Review of Hussain Sagar Lake Pollution, Hyderabad, India

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-2, Mar-Apr- 2018 ISSN: 2456-1878

Review of Hussain Sagar Lake Pollution,

Hyderabad, India
P. Mahammed Rafi1, Acharya Jyothi Kusum2
Asst. Professor, Mallareddy Institute of Technology and Sciences, Hyderabad, India
Associate Professor, Mallareddy Institute of Technology and Sciences, Hyderabad, India

Abstract— Hussain sagar lake, a historical lake which was bodies like streams and rivers, mostly the natural lakes are
built in 1562 by Hussain Shaw Wali is situated in the heart formed at mountain areas, where as the artificial lakes are
of Hyderabad city, India. Earlier up to 1930’s, it was the also constructed in and around the cities to meet the water
major water source to meet drinking and irrigation demand of that particular area, and also to serve wastewater
requirements for both twin cities of Hyderabad and basins for the catchment area they existed. Lakes can retain
Secunderabad. Now this lake turned to virtual garbage bin the waste materials without disturbing ecosystem up to
with no adequate treatment for wastewater loads originated certain extent, but when the discharging wastewater loads
from point and non point sources. Therefore the lake loses increasing, they will lose the ability of self purification
the capability of self purification system which was an process. Due to rapid industrialization and population
important factor that depends on the maximum uptake of growth, the requirement of water being increased at
oxygen from the atmosphere. Multiple projects were alarming rate in order to meet the water requirements of
undertaken by the concerned authorities for the future generation, there is great need of protecting water
improvement of Hussain sagar lake and its catchment area. bodies to promote sustainable development [1].
Recently With referring to the Lake health status, In 2006, Many Rivers and natural water bodies across the world are
HMDA, a governing body set up by Andhra Pradesh being polluted by domestic and industrial sewage due to a
Government, initiated “Hussainsagar Lake and Catchment wide range of pollutants. Some of the pollutants are
Area Improvement project” and set up STPs and persistent and stable environmental contaminants [2].
wastewater interception and diversion structures. It also Domestic sewage poses health related issues while
installed fountains to aerate the lake to improve its water industrial effluents carry a wide variety of toxic elements
quality as well as to add beauty. But these measures are like Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg and Zn which can cause significant
lying ineffective to manage wastewater loads. toxicity even in trace amounts. The pollutants enter various
This paper discusses that the Hussain Sagar lake water parts of environment by anthropogenic activities as well as
body over decades, has been polluted adversely from natural processes and degrade the surface and ground water
discharging of organic and inorganic pollutants through quality and make them unsuitable for drinking, industrial,
open drains as well as point and non point sources and also irrigation, recreation or other purposes [3,4].
presents various measures had taken to rejuvenate Hussain Water bodies in flowing state normally have the capacities
Sagar Lake to its past glory. to purify itself from the contamination of external sources
Keywords— Hussain sagar lake, Oxygen uptake, Self discharge into the river [5,6]. Self-purification of water is a
purification capacity, organic pollutants. tedious process involving physical, chemical and biological
processes that occur simultaneously, allows lakes to restore
I. INTRODUCTION its natural state over a certain period [7.8].
Lakes are one of the surface water sources for the human The process of purification is mainly depends on absorption
needs, and they are most useful for developmental activities and dissolution of atmospheric oxygen from the water body
in and around the areas where they existed, they serve surface. This absorbed and dissolved oxygen (DO) is
infiltration source for ground water, for recharge of water to necessary for the growth of bacteria to break down the
the water table, in addition to these, lakes can receive organic and inorganic pollutants thereby reducing its
domestic sewage and industrial effluents from the strength for a period of time [9]. Self-purification capacity of
catchment area they existed and turn into disposal sites for water bodies is mainly depends on natural factors. These
waste water. In contrast to the perennial flowing water include the water velocity, depth, discharge and temperature Page | 543

