Clause, Phrase and Sentence
Clause, Phrase and Sentence
Clause, Phrase and Sentence
[An unlucky student almost lost a 17th century violin worth almost £200,000]
[William Brown inherited the 1698 Stradivarius violin from his mother]
[An unlucky student] + [almost lost] + [a 17th century violin worth almost
[when] + [he] + [left] + [it] + [in the waiting room of a London station.]
[William Brown] + [inherited] + [the 1698 Stradivarius violin] + [from his mother]
[and] [had just had it valued] + [by a London dealer] + [at £180,000.]
An unlucky student almost lost a 17th century violin worth almost £200,000 when
he left it in the waiting room of a London station.
William Brown inherited the 1698 Stradivarius violin from his mother and had just
had it valued by a London dealer at £180,000.
clause structure
verb patterns
noun phrase
verb phrase
adverbial phrases
prepositional phrases
sentence structure
adjective phrases
clause structure
All clauses in English have at least two parts: a noun phrase and a verb phrase:
Noun phrase
Verb phrase
The children laughed
John wanted a new bicycle
All of the girls are learning English
This soup tastes awful
Mary and the family were driving to Madrid
She put the flowers in a vase
The children laughed.
John wanted a new bicycle.
All the girls are learning English.
She put the flowers in the vase.
Go away.
If we have no other subject we use "there" or "it" as subject. We call this a ‘dummy
verb patterns
The structure of the clause depends on the verb. For example:
intransitive verbs
transitive verbs
link verbs
double object verbs
verbs with -ing forms
verbs with to + infinitive
reporting verbs with that, wh- and if clauses
two- and three-part verbs
verb patterns - adverbials
clauses: short forms
relative clauses
reporting: reports and summaries
verbs - questions and negatives
wh- clauses
intransitive verbs
Intransitive verbs have the pattern N + V (noun + verb). The clause is complete without
anything else:
Noun Phrase
Verb Phrase
John smiled
Nothing happened
The baby was sleeping
(John) (smiled).
(Nothing) (has happened).
(The baby) (was sleeping).
transitive verbs
Transitive verbs have a noun phrase as object:
Noun phrase
Verb phrase Noun phrase (Object)
John a new bicycle.
had been
We football.
Some of the children English.
are learning
link verbs
Some verbs are followed by an adjective phrase. The adjective phrase is called the
Noun phrase
Verb phrase Adjective phrase (complement)
I am feeling hungry
Everyone looked very happy
This soup tastes awful
The milk has gone sour
Some link verbs (for example be; become; seem) can have a noun phrase as a
These verbs are called double object verbs. When we have two noun phrases after the
verb the first noun phrase is the indirect object and the second noun phrase is the direct
Everybody likes eating.
George considered starting again.
Note: we suggest that you read about Verbs with to + infinitive before doing this
Some verbs introduce a report, an idea or a summary. These verbs have the pattern:
N + V + (that) + clause
When we want to say what someone says or thinks we can use a clause with that;
With some verbs we can mention the hearer as the object of the verb:
N + V + N + (that) + clause.
N + V + wh- + clause:
She wondered where she was.
N + V + if + clause:
Ken asked if we wanted to go.
With some verbs we can mention the hearer as the object of the verb:
N + V + N + wh- + clause:
I told them what he was doing.
N + V + N + if + clause:
Ken asked us if we wanted to go.
Some verbs consist of two words – a verb and a particle (p). These verbs have a number
of patterns:
Peter came in. (N + V + p)
He took out his diary. (N + V + p + N)
He gave the money back. (N + V + N + p)
Phrasal verbs
Some transitive two part verbs are phrasal verbs. They have two different patterns.
She gave the money back
He knocked the vase over
We will be leaving our friends behind
When the object is a pronoun these verbs always have the first pattern N + V +N + p:
She gave it back
He knocked it over
We will be leaving them behind
Some verbs are made up of three parts – a verb and two particles. They have the
N + V + p + p + N:
A: Will you come?
B: Yes, we might.
4. We can use short forms to agree or disagree with what someone says. Usually we
use the first word in the verb phrase:
A: I think Jack lives here.
B: No he doesn’t
…and we use did/didn’t for past simple:
5. We sometimes put a short tag at the end of a comment. We use a Yes/No question
form for the tag. If the comment is affirmative we normally use a negative tag:
relative clauses
1. The relative pronouns:
The relative pronouns are:
Object Possessive
that that
We use relative pronouns to introduce relative clauses, which tell us more about people and
The relative pronoun is the subject of the clause.
We do not repeat the subject:
The relative pronoun is the object of the clause.
We do not repeat the object:
You were talking to a woman >>> Who was the woman who you were talking
My parents live in that house >>> That’s the house that my parents live in.
You were talking about a book. I haven’t read it. >>> I haven’t read the
book which you were talking about.
- When the relative pronoun is the object of a preposition we usually leave it out:
I always forget that woman’s name >>> That’s the woman whose name I always
I met a man whose brother works in Moscow.
3. Times and places
England won the world cup in 1996. It was the year when we got married.
I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day when the tsunami happened.
Do you remember the place where we caught the train?
Stratford-upon-Avon is the town where Shakespeare was born.
England won the world cup in 1996. It was the year we got married.
I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day the tsunami happened.
4. Giving additional information
My uncle, who was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.
I have just read Orwell’s 1984, which is one of the most frightening books
ever written.
The relative pronoun is the subject of the clause.
We do not repeat the subject:
My uncle, who [he] was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.
I have just read Orwell’s 1984, which [it] is one of the most frightening books ever
The relative pronoun is the object of the clause.
We do not repeat the object:
as object of a clause :
He finally met Paul McCartney, whom he had always admired.
