littleEtAl 19 Classifiers
littleEtAl 19 Classifiers
littleEtAl 19 Classifiers
Cornell University
1. Introduction
It has been said that languages with classifiers1 do not have overt definite articles (Chierchia
1998b, Bošković 2008). Indonesian, however, is typologically rare in that it has both clas-
sifiers (Chung 2000, Sneddon 2010) and a definite article (Macdonald 1976, Rubin 2010,
Winarto 2016). Classifiers in Indonesian appear with numerals but even then the classifier
is optional. Whereas (1a) has a numeral followed by a noun, (1b) shows that the numeral
can also appear with a classifier, in this case the classifier buah.
The fact that the classifier in Indonesian is optional has been noted by various authors
(Chung 2000, Sneddon 2010, Dalrymple & Mofu 2012), but much of this discussion is on
the distribution of classifiers and plural marking.
Our paper builds on Winarto (2016)’s observation that a classifier cannot co-occur with
the definite article -nya, as shown in (2a). When the classifier is not present, the definite
article with the numeral and noun is grammatical as in (2b).
* Wethank Curt Anderson, Kurt Erbach, Mary Moroney, Sarah Murray, Justin Royer, John Whitman, Mia
Wiegand, and audiences at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, AFLA 25, and the Cornell Semantics
Group as well as three anonymous NELS reviewers for comments and discussion. We would especially like
to thank Peter Sutton for discussion on Section 3. Data comes from the second author’s native judgements
and consultations with other Indonesian speakers. Responsibility for any errors is our own.
1 When we use the term ‘classifiers’ we are referring to numeral classifiers.
2 Glosses: CL : classifier; DEF : definite article; EXT : existential; NEG : negation; PERF : perfective aspect;
In this paper, we review arguments from Winarto (2016) that -nya is indeed a definite
article and data showing that the definite article -nya is ungrammatical with classifiers
(§2). In §3, we consider analyzing the Indonesian data under a Chierchia-style analysis
for classifiers and a standard analysis for the definite article (i.e., Heim & Kratzer 1998).
We argue that certain challenges arise if we try to put together these accounts. We then
propose an analysis where all nouns in Indonesian are type heti. Our analysis accounts
for the following: (i) classifiers occur with numerals; (ii) NPs with classifiers are always
indefinite; and (iii) classifiers and the definite article cannot co-occur. We also provide an
analysis to account for the optionality of the classifier in Indonesian by adopting a numeral
modifier operation building on Dalrymple & Mofu (2012) and Filip & Sutton (2017). Our
analysis has implications for how classifiers are analyzed crosslinguistically: namely, we
hope to highlight that classifiers can fill various functions across languages.
Like in typical classifier languages, Indonesian bare nouns can get a kind interpretation
(3a), generic interpretation (3b), indefinite and definite interpretation (3c).
Standard grammars of Indonesian say that Indonesian bare nouns can be definite or
indefinite, as in (3c). However, recently authors have noted that there is an overt definite
article -nya given in (4), historically derived from the third person possessive (Sneddon
2006, Rubin 2010, Winarto 2016).
Classifiers and the definite article in Indonesian
The article, -nya, has properties similar to the definite article the in English. While
grammars of standard Indonesian like Sneddon (2010) do not discuss -nya as being a defi-
nite article, it is standard in spoken forms of all registers.
Here we review diagnostics providing evidence that -nya is a definite article. Using
the law of contradiction/the consistency test (Löbner 1985), the sentence in (5a) provides
evidence that anjing-nya ‘the dog’ with -nya indeed refers to the same individual.3 Namely,
if ‘Rina likes the dog’ is true for the individual ‘dog’, the opposite cannot be true. Compare
to anjing itu ‘that dog’ in (5b) with the demonstrative itu: here each instance of anjing itu
does not refer to the same individual, therefore not creating a contradiction.
Furthermore, to indicate unique entities like ‘the sun’ in (6), the definite article -nya
can be used, though it is optional. Winarto (2016) also notes that -nya cannot be replaced
with the demonstrative itu in (6).