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-2, Mar-Apr- 2018 ISSN: 2456-1878
. The turbulent of water bodies helps the river to very discharge mostly domestic sewage into the lake. The
clean because of the natural capacity to absorb and digest Kukatpally Nalla was seen to be discharging a mix of
pollutants at a very high rate. Stagnant water bodies tend to domestic sewage and industrial effluents into the lake from
become septic because of the low rate of oxygen absorption. the northern side. This practice of discharging municipal
Furthermore, the depth of the water body also affects the sewage, industry effluents and storm-water from over 240
rate of diffusion and mixing of the absorbed oxygen [11]. square kilometres increased the content of organic matter,
The temperature of water is high; low DO concentration nitrogen and phosphorus. This suspended organic matter,
because biological and chemical activity increases [12]. At a rich in nutrients, caused eutrophication that allowed growth
certain temperature the saturated dissolved oxygen is the of algal blooms and water hyacinth[14].
maximum DO level that a river can attain. Maximum DO
ranges from 14.6 mg/L of DO at 00c to 7.2 mg/L at 350c [13].
Hussain Sagar Lake :
Hussain Sagar Lake was built in 1562 during the reign of
the Qutb Shahi dynasty at Golkonda fort as shown in fig.1.
It is an artificial lake built on a tributary of River Musi. The
lake joins the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad besides
adding an aesthetic appeal to the twin cities. The lake water
was utilized for irrigation and drinking water needs from
1884 to 1930. The total catchment area of the lake is 240
square kilometres (93 sq mi). Through four main feeder
nalas named Picket Nala, Kukatpally Nala, Banjara Nala Fig.1: Satellite image of Hussain Sagar Lake
and Balkapur Nalla, wastewater from the catchment area
reaches the lake. Till 1930s, the lake was the major source The lake is mainly fed largely by the Kukatpally nala,
of water supply to the population of Hyderabad and later on which contributes domestic and industrial effluents from the
it turns into wastewater basin as the lake has gradually Kukatpally industrial area while other nalas discharges
started receiving sewage and industrial effluents through the domestic sewage flows only as shown in Table 1. Thus the
feeder nallas. The Picket Nalla discharges mostly domestic water quality of the lake deteriorating due to the inflow of
sewage throughout the year into the lake from the north- polluted water into the Hussain Sagar Lake.
eastern side. Similarly the Banjara Nalla (from north-
western side) and Balkapur Nalla (from western side)

Table.1: Inflows of domestic sewage and Industrial effluents

Name of the Nala Domestic Industrial Total flow, Remarks
flow, MLD flow, MLD MLD
Kukatpally nala 55 15 70 Interception and diversion (I&D)
Picket nala 6 --- 6 Interception and diversion after pumping,
Proposed STP (30 MLD capacity)
Banjara nala 6 --- 6 Interception and diversion (I&D)
Balkapur nala 13 --- 13 STP (20 MLD capacity)
Total 80 15 95 50 MLD Treatment by Two STPs

II. LITERATURE REVIEW being heavily polluted by potentially toxic elements (PETs)
The immersion of Ganesh idols in the lake every year has . Besides adding silt, studies indicate that these
made it worse. It was reported that the water quality of immersions have increased the pollution levels in the lake.
Hussainsagar Lake is deteriorated with many heavy metals The sediment and pore water analysis has shown elevated
concentration in elevated levels than the ICMR standards concentration of Cr & Pb indicating settlement of various
. It has also been reported that the kukatpally nallah pollutants at bottom of lake [17]. All lakes serve to recharge
carries the major quantity of pollutants which was the water table. But because of heavy pollution of Hussain
determined by the sediment analysis at kukatpally nalla sagar Lake, many of pollutants get carried into underground Page | 544

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-2, Mar-Apr- 2018 ISSN: 2456-1878
water bodies. Though percolation filters many pollutants, content in the water and help aquatic life as well as to add
open wells or bore wells receive certain pollutants causing the beauty to the lake. Additionally, a new 30 MLD sewage
ground water pollution. Elevated levels of certain chemicals treatment plant (STP) on the Picket nalla and 20 MLD STP
like Hg, Cd, Pb & Ni have been reported around Hussain adjacent to Khairatabad Flyover at Balkapur nalla,
sagar lake[18]. construction of ring sewers around the lake and a small
Cleaning the Hussain Sagar lake programme: treatment plant of 5 MLD at Rangadhamini chervu were as
To address the lake water quality, Hyderabad Metropolitan a part of project implementation. Dredging and disposal of
Development Authority (HMDA) has made efforts to sediment was also planned for this project. It was said that
restore a highly polluted Hussain sagar Lake to its pristine dredging from Picket nalla, Balkapur nalla and Banjara
glory. The project entitled “Hussainsagar Lake and nalla will result in extraction of 7 lakh cu.m of non
catchment area improvement project” which initiated in hazardous and nutrient rich sediment. Similarly many more
March 2006, aims at improving lake water quality by projects are running today with aim of cleaning the lake
preventing entry of pollutants into lake from both point and such as A Clean Hussain sagar campaign (launched in
non-point sources of pollution, besides removal of nutrient 2013) and Canadian technology to rejuvenate Hussain sagar
rich sediment. Interception and diversion of dry weather lake (March 2017).
flows, improvement of nallas in catchment area [14]. Many projects are undertaken for the improvement of
As part of the project, seven fountains were installed in the Hussain sagar lake and its catchment area as shown in
lake in September 2011 to improve the dissolved oxygen Table2.

