MODULE 4.a. Sample Problems
MODULE 4.a. Sample Problems
MODULE 4.a. Sample Problems
College of Engineering
Permeability (Sample Problems)
1. For a normally consolidated clay soil, the following values are given:
Void Ratio k (cm/sec)
1.1 0.302 x 10-7
0.9 0.12 x 10-7
See the table below to determine the following:
a. Determine the value of n.
b. Determine the value of C3.
c. Estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the clay at a void ratio of 0.75.
3. The figure shows layers of soil in a tube that is 100mm x 100mm in cross-section. Water is
supplied to maintain a constant head difference of 400mm across the sample. The
hydraulic conductivities of the soils in the direction of flow through then are as follows:
Soil k (cm/sec) Porosity, n
A 1 x 10 25%
B 3 x 10-3 32%
C 4.9 x 10-4 22%
a. Calculate the equivalent k in m/sec.
b. Calculate the rate of water in cm 3/hr.
c. Calculate the interstitial velocity through soil C in m/sec.