The definite article -nya must be used in bridging contexts as in the product-producer one
in (7).4
Another diagnostic for definiteness comes from Milsark (1977)’s ‘Definiteness Restric-
tion’. This restriction states that definites should not be able to appear in theme position of
3 See, however, Moroney (2019) for potential challenges to this diagnostic.
4 One may question if -nya in (7) is really a definite article or if it is a resumptive or possessive pronoun,
given that -nya is homophonous to the third person possessive pronoun. It is possible that it is ambiguous here
between these two meanings. Though teasing these two meanings apart is beyond the scope of this paper, we
note that it may be that -nya historically developed into a definite article through contexts like in (7).
Little & Winarto
existential predicates. Indeed, NP-nya is ungrammatical with the existential predicate ada
in (8).
2.2 Classifiers
It has been reported that Indonesian has as many as 60 classifiers (Dardjowidjojo 1978), but
the most commonly used ones today are buah (general), orang (people) and ekor (animals).
Classifiers appear with numerals but even then they are optional as indicated in (9a). A
classifier and noun without a numeral is ungrammatical as indicated in (9b).6,7
(10) a. Saya lihat dua ekor anjing dan tiga ekor kucing.
I see two CL dog and three CL cat.
‘I saw two dogs and three cats.’
b. # Tiga ekor kucing lari ke taman.
three CL cat run to park
Intended: ‘The three cats ran towards the park.’
The example in (11) contrasts to (8): a noun or numeral phrase with -nya is ungrammatical
in theme position of existential predicates.
5 This sentence is grammatical with the meaning ‘His/her cars are in the parking lot.’
6 Because many classifiers come from nouns, buah by itself simply means ‘fruit’ so (9b) is grammatical if
the intended meaning is ‘mango fruit’.
7 Classifiers can also appear with some weak quantifiers like beberapa ‘a few/several’ but not with strong
quantifiers like semua ‘all’. In this paper, we concentrate on their appearance with numerals.
Classifiers and the definite article in Indonesian
Numerals modifying nouns can co-occur with the definite article -nya in (12a). But, as
noted by Winarto (2016: 232), classifiers may not co-occur with -nya (12b).
There is one construction, given in (13), where the definite article appears with the
classifier, however we take this to be a case of adjunction and distinct from (12b).
While -nya cannot attach to the noun with a prenominal numeral and classifier in
(12b), in (13) the numeral and classifier are postnominal. As seen in (13), the postnom-
inal numeral-classifier phrase can co-occur with -nya. We analyze the numeral-classifier
phrase as an adjunct and we concentrate on the incompatibility of the classifier and definite
article in (12b).
Finally, though the definite article historically comes from the third person possessive
(Sneddon 2006, Rubin 2010), possessives, unlike the definite article, are grammatical with
classifiers as in (14) for the first person and third person possessive.
We take the example in (14b) as evidence that -nya as a third person possessive and
-nya as the definite article are homophonous and therefore two distinct morphemes.8
8 Unlike in English, numerals with possessives in Indonesian do not introduce uniqueness presuppositions.
For example, (1b) is a felicitous follow up to (1a), showing that there is no entailment on the number of
children the speaker in (1) has, unlike ‘my two children’ does in English.
2.4 Summary
Indonesian is typologically rare in that it has both classifiers and a definite article. However,
they cannot co-occur. In the remainder of this paper, we propose an analysis that accounts
for the following:
In the next section, we first explore combining a Chierchia-style analysis for classifiers
(i.e., classifiers qua individuating functions (Chierchia 1998b)) and standard analyses for
definite determiners (e.g., Heim & Kratzer 1998). We discuss consequences of this type of
analysis for noun denotations in Indonesian. We then propose an alternative analysis where
the classifier takes both a numeral and a predicate as its arguments, and indefiniteness is
encoded in the classifier. We demonstrate that encoding indefiniteness into the classifier
blocks the application of the definite article.
3. Analysis
Here we consider what would happen if we take the view that classifiers are individuating
(Chierchia 1998b) and a standard view of the definite determiner (Heim & Kratzer 1998).
Perhaps Indonesian has a reflection of these two systems in its grammar.
Chierchia (1998b) proposes that classifiers are function from kinds to the set of all
parts of the kind in a world (15a) and represented by [ . This allows the numerals in (15b)
to combine with nouns mediated by the classifier.