Table.2: Interventions undertaken for Hussain sagar lake improvement

S.No Name of the project Scheme Budget, rupees Year of Status
1. Abatement of pollution of MCH 40 Crore 1998 Completed
Hussain sagar lake project
2. Green Hyderabad HUDA Not Available 2002 Completed
Environment Programme
3. Musi River Action Plan NRCD 344 Crore 2004 Completed
4. Hussain sagar lake and HMDA 370 Crore 2006 Completed
Catchment area Improvement

Need of the Study - Examining health status of Hussain Sagar Lake

Hussain Sagar Lake built in 1562 by Hazrat Hussainshah from past to present
Wali was the major water resource for the both hyderabad - Examining of Self purification capacity of the
and secunderbad. Earlier up to 1930’s it was used for the Lake
daily needs of people, later on due to rapid urbanization as
well as industrialization it turns to sewage effluent tank with III. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY:
insufficient treatment due to heavy loads of pollutants. Study site:
Hence the lake loses the capability of self purification It is estimated that nearly 350 MLD (Million Liters/ Day) of
system. In order to restore the capacity of self purification polluted water and sewage originating from the twin cities
system of the lake as well as to promote sustainable of Hyderabad and Secunderabad flow into the Musi river
development of Lake Ecosystem by stopping ground water [19]
. Out of 350 MLD, 95 – 120 MLD sewage was recieving
contamination and managing water quality in rivers to its to the lake after it was treated with the treatment plants (20
downstream, proper measures must be taken to bring down MLD STP and 30 MLD STP) which were set up upstream
the pollutant loads to an acceptable range in the lake and of lake and a very little quantity of sewage with no
also improvement of health status of the Lake. treatment [20].
Over a decade, Hussain sagar lake receiving huge amount
Objectives of the study of waste water through four major inflow nallahs, namely,
Picket, Balkapur and Banjara channels are located at north, Page | 545

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-2, Mar-Apr- 2018 ISSN: 2456-1878
south and southwest directions of lake and receiving about sites to the lake [21]. Numerous efforts to clean it have failed.
30, 17 and 15 million liters per day (MLD) of treated and The Lake water is highly polluted while huge wastewater
untreated wastewater respectively. Kukatpally nallah loads recieving. Therefore the water health status is
located at northwest direction of the lake having four necessory to make the Hussain Sagar Lake clean. The
industrial estates and receiving 60 to 70 MLD of domestic salient features of Hussain Sagar Lake are presented in the
& industrial effluents, and all these four stations are inflow below given Table 3.
Table.3: Features of Hussain Sagar Lake
Item Description
Inlets 4 Major nalas, namely, Banjara Nala, Picket Nala,
Kukatpally Nala and Balkapur Nala
Outlets 2 surplus weirs & 4 sluice gates
Max. Depth 32 ft.
Water Spread Area 4.7 square kms
Total Catchment Area 240 km
Direct Catchment Area 67 km
Capacity 23.5million cubic meters
Circumference 14 km
Surface Elevation 1,759ft

Methodology: The adopted methodology for this study is to assess the

Water samples were sampled from different locations in the health condition of the lake with respect to the level of
lake at different seasons and transferred into pre cleaned pollutant concentrations prevailing in it.
polythene containers for analysis of pollutants using the  Reviewing the treatment plants based on the
standard procedures recommended by APHA [22]. Pollution quantity of wastewater load.
indicator parameters like dissolved oxygen (DO), BOD,  Reviewing scientific approaches to restore self
COD, total nitrogen and phosphates are considered for the purification system of the lake.
study of reviewing the water quality status of the Hussain  Recommendations to promote sustainable
Sagar lake, Hyderabad. development by protecting aquatic ecosystem at
study area.


