Defense Script GRP7
Defense Script GRP7
Defense Script GRP7
A pleasant morning to our dear panelists, I’m Daena Alissa D. Viduya from 12 Agpalo HUMSS strand
under the advisory of ma’am Marilou Sannadan
And now lets proceed to our introduction part, may I call Jhazmine Panelo to explain it further.
Once again, I’m Jhazmine Cielo Panelo and I was assigned to discuss our Background of the study,
This research intends to show that the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand provides a wide
range of courses that are beneficial to college students in the future. In order to support these claims,
the researchers will survey university students enrolled in particular courses at the University of Baguio.
The study of the humanities focuses on the similarities and contrasts in self-expression that have been
displayed by people throughout history and still are today. Human cultures have always been founded
on the humanities, and this will never change. The humanities are also where we get our understanding
of various cultures. The relevance of the humanities is acknowledged by people from all walks of life and
from all philosophical and political stances.
The first objective is to profile the programs that the HUMSS completers enrolled into college, This study
will help them to know their strand better by identifying the different career paths that they will take in
the future through the different subjects taught to them and apply their knowledge in the society.
For the 2nd objective It determines the perceived effectiveness of the subjects in HUMSS to the programs
they enrolled in college, This study will help them gain additional insights and will deepen their
knowledge about the course they are in at the moment, They can use the recent insights of the Senior
High School students as a tool that can help them realize their strengths and weaknesses. It also helps
them in anticipating themselves that will lead them to a successful college journey because of the said
For the next part is the Theoretical Framework, Let me call on Miagracia Uysin & Leo Bulalat to
explicate it further,
So for our theoretical framework we have 4 parts, the Structural functional approach, Practice Theory,
Social Learning theory and responsive commissioning, these 4 theories involves understanding the
motivations of the learner with respect to the time and place in which she/he acquires knowledge. It will
also help us to understand how they learn in social contexts and informs us on how we, as students,
construct active learning communities in taking HUMSS strand for a specific courses in college degree
We can create a learning environment that maximizes our ability to interact with each other through
discussion, collaboration, and feedback.
this process begins with gathering information from key stakeholders and conducing post-occupancy
evaluations of the constraints and advantages of the physical environment. In addition, this approach
embraces a process of participatory action research whereby the space is evaluated with stakeholders to
identify dissonance between how students perceive themselves and their activities in their spaces, and
how the physical environment performs.
And that brings us to the end of our presentation., we would like to thank our panelists for your
time and attention today, It’s a pleasure that we’ve shared & discussed our study with you. Do
you have any ideas or recommendations to make our research study better ma’am/sir?