Let’s find out: How long does it phrases to complete the Think of words that tell what a Consider the food pyramid.
take the brain to send message concept map. healthy person is.
to your arm muscles? Fill up the word map by writing
Let’s use this materials: words in small circles that
Chair, meterstick describes a healthy person. Then
Let’s do it this way: draw a healthy person and write
1 Get a partner to work with “Healthy Person” in the big circle.
2 Sit on chair with one arm in a
“handshake” position.
3 Let your partner stand facing
you holding the meter stick
vertically, with 0 at the bottom.
4 Your partner will drop the
meterstick. You have to catch
the meter stick between your
thumb and fingers.
5 Look at the centimeter on the
meter stick where you have
grasped or held it. This is the Data:
distance representing your
reaction time. Record it. Day Breakfast Lunch Supper
6 Repeat steps 1-5 three times.
Record your data. Calculate the 1
average distance. 2
7 Repeat steps 1-6 using your 3
other hand. 4
8 Exchange places with your 5
partner and do the same
L. Developing mastery (leads to Answer the questions; Fill in the blanks with the correct Get a partner and discuss your Fill in the blanks; .
Formative Assessment 3) 1 Compare the result of your parts of the nervous system. answers. What do you do to have Let learners write the appropriate
reaction time with your partner. 1 ___receives information a healthy body? word/s to make the statement
through the sense organ. correct.
2 What does your reaction time
2 __relays the impulse to the 1 Have ______ nutrition.
indicate? brain 2 Be physically ___ through exercise
3 __receives, interprets the and enough ____.
impulse and sends signals to the 3 ______ alcoholic drinks.
motor neuron. 4 Stay away from _____ drugs
4 __transmit the impulse to the 5 Cigarette is ___ good for the body.
muscles for proper action.
M. Finding practical applications of What happens when the central Draw and describe the reflex What does your body need to Make a campaign material about a
concepts and skills in daily nervous system does not actions in any of the following need in order to become healthy? healthful lifestyle to be posted on
living function well? stimuli. the board.
(reflective approach) 1 Dust in the nose
2 Very loud noise
N. Making generalizations and The central nervous system -The nervous system consists of -A healthy body means the person -In order to maintain a healthy body,
abstractions about the lesson receives information from the the nerves, spinal cord and the is strong, free from diseases one must have adequate nutrition,
sensory nerves and responds to brain, which work together as always happy and smiling, alert, have enough rest and exercise, avoid
the information by sending the control system of the body. smart, has good disposition and alcoholic drinks, stay away from
messages through the motor -The brain and the spinal cord can relate well with others. illegal drugs, refrain from smoking
nerves to various parts of the make up the central nervous - A normal body is a healthy and stay away from a smoker,
body system, which processes all body and what is healthy varies observe proper hygiene and
- The central nervous system incoming and outgoing from individual to individual. maintain environmental sanitation,
receives and interprets messages in the body. A healthy body is best determined learn to manage stress and consult
information and directs the -All the nerves make up the by looking at a comparison of the doctor when not feeling well.
body what to do. peripheral nervous system. height, weight, body fat ratio,
-The central nervous system -The sensory nerves gather fitness, diet, and hydration.
consists of the brain and the information from the
spinal cord. The brain controls environment that they send to
everything you do. It enables the central nervous system.
you to speak, to remember, to -The motor nerves transmit
memorize and to move your impulses from the brain to the
bones and muscles in muscles and glands of the body
coordinated ways. It controls for proper reaction/action.
the beating and the emotions of
your heart and allows you to
perform so many things even
while you are asleep.