Assignment 5 - Goal Reflection - Deepalisood

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Goal Setting Update


Course Code: BUSN10224
Course Name: Innovation Management

Question 1
Copy and paste the SMART goal table you completed for Assignment 1, Question 2. If you received any
feedback for improvement on that assignment, make sure to update your SMART goal accordingly.
Instructions Updated Response
Specific Specify your goal. I will daily contribute at least three hours taking two
subjects a day to complete the assignments and do
the necessary readings.
Measurabl Define a measurable metric you It will be like two assignments each of both the
e intend to use to measure your subjects which will take two hours and at least the
progress achieving this goal. last one hour (each half hour for each subject
readings). If time permits, then I will read more
additional knowledge from the given resources in
the particular subjects.
Attainable Outline the resources you may My time slots would be fixed like I will allot morning
need to accomplish this goal. two hours for the assignments (after breakfast). I
Are they within reach? need to continue this habit consistently as it is
Elaborate on how accessible the required. I should check it whether my daily targeted
resources you need are. aim should not overlap with the routine of my family
and personal life.
Relevant Describe how relevant this goal Doing and accomplishing assignments regularly
is to your would not only provide peace to my mind but will
personal/academic/professional also motivate me. It will increase my spheres of
goals. knowledge and it will also allow me to complete
tasks more and more. I will learn new things daily
which will also enhance and level up my skills. To
attain any thing it is mandatory to first get your level
Time- Specify a deadline for your goal. My goal/aim is to do all the assignments, projects,
bound learnings in a year by contributing myself for at least
three hours dedicatedly with determination to the
course. That three hours should be worthwhile; it
must be qualitative; if not completed in three hours,
then I should give more half an hour to complete a
dedicated day task.

Question 2
Summarize your progress with the goal you came up with at the beginning of this course. You set a
measurable metric for yourself t stay on

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track with achieving your goal, make sure to refer to that as you are answering this question (that is, if
you planned to finish 4 chapters of a course by week 2, consider how many chapters you have finished
so far and compare it to your initial plan).

The goal at which I am daily contributing three hours for the assignments and readings has been
completed 60% so far. I am in huge progress. I have completed 11 assignments so far which keep
me motivated to do more for further. Reading part has also been recovered. I have completed
three books’ reading so far out of six subjects of the 1 st semester and this target is motivating me
and leading me forward to achieve my bigger goal. If this consistency will resist then definitely I will
get good marks in my degree course. Perhaps I am having thorough knowledge of my course by
fulfilling all the desired targets set by me for each day. I was supposed to complete thirteen
assignments so far but I have completed eleven assignments, I am lagging behind by two
assignments but then also I am in depth of progress and this three hours daily routine is motivating
me more to do. My daily routine track is good; only thing is continuity and consistency is the also
necessitate if required to achieve further a bigger goal.

Question 3
Are you on track with completing your goal on time?

If not, explain below what your biggest limitations or distractions have been. Once you have identified
the reasons you are behind on achieving your goal, come up with a plan moving forward. Remember,
goals are never set in stone, unless there is a hard deadline you are expected to follow. Otherwise, you
are free to make changes to your goal as you see fit!

On the other hand, if you are on track with achieving your goal, identify any strategies you have been
implementing to stay on top of your goal.

To increase the knowledge in ‘International Business Management’ at least of three hours daily for
one year -> two hours for the assignments and additional one hour for reading from today only till
the course ends should be given in the proper planned wise morning and evening routine basis.

To attain or increase knowledge in ‘Global / International Business Management’ dedication and

determination of daily three hour is required which should not overlap with any other routine or

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