M5 2241 Cepc19 2

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SUBJECT: CEPC-19 Geotechnical Engineering-1
End Semester Examination 30 Marks
SEMESTER: IV DATE: 24.07.2020
BATCH: B TIME: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM

Section-1 (5 x 3)
a. Prove that water content of partially saturated soil can be expressed as
1 − ( 𝑤⁄𝐺 )
( 𝑤⁄𝑆 − 1)
b. In order to determine the bulk density of soil insitu, 4.7 kg of soil was extracted from a hole at
the surface of the soil. The hole required 3.65 kg of loose dry sand for its filling. If it takes 6.75
kg of the same sand to fill a calibrating can of 4.5 litre capacity determine the bulk density of
the soil.
c. A soil has following properties
LL = 45 %, PL =33%, SL= 21%
If the specimen of this soil shrinks from a volume of 11 cm3 at liquid limit to 8.05 cm3 at the
shrinkage limit. Calculate the specific gravity of the solids.
d. Comment on the various parameters that influence consolidation in soil.
e. A drainage pipe beneath a dam has become clogged with sand whose k = 10m/day. It has been
observed that the flow through the pipe is 0.15 m3/day when the difference of water level on
the upstream and downstream is 20 m. If the cross sectional area of the pipe was 200 cm2, what
length of the pipe was filled with sand.
Section-1I (3 x 5)
f. Construct a Newmark’s Chart for an Influence value of 0.003 and for a depth of 4 cm. Also
find the stresses beneath center point ‘A’ of the building at a depth of 2 m exerting a uniform
load of 200 kPa




g. A series of shear test was performed on a soil. Each test was carried out until the soil sample
sheared and the principal stresses for each test are as follows.

Test Confining Pressure Pore Water Deviator stress

(kN/m2) Pressure (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
1. 250 140 1020
2. 500 20 1240
3. 1000 240 1700
Plot the Mohr Circle for total and effective stress and determine the shear strength envelop and
angle of internal friction of soil.
h. A clay layer of 10 m thickness underlies a sand stratum of 10 m and overlies a pervious layer.
The sand layer carries a point load of 10 MN. Assume e=0.70 and G=2.72, LL=60% and cv=25
x 10-3cm2/s. The water table is located 5 m above the top of the clay layer. Find how long
would the clay take to settle 4.7 cm.


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