Problem Set No. 5 Permeability
Problem Set No. 5 Permeability
Problem Set No. 5 Permeability
College of Engineering
CE 111 – Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)
First Semester, AY 2022-2023
Problem Set No. 5: Permeability
Instructions: In your notebook, answer each question. Provide a complete solution for each problem and box
your final answer.
1. During a constant head test on a sample of sand, 150m 3 of water were collected in 2 minutes. The sample
had a length of 10cm and a diameter of 5.08cm. The head was maintained at 20cm. Compute the:
a. Coefficient of permeability
b. Seepage velocity if the porosity is 0.30
2. From a constant head permeability test arrangement, the following values are given:
Void ratio of specimen: 0.46 Length of soil sample: 450mm
Constant head difference: 700mm Water collected in 3 minutes: 0.000354m 3
Cross sectional area of soil sample: 0.00226m
Determine the:
a. Coefficient of permeability in m3/hr
b. Discharge velocity in m/min
c. Seepage velocity in m/min
3. The MMDA in its previous study for a proposed sanitary landfill site in Cavite is planning to use a clay liner for
the landfill. Tests were performed on a sample clay from a borrow site. It was deemed necessary to have a
minimum clay liner thickness of of 0.30m. The following results were obtained in the laboratory test.
Initial water level in the standpipe: 96cm
Final water level in standpipe: 56cm
Diameter of standpipe: 12mm
Height of soil sample: 10.2cm
Diameter of soil sample: 5.4cm
Duration of test: 12 hrs.
The project manager would like to determine the effectiveness of using clay soils for the lining material if it is
favorable. Tests were also performed on the on-site clay and the following results were obtained.
Height of soil sample: 8cm
Diameter of soil sample: 5cm
Volume of water collected: 75600cc
Constant head: 60cm
Duration of test: 1050hrs
Compute the:
a. Permeability of the borrow clay in cm/sec
b. Permeability of the on-site clay in cm/sec
c. Thickness of the on-site clay which is equivalent to 0.30m of the borrow clay
4. A soil sample 10cm in diameter is placed in a tube 1.2m long. A constant supply of water is allowed to flow
into one end of the soil at A and the outflow at B is collected by a beaker. The average amount of water
collected is 2cc for every 10 seconds. Determine the:
a. Hydraulic gradient
b. Seepage velocity in cm/sec, if the void ratio is 0.60
c. Coefficient of permeability in cm/sec
5. A permeable soil layer is underlain by an impervious layer as shown. For the permeable layer, k=4.8x10-3
cm/sec. If α=5°. Determine the:
a. Hydraulic gradient
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines
College of Engineering
CE 111 – Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)
First Semester, AY 2022-2023
Problem Set No. 5: Permeability
6. The figure shows the layers of soil in a tube that is 100mm x 100mm in cross section. When supplied to
maintain a constant head difference of 300mm across the sample, the hydraulic conductivity of the soils in the
direction of flow to them are as follows:
Soil k(cm/sec)
A 2x10-2
B 3x10-3
C 4x10-4
Find the:
a. Equivalent hydraulic conductivity
b. Hydraulic gradient
c. Rate of water supply in cc/hr
7. The figure shows the layers of soil in a tube that is 100mm x 100mm in cross section. When supplied to
maintain a constant head difference of 300mm across the sample, the hydraulic conductivity of the soils in the
direction of flow to them are as follows:
Soil k(cm/sec)
A 10-2
B 3x10-3
C 4.9x10-4
Determine the:
a. Rate of water supply in cc/hr
b. Value of hA
c. Value of hB
8. A confined aquifer has a source of recharge as shown in the figure. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is
40m/day and its porosity is 0.25. The piezometric head in the two wells 1325m apart is 65m and 60m
respectively from a common data. The average thickness of the aquifer is 25m. and the average width is 4km.
a. Rate of flow through the aquifer in m3/day
b. Seepage velocity
c. Time of travel from the head of the aquifer to a point 4km downstream in days
9. A channel runs almost parallel to a river as shown in the figure. The water level The water level in the river
has an elevation of 36m and the elevation of the channel is 33m. The river and the channel are 600m apart
and a pervious formation of average thickness of 9m and hydraulic conductivity of 0.08m/hr joins them
together. Compute the:
a. Hydraulic gradient
b. Rate of seepage flow from the river to the channel per meter width in liters per day.
c. If the seepage velocity is 0.048m/day, compute the void ratio of the pervious medium.
10. Three piezometers have been installed in the confined aquifer having a uniform thickness of 4.6m and a
hydraulic conductivity of 2x10-4 m/s.Compute the:
a. Hydraulic gradient
b. Transmissivity in m2/day
c. Flow rate per unit width of the aquifer in liters per day.
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines
College of Engineering
CE 111 – Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)
First Semester, AY 2022-2023
Problem Set No. 5: Permeability
11. An aquifer having a thickness of 4m has a hydraulic conductivity of 2x10-4m/s. Two piezometers have been
installed at points A and B at a distance of 850m apart horizontally. Elevation of the water surfaces at A and B
are at elevations 120.32 and 122.64m respectively. Compute the:
a. Hydraulic gradient
b. Transmissivity of the aquifer in m2/day.
c. Flow rate in the aquifer per unit width in liters per day.
12. A 300mm diameter test well penetrates 24m below the water table. After 24hrs of pumping at 69 liters per
second, the water level in the observation well at a distance of 96m from the test well is lowered by 0.60m and
the other observation well at a distance of 34m from the test well, the drawdown is 1.20m. Compute the:
a. Coefficient of permeability of the unconfoned aquifer in m/day
b. Transmissivity of the aquifer in m2/day
c. Transmissivity of the aquifer in m2/day, if there is a confined aquifer 8m thick below the uncnfined
Problem 5
Problem 6 and 7
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines
College of Engineering
CE 111 – Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)
First Semester, AY 2022-2023
Problem Set No. 5: Permeability
Problem 8
Problem 9
Problem 10
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines
College of Engineering
CE 111 – Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)
First Semester, AY 2022-2023
Problem Set No. 5: Permeability
Problem 12