Previous studies on Hussain sagar lake:
Table.4: VISION LABS REPORT, 27.03.2017
Parameters Hussain sagar lake sampling point BIS (2012)
Budda sattue Lake outlet at boats Lake at Necklace STANDARDS
club road
pH 7.2 7.3 7.28 6.5-8.5
Turbidity 31.6 27.1 39.7
EC 1616.70 1506 1582 1500
T.Akalinity 467 508 489 200
TDS 848 852 866 500
TSS 36.9 219 216 100
Cl- 118.4 116.6 117.2 250
SO42- 200
NO3- 14.16 12.76 13.84 45
T.Nitrogen 28.6 27.6 29 10
Phosphorous 4.2 3.94 3.96 5
DO 3.4 3.9 4.4 4 Page | 546

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-3, Issue-2, Mar-Apr- 2018 ISSN: 2456-1878
BOD 41.8 50.2 53.4 30
COD 122.8 153.2 146.8 250

It was noted from the Table 4 that the values of BOD were there is no big evidence of eutrophication. Total suspended
observed at high concentration which indicates the presence solids was existed in the range of 146 – 278 mg/l at the
of considerable pollution in the lake waters, Chlorides of outset even though the lake was fully contaminated the
water samples were observed ranging from 108-126 mg/l, consistency in the pollutant concentration remains same as
Dissolved oxygen was observed in the range of 1.7-21.8 there is no big differentiation of physico chemical analysis
mg/l, Ammonical nitrogen was existed in the range of 4 – of lake water during the three months period of analysis due
29 mg/l, Nitrates were in the range of 10 -24 mg/l and total to the less inflow of water as the rain fall intensity during
phosphates were in the range of 2.8- 9.2 mg/l, due to this study period is minimum [23].

Table.5: Status of Hussain Sagar lake pollution

Parameters NEERI EPTRI 2008 2010 2014 2016 2017 LIMITING
(1996 - (2015) STANDARDS[24]
pH - - 9.2 6.5- 8 8.1 - 9 7.2 6.5-8.5
TDS 700-1100 940- - 900 761.3 1126 848 500
TSS - - 52 - - - 36.9 100
Phosphates 1.5-5 0.4-1.5 - - - - 4.2 5
Total Nitrogen - - - - - - 28.6 10
DO - - 2.3 0 - 3 3.4 4
BOD 20-48 42 - 80 55 20 - 25 41.8 30
COD 76-203 110-183 140 170 115.5 289 122.8 250
Note : All parameters have a unit of mg/l, except pH.
- Indicates no data available.

It was observed from Table 5 that different studies over desirable, while Total nitrogen value of 28.6 mg/l was
years carried out by many researchers that the value of representing eutrophication conditions in the lake. The
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) holds high concentration deterioration of lake water quality could be linked to
levels, which indicates the presence of considerable nutrient loading from domestic sewage. The raw sewage is
pollution in the lake, while Total suspended solids the source of nitrates and phosphates in the water [26].
concentration levels varies from 36.9 -58 mg/l were
considered within the desirable limits. V. CONCLUSIONS
The DO was observed very low value varies from 0 to 3.4 Hussain sagar is a 450-year-old water body. Every day, 78
mg/L indicating fragile water quality, and the BOD was million litres of sewage and 15 million litres of industrial
moderately high concentrations varies from 20 – 48 mg/l effluents flow into the lake through four drains. Of these, a
indicating organic pollution, the COD values are medium major quanity of sewage has been treating through two
varies from 76 to 289 mg/L and are considered within the STP’s, while less quanity was being untreated. However the
desirable limit. The data clearly indicates the occurrence of two sewage treatment plants (STPs) near the lake are
sewage pollution due to the convergence of untreated insufficient to handle the wastewater load. It has reportedly
domestic sewage and solid waste containing oxidizable found that the lake has lost its natural ability to 'self-purify'
organic matter into the lake water [25]. The data indicates itself due to heavy load of contaminants as dissolved
that the lake water was moderately alkaline and the pH oxygen levels reaching the lowest and the worst pollution in
values of 6.5 -9.2 were within the permissible limits. lake is due to organic and inorganic substances that have
Phosphates representing eutrophication were within in the seeped into the lake bed, and turned it to virtual garbage Page | 547

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