Intertek INMETRO Ordinance No 384 2020 IT
Intertek INMETRO Ordinance No 384 2020 IT
Intertek INMETRO Ordinance No 384 2020 IT
A new ordinance in
Brazil brings significant
changes to the process of
auditing and certifying
medical electrical
equipment in devices in the
country. Intertek is
committed to making the
transition smooth and
effective for manufacturers.
Documents and records of compliance With engineers and technicians at 12 Centers Americas
needed to meet the necessary requirements of Excellence and 23 labs across the world +1 800 WORLDLAB (967 5352)
and verified at the factory must be obtained dedicated to testing medical devices
and analyzed during the audit process. equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, Europe/Spain
Intertek understands the latest technologies +34 902 377 388
and the regulatory requirements products
must meet. Our focus on quality, safety and Asia
sustainability allows Intertek to help +852 2173 8888
customers successfully launch new medical
devices to various global markets, including
Brazil. [email protected]