A standard semantics for definite determiners is given in (16), i.e., the Heim & Kratzer
1998-view of definite articles as type hhetiei.
A consequence of proposing the definitions in (15) and (16) is that nouns in Indonesian
must be kind-denoting as per (17a) in order to combine with the classifier in (15a), or nouns
are predicate-denoting as in (17b) so that they can combine with the definite article in (16).
Classifiers and the definite article in Indonesian
The kind-denoting noun reflects analyses for classifier languages that need a classifier
to individuate the noun to combine with a numeral. The predicate-denoting noun reflects
languages with definite articles where the definite article combines with predicates to cre-
ate individuals. The ambiguity proposal in (17) accounts for why the definite article can
combine directly with a predicate-denoting noun (i.e., mangga2 ). It also accounts for why
classifiers are needed as they must mediate between mangga1 and numerals. Though nu-
merals may also combine directly with mangga2 , thus accounting for the optionality seen
with classifiers.
However, some challenges arise with this analysis. First, it creates redundancy in the
lexicon as it would mean needing to posit two denotations for every noun. Secondly, it
does not capture why the definite article can’t co-occur with the classifier. After applica-
tion of the classifier and numeral, the phrase is type heti so the definite article should be
able to combine with that phrase. Finally, this lexical ambiguity account does not explain
why classifiers are dependent on numerals: the classifier semantics in (15a) assumes that
classifiers are needed for nouns, not numerals. Next, we propose an analysis that we argue
can account for these empirical facts.
We propose that nouns in Indonesian are predicates of type heti in (18) following other
work (Chung 2000 and Dalrymple & Mofu 2012 for Indonesian and Nomoto 2013 for
Malay). The * operator in (18) indicates that bare nouns are interpreted as complete semi-
lattices and thus include single atoms as well as the sums of those atoms in the denotation,
capturing that nouns in Indonesian have general number (Corbett 2000) or are number
neutral (Rullmann & You 2006, Wilhelm 2008, Chierchia 1998a).9
The denotation in (18) generates an atomic set with countable atoms and groupings of those
We propose that the definite article -nya is a function from predicates to individuals
(hhetiei) (following Sharvy (1980), Landman (2004), where definiteness with pluralities
can come through a maximality condition) in (19).
Since numeral–classifier phrases are inherently indefinite, we propose that the classifier
encodes this indefiniteness via a choice function ( f ) of type hhetiei subject to existential
closure in (20a) (see Reinhart (1997), Winter (1997) for choice function analyses of in-
definites).10 The classifier takes both a numeral n in (20b) and a predicate P in (18) as its
arguments. Finally, µ# is a measure function from a group to the cardinality of that group.
The classifier first takes a numeral as its argument in (21) and then a noun.
ClPhhetiei NPheti
lima buah
l P. f (l x.[µ # (x) = 5 & P(x)]) N’
Numn Clhnhhetieii mangga
lima buah l x.[⇤ MANGO(x)]
5 l nl P. f (l x.[µ # (x) = n & P(x)])
The resulting NP in (21) is an individual of type e and therefore the definite article, which
takes a predicate of type heti cannot combine with the NP in (21) as it results in a type
mismatch.11 This type mismatch is exemplified in (22).
10 We use a choice function analysis for indefinites here that, for Reinhart, may be closed at multiple places
in the derivation. This may overgenerate possible scope readings in Indonesian. The point here is that the
classifier encodes indefiniteness, which blocks the application of the definite article. We return briefly to the
question of indefiniteness in Indonesian in the conclusion.
11 Recall that NPs like (21) can also appear in theme position of the existential predicate. We believe this
is not a problem as the existential predicate is the same as the locative predicate. Crosslinguistically, it is
common for locative and existential predicates to be the same (Freeze 1992). One possibility is that when
(21) composes with ada (the existential predicate), ada actually acts as a locative.
