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1. Discuss the noun.

The noun is one of the most important parts of speech: its arrangement with the verb helps
to express a predication, the core of the sentence. As already indicated, the categorical
meaning of the noun is ‘substance’ or ‘thingness’.

2. What is the semantic classification of nouns? (countable and uncountable

Countables are subdivided into proper and common nouns. A proper noun is the name of a
particular member of a class or of a set of particular members, e.g. Smith and the Smiths.
Uncountables, naturally, cannot form the opposition of singular vs. plural within their class:
they are singulars only. Uncountables are not primary nouns: they are, as a rule, derived
from countable nouns or from other parts of speech – mostly from verbs and adjectives.

3. What is the grammatical category of number?

The category of number is, then, the opposition of the plural of the noun to the singular
form of the noun. The plural form is the marked while the singular form is unmarked. The
marked one must have a marker in the surface structure.

4. What is the grammatical category of case?

In present-day linguistics case is used in two senses: 1) semantic, or logic, and 2) syntactic.
The semantic case concept was developed by C. J. Fillmore in the late 1960s. According to
this theory, case is the semantic relation of the noun to the verb. e.g. In “I opened the door
with the key” the cases of “I, the door and with the key” are respectively main meaningful

5. Define the category of gender.

In Old English nouns were divided into masculine, feminine, and neuter: stan (stone), duru
(door) and reced (house). Formal, or grammatical, gender disappeared with the loss of

6. Define the category of determination.

The term determination, as used here, means the actualization (fulfillment) of the functions
(semantic, grammatical, informational, and pragmatic) of the noun.
7. What are the 5 sub-categories of determination?
Countable nouns , Uncountable nouns, Grammatical determination of the noun,
Informational determination of the noun, Pragmatic determination of the noun.

1. What are the most important characteristic features of adjectives?

 their lexical-grammatical meaning of attributes or we may say that they express
property of things /persons/;
 from the morphological view point they have the category of degrees of comparison;
 from the point of view of their combinability they combine with nouns, as it has
already been stated above, they express the properties of things.
 the stem-building affixes are: -ful, -less, -ish, -ous, -ive, -ir, un-, -pre-, in-...;
 their syntactic functions are: attribute and predicative

2. Why do we have to differentiate the qualitative and relative adjectives?

Semantically adjectives may be qualitative or relative. Qualitative adjectives describe objects
directly by denoting their shape, size, color or other general characteristics. (pretty, low,
complete, round, good.) Relative adjectives describe objects indirectly, through their
relations to other objects. woolen, wooden, silver

3. How are the comparative and superlative of adjectives formed?

Adjectives with two syllables can form the comparative either by adding -er or by preceding
the adjective with more. These adjectives form the superlative either by adding -est or by
preceding the adjective with most.

4. What adjectives form their degrees by both inflections and words more and

comparative and superlative degrees.

5. Are their adjectives that form their degrees of comparison by means of

The adjectives that form their degrees by means of suppletion
good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
6. What adjectives form their comparative and superlative by root-vowel and

final-consonant change?
The suppletive degrees of these adjectives are formed by root - vowel and final consonant
change (better - the best) and by adding “t” to the form of the comparative degree (in worse -
the worst). many - more - the most
much - more - the most

7.Are the words "more" and "most" lexical or grammatical means when, they
form the degrees of comparison of adjectives?
1. Define an article.
The article is a function word, which means it has no lexical meaning and has denotative

2. How can we learn using articles?

one of the ways to learn to use articles correctly is developing the necessary communicative
skills through countless repetition,

3. How many articles do you know? Define them.

the definite article “the” and the indefinite one “a”. It has become a tradition to also single
out the so-called “zero” article,

4. Discuss determiners and articles as determiners.

In analytical languages the article is the basic noun determiner. Determiners are used to identify
things in further detail.

5. Define the use of Articles as the Theme-and-Rheme Markers. Give

the theme is the information already known, and the rheme is the semantic focus of the
utterance, the new idea that is being introduced.

6. Define the use of Articles as Generalizers. What is a referent? Provide

The object denoted by the word is called the “referent”. Referents can be concrete, if
something is said about a concrete object or phenomenon, and general, if what we say is
true for the whole class of objects.
e.g. I have a dog at home (a concrete dog).
The dog is man’s friend (any dog).

In the second sentence the definite article is used as a generalizer. The generalizing function can
be performed by both the definite, the indefinite and the zero article

7. Define the use of Articles as Concretizers. Give examples.

The generalizing function of articles is opposed to that of concretization. The latter is
realized through some specific functions which are different for definite, indefinite and
zero articles.
8. What are the functions of the indefinite article?
The indefinite article can be used in four functions:
1. The classifying function
2. The indefinitizing function
3. The introductory function
4. The quantifying function

9. What are the functions of the definite article?

The definite article may be used in the following functions:
 The identifying function
 The definitizing function
 The individualizing function.

10.What are the functions of the zero article?

In most cases the zero article performs the same functions as the indefinite one. The
difference is that the zero article combines with uncountable nouns and countable
nouns in the plural.
e.g. It was a large room with many windows.
The toasts were in champagne.

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