Time Management Asca Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Anais Cortes

Lesson Plan Title: Time Management Workshop

⬛ Single Classroom Lesson

□ Unit of Classroom Lessons: Lesson _____ of _____

□ Small-Group Session Lessons: Lesson _____ of _____

Target Audience: 9-12 grade students

Evidence Base:
⬛ Best Practice (commonly used and believed to be of high quality)
⬜ Action Research (individual investigates own practice to improve content/delivery)

⬜ Research-Informed (a review of research provides foundation for content/delivery)

⬜ Evidence-Based (highest level of evidence, results published in peer-reviewed journal)

ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives:

Identify 1–2 student standards relevant for this For each of the selected student standards, write
targeted group and goal: or select 1–2 learning objectives
(Best practice = select one)
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement Student Learning Objectives
B-SMS-1. Responsibility for self and actions Student(s) will:

Students will learn strategies to improve

B-LS 3. Time-management, time management skills by practicing
organizational, and study skills “prioritizing tasks.”

1. Chromebook/phone
2. Pencil or Pen

Updated, June 2021

Describe how you will:
Introduce Lesson (3 Minutes) Introduction
Topic/Focus: ● The counselor will begin by introducing oneself and the purpose
of the presentation: To identify barriers, understand how current
time is spent and how creating master, weekly, and daily
schedules are helpful.
● Pre-Survey administered.
● After this is completed, the counselor will begin the presentation.
Communicate the (1 Minutes) Lesson Objective
Lesson Objective: ● The objective of this lesson is for students to learn strategies to
improve their time management skills.
Teach Content: (6 Minutes) Breaking down Master, Weekly, Daily Schedule
● The school counselor will ask students to identify common
barriers to having good time management then list the benefits
of having good time management
● Students will have a chance to reflect on how they currently
spend their time by breaking it down into a pie chart
● The difference between a master, weekly, and daily schedule will
be taught
● Students will learn how to prioritize daily tasks by numbering
them 1-3.
Practice Content: (8 min) Prioritizing Assignments/Planning Time Worksheet
● Students will participate in the completion of prioritizing
assignments worksheet. Students will list their daily schedule and
assignments per period and then practice ranking them 1-3 in
order of priority. Students will also write how long they expect
their assignments to take.
Summarize/Close: (3 min) Additional Tips and Wrap Up
● Students will be provided with time to discuss questions or
● Post-Survey administered.

Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, complete this section only once for the unit.
Participation Data Plan:
Anticipated number 10-20 Students
of students:
Planned length of 15-20 Minutes

Updated, June 2021

ASCA Student Standards Data Plan:
For each lesson/unit/small group, school counselors will administer pre-/post-assessment aligned with the selected
ASCA Student Standards and student learning objectives.
Pre-/Post-Assessment items are:
1. Pre-Survey
2. Post-Survey
Outcome Data Plan: (choose one and describe specific data point to compare)

⬛Achievement (describe): School counselor will compare results of pre and post survey to
determine if students learned new time management skills that will improve their academics
and extracurriculars.
Attendance (describe):
Discipline (describe):

Follow-Up Plans
Explain your plan for students who missed the lesson.

● Students who miss this lesson can have the presentation emailed to them. They will also
be able to receive all resources that students who attended received as well.

Explain your plan for students who did not demonstrate mastery on the pre-/post-assessment
of student standards (M&B)/student learning objectives.

● Students who did not demonstrate mastery on the pre-/post-assessment will have the
opportunity to ask questions about the content. The school counselor may reach out to
the student to review their level of comprehension.

Updated, June 2021

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