We are going back to Venice, which we first visited thirty years ago.
The relative pronoun is the object of the clause.
We do not repeat the object:
as object of a preposition:
In fact, "reported speech" follows exactly the same rules as the rest of the language.
1. When we report what people say or think we use:
clauses with that:
Mary: Oh dear, we’ve been walking for hours. I am exhausted. I don’t think I can
go any further. I really need to stop for a rest.
Peter: Don’t worry. I’m not surprised that you’re tired. I’m tired too. I’ll tell you
what. I’ll see if I can find a place to sit down, and then we can stop and have our
When Mary complained that she was tired out after walking so far, Peter said they
could stop for a picnic.
When we are reporting what people say or think in English we need to remember:
that the tense forms in reports and summaries are the same as in the rest of the
I am twenty-two years old and I am at University studying engineering. I take my
final exams next month and I will finish university in July.
I want to take a year off and travel round the world. I will need to make some money
while I am travelling so I would like to learn to teach English as a second language so
that I can make some money while I am abroad. A friend of mine has
recommended your course very highly. She also gave me some details, but I would
like to ask a few more questions.
What courses do you have in the summer and when do they start? How much do
the courses cost? Is there an examination at the end?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Andrew Brown.
If you were telling a story about Andrew then you might write something like this:
When Andrew was 22 he was an engineering student in his last month at the
university. He wanted to travel abroad after he had finished his course at the
university, but he would need to earn some money while he was abroad so he
wanted to learn to teach English as a foreign language. A friend had recommended a
course but Andrew needed more information. So he wrote to the school
and asked them when their courses started and how much they were. He also
wanted to know if there was an examination at the end of the course.
You would use past tense forms to talk about something that happened ten years ago.
If you were reporting or summarising what Andrew wrote you might start off by saying:
... and you could go on in the same way. You would use past tense forms to talk about
something which happened ten years ago. So tense forms in reports and summaries in
English are the same as in the rest of the language.
If you are talking about the past but you mention something that is still true you could
use a present tense form to show you agree that it is true:
John said he had stayed at the Shangri-la because it is the most comfortable
hotel in town.
Mary said she enjoyed the film because Robert de Niro is her favourite actor.
Helen said she loves visiting New York.
John said he had stayed at the Shangri-la because it was the most comfortable
hotel in town.
Mary said she enjoyed the film because Robert de Niro was her favourite actor.
Helen said she loved visiting New York,
Michael said he had always wanted to climb Everest because it is the highest
mountain in the world.
Mary said she loved visiting New York because it is such an exciting city.
1. Yes/No questions
Yes/No questions are questions to which the answer is Yes or No
They are working hard.
They will be working hard.
They had worked hard.
They have been working hard.
They might have been working hard.
2. Negatives
They are not working hard
They will not be working hard
They had not worked hard
They have not been working hard
They might not have been working hard
They aren’t working hard.
They won’t be working hard
They hadn’t been working hard
3. Questions and negatives with present simple and past simple forms:
You are (you’re) Are you You are not (You’re not/You aren’t)
They (they’re
Are they They are not (They’re not/They aren’t)
are )
The verb have:
We make questions and negatives with have in two ways:
and negatives:
I don’t have much time.
She doesn’t have any money.
They didn’t have any advice to offer.
4. Wh-questions
… or with wh-words:
I wonder how much this dress is.
Can you tell me where she comes from?
Do you know who lives here?
wh- clauses
Wh-words are what, when, where, who, which, why and how.
I know where you live.
She couldn’t remember who he was.
John wondered what was going to happen next.
I asked what she wanted.
He tried to explain how the accident had happened.
She wouldn’t admit what she had done.
Did he say when he would come?
tell and some other verbs of saying must always have a direct object (see
clauses, sentences and phrases):
tell - remind
-- When the subject of the to-infinitive is the same as the subject of the main verb:
noun phrase
Noun Phrases
Often a noun phrase is just a noun or a pronoun:
or a determiner and a noun …:
Quantifiers come before determiners, but numbers come after determiners:
Noun: people; money
Determiner + noun: the village, a house, our friends; those houses
Quantifier + noun: some people; a lot of money
Determiner + adjective + noun: our closest friends; a new house.
Quantifier + determiner + noun: all those children;
Quantifier + determiner + adjective + noun: both of my younger brothers
The accident happened at around 3pm on Wednesday. A man climbing nearby who saw
the accident said “It was the most amazing rescue I have ever seen.” 42-year-old Joe
Candler saw Miss Johnson’s fall along with his partner Fay Hamilton.
The rescue is the latest in a series of incidents on High Peak. In January last year two
men walking on the peak were killed in a fall when high winds blew them off the
prepositional phrases
A prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition and a noun phrase. We use
prepositional phrases for many purposes, for example:
- to show who did something:
sentence structure
Simple sentences:
Compound sentences:
Complex sentences:
She had a difficult childhood because her father died when she was very young.
She had a difficult childhood (main clause)
because (subordinating conjunction)
her father died (adverbial clause)
when (subordinating conjunction)
she was very young (adverbial clause).
Some subordinate clauses can come in front of the main clause:
Although a few snakes are dangerous most of them are quite harmless
Although (subordinating conjunction)
some snakes are dangerous (adverbial clause)
most of them are harmless (main clause).
Although she has always lived in France, she speaks fluent English because her
mother was American and her father was Nigerian
Although (subordinating conjunction)
she has always lived in France (adverbial clause),
she speaks fluent English (main clause)
because (subordinating conjunction)
her mother was American (adverbial clause)
and (coordinating conjunction)
her father was Nigerian (adverbial clause).
Common conjunctions
Time clauses when; before; after; since; while; as; as soon as; by the time; until