Classifiers and the definite article in Indonesian
NPe Dhhetiei
lima buah mangga -nya
f (l x.[µ # (x) = 5 & ⇤ MANGO(x)]) l P.sup(P)
ClPhhetiei NPheti
lima buah
l P. f (l x.[µ # (x) = 5 & P(x)]) N’
Numn Clhnhhetieii mangga
lima buah l x.[⇤ MANGO(x)]
5 l nl P. f (l x.[µ # (x) = n & P(x)])
Our proposed analysis for nouns, classifiers and numerals captures that: (i) classifiers
occur with numerals as the classifier takes a numeral as one of its arguments; (ii) numeral-
classifier-noun phrases are indefinite by having a choice function in the semantics of the
classifier; and (iii) the definite article may not apply to a numeral-classifier-noun phrase as
they are already arguments of type e so, this would incur a type mismatch. Our proposed
analysis in (20) is similar to Krifka (1995)’s classifier semantics for Mandarin, but, for
Krifka, nouns in Mandarin are kind-denoting. Our proposal here is also consistent with the
view that classifiers are for numerals, not nouns (see discussion in Bale & Coon (2014)).
Next, we posit a way to account for the optionality of the classifier.
To account for the optionality of Indonesian classifiers, we posit that there is a null mod-
ifying operator similar to that posited in Filip & Sutton (2017). This operator turns the
numeral into a modifier that can then take a predicate nominal as an argument. This is also
similar to the proposal in Dalrymple & Mofu (2012), who account for the optionality of
classifiers in Indonesian by positing a contextually supplied classifier CL when there is no
overt classifier. Indefiniteness is not encoded into the semantics of this operator in (23) so
the numeral noun phrase is type heti and therefore does not block application of the definite
(23) Numeral shifting operation simplified12 from Filip & Sutton (2017: 352)
J MOD K = l nl Pl x.[P(x) & µ # (x) = n]
The operator MOD mediates between the numeral and noun in (24) generating a set, rather
than an individual as was proposed in (21).
12 Filip & Sutton (2017) give the following definition for MOD:
(1) MOD = l nl Pl xhp1 (P(x)), µ card (x, p2 (P(x)) = n, QUA(p2 (P(x)))i
Little & Winarto
NumPhhetihetii NPheti
l Pl x.[P(x) & µ # (x) = 5] N’
Numn MODhnhhetihetiii mangga
lima l nl Pl x.[P(x) & µ # (x) = n] l x.[⇤ MANGO(x)]
We therefore propose encoding indefiniteness into the overt classifier but not into the
MOD operator. This proposal captures that the numeral-classifier-noun phrase is incompat-
ible with the definite article but numeral-noun phrases are not. The definite article in (19)
may combine with the numeral-noun phrase of type heti generated in (24).
4. Conclusions
In this paper, we have provided evidence that Indonesian has both numeral classifiers and
a definite article. However, prenominal classifiers cannot appear with the definite article.
We considered combining a Chierchia-style analysis for classifiers and a Heim & Kratzer-
style analysis for definite determiners. We argued that this would create unnecessary re-
dundancy in the lexicon and would not derive the incompatibility of the definite article
and classifiers. In our proposed analysis, we take the view that all nouns in Indonesian are
predicate-denoting. We use a standard analysis of the definite article that it is a function
from predicates to individuals. Classifiers encode an indefiniteness function and take both
numerals and nouns as arguments. Our proposed analysis accounts for the data as the in-
definiteness function in the classifier blocks the application of the definite article. When the
numeral and classifier combine with the noun, it generates an argument which then cannot
combine with a definite article. We posited a null MOD operator (Filip & Sutton 2017) to
account for the optionality seen in classifiers in Indonesian. This null MOD operator medi-
ates between the numeral and the noun but crucially does not include indefiniteness into its
semantics. Therefore, it does not block the application of the definite article in Indonesian
to numeral-noun phrases.
For future research, we hope to explore the different dimensions of indefiniteness in
Indonesian. In Indonesian, bare nouns can be interpreted as indefinite. Additionally se-
orang, composed of the reduced form of the numeral one and the human classifier orang,
gives rise to an indefinite interpretation. The numeral satu ‘one’ without the classifier is
another option for expressing indefiniteness. Preliminary data suggest that satu forces a
wide scope reading whereas bare nouns tend to have narrow scope.
Classifiers and the definite article in Indonesian
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be as uncommon as previously thought (see, e.g., Jiang 2018 for discussion of the Sino-
Tibetan language Nuosu Yi). We hope that with this research we have highlighted that
classifiers can fulfill various functions crosslinguistically and interact differently with def-
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