MODULE 4.a. Sample Problems

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
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College of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Permeability (Sample Problems)

1. For a normally consolidated clay soil, the following values are given:
Void Ratio k (cm/sec)
1.1 0.302 x 10-7
0.9 0.12 x 10-7
See the table below to determine the following:
a. Determine the value of n.
b. Determine the value of C3.
c. Estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the clay at a void ratio of 0.75.

Empirical Relations for Hydraulic Conductivity

Relationship Purpose Formula
Hazen For fairly uniform sand k = C(D10)2
Casagrande For fine to medium clean sand k = 1.4e2K0.85
For fluid flow through a 𝑒3
Kozeny-Carman 𝑘 = 𝐶1
packed bed of solids 1+𝑒
Samarasinghe, Huang, For normally consolidated 𝑒𝑛
Drnevich clays 𝑘 = 𝐶3

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

2. A sand layer having the cross-section area as shown in the figure has been determined to
exist for a 350-meter length of the levee. The coefficient of permeability of the sand layer
is 3.5 m/day. Determine the flow of water into the ditch in L/min.

3. The figure shows layers of soil in a tube that is 100mm x 100mm in cross-section. Water is
supplied to maintain a constant head difference of 400mm across the sample. The
hydraulic conductivities of the soils in the direction of flow through then are as follows:
Soil k (cm/sec) Porosity, n
A 1 x 10 25%
B 3 x 10-3 32%
C 4.9 x 10-4 22%
a. Calculate the equivalent k in m/sec.
b. Calculate the rate of water in cm 3/hr.
c. Calculate the interstitial velocity through soil C in m/sec.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

4. Given is the stratified soil shown in the figure. The properties of each soil are as follows:
• Coefficient of permeability:
k1 = 6.25 cm/hr, k2 = 5.75 cm/hr, k3 = 4.50 cm/hr, k4 = 6.25 cm/hr, k5 = 8.15 cm/hr,
k6 = 3.60 cm/hr
• Thickness:
H = 1.20m, H3 = 0.30m, H4 = 0.50m, H5 = 0.40m
• Length:
L1 = 0.8m, L2 = 0.7m, L3 = 1.5m, L4 = 0.9m
• Head, h = 1.8m
a. Determine the total flow per meter.
b. Determine the equivalent coefficient of permeability.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives
5. A permeability pumping test was carried out in a confined aquifer with the piezometric
level before pumping is 2.18 m. below the ground surface. The aquiclude (impermeable
layer) has a thickness of 5.7 m. measured from the ground surface and the confined
aquifer is 7.6 m. deep until it reaches the aquiclude (impermeable layer) at the bottom. At
a steady pumping rate of 15.6 m3/hr, the drawdown in the observation wells were
respectively equal to 1.62 m. and 0.47 m. The distances of the observation wells from the
center of the test well were 15 m. and 32 m., respectively.
A. Compute the depth of water at the farthest observation well.
B. Compute the coefficient of permeability.
C. Compute the transmissivity of the impermeable layer.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

6. A 300 mm diameter test well penetrates 27 m. below the static water table. After 24 hours
of pumping at 69 liters/sec, the water level in an observation well at a distance of 95 m.
from the test well is lowered 0.5 m. and the other observation well is lowered 35 m. from
the test well, the drawdown is 1.1 m.
a. What is the rate of flow in m3/day.
b. Compute the coefficient of permeability of the aquifer in m/day.
c. Compute the transmissivity of the aquifer in m 2/day.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

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