Guidance & Counselling Centers Final

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SESSION: 2018-2019





Submitted on :03/09/2019.


 Guidance is a process through with an individual is able to solve their problems and pursue a
path suited to their abilities and aspirations. (Brewer)
 Guidance is a facilitative service, which provide aids to pupils and staff
 To help pupils determine the courses most appropriate to their needs and abilities
 find instructors who will be more sympathetic to their individual requirements and seek
out activities which will help them to realize their presentation           ( McBaniel)
 Guidance is an aspect of educational programme which is concerned especially with helping
the pupil to become adjusted to her present situation and to plan his future in line with her
interests, abilities and social needs.         (Hamrin and Erikson)


Guidance is all round assistance to individual in all aspect of his or her development. It makes
use of the science of psychology to determine the attitude, interest , intelligence, personality and
the discipline of the education for providing right and suitable assistance. It has
the characteristic of

 It is a process of helping or assisting an individual to solve their problems. It help them to

identify where to go, what to do and how to do for post accomplishment of their goals.
 It is a continuous process which start right from childhood , adolescence and continues over
in old age.
 It is assistance to the individual in the process of development rather than direction of that
 It is a service meant for all: its regular service which is required for every student, not only for
abnormal students.
 Guidance is an organized service not in incidental activity of the school.
 Guidance is more an art than science.
 Guidance is centered around the needs and aspiration of students.

According to Crow and Crow there are 14 significant principles for guidance they are

1. Every aspect of person’s complex personality pattern constitutes a significant factor of his
total displayed attitudes and form of behavior. Guidance service which are aimed at bringing
about desirable adjustments in any particular area of experience must take in to account, the
all round development of the individual.
2. Although all human beings are similar in many respect, individual difference must be
recognized and considered in any effort aimed at providing help or guidance to a particular
3. The functions of the guidance is to help a person
 Formulate and accept stimulating , worthwhile and attainable goals of behavior
 Apply the goals to conduct his behavior.
4. Existing social, economic and politic unrest is giving rise to many maladaptive factors that
require the cooperation of experienced and thoroughly trained guidance workers and the
individuals with the problem.
5. Guidance should be regarded as a continuing process of service to an individual from young
childhood through adulthood.
6. Guidance service should not be limited to the few who give observable evidence of its need,
but should be extended to the all person of all ages who can benefit there from either directly
or indirectly.
7. Curriculum materials and teaching procedure should evidence a guidance point of view.
8. Parents and teachers have guidance appointed responsibilities.
9. To administer guidance intelligently and with as thorough knowledge of the individual as is
possible , programs of individual evaluation should be conducted and accurate consultative
records of progress should made accessible to guidance workers.
10. An organized guidance programme should be flexible according to the individual and social
11. The responsibilities for administration of guidance programme should be centered in a
personally qualified and adequately trained person, working cooperatively with his assistance
and other community welfare and guidance agencies.
12. Periodical appraisal should be made for existing guidance programmes.
13. Guidance touches every phase of an individual’s life pattern.
14. Specific guidance problems on any age level should be referred to persons who are trained to
deal with particular areas of adjustment.


 Guidance is mainly preventive and developmental where as counseling is remedial as well as
preventive and developmental.
 Intellectual attitudes are the raw material of guidance but emotional rather than pure
intellectual attitude are the raw materials of counseling process.
 In guidance decision making operable at intellectual level, where as in counseling it operate at
emotional level.
 In educational context, counseling service is one among various service offered by guidance


 The Career Counselling Centre- Address: 320, Shekhar Central, Palasia Square, Near
Patwa Abhikaran, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001
 Guidance Clinic India Pvt. Ltd.- 287-C, Sai Baba Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001


Guidance and counseling have three fold functions namely adjustmental ,orientataional and


They help the student in making the best possible adjustment to the current situation in the
educational institution in the home and the community. It enable the student to accept the things
which they cannot change in life and differentiate what they can change and cannot change in


They orient the student in the problem of cancer planning, educational programming and
direction towards long term personal aims and values.


It is concerned with helping the people to achieve self development and self realization.


The need for guidance and counseling can be summarize as

1. To help is the total development of the students.

2. To arise students in leading a healthy life by abstaining from whatever is deterious to health.
3. To help the proper selection of educational programme.
4. To select career according to their interest and abilities.
5. To help students in vocational development.
6. To develop readiness for change and to face challenges.
7. To help fresher’s to establish proper written.
8. To identify and motivate students of the weaker society.
9. To help the students to overcome the period of turmoil and confusions.
10. Ensure proper utilization of time –spend outside the class.
11. To help in tackling problems arising out of student exploration and co-education.
12. To minimize the indiscipline.
13. To motivate youth for self-employment.

 Teachers in nursing institutions develop instructional plans, implement them and evaluate the
effectiveness of their students to acquire the knowledge and skill prescribed in the courses of
study. Students often encounter difficulties in understanding what is taught in the classrooms,
laboratories and clinical area. They will be found wanting in achieving the explicitly spelt out
instructional objectives.
 Under achievement, failures in examinations and tests, poor standards or assignments,
unsatisfactory involvement in the academic work by students are some of the often noticed
problems. These results in improper utilization of institutional facilities and resources,
unsatisfactory benefits, of the efforts of instruction and frustration to students.
 Efforts must be made to ensure that problems of the above types are solved to the maximum
 Towards this end, teachers and all others concerned need to analyze the causes of educational
problems and give adequate assistance to students to overcome them. 
 Educational guidance aims to maximize learning in students. The emphasis is on providing
assistance on them to achieve the best of their ability in all the prescribed courses of study.

Objectives of Educational Guidance

The following are the objectives of Education Guidance: 

 To monitor the academic progress of students studying in the in the institution. 

 To acquaint the students with the prescribed curriculum. 
 To identify the academically gifted, backward, creative and other category of special
 To cater to the educational needs of special learners. 
 To assist students in getting information about further education.

Principles of Educational Guidance

 The strategies that teachers adopt to plan and implement educationalguidance must be
appropriate to the problems for which guidance is needed.The following are some of the
principles on which educational guidance mustbe based:
 Educational guidance must be objective oriented.
 Every student is capable of achieving the best of his ability.
 Individual differences in academic achievement of students must be
 Educational guidance strategy must be student oriented.
 The strategies must take into consideration the resources and facilities
available to the students.
 Educational guidance is not for a few students only. It needs to be
provided for all.
 To help the students adjust with the new environment of the nursing
 To help students keep in touch with the latest trends in nursing and to
reap benefits from the trends.
 To help in developing qualities required for a successful nursing
 To help the students in getting adjusted with the clinical environment.


Guidance services are ‘those organized activities which aid each pupil in examining, evaluating
and choosing realistic personal goals and which help the pupil in the realistic of his goals’.

According to Kocher, in order to meet the diversified needs of students, an effective guidance
program will have to offer the following services:

1. The Pre-Admission Service

The preadmission service helps the high school students to get admission into the right course
once they complete their schooling.

2. The Admission Service

An admission service is concerned with admitting the right candidates for the right course for
maximum advantages both to the individual and to the society. Selecting those candidates whom
are most likely to succeed.
Admission services to be effective, will compromise a carefully framed criterion of admission,
some entrance test and interview. Admission service in nursing institutes should be centered on
the attitudes of the candidates. As far as nursing is concerned, it is easy to train 3 students with
right attitudes as compared to a student with undesirable attitude and high intelligence.

3. The Orientation Service

 The population that gets admitted to a secondary school is very heterogeneous. There are
students coming from towns and villages, from highly educated and totally illiterate
parents, from happy or unhappy homes, from economically strong and weak homes.
Also, they come from other schools with peculiar characteristics of their own.
 Adequate arrangements have to be made in schools ensuring efficiency of all these
students not only in scholarship but also in citizenship, social and vocational skills, a
sense of responsibility, courage and poise.
 Orientation programme is organized by the guidance and counseling department in
association with other faculty and staff.
 The first day session is mainly interactive session with the fresher’s and parents or
guardians with an intention to convince them about the facilities available for the
 Second day session is meant only for the fresher’s and deals with the confidence
building measures and matters related to education such as role of the faculty, utilization
of resources, role of the student etc.
 The orientation service is needed to Provide articulation and continuity from one set to
another, from one school to another Provide the new student with information about the
school, its history and traditions, its rules andregulations, its strong points and
limitations, facilities available etc.
 Help in social adjustment and citizenship education by welcoming the new student as
members having a specific place, rights and responsibilities.
 Provide a mutual process of learning on the part of old and new students and the faculty,
whereby each group becomes acquainted with the others, and each participates in an
ongoing process.

The orientation service may include:

 Issues of printed material: this may be in the form of a leaflet containing campus map
and the names of the staff members.
 Orientation day: a day at the beginning of new academic session may be given for
providing information to the students about the clubs and societies, cultural activities,
educational and vocational guidance and counseling, health services etc.
 Welcome desk at the entrance. Community tea and games. Social evening
 The Student Information Service
 A proper choice of courses and careers can only be made if the student has a good
knowledge of the opportunities available and the requirements of particular courses and
careers but also what he has to bring to any course or career that he may choose.
 The student information service is intended to:
 Assist the students to obtain a realistic picture of his abilities, interest, personality
characteristics, achievement in different subjects and activities, level of aspirations and
state of health.
 Enable the student to know himself on a socio comparative basis
 Provide a record of student’s progress
 Help the guidance workers and others to understand him more adequately.
 The service involves: Collecting the essential data about the student: there are many
sources from which pertinent and useful data about the student can be collected the
student himself, his previous record and certificates, psychological tests, questionnaires,
interviews. Orderly maintenance of records is essential to assist the student as well as his
teachers and parents in making important decisions.


 Information is an essential part of virtually every guidance programme whether we want

to assist the students in making better choices or helping them in better adjustmentas or
optimum development. This is the reason that information needs to be organized and
utilized as a distinct .n guidance service so as to:
 information provided by this service can be divided into three categories:
I. Educational information
II Occupational information
III Personal social information

 Educational service:
This type of information provides the following to the students:
Information regarding higher studies like post certificates, B.SC nursing, post graduate
programs, MPhil and PhD. Regarding post graduate educational programs, the
information should include the merits, limitations and scope of each speciality.
information regarding the entry criterion and institutions offerings these programs
should also be made available to the students.
 Details of information pertaining to clinically oriented higher studies such as trauma
nursing, dialysis nursing will help them to select the appropriate one according to their
interests and abilities. Current trends in nursing favour clinically oriented higher studies
than others
 Information regarding the trends in nursing services and way to make advantage from
the prevailing trends.
 Information related to the sources of knowledge like textbooks, journals, internet and the
ways and means of utilizing these sources effectively.
 Information regarding ways to develop positive learning habits, especially skilled
learning and positive transfer of learning.
 Occupational information: this type of information services serves the following.
 Provide a clear picture regarding the scope of nursing in terms of career opportunities so
that they can prepare in advance for selecting a good career.
Occupational information:
This type of information services serves the following.
 Provide a clear picture regarding the scope of nursing in terms of career opportunities so
that they can prepare in advance for selecting a good career.
 Give information regarding the ways of selecting a good career in nursing and achieving
career growth.
 Give information regarding the skills, abilities and other attributes required for a
particular career in nursing.
 Furnish detailed information internationally reputed qualifying examination like
 Examination etc and English language test like TOEFEL, IELTS etc.

 Give information regarding the ways to acquire mastery in English.

 Provide details regarding the sources of information related to job vacancies such as
 Columns of nursing journals and publications like employment news, assignments
abroad etc.
Personal social information:
This provides the following information to students:
 Information regarding the ways to lead a well rounded life
 Information pertaining to the ways to inculcate
 Essential qualities of a nurse such as empathy, compassion, commitment, perseverance
 Information regarding the way to deal with stress
 Information related to the development of a philosophy of life
 Information regarding the way and means to achieve
 Success in professional life without undermining the personal life.
 A variety of activities such as educational and career conferences, work experience
seminars, discussion groups and individual in interviews constitute the main media for
implementing the information service.
 A number of factors such as physical facilities, financial resources, the educational
philosophy of the institution, the psychological orientation of the guidance worker will
determine whether the information service will play a central or peripheral role in the
total guidance programme.
Follow-up is that review or systematic evaluation which is carried out to find out whether
guidance service is particular and educational program in general satisfies the needs of the
students. The extent to which the students have been able to achieve according to their abilities
and aptitudes, whether curricular and co-curricular choices have been wise, and how students
adjust to the part-time or whole time jobs is also taken into account. The students need to be
followed in order to determine the nature and extent of their need for further assistance.

The typical follow up method employs the techniques of interview, postcard survey or
questionnaire. Such approach has certain advantages and limitations.

For example, the interview results in the most valid information, but it is time consuming and
expensive. The post card survey is inexpensive and easy to conduct, but the results are extremely
limited. The questionnaire accomplishes some of the objective of the other techniques and it
overcomes, in part, the limitations of these approaches. The follow up can be maintained by
interviews with the students and those involved in his new setting, for example, his employer.

Information obtained through follow up techniques can be used for improving the curriculum,
stimulating better teaching, increasing the value of the guidance services and establishing better
school community relationships. For the success of this service, it is necessary that all members
of the staff join hands. There should also be some means of bringing about coordination in
follow up activities.

I. Books
 Basheer P. Shabeer (2015), Text book of nursing education. Bangalore. Emmess medical
 Maheshwari Anisha(2011), Communication and education technology for nurses.Indore.
NR brothers
 Neeraja KP (2011), Textbook of Communication and Education technology for nurses.
New Delhi. Jaypee Medical Publishers.


 Encyclopædia Britannica (2016), Guidance counseling Retrieved on 1/7/17 from
 Kellv(2016), Education and Training, Retrieved on 1/7/17 from
 Manitoba(2015), Education and Training, Retrieved on 1/7/17 from
 Nsgmed (2014), Guidance and Counselling- definition, principles, functions, difference.
Retrieved on 1/7/17 from

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